Adira - Volume 1: Rise of Legends (IC)

Ard's Abode

Hua shuddered with embarrassment and fear as the eyes of the others turned upon her. She was minding her business and staying quiet, but also making sure to absorb all the information that Ard had given her and the knowledge that her new teammates had as well. She balled her hand into a fist and coughed into it before clapping her hands together. The paint magician than sucked in a deep breath of air before exhaling and starting on her speedy statement.


Sweat was dripping down her brow now. It was apparent that she was not one for public speaking and did not enjoy it either. 'Oh no, what have I just done... now these folk will go around and tell the city that they have a weirdo in their group... AND I WILL NEVER BE COURTED!' She slapped pinched her cheek once, and then once more. She had always had the idea in her head that everyone was out to get her. 'Maybe I shouldn't have spent so much time inside with Beng Chao... I can barely socialize.' Eyes looked around the room frantically. It was silent... too silent.

"Well, now that we got our introductions out of the way, how about we leave this place and go down to a tavern or such in the city? Before I came here I was in an inn known as The Jaunty Giant. Would you all like to head over there and grab some mugs or would you like to do something else?"

'Oh yes, I sound amazing now. Don't be nervous Hua, you just have to be kind and show them how cool you are, and soon they will start to ask about how you do it!'
Guztav V
Sandra Misworth
[spacer]His ears perked once his client started talking, quietly studying her expression and body language from where he stood. So the stories were true. There are indeed still treasure to be found within the tombs of Celestia. The warning of the guide he'd hired earlier was indeed legit. To put it simply, he - along with the other two present - were to escort the lady into what sounded like a dangerous terrain and safeguard the finding until the end of their contract. For Guztav, it's a normal thing. Something which happened often, especially around a merchant and their trade.[/spacer]
[spacer]But just how valuable or important this treasure would be, Guztav had no idea. But the ex-knight was taught to expect the unexpected. So he assumed they'll be facing threats from every corner they take, from here on, from rival diggers and hunters, mercenaries. Dangers and traps once nearing their objective, most likely. And even the unwelcoming image of a dagger behind his own back had flashed across his mind. Expect the unexpected...[/spacer]
[spacer]"Milady," Guztav said, unfolding his arms as he approached the table. " the look of how you'd poured the ale down your throat," he paused, holding her gaze. "..the path tomorrow would be anything but straight!" He reached for a mug on the table then and brought it up in front of the innkeeper which the vendor immediately fill to the brim. "Still, I shall indulge myself with your generous hospitality, consider it as my agreement to your terms!" he then raised the mug high and took a swig at it before he settled down in the next table beside the group, his legs folded and rested over the table's edge.[/spacer]
[spacer]He was aware that he'd not said a word to the other two companion, despite of how they'd both made an attempt at befriending him. The truth was, Guztav wasn't sure if he's ready to make any friends just yet. He'd not completely got over the loss of his mentor still. Besides, he wasn't one to warm up to somebody so easily. Perhaps later down the road, he'll be able to hold a conversation with them. Or, when they themselves have grown comfortable around him.[/spacer]
Deston, orange
It was several hours that Deston sat before the women, seemingly the last to arrive, walked past. It was only then that Miss Sarahdan began to speak, going over their objectives and the plan. None of it really mattered, night, day Deston was only concerned with arriving there first.

At least the others do not have a head start.

It was true, at least to his knowledge, that the other two people planing to search for the remains were still within the very boundaries of this city. Why they did not just set out tonight and end their lives was beyond the simple man. Fortunately it was not up to the warrior, so he sat quietly at his place in the shadows listening to the his new employer and charge, waiting for her to finish.

She was finished shortly after the pig squealed deep within the confines of the mine. A sound not unknown to Deston, he found the fact that it was here off all places quite curious. He abruptly stood from his spot against the earthen wall. Pulling the hood of his cloak from his head, he stepped forward into the light of the torches. The iron and bronze that made up part of his face gleaming from the soft glow. He made his way to a mere 2 feet directly in front of Miss Sarahdon, stopping to stare at her for several seconds. Finaly he spoke for the first time, his deep voice hoarse and rough simply for the fact that he only learned to use it 5 years prior. He was unaccustomed to the need to speak to others, and though he was taught many things about history and books, he thought of this knowledge unneeded. Still he voiced his query to the women.

"Will You have enough to eat?"

Yes," Felice replies. "I'll be fine. That's- the pigs are for me."

He grunted already guessing the fact. "You will have enough for the whole Journey?"

Felice jerked out a nod. "I have enough to feed without killing," she said. "Even if one or two die somehow, I should be fine."

