Ace, Nona and the ARC [Icicle x Mágissa Kei]

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This thread belongs to @Icicle and @Mágissa Kei. If neither of these are you, do not post anything on this thread, but you're welcome to stalk the thread or message us.

The setting of this roleplay is a Sci-Fi universe which is connected via warp gates and worm holes that are maintained and controlled by a multi-universal government known as the "World Council". The World Council was created in solar year 3053 BCE with the directive, "establish good relations between Earth and all other intelligent lifeforms." To properly achieve this directive, it defined three primary goals, and established task-oriented factions to ensure that each goal was met:

The ARC is the smallest of the three factions due to its lack of guaranteed funding. It is primarily responsible for gathering data, resources and discoveries. The success of the ARC determines its budget, thus it is a harsh and constantly evolving organization. ARC members undergo little physical training and have the highest risk of fatality per mission, but also receive the best gear, immense technological training, and considerable mental and social training. Despite the high risk of fatality per mission, actual casualties in the ARC are reportedly far lower than those of the Legion.

The two classes of ARC members are defined as Recovery and Discovery. Recovery agents have an active role in securing mission objectives while Discovery agents have a support role in scouting out, analyzing, and simplifying mission objectives. ARC members generally work in teams consisting of one Recovery agent and one Discovery agent so as to accomplish mission objectives as efficiently as possible. ARC teams are usually given escorts on high-risk missions.

ARC members are also given ranks based on their experience and performance. All ARC agents begin as Enlistment Agents, where about 70% of them die. The survivors then rise to become Commission Agents, Warranter Agents, and Chief Warranter Agents, in that order. Those who achieve Chief Warranter Agent rank can be selected by the Administration of the ARC faction to become Administrative Agents, the most lucrative and stressful position in the World Council aside from the Council's own administration.
The Legion is the largest of the three factions, hosting some of the best technology and training among the three fractions. It produces and manages the defensive forces of the World Council, and is the most powerful and unified military force in all of the known universe. Legion members undergo immense physical training, and some undergo fairly strong technological training as well. Its members are given moderately high-quality gear, and generally have a low risk of fatality per mission.

The two classes of Legion members are defined as Peacekeepers and Destroyers. Peacekeepers function as the defensive static forces assigned to specific locations, whereas Destroyers function as defensive and offensive mobile forces assigned to sectors, groups, or even specific missions. Peacekeepers are given more social and mental training, and generally have less technology at their disposal, whereas Destroyers are given much more physical and technological training. Most Legionnaires start as Destroyers and become Peacekeepers as a result of promotions, since the Peacekeeper class requirements are disproportionately higher than those for the Destroyer class.

The ranks for Legionnaires are the same for both Destroyers and Peacekeepers, and are supposedly experience based, although Legionnaires have been known to be promoted due to achievement. All Enlisted Legionnaires start off as a Private(E), then a Private(E-2), then Private First Class, then Corporal/Specialist, then Sergeant, then Staff Sergeant, then Sergeatn First Class, then Master Sergeant, then First Sergeant, then Sergeant Major, then Command Sergeant Major, then one person can be Sergeant Major of the Legion.

Some enlisted Legionnaires can become officers based on displays of leadership and expertise. Officers in the Legion are given ranks based on a separate system. Those who become officers start as Second Liutenants, then First Lieutenants, then Captains, then Majors, then Liutenant Colonels, then Colonels, then Brigadier Generals, then Major Generals, then Liutenant Generals, then Generals, and then one person can be General of the Legion. Officers are always paid more than enlisted legionnaires, and higher ranking officers are generally pulled out of the field to provide overwatch, training, and instruction to lower ranking officers, and/or to administrate the Legion.
The Source is a massive collection of intellectuals and scholars who pass extensive and rigorous mental testing. They improve the technology, economy, security, and other various aspects of the World Council tirelessly. Many Source members have close ties with civilian organizations and businesses, and some even have ties with non-WC organizations and businesses. The Source is the only branch of the Council whose missions have no significant risk of fatality, and which is entirely domestic-based.

The Source is split into two sub-factions, each of which focus on different research objectives. The Scribe faction works to research and develop new laws and information, whereas the Scholar faction works to edit, revise, and publicize laws and information that is made by Scribes. The titles of each Scholar or Scribe is based solely on their field and level of education, with no factor based on experience or merit.

The three factions are only able to take members from the WC and those aligned with it, and provide top-tier training to those who meet the harsh merit-based requirements to join. Since its formation, the WC has predominantly reinforced the Legion due to the constantly increasing threat to the Source faction and the supply route management of the World Council. Bandits, non-WC organizations and planets, and various other criminal forces are significantly more common and dangerous to the WC than they originally were due to underground networks and the discovery trade.

Our story focuses on a team of ARC agents who unknowingly dive head-first into the discovery trade and all of the chaos and danger that it entails. The first of the two characters is a Discovery Agent named Loriel Mondy:

Name: Loriel "Ace" Mondy. Also known by the nicknames, "Lightning Eyes" and "Lorelai".
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Occupation: Former Investigative Ensign for Legion, now a Recovery Class Enlistment Agent for ARC.

At first glance, Ace appears to be a man of nobility. He has a highly professional air about him, moving elegantly and with much purpose. His neutral expression is a calculating frown, as if he is always searching for something or looking down on others.

He doesn't have much presence, and doesn't carry himself very well: his shoulders are narrow, his figure scrawny and small, his voice soft, and his features smooth. He appears younger and weaker than he is.

But by-and-far his most notable feature is his piercing, bright-blue eyes. They seem to detect anything and everything that they are directed at, capturing every detail as if with some supernatural power. His analytical abilities aside, his eyes seem to see all, unnerving liers and honest folk alike.

Personality: It is very easy to see Loriel as a pathetic, noble worm at first sight. He speaks very properly, actively tries to not offend people, and is extremely patient. A conversation with him is hard to distinguish from that of an android, most of the time. He is relatively quiet and observant, and has a curiosity and inquisitiveness to him that often resembles that of a child. And most of all, he has little to no backbone, avoiding fights at all costs.

His closer acquaintances know that he is extremely altruistic, but that his altruism sometimes gets set aside in favor of his curiosity. He is, above all, a person who hungers for knowledge. He tends to make decisions that help others and that uphold the law and social order, but when push comes to shove, he prioritizes his own life over that of others - even those of his close friends. He doesn't think of himself as better than others so much as he can't trust that others are more useful to the WC than he is himself.

A few quotes:
"Of course it's radiation, you dolt! Get your idiot hand away from the source!"
- "I suppose that sunglasses provide me with a masculinity that I do not deserve."
- "Onions are the best food in the universe. Don't tell father."
- "If the bullet shell was there...and her hands were behind her back...then the killer must've had a mustache! Oh, wait, I'm jumping ahead..."
- "If I were to give myself an award...I suppose it'd be either 'most helpless soldier' or 'least intimidating person'. Anything self-abasing would do me well."

His greatest flaw is his distaste for muscle-heads, and his second greatest flaw is his fear of anything dirty. He acquired his distaste for muscle-heads during his career as a Legionnaire, since he was teased almost every day for being weak and not belonging. His fear of filth derives from an adventure he had as a little kid: his friends went into the sewers of his hometown when he was 7 to investigate a rumor about a monster in the sewers. One of his friends slipped into the water, so Ace dove in to save him, but hit his head and started bleeding. He barely made it out of the sewers before bleeding out thanks to the peacekeepers, and had a life-threatening viral infection in the wound on his scalp. Ever since, he's had an irrational fear of filthy people, places, and things.

His greatest strengths are his altruism, patience, and keen mind. He developed altruism and patience thanks to his father's parenting, and his keen mind seemed to be something he was born with to balance out his lack of body mass. His altruism and patience make him naturally easy to get along with and trust, and his keen mind helps him to accomplish tasks and make deductions that normal folks couldn't handle.

Background: For the most part, Loriel was born into a wealthy family. He had all of his basic needs attended to, and his father raised him well as a single dad. Supposedly, he was an orphan, but he couldn't remember a time before being adopted and honestly never cared. His father was his rolemodel, a hardcore soldier who beat the crap out of bad guys and who always had a knowing grin on his face.

Due to being fragile, he was injured plenty of times in the past, especially his arms and legs. He only had one significant head injury, but it didn't seem to affect his keen mind. He was always good at running and moving around fast due to his light weight, but could never play sports due to a lack of coordination with his limbs. He often questioned his father's advice to train to become a Legionnaire, but went along with it since he admired his father. Turns out his father had too much faith by asking his son to become a Legionnaire, trusting that his son would become muscular and strong with enough training. Luckily he was smart too, and had a good deal of influence in the WC, so he managed to get his son a transfer into ARC since it better suited him.

Loriel had plenty of exciting stories in his time as a Legionnaire, but most of them were bad memories. He gained a greater appreciation for the Legion, but at the same time, also disliked the people in the Legion all the more. He was excited to transfer into ARC since it was less full of muscle-heads.

He got the nickname "Lightning Eyes" after an interrogation in his former job. He wore sunglasses throughout the bulk of the questioning, and the criminal wasn't revealing any information needed for a case. So, frustrated, Loriel took the sunglasses off, grabbed the man's head, and stared into his eyes.
"Talk" was the only word he needed to say to get the man rambling. Ever since, his coworkers called him "Lightning Eyes" since a single flash of his eyes was enough to shock the guy into submission. They later admitted that the real reason the criminal talked was probably more related to how Loriel suddenly grabbed him, but the name stuck.

The nickname "Lorelai" was more of a joke than a title. His boss accidentally called him that when briefing a team. The team thought it sounded more manly, so it caught on. Soon enough they stopped calling him Loriel altogether.

But his current nickname, "Ace" was the result of his investigative abilities. He supposedly made a bet with his boss about exactly how a small-time case would turn out and ended up almost exactly right. His boss claimed that he "aced" the case, and ever since, his coworkers called him Ace.

Currently, Ace has been sent on a mission to retrieve cargo from a Legion Destroyer ship. He doesn't know exactly what the mission entails aside from not dying and getting as many valuables from the wreck as he could manage back into the hands of the WC. He's nervous that the mission is dangerous, but trusts that his escorts can do their jobs properly. He doesn't know much about his partner, having never spoke more than a few words of introduction to her. While he doesn't have the same sort of trust for her as he has for the escorts, he is eager to start working with her to see what his new job is like...

Inventory: Ace always has two accessories somewhere on his person: A pair of thin, polarized sunglasses, and a 6-sided, plastic die. He mainly keeps his sunglasses to appear less imposing, and uses the 6-sided die whenever he needs a randomly generated number. He doesn't care so much for the sunglasses, but has a particular affinity to his transparent die. He received it from his father as a graduation present before heading off to the Legion for a job, and thinks of it as a sort of good luck charm. When he needs to concentrate or relieve stress, he often rolls it around in his hand.

Aside from those two objects, he wears his ARC Harness, plasma pistol, wrist watch, omnitool, and communicator device on hand. Underneath the harness, he wears a standard issue ARC ensign suit.
The other character is a Recovery agent named Perona Brin:

Name: Perona "Nona" Brin
Age: 20 years
Sex: Female
Occupation: Discovery Class, Enlistment Agent for the ARC of the Worlds' Council

On first glance, Perona appears as an petit young woman, excitable and cheery. After the first glance, however, one would learn that Perona is not one who excites, or smiles easy. She, in fact, often wears no expression on her face, leaving others to decipher her intentions within her eyes. Despite her youthful appearance, Perona acts far more wise and cynical beyond her years.

Despite her more than emotionless visage, Perona has a more than quirky, nihilistic personality that shows through most all of her actions. She engages in conversations with quirky quits and odd turns of phrase, everything that falls from her mouth seems as if it belonged in the mouth of someone else.

Personality: Perona can be at many times, apathetic, stoic, and cold to those around her. She can seem to care little for all, and always seem unhappy with everything that goes on. She is sociable, but it comes across in a way that it appears that she'd rather not be. Often times people can be put off by her frank address of all around her.

Perona does everything in her life with the air of one wise beyond her years, if not coupled with an strange uniqueness and ruggedness of a seasoned soldier, despite a lack of experience in that area of expertise. It would seem that only Perona's family is close enough to unlock the hidden side of herself, one that is more quiet and scared of others around her. Afraid to be used because of her gifts, and scared to see how badly she stands apart.

"No. I'm sorry, but absolutely not."
-"It would appear to me, that we might have a slight incursion."
-"There's nothing quite like the satisfaction of....well, something."

Background: Perona is the youngest of six daughters to a single father and a mother who stays incarcerated. Despite his various escapades landing him multiple demotions, her father, Brin of Azlan managed a stable though not steady home life for all of his girls. Brin must have had the worst luck, for he happened to consort with one of the most dangerous criminals on the infamous Crime Planet, forsaken by all. Overrun by poverty, the girls and their father managed to earn a lot of slack for the unfortunate circumstances of their birth. Being both born to the lighter side of poverty and in direct descent of a criminal mastermind, the girls' lives would not have been easy.

For the most part, all of the girls only manage to share part of their name with their mother, of whom only two of them have ever met: Verona, Manona, Bellona, Mona, Halcyona and Perona, in order of birth.Though many of her sisters show great promise, and many of them took up jobs akin to their father as guardsmen of the criminal planet, unable to get higher-paying jobs due to scares of their "birthright", it was Perona who had harnessed a gift overshadowing them all. Their mother had been a true genius by nature, possessing an intellect that many in the WC would consider dangerous, and that gift had been shared by Perona as well. Developing her mother's enhanced genius set Perona apart from not only other children her age, but her sisters as well. It was in her father's best interest to hope that the youngest of his ilk would grow to achieve great promise.

Perona was considered the hope of their family from the time she rerouted the energy source of the warden's grand mansion into the lower levels where her own family and others lived in darkness. She was given the best equipment that could be bought, books, machines, tools, to further her knowledge. She was a prodigy. It had come to be around her middle school years when talks of joining the WC had come up at family dinners. Perona was against it, opting to instead take up some sort of guarding position like her sisters and father, but they argued for it. Money had been saved, money that she believed was better spent on food and housing, to get her a chance at the entry exam, of which she managed to pass with flying colors.

Coincidentally, Perona's long time nickname, Nona, comes from her mother's own name, Nona. She got this nickname after many of her well-meaning stunts of genius had been put on display, first given to the policemen who were sent to apprehend and stop her good intentions, saying that before long, she would become like her mother, the criminal mastermind that she was. However, her father saw no problem with this, and on occasion, especially when she tried to act cold towards him, he would call his youngest by this little name. Saying that if she kept up the attitude, it would be as if her mother had never been in prison, and that she was right there with them.

Despite the pride shown in her family, the reserved Perona saw little way out aside from going along with their wishes. She got in, and became a Discovery Class Enlistment Agent for the Adaptable Reclamation Corps. of the WC. She still harbors dozens of fears, regarding her murky background, and her coworkers who would see her as the wonder child she presented herself as in the entry exam. However, the job did give her the opportunity to send money to her family as she saw fit.

Perona's life in the ARC centered around two prominent findings: She may have held an intellect far above her pay grade, and 2.) people didn't like that. To isolate herself further from those who didn't understand or hated her, Perona developed a quirky sort of protection from the world. She hid any fears and straying thoughts behind a confusing tongue and even more confusing mannerisms. She became distant, insipid, and critical of others, all in the hopes that she would drive them away. She'd been through multiple partners as they often request someone else within moments of spending time with her. Which was perfectly fine by her.

Currently, Perona has been assigned a mission to locate and retrieve precious cargo from an abandoned Legion Destroyer ship. Aside from the spottiness of the details on her part, she was also given a new partner, of whom she's only seen little. Though what she did see of him seemed calm and collected. Perona's only concern was for the mission at hand, having gotten a bad feeling ever since the mission was initiated. She couldn't explain, opting instead to shrug of the immediate threat. She hoped that the escorts had their stuff together, and that this mission was as cut and dry as many others that she'd been on.

Inventory: On her person, Perona's most notable objects would be her goggles, and a large cannon-like object that actually holds a high-powered tractor beam, outdated for more small size models, but favored by Perona specifically. In her beginning days as a Discovery, the higher-ups accidentally gave her an outdated model of their Discovery tractor technology, able to pull up some of the heaviest of debris to get at their objective. The goggles came with it because of the kick that comes with the old, powerful machine. Despite this, and how many times she had to get it fixed and ready for the field, Perona kept the old gear close, feeling some sort of special connection for it all.

The initial situation for this roleplay is provided below:

A time-sensitive, high-risk mission was flagged by the administration, and was deemed low-priority enough to assign to enlistment agents. Nona and Arc happened to have their ARC ID's selected, so they were assigned to a team and were given a few minutes to decide whether or not they wanted to refuse partnership. After deciding not to, both agents were assigned a three-person escort and a retrieval vessel. They were then sent to Ursa Sector 11-40-2, a seemingly empty sector of space in which a Legion supply transport vessel's communications signal was lost.

Their mission was defined with two primary objectives:
1 - Retrieve the supply transport vessel and as many supplies from it as possible.
2 - Develop a full report of the cause of the vessel's lost signal, including damages and casualties.

However, shortly after finding the wrecked vessel and boarding it, the retrieval vessel was ambushed. The Legion escorts were killed and the ARC agents captured, stripped, and detained by pirates. The pirates' ship was able to make it all the way out of the range of the WC before the ARC agents regained consciousness. Now, just as all hope seems lost for the two agents, our story begins.
Ship - Outside

A small, rugged ship with only two main floors, three weapon systems, and a mobility-focused design. Complete with (undefined) rooms, (undefined) subsystems, and (undefined) escape pods. It is poorly maintained, both outside and inside, and isn't designed to carry more than 8 people comfortably for any length of time.

Ship - Inside
Blueprints to come.

In the future, information about various aspects of the setting will be expounded upon in the following spoilers:

ARC suit: A white, padded suit that is thermally insulated and multi-functional. It is build to be worn under the ARC utility harness, and has a quick-deploy helmet that makes the suit air-tight. It consists of one piece of material with a single charge pack that projects an electromagnetic protective field around the user. Those proficient in its use can don or doff it in about a minute.

ARC plasma pistol: A simple plasma-cell weapon that accurately discharges highly concentrated balls of plasma at sub-sonic speeds up to a range of 200', after which the plasma destabilizes. It has very little recoil and has a cell capacity of 10 discharges.

ARC Omnitool(utility harness): An ARC staple. It is built to support the use of all other ARC technology and to give ARC agents mobility, security, and the capacity to interface with technology. It consists of various straps and wires, two energy cores, projection points along various axes of the user's body, two long-distance wire-discharging mounts, a SKEM(sonokinetic and electromagnetic) manipulator, an ARC plasma pistol holster, and ARC agent identification systems.

ARC communicator: A strip of elaborate circuitry that fits on the Mastoid Process behind the ear that allows a user to send and receive audio input from other pre-approved sources.

ARC laser knife: A hand-held, thin, cylindrical device that is activated by button press. It sends out a powerful, near-focused beam of photons that violently excite any material up to 3 inches beyond the front of the device.

ARC tractor beam: A large, cannon-like object that simultaneously generates immense inertial force on itself and immense attractive/repulsive force on whatever it is directed at via the use of gravitons. It is generally used by ARC Recovery agents to move heavy objects.
Warp Gates and Wormholes are the "transportation" systems of the WC post-galactic expansion. They are immensely expensive to upkeep, but are necessary for the safety and prosperity of the WC. Without Warp Gates or Wormholes, people would have to brave the vast dangers of Deep Space sub-light speed, which empowers pirates and bandits, and deincentivises trade.

Warp Gates are like the highways of the WC: They allow for ships to use Alcubierre drives to travel faster than the speed of light in secure conditions. This allows space ships to go from one end of a galaxy to another in less than a week, and is exceptionally important for life in the WC. The Warp Gates extend well outside of the influence of the WC, but are maintained by it just the same.

Wormholes are irregularities in space that allow for instantaneous movement between two points in space. Each wormhole consists of two points, and sends people from one point to the other. To maintain a wormhole, a wormhole stabilizer(WHS) must be constructed. WHSs are exceptionally expensive, and break down often, but they allow for otherwise entirely inaccessible parts of the universe to be easily within reach via Warp Gates.
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He could only hear a few sounds - those coming from his communicator and those coming from his body. The massive thumping noise of his heart, the ringing in his ears, the grunts, shouts, and heavy breathing coming from the other end of the communicator, and the "what is happening?" of his panicked mind weaved together a symphony of confusion and adrenaline-wrenching stress. He didn't have time to think - he obeyed without a second thought. He quickly pressed the quick release on the harness's primary hook, then shot the secondary hook into the floor of the wrecked cockpit he was previously inspecting.

Shrapnel flew around in a silent whirlwind, slamming into the walls and ceiling as he curled up and auto-reeled the wire in, launching himself towards the floor. He felt something hard hit his side, and his leg, and even the back of his helmet, but he had no idea what to think of any of it. He couldn't feel pain, even if he was injured - his mind blocked out all that excess information to focus on the task at hand. That is, it was blocking it out, before another message shot over the comms.