He nodded, grunting again at what she said. With no more to say he turned from her and made his way back up the dirt path. Away from the company of Miss Sarahdon and back toward the city proper. Pushing his hand into one of the inner pockets of his cloak, he found his coin purse, feeling quite light. If it wasn't enough to get a room for the night, he could always sleep outside, it would not be the first time.
Hazia nods to miss Felice, sighing as she looks at Deston walking away. I hope he and I aren't put at odds. It's been far too many times I've had to turn my hand on my allies. Far too many indeed.... She reminisces a few times in her head, remembering when she had to burn down the Aldruis brothers' inn after the lord caught up to them, when she had to stab the helpful old hermit in the mountains for the correct alchemical mixtures.....ugh, too many times.

With a momentary glance at Felice again, Hazia tried to smile, remembering she had her protective mask on. "Ah, well, hello. I am Hazia. Just Hazia. I'm looking forward to working with you and the brute, it isn't everyday such an opportunity presents itself." She said, quickly and quietly, yet loud enough to be heard in the echoing tunnels. Miss Saradhan didn't seem like the talkative type, and that was fine with Hazia. Not much to talk about now anyways.

After her short introduction, Hazia turns around on her heel, giving a backwards wave as she exits the mine, walking back up the ravine, and leaving the strange violet eyed woman to her pigs. Not the best of company, if the brutish warrior had anything to show, but she doubted she was any better, being a quiet alchemist who took joy in burning people.

Hazia entered the city after the short walk, glancing around disinterestedly at the sights and places as she made her way to the simplest inn she could find, some place called......The Jaunty Giant. Average fare, from what she could tell. Quaint. Inside, she saw multiple people already gathered. One of them even had stone, plated along her right extremities down to the interesting specimen. Taking a seat far in the corner, Hazia sat with her legs crossed, keeping attention away from herself.

Amelia aproached the gates, she only hoped she was not too late again.... well... she always was late. Just not this late.
She explained her reason of visit to the Guard at the gate and was allowed to pass.
She followed her nose and ended up at what she thought was... a marketplace.
Curiously she looked around.
The stables were full of wares, the sign of a flourishing city.
No suprise then that the word of this adventure got so widely spread and why Adventurer from all over the world came here to join it.

"But if the call is this widely spread... does that not make this important?"
Motivated by this, her step speeded up.
She didnt plan on dropping out of this! She had to know how this would end.
What secrets they would discover? What artifacts would they find?
She could only dream.

After getting lost a couple of times, night came.
Her motivation kept her from being tired and she continued on looking for the Employer that send out the call.
"Maybe left here? Right there?"
"Did I not get to this place previously?"
The Possiblity of asking somebody for directions eluded her...
By the end of the night she found herself at the south gate.

Amelia felt quite annoyed, a bit panicking. Time is running and she still was unable to find the employer.
Ard Revelle

The next day found Ard and his hired companions at the southern road, where they found the lost Amelia. After a brief round of introductions, they continued further down the road until they came upon the merchant caravan they would be travelling with for the first part of the journey. There were eleven of them, nine of them armed guards. The merchant grandly introduced himself as Ellyrio Dess, head of a supposedly famed silk trade empire than none of them had ever heard of before. He was a portly man, ruddy of complexion and quick to amusement. For a silk merchant, his clothes were surprisingly utilitarian and fitting for the journey ahead. Travelling with him was his wife Chasey, a similarly portly woman short of stature and shorter of conversation.

After a brief reiteration of the deal of their shared journey between Ard and Ellyrio, the party set out towards Fier, the final peak of Tresslehorn eclipsing the horizon to their right. And far off to the left, they could occasionally glance a glimpse of the endless blue of Futher Sea. Every now and then they'd pass through a small woodland, but for the most part it was open plains and low crags. As days went by, the crags grew taller and more treacherous, forcing them further inland towards vast wetlands. Mosquitoes became a daily pest, and thick fog surrounded them at all times bar high noon. Roads of old wooden planks provided a dry route for them and the wagons, but all around dark water festered and trees hung low from the weight of their own existence.

A few days into the wetlands, the wooden road took them close to the crags, which jutted from the swamp water with such severity that one could mark with a quill the exact spot where the swamps ended and the outcroppings began. On the path ahead, an orange light flickered into sight. As it did, the sounds of clanking and wailing could be heard. Looking around would reveal more orange lights on the path behind as well as off to the side in the swamp itself.

Ellyrio quickly called for a halt, and his guards gathered nervously around the wagons. "Will-o'-the-wisps," he said, pointing at the lights. His face was pale, brow damp from sweat. "They've always been quiet, before."