He finally managed to try and figure out what was going on, but too late. A figure shot through the doorway 25 feet away. He could tell immediately that it was hostile, as it wasn't familiar at all. He barely had time to reach for his plasma pistol before feeling another sensation in the center of his chest. After that, he witnessed a bright flash. Then, darkness.


He gasped, wrenching his eyes open as he did, only to witness darkness once again. As if lurching out of a pool of water, on the verge of drowning, he sucked in as much air as he could physically fit into his lungs, then started to cough violently as he discovered how horrifically unclean it was. He also noticed how immensely painful it was to breath. It was a dull, but immense pain in the center of his rib-cage, right under his sternum. There were various other pains that started surfacing, but he didn't bother taking note of them all due to the immensity of the one on his chest.

He looked down, but couldn't see. In fact, as he looked down, he felt the sensation of some sort of fabric over his eyes, and some resistance from around his pectorals and upper arms, his wrists, and his waist. He started to move other sections of his body as he coughed, and felt the same kind of resistance around his ankles, knees, and thighs. As he did, he started regaining sensation across his body, and felt the texture of rough, light clothes on his skin.

Without an explanation, his mind was left to wander about what circumstances befell him. At first, he wondered about the air quality. Perhaps he was still on the wreck, but his harness messed up and he was now restrained, breathing in a diluted propellant. But the vague and distant memory that he previously reminisced in carried him away from that conclusion - he saw an unfamiliar figure, and had only sent out his secondary coil, thus there was no way he'd be restrained by his own harness - especially not in 7 different places.

But then, he was left wondering precisely what had happened. With no certainty, his mind wandered to various conclusions as he tried to stop himself from coughing. He took nice, deep breaths, trying to calm himself down physically and emotionally. He had a horrible pit in his stomach, anxiety starting to kick in, but was able to take more normal breaths. He continued analyzing his body and determined that he was bound by some sort of solidified fabric material. Rodraine? Vertite? He couldn't tell without seeing it, and opening his eyes was a pointless endeavor. It certainly didn't budge as he moved around.

After writhing a little in an exercise of futility, he decided that the next most logical thing to do was to see if anyone else was nearby. He didn't feel a communicator on his ear, and was almost certain that his harness wasn't equipped anymore, so he decided to try speaking out. "H-HEY! I-Is anyone...there?" Midway through his words, he sensed another presence in the room. Perhaps he heard breathing, or maybe movement. It was significantly more energetic than his own movement, and he even heard a slight, shrill banging noise. He decided to wait a few seconds, and sure enough, it responded.

The voice was feminine, a bit shrill, and all over the place. Excited, possibly? The fact that it was so hard to recognize exactly what emotion was delivered by the sound waves pretty much confirmed his suspicion that he recognized its source. "Perona? Is that you!?" He was excited - he had some hope now. Not only was he now certain that there was air in the environment around them, he was also fairly confident that he had a companion in this uncertain experience. He only knew her by name and position, he was overjoyed that she was there. While before he was filled with uncertainty, her response was all he needed to feel as if he was in control again - to some extent. It was a good first step to finding out what was going on.

He tried to writhe around a bit more, hoping to discover more about the bindings he was in. His movement revealed that he was bound to something cylindrical and metallic - probably a pipe, as the bang sound he heard from his partner revealed a noise that had a slight hollowness to it. Both his legs and arms were bound around the wide pipe, giving him little room to move around, and notably, a very uncomfortable sitting position involving an attempt to press against the ground with his knees while hanging from his wrist bindings. He felt the urge to remove the bindings as soon as possible, although he knew that much would be obvious to his partner and instead decided to voice his more important concerns.

"What happened? Where are we?" After asking these questions, he felt a wave of shame wash over him. He, "Ace" a Discovery Agent of the World Council's ARC faction, was asking such simple questions? Certainly, he was in very dire and trying circumstances. And the fact that he was asking these questions to his partner, Perona a Recovery Agent of the World Council's ARC faction, made it even worse. Any time at which she knew more than him was a time at which he wasn't doing his job well enough. He had more questions, but firing them off hap-hazardly was likely going to lead to her forgetting his more important questions, so he held off for the time being. The urgency of the situation called for calmness, so that was exactly what Ace was going to provide. Or so he hoped.
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Confusion no longer described the uncertainty that had managed to grip her mind and thoughts in the aftermath of the incident. It was the explosions that captured her attention at first, trying to discern where the direction of the shots had been. Where the screaming had come from. All of it had been a blur mixed with belated and confusing mix-ups that could've very well nearly cost her her life. When she had finally made up her mind to move, she had yet another choice to make, one that she was not at all comfortable with. In her arms at the moment, was her standard grade ARC tractor beam. As useful as it was at her job, moving and carrying heavy debris or target objectives with little difficulty, in a punch like that, it could have been useful as a blunt object against whatever force had caused such havoc and mayhem.

However, tossing the large makeshift weapon aside in exchange for increased mobility was her near instinctual option. Despite how useful the item would have been. She learned her lesson near moments later when in pursuit of the others who had gone after the sounds, she'd run into trouble. As soon as she'd gotten close enough to discern the trouble and its probable source, someone after the cargo they weren't sent to achieve, she'd been struck violently from behind. With some sort of metallic object, a weapon most supposedly. Even as her vision blurred, and the vibrants explosions, loud screams of orders and of pain dulled into varying beats of dull sounds as the world turned on its axis.


Waking up was like swallowing rocks. Even as she tried to take in breathes, Perona felt as if her lungs were filled with the things. She could've sworn that every time she made her lungs expand, there was a slight rattling there. There wasn't more help in that area, seeing as breathing in felt like swimming through mud. The more of the horrid gunk she tried to filter out with even breathes, the worse the quality of air became, and even though quickly ratified, the more erratic her breathing became. Her thinking process, much like during the incident, became as erratic as her breathing. Near hyperventilation, she found the situation made worse when she tried opening her eyes, only to witness darkness.

As much of a silent overreaction as that caused, after moments of intense, erratic thinking, Perona stopped. In her head, as the thoughts filed out into more intelligent, more reasonable observations, she came to the realization that she had not gone blind, like earlier thoughts suggested. There was the slight pressure of cloth on her face, suggested a sort of blind fold. This realization was then followed up by yet another, when in an attempt to remove the blindfold, she found that the movement of her hands and legs was severely limited.Something metallic pulled against them with every resisting pull. Bound and blindfolded, the two notions suggested that they were...not in good standing. And where had everyone else gone? What would she do if she had somehow been the only survivor of this incursion. Such a simple trip gone so horribly wrong.

Just as thoughts of an irrational, tactical, breakout took place, Perona heard the faint voice of another. Someone else had lived! At that moment, her irrational breathing seemed near even. Especially as she recognized the voice. Though not a person that she knew intimately, or even well enough at all, the presence of anyone from their original expedition made her heart rise a little from the bit where it had been stationed until that point. What was his name? The Legionnaire soldiers often called him Ace...but that wasn't it... Oh! "Loriel! Thank god!"

From the sound of his voice, Perona could tell he was probably just as confused and surprised by the appearance of another person, just as she was. No doubt that they were probably in the same or similar situations. Mostly because if he were free, then she would probably have been freed by now as well, at least she hoped. When he voiced the same questions she herself had begun to ask earlier, she felt awful that she could't formulate the answers that he would have probably liked to hear. She immediately felt the need to try and keep her new partner calm.

"...I don't know our position. And I'm guessing that you're in just as compromising a position as myself." As she felt her eyes roam over the black cloth that covered them, Perona thought on what they could do. A few plans did come to mind, none of them particularly bright. One such plan, and she liked this one actually, "...Most likely we've been taken prisoner by the ones who attacked the Legion wreckage. Do you think we could use them...anything about them to get out of here? Did you see anything before being captured?"

She was being cumbersome, unwilling to take a breath to think. She needed to pause, but this is how she got ideas out, talk until she got the answer or solution she needed. At the very least, she was hoping to get interrupted with smart suggestions.
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After writhing a little in an exercise of futility, he decided that the next most logical thing to do was to see if anyone else was nearby. He didn't feel a communicator on his ear, and was almost certain that his harness wasn't equipped anymore, so he decided to try speaking out. "H-HEY! I-Is anyone...there?" Midway through his words, he sensed another presence in the room. It was a combination of manic breathing and shuffling that keyed him in, but it was the response that she gave shortly thereafter that made him certain. "Loriel! Thank god!"

The voice was feminine, a bit shrill, and all over the place. He was certain that she was in an excited or stressed state of some sort, although whether it was fear or hope that fueled her state was beyond his abilities to deduce. The fact that it was so hard to recognize exactly what emotion was delivered by the sound waves pretty much confirmed his suspicion that he recognized its source. He grinned a little, trying to suppress some of the negative energies he was feeling. "Perona? Is that you!?" He was excited - he had some hope now. Not only was he now certain that there was air in the environment around them, he was also fairly confident that he had a companion in this uncertain experience. He only knew her by name and position, he was overjoyed that she was there. While before he was filled with uncertainty, her response was all he needed to feel as if he was in control again - not only did he recognize her, she recognized him as well. It was a good first step to finding out what was going on.

He tried to writhe around a bit more, hoping to discover more about the bindings he was in. His movement revealed that he was bound to something cylindrical and metallic - probably a pipe, since a few taps with his fingernails against the metallic surface played a hollow, dull tone. Both his legs and arms were bound around the wide pipe, giving him little room to move around, and notably, a very uncomfortable sitting position involving an attempt to press against the ground with his knees while hanging from his wrist bindings. He felt the urge to remove the bindings as soon as possible, although he knew that much would be obvious to his partner and instead decided to voice his more important concerns.

"What happened? Where are we?" After asking these questions, he felt a wave of shame wash over him. He, "Ace" a Discovery Agent of the World Council's ARC faction, was asking such simple questions? Certainly, he was in very dire and trying circumstances. And the fact that he was asking these questions to his partner, Perona a Recovery Agent of the World Council's ARC faction, made it even worse. Any time at which she knew more than him was a time at which he wasn't doing his job well enough.

But, whether by luck or not, she too didn't seem to have he answers to his questions. "I don't know our position, and I'm guessing that you're in just as compromising a position as myself." This eroded at his confidence a little, but at the same time, it confirmed that her situation was at least similar to his, confirming that she was similarly disabled. He continued to wiggle around to get a better idea of his clothes, the bindings, and any other objects that might restrict his movement in his reachable surroundings.