"They are not making the noises," Ard called out, coming up from behind, spear in hand. "Whatever is, however, is coming for us." And indeed, the noises were growing noticeably louder. "Prepare yourselves," he said to the adventurers. "And beware the water."

Sandra Misworth

As Guztav had joked, the path they took the next day was anything but straight. They were only an hour out of Celestia before Sandra had them turn back to pick up something she had forgotten. The misplaced something turned out to be a boy named Robin, who Sandra said was both useful and in debt to her. Setting out again, she guided them down a few wrong turns before getting her head cleared and on track in the early evening. From them on, they were far more direct in their travels, heading north towards Deshold through leagues upon leagues of farmland. They plodded along dirt paths, an old garron keeping pace with a good amount of their supplies.

Eventually the farmland passed behind them, and they entered Weirwren woods, where the filtered sun cast dappled green upon everything below, and stately trees stretched high into the sky. In some places the undergrowth was sparse enough that they could see as far as the shadows allowed, giving them glances of herds of deer far enough way to avoid scaring them off. Everything worked together to create a sense of idyllic tranquility.

Until one morning they were all startled awake by the sound of clapping to find themselves accosted by half a dozen brigands armed with daggers and bows. The clapping came from one of them, who wore a crown of twigs and leaves upon his head. "A good morning to you," he sang, stepping forward. "I hope you found my woods to your liking. The birds have a way with singing you to sleep, don't they?" He gave them all a smile. "Sadly, beauty comes at a cost. It hurts me to say it, it truly does." His expression showed a complete and utter lack of emotional pain. "But as you were all sleeping away in my woods, old Jay - that would be me - has no choice but to take his little fee and fare. The horse should do some good, to start us off."

Felice Saradhan

When those who had spent the night in town returned to the mine entrance, they found Felice waiting in the same spot, as well as several donkeys loitering nearby. As everyone gathered and prepared, Felice coaxed the beasts of burden into the harnesses for the wagons, her mental suggestions combined with a lifetime of domestic taming to more than overcome any potential donkey stubbornness. There were five wagons in one, but only one had a seat or reigns, and it was on that wagon that Felice rode, the other wagons and companions trailing behind.

As the darkness of the caves descending upon them, Felice grabbed three dark iron rods, gilded with silver leaf. One by one, she tapped them against the cave wall, causing them to glow with a steady white light. "Magical torches," she explained as she passed them around. "Expensive, so I only have the three. Be- Don't lost them." Together the three torches resulted in a level of illumination similar to the fledgling beginnings of dawn, though without the pale blue and orange tones real sunlight provided.

Days were something difficult to keep track of in the tunnels, which grew wider but less artificial the further they went. Felice explained that there was a small town of dwarves that they planned on passing through. Many of the locals hadn't been above ground for generations, and would be far paler than more familiar dwarves they might be used to. And sure enough, the dwarves they found at the town were almost translucent, pale blue veins tinting their complexion. The town itself was not a gathering of buildings in some hollowed out cavern, but rather a series of more orderly tunnels with smaller caves forming individual homes.

After moving off to converse with some of the locals, Felice gathered her companions to present some options. "I originally planned to move straight through the main tunnel," she began, "but it seems a colony of giant spiders have taken up residence in there, and the locals haven't managed to kill them off yet. There are- we can avoid them if we take some other, smaller route; but I'm not familiar with any of those, and they're generally left to fall prey to any kind of danger that takes up residence inside." She coughed into her hand, the movement more of a spasm than anything. "They could be empty, or there could be a wurm waiting for it's next meal. I... I'm not sure what to do, so I thought I'd see what you think."
The group of men had surrounded the Sandra's group as the were sleeping; as Tegami woke up, he realized the actual situation of the group and slowly entered his left hand in his pocket, this wasn't a comfortable situation, but Tegami took it in the light and easy way, he didn't even open his eyes completely, "Oh... What an interesting situation" , he thought as he gave a gaze to his employer. The man in front of them tried to show a calm and peaceful attitude, but clearly, this wasn't his real being, Tegami had passed through this kind of situations before so he knew which were the man's true thoughts. For sure they weren't going to make it out alive in those woods if they didn't do something; they had two options, risk it all and fight, or just try to pay the fare.