As he did this, she seemed to have more to say. "Most likely we've been taken prisoner by the ones who attacked the Legion wreckage. Do you think we could use them...anything about them to get out of here? Did you see anything before being captured?" This thought utterly destroyed his confidence. Not daring to voice it aloud, he thought, We're up against people who did THAT to a SUPPLY TRANSPORT? It sapped his energy to think back on the massive damage done to the ship they were searching through, and it sent shivers up his spine to remember the figure and the bright flash of light that he saw before blacking out. It also brought to mind the dull pain in his chest, a pain that he could do nothing about. He stopped wiggling around briefly and sighed.

He gave it a few seconds of thought, then started to recollect his focus. It wasn't hard to come up with a plan, since he'd been through Legion survival training, but he didn't have strong men and weapons to rely on. All he had was a female teammate and his own flimsy self. Knowing this, he gritted his teeth, submitted to realism, and quietly professed, "alright, we're in some pretty dire straits here if we've been abducted by pirates. We shouldn't act rashly - we need more information, we need our equipment, and we need a plan. We can't afford to get injured, so we should play it safe until we have more cards to play. Understood?"

After getting a response from her, he continued, even more softly, "For now, I'll try and figure out how these bindings work. But they probably won't do anything to us while we're bound like this, so we shouldn't break free until we have a plan. Try to eavesdrop somehow - your hearing is definitely better than mine." He was satisfied with his plan thus far. He was worried about how long they'd been unconscious, but considering the feeling of dehydration and hunger he had, he presumed that he hadn't been fed thus far. Since I'm still alive, these pirates are still at least 2 days from the warp gate...probably more like three. They seem to value our lives, so they'll have to feed us or give us a drink before entering the warp gate. If we can use that opportunity to learn more about this ship, or get them to remove some of our bindings, we could potentially find a way to jettison ourselves in the warp gate.

Ace finished thinking about his situation after reaching the end of that train of thought - he didn't want to give himself false confidence. Assuming that the pirates were stupid enough to give them information was a bad strategy. So instead, he focused on learning more about his situation.

He started by making observations about his clothes. Without being able to see them, all he was able to do was move around his arms and legs, rotate his hip, and try moving his torso up and down to feel the texture and size of the clothes. He determined that they were rough, probably a cheap synthesized fabric like polyester or zerthane that had been through heavy use. It smelled as if it had been worn by a sweaty man, and was a size or two too big for him, but it was long-sleeved and not very damaged. His pants were also rough and probably made of polyester or zerthane, but they were uncomfortably loose and had no belt. He assumed that he still had the undergarments from his ARC uniform, since they had a normal feel to them that the pants and shirt didn't offer. Aside from these clothes, he didn't feel any other garments adorning his body aside from his restraints.

The restraints felt like a more organic material, much less comfortable and elastic than the clothes he was haphazardly dressed in. They were tight, smooth, and sharp, digging into his skin around his wrists and ankles, to the point that he was barely able to separate his wrists or ankles from one another without feeling pain. He didn't feel any knots, locks, or loose parts in the binding as he moved his fingers around them, thus he presumed that they were bonded together after being set in place. This meant that the weakness of the bindings was probably going to be the bonding point, and that digging at the bonding point with fingernails over a long period of time would probably be enough to lead to their freedom. He tested this for a few seconds to see if he could get any headway.

He started digging at the tiny, almost unnoticeably small line of melted material with his short fingernails to see how strong it was. After a few minutes of effort, he felt around the bond and discovered that a few strands of the material frayed off. With his discovery verified, to some extent, he relayed this information to his partner. "The bindings we're in are fused together, so if you scratch near the fused section enough, you'll be able to break individual strands more easily. It'll take awhile to get through all of these with our bare hands though..." He hoped that they'd be able to find a piece of chipped paint or rust to assist in their efforts, so he set that as his next goal as he acknowledged her response. "Did you hear anything yet?"
Perona tried to think of any sort of scenario that might aid in their escape, of which she hoped would be inevitable. Obviously, they were at a large disadvantage. Manpower, gunpowder, a lack of familiarity with the area. It would be a miracle to manage an escape from this makeshift prison. However...Perona was a prodigy, she wouldn't allow such a title to be hollowed by one instance. Even more so, she found her head hurting the more she tried to stress herself, and tried to relax. She wasn't entirely alone in the situation. At least she hoped that was the case. She was officially pulled from her thoughts by the soft voice of her comrade across the otherwise empty and quiet space.

"Alright, we're in some pretty dire straits here if we've been abducted by pirates. We shouldn't act rashly - we need more information, we need our equipment, and we need a plan. We can't afford to get injured, so we should play it safe until we have more cards to play. Understood?" came the voice of Loriel. Information, that was a good idea. A sort of surveillance, keeping an ear out for anything that might be of use. She might be able to find a way to help their situation that way. "I understand." she responded, her head shifting to where she felt her companion's voice was coming from. Upon her response, she could hear Loriel continue, "For now, I'll try and figure out how these bindings work. But they probably won't do anything to us while we're bound like this, so we shouldn't break free until we have a plan. Try to eavesdrop somehow - your hearing is definitely better than mine."

Even though it was futile, Perona nodded, then vocally voiced her stance, "Of course. I'll see what can be done." Perona tried to move her arms, of which of course were bound. Obviously,her back was to the metal pole which held her captive. She was hoping for a way to move around the pole, get a better vantage, and "keep her ear to the ground" so to speak. Her legs were bound just like her hands, and by moving them as fa out as she could, she could get a mostly decent feel for what type of room she was in. She could move her legs only a short distance before hitting what was most probably a wall, meaning that she sat in a corner. The pipe she was connected to must run through the corner as part of the design. It had to be small, small enough that the two of them could converse without having to fear the volume of their voice would attract unwanted attention.

These small notions made it easier to think of the shape of the room and possible entry and exit ways. It meant that no matter where she sat in her corner, she would have a rather straight line to the door of this room, their only way out. Perona grumbled under her breath incoherently, the ringing from her head was more persistent. Possible side effect from the attack that had knocked her out. The pulsing and ringing would make it hard to concentrate on sounds, but not impossible. She even manage to take notice of the odd change in clothes. Cheaper, more coarse material, that she mostly took notice of because the contents that once filled her pockets were gone. Mostly loose change, but in her old clothing, she would have felt them. It made her cringe. If they had simply been stripped of their gear and weaponry, that might have been easier, however the change of clothes left her with the slight feeling of violation that she couldn't stand. Oh...if she found them, she would-

A fleeting, sound took hold of her thoughts before she could continue her internal rant. Like low buzzing form near by. Words? Or a conversation? It was a welcoming thought. Something nearby was talking, and she was intent on finding out what. Shifting her head every way she was able as she tracked down the sound, she found that the conversation was taking place on the other side of the wall, and she found her way into the conversation by way of a rather sizable indent in the wall to her right. The indent was so filled with large cracks and notches that it made for a beautiful receiver for whatever was said on the other side. Not only that, but it revealed to Perona that on the other side of the wall she sat against was a hallway, and by extension a door, wherever it was.

She was nearly going to relay her information to her partner when he surprised her with his own discovery, "The bindings we're in are fused together, so if you scratch near the fused section enough, you'll be able to break individual strands more easily. It'll take awhile to get through all of these with our bare hands though..." Turning her head without tearing it away from her lifeline, afraid she wouldn't be able to relocate it, she nodded then responded, "Right. We should keep it with regardless." Holding her breath, she scoured her fingers over the bonding element over her wrists and tore into it, similar to how she would run her fingers over her thumb in deep thought. She nearly took off into her own musings again before she remembered to tell Loriel about her own discovery, "Ah! I've managed to find a way to listen in on our captors!" After which she turned her attention back towards the hallway, only returning her attention inside the room when Loriel asked her, "Did you hear anything yet?"

"Nothing as of yet, but give me a moment." She responded immediately, closing her eyes, not that it mattered much, to listen wholly to what could have been said. She could hear two voices, far different from one another, yet equally male and equally coarse as if the both of them were stuck gargling as they spoke. One was lighter, signaling a younger man and the other was older, obviously the one in charge of the former, as well as maybe guarding this room and those within it.

"Are you still stuck on the second watch?"

"Yeah, there's been no telling when I was supposed to quit, plus Darga when and bailed on me. Wouldn't even leave his quarters when I went to fetch him, sir."

"Darga...Hmph! You let me catch Darga when he gets out of his room. The boss doesn't want any slack today. We're making our jump soon."

"Yessir, I overheard from the others, sir! Have you any idea of our destination?"

"No. The boss doesn't tell anyone until he wants them to know, and this wasn't one of those times. Keep your head up, Liel ought to be coming soon enough with meals for our latest houseguests."

Upon hearing that, Perona pulled back from the indenture, her heart had taken a few skips when she heard that they were jumping soon and that someone was coming in to feed them. She felt the urge to be quieter than before when delivering her message, just in case their hearing was as tuned as her own. "Loriel! It would seem that someone is coming to feed us. And that we'll be jumping soon. Do you think that means we're approaching a warp gate?"
He started digging at the tiny, almost unnoticeably small line of melted material with his short fingernails to see how strong it was. After a few minutes of effort, he felt around the bond and discovered that a few strands of the material frayed off. With his discovery verified, to some extent, he relayed this information to his partner. "The bindings we're in are fused together, so if you scratch near the fused section enough, you'll be able to break individual strands more easily. It'll take awhile to get through all of these with our bare hands though..." He hoped that they'd be able to find a piece of chipped paint or rust to assist in their efforts, so he set that as his next goal as she responded. "Right. We should keep it with regardless." He appreciated her understanding, and was about to start sweeping the ground around him for possible paint chips when she continued, "Ah! I've managed to find a way to listen in on our captors!"

Ace was excited to hear about this new development, so he eagerly asked, "Did you hear anything yet?" Within seconds of his question, she responded, "Nothing as of yet, but give me a moment." He nodded not realizing that she probably couldn't see him nodding, and started feeling around with his knees, his shoed feet, and his hands. The floor felt like a sort of insulating metal, and was damp. The fact that the floor was damp, made of metal, and had pipes sticking out of it gave him the impression that they probably weren't in an engine room, since the room temperature was moderately chilly. But whether they were in a maintenance room, a cargo hold, or some random closet was beyond him. He certainly wasn't eager to test the size of the room by raising his voice either.

He did, however, notice that there were no pieces of scrap metal, paint, or other hard materials lying around. He found a patch of mold, which he then tried his best to steer clear of, and also discovered that the pipe had a bit of condensation on it, but he couldn't find anything lying on the ground around him. Those pirates are smart, whether they know it or not... He decided to stop venturing around for a second, instead waiting to hear back from Perona. Luckily, after his searching, it wasn't long before he heard her starting to move. Soon after, she said, "Loriel! It would seem that someone is coming to feed us. And that we'll be jumping soon. Do you think that means we're approaching a warp gate?"

Initially, he was happy to hear her response. Not only was she successful in finding a way to eavesdrop - she also got useful information! But the news wasn't particularly good, admittedly - "soon" was a rather vague word, and he didn't know what "jumping" meant. Either way, it didn't confirm anything that he needed to know, so he decided to discard it until they got more clear information. Instead, he decided to pry for more information: "That's good, but tell me about who you heard. How many of them are there? How bulky did they sound? Were they using a communication channel? And, where were they in relation to the wall?" After she responded, he frowned. There are at least 5 of them, but the "boss" will probably stay at the helm, which means we'll be outnumbered 2 to 1. They weren't using comms, which is good, but even if we take out one of them, we're still not in a good situation. We'll probably have to wait until we know for sure whether they're nearing a worm hole or a warp gate...and even then, waiting is dangerous. With these thoughts out of the way, he nervously whispered, "when he brings our food, it'll be best if we act like we're just waking up. Act stupid, but not too stupid. We want them to want to talk to us and to think that we're so hopeless that it'd be impossible for us to do so even if we knew how."

With this said, it was a game of waiting for their first acquaintance. From what his partner told him, a higher ranking pirate was coming to feed them. If they could trick him into talking for more than a few seconds, it'd probably be easier to get the others to talk. He couldn't know for sure without knowing their individual personalities, but he hoped that appealing to their desire for dominance would work in some capacity. Waiting wasn't Ace's strong suit, so he tried to busy himself by trying to re-think what "jumping" was as silence filled the room.
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"That's good, but tell me about who you heard. How many of them are there? How bulky did they sound? Were they using a communication channel? And, where were they in relation to the wall?" after trying to retain the questions her partner proposed to her, Perona fell silent as she tried to formulate the answers. Immediately, she began to try answering, to the best of her ability, in order, "There were at least two voices. Both male from the sounds, both had to be in their late twenties, early thirties at least, with one having the probability of being older. They sounded lie big men, with large powerful auras, and the voices to match. Husky and hoarse, it almost sounded like they were taking in the same quality of air that we are." She had to think about the next few answers, as the levels of detail in the question had increased. The answers would have to do the same, " As for communication channels, they were definitely talking to each other in the immediate proximity. Face-to-face. They are close enough on the other side of the wall that I sit against that I do not have to strain much to hear them." to this, she added, "There is a hallway on the other side of the wall that I sit against, so I can only assume that they stand in a hallway of some sort. I cannot tell you how many there may be at this point in time."

Considering the silence that followed the answers, she could only figure that she'd given Loriel quite a few things to think about. She too had quite a bit of thinking to do. What could they do with this? Sure, she had hoped that maybe Loriel could figure something out, but she didn't want to appear useless or unhelpful. Caught up in her thoughts, she nearly missed Loriel speaking to her. "When he brings our food, it'll be best if we act like we're just waking up. Act stupid, but not too stupid. We want them to want to talk to us and to think that we're so hopeless that it'd be impossible for us to do so even if we knew how." His voice and instructions quickly brought her out of her daze, sapping her attention back to the matter at hand. They had to appear helpless, if only to pull information from their captors? That would be...well, not easy, but simple enough. Bring them into a false sense of security. "Soon" was however long away from their current moment, and all they could do was wait until then.

"Okay." was the last response that Perona gave, just before she pulled her focus back to her little wall indenture, maybe she could keep an ear out for their impending guest, and get a little bit more information on their captors. She was surprised to find upon her return to her "peephole" that the conversation had ended, silence now not only filled the room, but the hallway on the outside as well. Perona stared blankly into the dark fabric of her blindfold for a moment, longer. Waiting in what felt like horribly dead silence. So quiet in fact that she nearly went to sleep, had it not been for the stirring of sound outside. Voices that at first sounded garbled, thanks to Perona's onset of grogginess.

"...Coming in, open the door."

"Right. Evening, Liel. Pretty are you won't have to worry much about those two. Been sleep since they got aboard."

"I know."

Perona had literal seconds, not enough for words, but for an excited, frantic squeak. Hopefully that signaled to Loriel that they were going to have a visitor soon. All she could do, was go limp Relax as much as possible. Not an easy thing, to be assured.
After she responded, he frowned. We've heard at least two of them, but there's bound to be more. I bet they have a leader too, so that makes at least three. I guess it's best to err thinking that they're stronger than us than weaker. At least they weren't using comms. That'll give us a minute or two to knock one out, get his stuff, and get to our equipment, if we can figure out where it is. We absolutely need to know where our equipment is before making a move, but we also need to know how much time we have before they reach their destination... With these thoughts out of the way, he realized that he had spent more than a few seconds in silence and nervously whispered, "when he brings our food, it'll be best if we act like we're just waking up. Act stupid, but not too stupid. We want them to want to talk to us and to think that we're so hopeless that it'd be impossible for us to escape even if we knew how."

Perona simply responded with, "Okay." Immediately after, a nerve-wracking bout of silence filled the room.

Despite all his thinking, Ace hadn't fully let the situation set in. He had rationalized it and set up facts in his mind, but the more he waited, the more he realized that he had absolutely no idea what to expect from his captors. All he knew was that there were at least three of them, they were big, they captured him violently, tied him to a wall with his co-worker in a damp, poorly maintained and foul-smelling room. Perhaps they weren't human, and that they were only feeding him and Perona so that they'd have a better feast later that evening.

He felt himself on the verge of dry-heaving as a fit of nausea overtook him. He fought it as much as he could, but it made every moment feel like an eternity. Not only did he now want something in his chest so that he could shoot it out again, he wanted to know what happened to his chest. Whatever the dull pain was, it certainly wasn't caused by nervousness, nor the anxiety of the realization that he may as well not know anything about their surroundings. He presumed that he was hit by a shock dart, but he swore that he saw a kinetic weapon. Did they actually shoot him? What if the nausea he was feeling now was caused by a jacked surgery to sew up his stomach cavity!

He had to focus extremely hard to push those thoughts from the surface of his mind, but it paid off as the pain started to subside a bit more. Additionally, it gave him more time to think about what was going on. From what his partner told him, one of their captors was coming to feed them. If they could trick him into talking for more than a few seconds he'd not only feel more confident about their chances of escape - he'd also have morale on his side. He couldn't know for sure without knowing their individual personalities, but he was all but certain that appealing to their desire for dominance would work in some capacity since they did such a fine job tying him and his coworker up. If that didn't work...well...he had plenty of time to think up a few other techniques before they showed up for dinner time.


Ace shifted between bouts of nausea and calm throughout the time period he had to wait. As a result, he lost track of how long it was. He couldn't even estimate it. Had it been an hour? Two hours? Thirty minutes? He dwelt on the lack of knowledge he had and felt the verge of nausea again when suddenly, he heard a sharp, choked squeak. Instantly, it caused his adrenaline to start up. He looked around to try and figure out what was going on, but as his mind started to click back into gear, he realized that it was Perona. He was moderately annoyed with himself for not immediately identifying her, but upon closer though, he realized that he hadn't heard her make a noise with such a panicked expression.

He wasn't entirely sure what it meant, but judging from the fact that she did it quietly, he presumed that it was their dinner guests coming to greet them. As the thought came to mind, he bowed his head and tried his best to adopt a comfortable, relaxed, sleeping position. Despite that, however, his excitement caused him to trail off and wonder how many other times they had checked up on the two of them. They don't check very often, to say the least. Then again, it hadn't been long since they woke up, so perhaps they just missed out on the normal shifts that they made due to random chance. The infinite number of possibilities boggled his mind and caused his chest pain to feel even worse. At least he didn't have a headache.

With that thought, however, the door to their captivity promptly slid open. He hadn't even heard a confirmation tone to show that there was a keycard or keycode to activate the door. He hoped that that meant that the door was one-way, in which case they wouldn't need to worry about tying up their captors once they knocked them out in their escape plan. However, the heavy thudding of feet immediately after left him wondering about how easy it'd be to accomplish that in the first place.

"Hey, fellows. Food's here. Wakey wakey!" Those were the first words out of the guy's mouth as he entered the room.

Ace tried to listen closely, to hear if someone else was just outside the door, but he couldn't make out any sounds of another presence. Then again, his hearing wasn't nearly as good as his eyes. He took a few moments to curse his genetics for such bad luck, but immediately after, started his act.

He jolted up, and quickly started turning his head around. "W-What?" Probably the most generic line he could think of, but his tone wasn't half bad. He tried jostling around, trying to act as if he was trying to stand up. "Hey! Let me go! What's going on here!?" He frowned hard, even pulled in some of that nausea pain into his expression to make it as real as possible, and calmed down pretty quick so as to not antagonize the guy.

The bulky guy seemed to take notice pretty well. "A lively one, eh? You're our prisoners now...Loriel was it? And Perona? Nice I.D.s, worth a good fortune." He chuckled as he set something on the ground a few feet away from Ace, presumably food, and probably in front of Perona. Ace didn't bother trying to interupt. Instead, he started trying to turn his frown into an intimidated expression. He felt a pretty compelling emotion come over him at that moment anyway, so he felt that it was pretty genuine - especially after hearing his name from a random bulky dude. The guy's mouth was probably at least three or four feet above him, even as he was kneeling, so Perona's assessment of their builds was spot-on. "Get too excited and I'll have to calm you myself. Boss's orders. Now eat up." Ace swore he heard a bit of a lift at the end of that statement, meaning that the guy was probably smiling at that moment. Ace probably wouldn't have wanted to see it, but not being able to see it was many times worse.

Ace decided to stay silent as the guy plopped food in front of him. He waited until the guy was a few steps away from him before bringing up his voice again: "hey, can you at least take my blindfold off? I can't see my food!" At this, the guy chuckled and joked, "that's alright - if you don't get hungry enough, the food'll find you!" Ace didn't know what to make of that, but it definitely wasn't something he wanted to hear. Was the food alive? Probably not, considering how this was a space ship. They definitely wouldn't be able to survive if they had to resort to feeding their prisoners pests. He presumed that, if the food wasn't alive, the guy probably meant that it was soup and that it'd spill. But maybe not?