"Ah... Excuse me Sandra, what are you planning to do? I guess you are aware of our options", he muttered to his employer as he slowly took out his dice and coin in the same hand from his pockets, one of the armed men noticed Tegami's actions and immediately pointed at him with his bow, Tegami dropped the coin which landed "Heads" in the moment that touched the ground, "Heads... I took my decision, now I just must wait for them...", he gazed at the armed man which targeted him, "Oh... You should put down that or you are going to get hurt", he said as he gave a brief smile to his captor.
Feleice Saradan
[-Aya and Arthur- ]
Arthur looked at Ms. Saradan waiting til she was done speaking before he looked around and fell behind the party. He stretched a bit before he stood still, as Aya popped out of Arthur, as she stretched and yawned looking around before she whispered to Arthur...

"Talk to Ms Saradan about the spiders would you? I'm going to see what the local know about the smaller paths." Before she quickly she left him to go see what the locals knew about the smaller paths and what dangers that would be contained within them. Seeing if any of them have been through them and if they were inhabited or not.


Arthur sighed as he caught back up with the group and engaged conversation with Ms Saradan "Excuse me, Miss Saradan do you know how big these spiders are? Or how many they are?" Arthur said.

The one alchemist girl could be useful if they decided to go down the main path, as her chemicals would be able to cover a certain area and do damage to the spiders if they came in small hordes. But on the other hand their other companion, the big dude would be useful to help out with creatures if they encountered any on the smaller path if their was any... so both path were viable to Arthur.


The two companions had spent most of their time silently bickering between each other talking about what they saw during their pretty straight forward trail that only started to diverge right now. The fact that the other tunnels containing something even dangerous than spiders was frightening to Aya but she wondered if they took a smaller path would it be quicker... But she would have to speak to Arthur to ask Ms. Saradan later after the current question that he was asking her was answered. On the other hand the main pathway didn't seem to concerning considering if the spiders weren't too big... but if they were too small then they would overwhelm them, considering we dont have a mage to provide suitable damage to groups of enemies...
The trip was tiring for the two of them, but especially for Aya as she spent most of her time inside Arthur, only getting out when her other three companions weren't looking but it was manageable as Arthur often was at the back of the group, giving him the opportunity for Aya to get out of Arthur at anytime. But her constant trips outside Arthur were short lived as she was sore from sitting inside him and tried stretching often without being noticed, before she quickly disappeared into Arthur again. But at the moment now, she had the chance the explore and stretch now as she was looking around....
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Guztav V

Sandra Misworth
[spacer]At the sound of the claps, Guztav's eyelids flew opened, but he remained seated, leaning still against a tree where he'd slept the previous night. Slowly, he unfolded his arms from his chest and then, instinctively, reached for the scabbard at his side, pulling the weapon closer. His sword remained sheathed. Guztav had foreseen this event coming. But he'd chosen simply not to justify his concern. It was a mistake to assume the leader - their client - had traveled and was familiar with this parts of the land or was somehow acquainted to their inhabitants. He should have enforced the watch duty should he have known better. Sure he'd voluntarily taken the first shift, but he started taking it upon himself when nobody else approached and relieved him. It was against standard protocol to do that though, every soldier knew that. A rookie mistake. So as a result, he'd fallen asleep somewhere in the midst of the final few hours.[/spacer]
[spacer]Slowly, he rise to his feet, strapping his weapon to his side rather casually before revealing himself to the crowd from around a tree. His eyes now reddened due to the lack of rest. He counted six imminent threats in total. The odd wasn't too bad, he thought. Including the boy -whom their client claimed to be useful - they now numbered to five. However, the mercenary have no idea what traits each and everyone of them possessed. At least he could somewhat predict Sandra's ability, but the rest, were beyond him.[/spacer]
[spacer]Obviously, he was annoyed. One could tell at a glimpse over the expression he wore. And mostly, he was disappointed with himself. Although, partly, these uninvited strangers were to be blamed. He drew his sword and walked up to the one with sticks in the hair. In his groggy state, that's what they'd appeared to him. Sticks. But make no mistake, for even in this state, Guztav remained aware and alert to his surroundings. In fact, he's most probably more dangerous now then when he's sober.[/spacer]
[spacer]"How about..." Guztav pointed his blade to old Jay, leveling it with the man's neck. "...I cut your head off and use it as a token for a safe passage through this woods?" he paused, giving the leader of the pack some time to absorb his threats. "It'll be painless, I promise. And you will finally stop hurting yourself for there's no need for you to say anything hurtful ever again!" he grinned, silently challenging the man with his intense gaze. "Decide!" he said before lowering his weapon.[/spacer]
[spacer]He'd strategically positioned himself between his team members and the enemy's leader. Hoping that his approach would draw the rest of the thugs' attention away from his comrades. Until he'd learned what his fellow escorts are capable of, he'll take matters into his own hand and shall place himself upfront in the face of threats. There's only one option available here for Guztav. He knew the importance of their horses. Losing them would cost their quest dearly. Especially if they intend to beat the other teams from reaching before them. Thus, they'll have to fight their way through this. Guztav somehow believed this old Jay wouldn't just back off and leave them alone. He rather fight the man here and now then to let the guy off, only to return with a bigger number.[/spacer]
As Gustav did his move, Tegami gazed at him, just to make him aware of his presence. Gustav's barbaric actions took the attention of all the men surrounding them, even the one targeting Tegami immediately turned his bow in Gustav's direction.