Ace wasn't in the mood to try thinking rationally anymore. He instead decided to focus his effort on moving his head around, carefully and slowly, to find out what kind of food the man had left for him.
Perona was going to speak up as the man entered, his voice resonating off the otherwise empty walls as he entered, "Hey, fellows. Food's here. Wakey wakey!" However, it seemed that Loriel beat her to it. "W-What?" his voice held a surprise that actually made Perona feel that the man had just woken up from a long sleep. She could tell that he was going for the rude awakening act, as he continued with his surprise, "Hey! Let me go! What's going on here!?" She opened her eyes more fluttering despite the blindfold, groaning as if she'd too had a rude awakening, though she would be going the more stoic route while Loriel took the lead. He would probably be better at getting information from this pirate, anyways. Staring into the black of the blindfold, unless it wasn't that color, she listened in on the ensuing conversation. "A lively one, eh? You're our prisoners now...Loriel was it? And Perona? Nice I.D.s, worth a good fortune." Perona felt herself growling at hearing her name on this stranger's lips. Even if she was being ignored in favor of Loriel at the moment, it did little to keep her in the background.

She could hear some sort of bowl or saucer being placed down in front of her, most probably the food, and the same being done for Loriel assuredly. As their conversation continued, Perona resigned herself to simply listening in to the conversation and gleaming what she could that she hoped could be useful to their current situation. "Get too excited and I'll have to calm you myself. Boss's orders. Now eat up." Perona felt a slight confusion come over herself, she couldn't exactly eat without seeing where her food was. That, and she wondered if something was wrong with the food. Obviously, they were feeding the prisoners, however, Perona couldn't help but wonder if they would slip in some sort of sedative or drug to keep their new prisoners sustained and submissive. She was going to question the integrity of the food, when her stomach won out over her thought process. She could complain and starve, or she could at least take the rather off-smelling food and live-somewhat to another day.

It was honestly very impressive as to how fast Loriel managed to say exactly what was on Perona's mind. Just as she was going to comment, he'd already formed the question that had only barely taken comprehensible form. "Hey, can you at least take my blindfold off? I can't see my food!" He was playing the part of a non-compliant to a T, well, at least that's what she hoped he was doing. As he made his comment, Perona tried to lightly kick her foot out in front on herself, low to the ground, softly sweeping it along the floor. She wanted to find her food bowl, but she didn't want to eat off of the floor. "....C-come on..." she muttered, wondering for a second if she should move her leg closer to her stomach to find her meal. "That's alright - if you don't get hungry enough, the food'll find you!" Despite the sound of pride and cockiness coating the words of the pirate, Perona figured it was nothing more than the opportunity of a lowly grunt worker, aching to revel in enacting power over those in weaker positions than himself.

Her foot had finally found her food, on the brighter side, though she'd nearly knocked it over in her musings. She pushed the bottom of what felt like a bowl or saucer, slowly towards her chin in the slightest movements. "Ah, resourceful little chickadee!" the voice of the pirate seemed right above her now, "That's dangerous, you know. Might want to keep your little skills to yourself." Perona tilted her head in the direction of the voice, her face taking the form of a scowl. Immediately though, Perona felt a smile tug at the corners of her mouth. "Tell me about it."

"I'd be happy to, honestly, but my boss wouldn't have any of this chit-chat." Perona could hear the man chuckling at either some clever joke he made that she didn't catch, or some internal joke that he made that was too funny to laugh about in private. Perona felt herself struggling to keep a calm composure. "...So we're not getting a little light on this situation, is that it? How long are even going to be enduring this darkness, anyhow?" Perona wondered about the response, letting her mind create two possible roads this conversation could take, he might not know much, but happily indulge her the information that he does know, believing that they won't make it out of here. Or, he could clam up, try to dodge the questionnaire, and Perona could be in a world of hurt for even bringing it up.

"...No idea. Never had a trip this long before, Perona, was it? Between us three, I believe that boss' lost his mind taking us this far out." That was a clue, a key. He didn't know, but they were going beyond civilized limits. She hoped that Loriel would join her, she heard he was a more capable detective than herself. Perona tried to keep the growing grin off of her face.
Ace decided to stay silent as the guy plopped food in front of him. He waited until the guy was a few steps away from him before bringing up his voice again: "hey, can you at least take my blindfold off? I can't see my food!" At this, the guy chuckled and joked, "that's alright - if you don't get hungry enough, the food'll find you!" Ace didn't know what to make of that, but it definitely wasn't something he wanted to hear. Was the food alive? Probably not, considering how this was a space ship. They definitely wouldn't be able to survive if they had to resort to feeding their prisoners pests. He presumed that, if the food wasn't alive, the guy probably meant that it was soup and that it'd spill. But maybe not?

He heard his partner shuffling around after contemplating the meaning of his captor's words. The captor caught on to the noise as well. Being gifted with the blessing of sight, he was able to see what she was doing, as well. "Ah, resourceful little chickadee!" Ace was unaccustomed to the use of the word "chickadee", but it reminded him of the Western Nova dialect he had studied back in investigative school. He had no idea if such a random detail would ever become relevant, but he at least had some idea of what his captor was like - and how to talk to him.

"That's dangerous, you know. Might want to keep your little skills to yourself." Was that concern? Ace doubted that a West Novian pirate could express concern, so he was confident that the man was just toying with her. Although it did mean that Perona was doing something abnormal, which was bad. I thought I said to look hopeless, damnit... He fought to keep his expression terrified despite his frustration, and cautiously searched the ground in front of him with his long hair. "Tell me about it." Too forward. Also, is that a phrase from central dialect...?

"I'd be happy to, honestly, but my boss wouldn't have any of this chit-chat." That was interesting, at least. This guy had a boss, and the boss didn't want him to be talking to them. Clearly the guy didn't care, which was great, but it also meant that he had a reason to not care about the boss's order. If I ask the right question, he might tell me. He was chuckling for some reason. Perhaps the reason had to do with him being insane? No, perhaps it was nervous laughter. It would be a shame if he was becoming more self-conscious now.

As he finally felt his hair get blocked by an obstruction, he heard, "...So we're not getting a little light on this situation, is that it? How long are even going to be enduring this darkness, anyhow?" Not bad, but it's too conversational. I'm going to have to interject before this guy gets suspicious. Loriel bit the side of the container with his teeth and pulled it towards him. He felt it wobble as he did so, so his thought tangent about soup turned out to be right. He slurped on it fairly loudly, coughing all the while. Perhaps the noise would annoy the guy. It didn't. "...No idea. Never had a trip this long before, Perona, was it? Between us three, I believe that boss' lost his mind taking us this far out."

Loriel was surprised with how complaint the captor was. He was sure that they hadn't convinced him that they were helpless, but at the same time, he didn't seem to fear the boss's orders. This was yet another slightly reassuring thing. But it didn't make the soup taste any better. Tastes like leftovers thrown into a vat of boiled water. Lots of meat. We'll get a vitamin deficiency if this is all we eat.

He coughed again, this time really loud. He had nothing to cough up, but was still hoping to get the effect he was looking for. He could feel the eyes of the captor, and soon thereafter, heard his voice. "Time's running out there. If you keep coughing, you'll loose the chance to eat." Loriel coughed again, this time half-wheezing as he did. "What is in this stuff?" he asked, his voice whiny. "Glad you asked. It's Darga's specialty: water with stuff in it. Complain and it'll grow thinner."

Loriel quickly resumed eating the soup, pausing only momentarily to cautiously add, "my compliments to the chef." This gave the captor a brief chuckle. Humor. The reason he's talking to us is for entertainment. Loriel got an idea after this realization, but decided to save it. It would be put to best effect once Perona was on board, and it would be terrible if the captor were to learn that.

He finished his food without another word, then wiped his mouth off with his loose shirt. As he did so, however, he asked, "Whose shirt is this? It's filthy!" The captor made some sort of gesture, then commented, "That's Darvin's. Boss told us to scrounge something together for you two so that you wouldn't get an infection. That's what you got. Be glad you didn't get Hogan's." The two heard a chuckle from another person nearby, seemingly standing in the doorway. "Aww shut up, Liel." This exchange was being watched by whoever just spoke. Loriel shuddered, genuinely disgusted. "Yours was from Bern, Miss Perona." He said her name with a mocking tone, but Loriel was glad that they were getting names. At least he knew that there were dealing with at least 6 people now. The odds were only getting worse the more they talked...

...Liel grabbed the bowls from them and walked out of the room as suddenly as he walked in, the door slamming shut behind him. Two sets of footsteps then moved away from the door. They were alone once more.

"Perona, we have a shot at getting information out of that guy, but it's going to require some sacrifice..." He was whispering as softly as he could, since the room was already quiet once again. He grimaced knowing that they could be listening in on them, or watching them from some sort of camera, but they had a chance, and they needed to use it. "If we're going to get that guy to talk, one of us needs to get him laughing first, and the other needs to ask a very carefully worded question." He paused, swallowing his gut, "and you need to be the one to ask it."
Perona looked quizzically towards the sound of Loriel's voice as he spoke up, shortly after their guard, Liel, took leave of whatever room they were in. "Perona, we have a shot at getting information out of that guy, but it's going to require some sacrifice..." she nodded, despite the fact he probably couldn't see it. That little conversation they'd had with that man did enlighten her to a better situation, that it might be possible for them to escape their constraints and from this random vessel, and perhaps even get back to their original objective. But, in all honesty, Perona wasn't as confident on that front. Without the eyes of their guards upon them, she couldn't help but smile that her little stint had even worked. She nearly missed the keyword "sacrifice", and would have if it weren't for the rest of Loriel's plan."If we're going to get that guy to talk, one of us needs to get him laughing first, and the other needs to ask a very carefully worded question...and you need to be the one to ask it."

Perona knew that it was futile, but she gave a confused and worried look anyway, "Me?!" she hissed, nearly breaking from a whisper. "Why? Are you not better used to this type of interrogation than myself?" She might've have been lucky with the first encounter with guards, but any bet was against her as to sharing that same luck more than once. She had no ideas as to where to start, or what to say, or even how to lead the conversation in a way that she would want. "I'm not against this plan, however I would advice against using me as the means to execute it." She did have an inkling as to why she would be the more suitable choice, however until otherwise stated, she was choosing to ignore her own suitability for the position. "Could you at least give me some kind of instruction as to what I should be doing?"
"If we're going to get that guy to talk, one of us needs to get him laughing first, and the other needs to ask a very carefully worded question." He paused, swallowing his gut, "and you need to be the one to ask it." Loriel heard her move a bit, then hissed, "Me?!" Loriel cringed. She was too loud. But she seemed to quiet down as she continued. "Why? Are you not better used to this type of interrogation than myself? I'm not against this plan, however I would advise against using me as the means to execute it." He could sympathize with her, but he already knew that she would react that way - after all, she was right to say that that was his job. "Could you at least give me some kind of instruction as to what I should be doing?"

He cleared his throat. Softly. "Of course. I'd be daft to leave it at that...Just needed a few seconds to think. I've never had to get information out of others in a submissive role before, after all." He took a deep breath, then, quietly, "Liel has a West Nova dialect, and he was doing nothing but chuckling while talking to you. With me, he was more hostile. You tell me who sounds like a better candidate to get information from him."

He paused. She answered. "Right. Now, we're in a precarious situation here. Even if we manage to get information from him, he could lie to us if he finds that entertaining, and he could change the truth of that information after the fact if he regrets doing it. For instance, he could tell us where our gear is, then move it."

With this, he paused to ensure she was following along. "We're desperate here, so we need to use what we have available to get what we need, and we need to ensure that that information is trustworthy. So far, all that we have are our bodies, skills, minds, and the food that he brings us. So that's all we have to work with." He sighed. "And I know West Novians well. Lots of my comrades were from around there. If anything'll make him laugh, it's the misery of others. So I'm going to 'slip' and spill my food the next time he brings it. If it works, he'll start laughing, in which case you'll need to carefully ask him what happened so that you seem genuinely interested. We can't plan what happens beyond when you ask him that question since he can respond however he wants."

"But no matter what, that's going to be our one good opportunity to gain his favor. Questions like 'can't you get him more soup?' and 'can't you clean his clothes?' would make it seem like you're favoring me, which separates you from him. Additionally, asking those questions so soon might remind him of his boss's orders and make him suspicious. In order to get his favor, you need to join in the entertainment wrought forth from my misery. Once you have his favor, then we can start trying to get information out of him."

Again, a pause. "It won't be as convincing if I put those kinds of words in your mouth. Plus, if you rely on my words, you could be led into a situation in which you don't know what to say next. If you have genuine grievances about me to bring up in the dialogue that follows my 'accident', those are what you need to use." The thought of asking her to insult him was an exceptionally cringe-inducing one. He knew close to nothing about her, and the same was likely true for her. But the possibility of freedom outweighed the risk of being construed as a sadist for the time being.
Perona felt the weight of fear lessen when Loriel continued, "Of course. I'd be daft to leave it at that...Just needed a few seconds to think. I've never had to get information out of others in a submissive role before, after all." he continued after a moment, "Liel has a West Nova dialect, and he was doing nothing but chuckling while talking to you. With me, he was more hostile. You tell me who sounds like a better candidate to get information from him." Perona nodded, she'd heard of West Novians, though she never really had the desire to learn. Her father spoke of them often, having run into many of them. That wasn't always a good sign, in her opinion, but... Like her father, she would trust Loriel to know what he was talking about with this particular subject manner. "I suppose that would make me the better tool for this mission?" she worded her answer as a question, but there could be no more doubt as to what role she now played in their escape.

"Right. Now, we're in a precarious situation here. Even if we manage to get information from him, he could lie to us if he finds that entertaining, and he could change the truth of that information after the fact if he regrets doing it. For instance, he could tell us where our gear is, then move it." Perona scowled inwardly, yes. That was possible. Her mind drew blanks as for anything else to comment or any idea to contribute, but she made a rather loud noise in her throat, not enough to raise alarm from any possible guards, but enough to signify that she understood and held no current objections. "We're desperate here, so we need to use what we have available to get what we need, and we need to ensure that that information is trustworthy. So far, all that we have are our bodies, skills, minds, and the food that he brings us. So that's all we have to work with." Perona knew this was going to be a dicey plan when he worded their options so... the word cruelly came up a few times, but she was fairly sure that wasn't what she meant to think. Just, that something in his next words wouldn't sit so well with her. "And I know West Novians well. Lots of my comrades were from around there. If anything'll make him laugh, it's the misery of others. So I'm going to 'slip' and spill my food the next time he brings it. If it works, he'll start laughing, in which case you'll need to carefully ask him what happened so that you seem genuinely interested. We can't plan what happens beyond when you ask him that question since he can respond however he wants."

She was beginning to form exactly what he was asking into shape in her mind. She was going to fake out the guard. Pretend to be on his side, enjoy what he enjoyed, and employ the same cruelty he was humored by in whatever biting words she chose. "But no matter what, that's going to be our one good opportunity to gain his favor. Questions like 'can't you get him more soup?' and 'can't you clean his clothes?' would make it seem like you're favoring me, which separates you from him. Additionally, asking those questions so soon might remind him of his boss's orders and make him suspicious. In order to get his favor, you need to join in the entertainment wrought forth from my misery. Once you have his favor, then we can start trying to get information out of him." Perona nodded, though she did begin to feel a sort of guilt at the proposal. She didn't want to jab fun at her partner, even if she was sure he knew she wouldn't mean it. "I understand, and I apologize thoroughly in advance for my future actions. I know it would be helpful if you told me something, even a simple subject to start my conversation?"

"It won't be as convincing if I put those kinds of words in your mouth. Plus, if you rely on my words, you could be led into a situation in which you don't know what to say next. If you have genuine grievances about me to bring up in the dialogue that follows my 'accident', those are what you need to use." Perona sighed, not looking towards anything, but very focused, nonetheless. "Right, I will try my best. Again,I want to apologize, especially if it appears my jibes become out of hand."

Immediately, Perona went to work thinking on dozens of possibilities, all of which based from many different anticipated starting sentences. It was obvious what she would say first, but after that? How would she begin to veer the conversation towards their intended target? She didn't want to impose, especially since Loriel was right about whole "leading conversations" thing. She was more or less stuck finding it out on her own. Perona let out a small sigh, more plans creating a maelstrom of her mind.

She didn't have much more time to worry over herself, as she lost track of time. And before she knew it, sitting there in her new spying corner, she heard the footsteps again, and the smell of not-so-pleasant meals on the way. The pirates were back. She wasn't entirely sure if it would do well to tell Loriel this time about their arrival, instead simply lettoung a noise of slight apprehension before falling silent again. Just as the door opened. "Dinner, my little friends, is served." Perona could hear quite clearly that he was in better spirits, signifying that something must have happened between now and the last meal. But that was also in their favor, he was happier, he'd be more willing to talk. Good news, Perona let go of a breath she didn't even realize she held.
"...Once you have his favor, then we can start trying to get information out of him." Loriel heard her move a little. He presumed it was either a sign of discomfort, or a nod. "I understand, and I apologize thoroughly in advance for my future actions. I know it would be helpful if you told me something, even a simple subject to start my conversation?"

He sighed. "It won't be as convincing if I put those kinds of words in your mouth. Plus, if you rely on my words, you could be led into a situation in which you don't know what to say next. If you have genuine grievances about me to bring up in the dialogue that follows my 'accident', those are what you need to use." Perona sighed. Another pang of guilt found its way into Loriel's heart. "Right, I will try my best. Again,I want to apologize, especially if it appears my jibes become out of hand." He grinned nervously. At least she cares about the results of her actions, unlike those cursed muscle-heads. This might just work out.

After a brief pause, he softly cleared his throat. "No need to apologize: grudges can't survive past a situation like this." He could tell that she was going to have to do some thinking, so with that, he fell silent, rehearsing the actions he was going to take. He had no sight, so he had to visualize the bowl of soup, or the plate of food, or whatever else was brought to him. He didn't dare voice his questions aloud and risk his teammate losing her edge when the act began, so he had to make the mouth gestures and internally vocalize them.

Do I ask him for more? No, that might anger him. It'd be best to grovel and salvage what I can. I hope they have medical supplies for if I get a parasite or virus from licking the floor. He thought some more. Wait, what if he gets angry at me spilling the food? That'd ruin everything! But wait, no, that'd be irrational given his previous interactions. He thought some more. I can't believe this. What if someone else comes to feed us this time? Maybe we should hold o-...No, we'll know by his voice. We have to go through with it if he shows up again. He thought some more.

Perona made a noise. He was back. Loriel quickly slumped down to look as miserable as possible. It was vital that he already look desperate as food was given to him. The door opened. "Dinner, my little friends, is served." Loriel's head rose cautiously. "'s night time already?" He shivered. "Darned straight. Your next meal won't be for quite awhile, chickadees."

Food was placed in front of Loriel. He quickly started feeling around, more quickly this time. He murmured, "I'm going to starve at this rate." He couldn't see, but he was fairly sure that Liel reacted to his comment. Perfect. Now it's time. He felt something touch his hair - the bowl - and reached down with his mouth to reach it. As he did so, however, he released the leg-strap he was holding onto, and his knee slipped out from under him. His shoulders acted as a pendulum, slamming his face into the bowl of soup and his groin into the pipe.

"AAAGGGGHHH! AHH! WH!" He started writhing around in pain and he heard Liel and the guard at the entrance start hysterically laughing. Loriel tried his best to sit up straight and to wipe the hot liquid off of his face. He massively under-anticipated how much that would hurt. He felt like he had gotten shot in the groin with a tazer, and been punched in the face. "That's priceless! Gotta tell Darga about this."

"H-help! I-I think I'm bleeding!" he whined, desperately looking around with a horrified expression on his face. "You ain't bleeding, ya scrawny fella. But you're wearing your soup pretty darn handsomely." Loriel squealed and felt around on the cold metal floor for his bowl as the two bandits kept laughing. If my old platoon ever hears of this, it'll be the death of my career. He took a few minutes to try lapping up the soup off the ground, since the bowl was empty once he found it.
She listened closely as her bowl was placed near her, as well as another being placed in the distance, before taking up the bowl as she'd done beforehand,and taking slight sips. She didn't want to miss her chance to begin the "interrogation." In no time at all, she could hear the familiar voice of Loriel, almost like the symbolic rising of red curtains to a play. "'s night time already?" She'd wondered the same thing as well, but it had always been difficult to tell time in space. She hadn't worried about it before, but it did get her thinking about exactly how long they'd been held captive, and how far away they were from safety at this point. "Darned straight. Your next meal won't be for quite awhile, chickadees." Liel's words only added to her worries. However, she needed to put them aside, for their survival.

To be honest, all Perona heard next was the awful sound of something being forcefully slammed against two different things, one metallic, one slightly metallic, the other the solid thud of something against ground. Her worst, and (at the same time) best assumption was that "something" was probably her partner. In that instant, Perona hoped that he was doing this on purpose, and that she wouldn't have to escape with half of a partner or less. She jerked her head a little faster than she needed to, feeling the snapping of her neck muscles as she moved. Liel's voice piped up with a hearty chuckle, "That's priceless! Gotta tell Darga about this." Perona could do little but wince as Loriel's voice became clear again, if not a little more rattled. "H-help! I-I think I'm bleeding!" Liel's voice was beginning to become fractured through snorts as he seemed to fight to control himself even more so, "You ain't bleeding, ya scrawny fella. But you're wearing your soup pretty darn handsomely." She immediately had to take a breath, rejecting the instinct of checking up on her partner, and instead delivering the first thought that came into her mind. and it wasn't entirely pleasant. "Gods. Did someone die over there?"