"Guess he took his decision too...", thought Tegami as he raised over his feet, he took a step closer to Gustav, "This kind of actions aren't necessary", he said to Gustav. Tegami, having some freedom of movement took out of his pockets his cards, he started shuffleing them with incredible speed and dexerity, "Uhm...What if we end this with a game?", he said loudly after finishing. Most of the men stared at themselves with confusion, they thought he was crazy, that he was kidding; but this was serious. With his other hand, Tegami threw a dice, which landed on the feets of one the men.

The purpose of the roll is to make the man suffer, in body and mind.
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Iyo Wenrift
Ard Revelle

Iyo was not eager to be fighting anything—unlike some of the others Ard had hired, that most certainly was not her speciality.

Despite his paleness, Ard did seem confident, at least, and that reassured her a little. With the nine guards of the convoy as well as Aeok and Freya to protect them, they should be able to handle whoever was quickly approaching. I hope.

Backing away a little bit from the front lines, Iyo unslung her staff—a guisarme, being a polearm with a hook on the end for pulling down horsemen—from her back as she glanced around her for any sign of trouble. The will-o'-the-wisps seemed to be no danger, but they could hamper her eyesight if she focused on them. She came upon the front-most wagon of the convoy and furtively climbed to its top, using the guisarme to maintain her balance. From up here, she figured she might have an easier time getting sight of the source of the oncoming noise.

It also meant she was out of the way of the fighting, for now.

Amelia was dead tired after having been up and running without rest before she accidantly met those that she desired to join.
SHe was quite glad, but without the rest it turned to be a bit of a struggle.
She went into a half asleep state while following closely behind the caravan, only to be constantly awoken by mosquitos.
She yelled angered for almost the entire journey whenever one of these little nuisances started to bully her and kept poking and poking and poking more of her hot blood.
The mosquitoes then stopped bugging her for a while and she fell back onto her half sleep.

A man stood there with a spear in his hand, she roughly saw it and snapped awake.
"I am awake, I am awake! What is happening, are we being attacked? whaaat is going on? Are we going to have fun?"
She only now saw how everybody stood ready, weapon in their hand. Still tired like she was she knew she could not be of that much help.
She turned to the direction that everybody else was looking at and made a serious facial expression.
Sleeeep... sleeeep....sleeep....sleeeeeeep....sleeeeeeep....sleeeeeeeep
She really had to fight her mind here to stay awake. She doubted she will be able to be of any use with her magic here without any focus.​
Freya Kvalheim
Freya drew her sword from her side at Ard's words and held it out in front of her at the ready. She grimaced and took a step back from the water as he spoke, turning her eyes away from the will-'o-the-wisps to scan around them.

She didn't like having to fight here in the middle of the swamp - fighting off whatever was coming while staying away from the water's edge would be one hell of an exercise in footwork. She shifted her grip on her sword and narrowed her stance, trying to think ahead for whatever might be coming. Freya momentarily cast a look at her companions - other people were not something she knew how to plan for. Now that she thought about it, this would be her first time fighting with a group rather than alone. So long as they stay out of my way this should change nothing.

Iyo at least seemed to be on the same page as her - the avian had mounted one of the wagons, well out of the way of her sword. All there was to do now was wait for their enemy to show their faces. Freya grinned. She could be patient.
Azalie, silver
Azalie groggily woke from the much needed slumber in the woods, her feet aching from the long walk through the wrong turns while being lead by the apparently forgetful employer. However, the frail elf stuck with the small boy throughout that leg of the journey thus far. After rubbing the sand out of her eyes, she found that they were surrounded. The big man of the group had already started to issue threats to someone who seemed to go by Old Jay. Wary of their position and her own lack of fighting skills, she tried to slink back behind the three who would most likely do all the fighting. She stood slowly, clutching her dark cloak closed about her with her frail looking shimmering hand. She was shivering from fright in what she perceived as a tense situation. She remained silent, trying to make herself as small as possible to keep from being acknowledged by anyone.