The response was a laugh, matter-of-factually, "Your buddy seems to think he got real close." Liel snorted, turning to to the form of Perona, now propped up against her own wall in interest. "Well, damn then." Perona responded, a small shake of the head. "You wanted your friend to die?" Perona turned towards the sound, "Nothing so cruel, but then again. What is death being compared to right now?" Liel went silent for a moment, a sly chortle before responding once more. "Ah... He attempted to merge his gonads with the pipe systems." Even behind the blindfold, Perona's eyes widened in surprise. She was truly grateful that Liel couldn't see it, as she immediately fixed her expression into a more sly one again. "Well, wouldn't you prefer death over that?" She could hear the man laughing, and his knees stressing slightly as he seemed to bend slightly. "True, nothing in this universe that feels worse than a shot to the nads."

Perona shook her head in a sightly mocking town. "Understood, though I'm sure I wouldn't know that type of pain. I almost feel bad for him now. It's a good thing the food wasn't that hot." Liel, wherever he was, let out another ringing laugh, "Not hot? That was one of the warmest batches of food that Darga's ever made!" Perona chuckled herself, "Really? Any reason for the change in quality? I highly doubt that we're the most accepting of his patrons." with that, she made as best a gesture as she could to point between herself and wherever Loriel might have been. For a second there, Liel said nothing, but before Perona could even begin to worry or recant her statement, he spoke up with a groan, "You don't even know the have of it! And then he gives us workers all the worst food, and even has the gall to order us around!" Liel grumbled, not even really caring that Perona might not be listening to him, " I mean, seriously. Every day it was 'Hogan does this', 'Darvin bring more ingredients' or 'Bern move those weapons to the storage room on the second floor, not this one!' Day in, and day out! But no more!" Liel broke into a fit of giggles, "But when we land, he's gonna lose all his little power over us, and whoo~ when that happens..." he seemed to trail off, reveling in whatever dark thoughts he had. Perona had the same time of exuberant smile, if only for a different reason, "I'm sure you'll get you're revenge for such... tyrannical treatment."

"You and me both, chickadee."
As Loriel was attempting to consume what small portion of his soup was still salvageable from the floor, the bowl, and his clothes, Perona was going through with the plan.


"I'm sure you'll get you're revenge for such... tyrannical treatment." Loriel had finally become more-or-less comfortable once again. "You and me both, chickadee." Not long after that was said, Liel grabbed both of the bowls of food and left, leaving the two of them alone once again. Loriel felt cold now that the soup was evaporating out of his clothes. Plus his face and groin were still throbbing in pain dully. "Great. Looks like you two really hit it off there." He made sure that, despite whispering, he added a joking tone to his voice. "But in all seriousness, that was great. I wasn't expecting him to start ranting, but it shows that he's not worried about what we hear, which is what we wanted."

He cleared his throat a little. He was certain that something was worming around in there for a moment. Maybe it was just a hair. He waited until he was sure that no one was listening from the other side of the door, then continued.

"Now we need to carefully get some information out of him. To do that, we need to keep acting dumb." He paused for effect. "We need them to think that we won't remember a thing that they say to continue wearing down the social barrier between you and him. For that, you'll need to be careful not to let on that you remember anything he carelessly mentioned to us before." Another pause, this time for a response.

"So long as we do that, we just have to guide the topics that he rants about. We know that there are at least two floors. We also know that there are at least 6 of them. What we still need to know is if they have comms, if they carry weapons or wear armor all the time, where our gear is relative to us, and where the escape pod is." To give her time to process that information, he paused once again. "It'll probably take awhile to get that information. I'd say we have to get it by the end of the day tomorrow. Any longer and we won't have enough strength to fight them, and we'll probably be too far from the World Council's territory to make it back alive. Once we have enough information, we can easily break these bands with our nails and prepare an ambush for them."

He frowned. "I used to be an investigator, so even if we don't get enough information out of him, I can probably still recognize the make and layout of this ship once I get my vision back and get a view into the hallway. So our chief priority is to keep them from catching on to us. Anything else is secondary." He paused for confirmation. "Also, when it comes time to escape...I'm only good with a gun. So it's effectively going to be you versus two of them. I can potentially distract one with hand-to-hand techniques, but they're too burly-sounding for me to take one down on my own." Once again, he paused for confirmation.

The game was on.
Perona sat in silence for a minute, trying to relay what relevant information she'd found in her head as much as she could so that it would stick. Thankfully, Loriel seemed as pleased by her progress as she was, and he went over what their next moves would be. She would just have to keep getting information out of their new guard ally. Not exactly "easier said than done", but Perona wanted to believe it was. Truthfully, she wouldn't have to worry about what she was saying much, because last time she was just spewing out whatever she felt like. And it wasn't like Loriel would once again have to...hurt himself so drastically to get Guard Liel to talk, hopefully. Only future instances could tell. Loriel had given them until tomorrow to get all they would need for their escape. Perona intended to deliver.


Of course, it was very difficult to tell when tomorrow would be, but considering that after a long pause, Liel returned for breakfast, Perona had assumed that this was a new day, and her probable last chance. In the "breakfast discussion" Perona found that Liel was much more talkative, especially when she asked him how he was and if his situation was any better. He had the classic minion mentality, wanting to be important enough for someone on this ship to take notice of him, which only made it all the more easy to appeal to him and get him talking. Perona found it especially easy when she laughed at the things he thought were funny.This talk led to the discovery that they might be close to planet in the next few days, and they would be docking soon. Not to mention that they would try to sell their prisoners off there. Add that into the fact that their weapons were somewhere on the second floor of this vessel, and Perona was beginning to see their escape route in mind. Like she would be doing for each of the meal-time talks, she relayed her findings to Loriel. She whispered across the empty room that, "Starting to see what we need to do. We get our weapons, it might be smarter for us to take one of their smaller vessel to reach this planet the guard mentioned, if only to get our bearings settled and set a course."

While the lunch conversation started off about the quality of food this Darga handed out, it ended with a small hint as to where their escape vessels might be. Liel mentioned that he would have to move them to a room closer down the hall to the vessels tomorrow, in preparation for the drop-by. Perona was actually surprised that he had even told her this. She almost wanted to test this newfound trust, but as Lorial mentioned, it was best not to call the man out on anything he says Again, she did nothing more but divulge the information, just so that it would stay in their heads.

The dinner conversation started off wholly different from the other ones, with Perona pressing her luck. She allowed Liel to complain as he usually did, but this time, when their conversation began to stall, she asked him how he looked. "I mean, it may be a bit presumptuous to ask, but you know..." she just trailed off, not as sure about her current train of thought. "...Oh. I get it, sure." at first his tone sounded too calm, almost dangerous, the next thing she knew, Perona felt the cloth being pulled from her face, she had to blink a few times, but Liel did finally come into focus. In a room much brighter than she would have expected, yet it was obvious that this was a storage closet. Liel was actually a very burly man, much like what Perona always figured the ideal Legionnaire Destroyer would look like. Perona had actually managed to confuse herself, not expecting to get the blindfold removed, but even as she began to question it, Liel tied it back around her eyes. "That's all the view you get for now. Did you like what you saw?" Liel's voice was barely above a whisper, seemingly not wanting to alarm his fellow guard. Perona just smiled.

When he left this time, Perona took to telling Loriel everything she managed to see in her small glimpse of the room. Granted she couldn't look around much, the question had been about how Liel looked, no the room. And she didn't want to tip him off that she was gathering information. She began to tell Loriel of what she saw in a semi-excited whisper."It's a much smaller room than we thought, Loriel. But more importantly, I'm closer to the door than I thought." It just so happened that the corner Perona was tied up in was only a few feet from the door. Loiral was farther from the door, from what she could see. Nearly directly across from it. If they were to break out now, she could easily get to the door. Not to mention they had a vague layout of where they needed to go. Their weapons were on an upper level, an escape vessel was further down the same hallway they were staying at, ad a planet was nearby. All good information to go on. Perona wanted to know what Loriel wanted to do immediately, before just taking up their escape plans in her own hands.

Loriel focused on taking up enough of Liel's attention that Perona didn't draw any unwanted suspicion to herself. It was a task that required a fine attunement with the dynamics of the conversation, and a lot of assumptions and predictions about Liel's temperament and emotions. Loriel failed more than once, but Liel turned out to be easy to manipulate, as Loriel was easily able to recover when he did fail. Even with Perona's bold move at dinner, Liel didn't seem to have even a single second thought on his course of action.

Once Liel was gone for the second last time, Loriel began wearing down the bindings around his ankles and wrists. It didn't take long before Perona started to comment on what she managed to get out of her experience. "It's a much smaller room than we thought, Loriel. But more importantly, I'm closer to the door than I thought." Loriel cleared his throat. "That won't matter much once we're out of these bindings. Wrists first now."

Loriel then began the painstaking process of severing the individual threads of his bindings. He had already started on the one bound around his wrist earlier that day, so he got his off fairly quickly. After that, he took off the thick binding around his eyes. With his eyes now uncovered for the first time in days, the sight he beheld was: nothing. It was too dark in the room to make out anything. Absolute, pitch-black darkness. He sighed and worked on his ankle bindings next. He needed to do some serious stretches to get his body in ready working order once again.

Adrenaline began spiking through his body as he severed the last thread and freed his legs. As he stood, he was cautious. If the bandits heard any of their movement, any single footstep in the room, they'd almost certainly die. But the adrenaline wasn't helping with that - he needed that adrenaline for later! He attempted to calm himself by helping Perona with the last little bits of her own bindings. That's one step down, and about fifteen more to go...

He stretched out every last muscle in his body, and advised her to do the same. Once that was done, he felt around his body, looking for injuries. His skin was clammy now that he had been in a damp, pitch-black room for so long without moving, but his injuries were more-or-less healed. The pirates had almost certainly used a healing accelerant on him - most likely to make him even weaker. But he was surprised to find that his body was still more-or-less in working order. If anything, he had a bit too much energy.

He got bored, however, and asked Perona for a brief status report and asked her how she felt about the ambush strategy that they had planned. "Do you remember seeing where Liel and the other pirate had their weapons holstered? Did you make out what armor type he was wearing? Did you see into the hallway?" Through his questioning, and through what they already knew, he managed to be able to get an approximation of the layout of the ship. It was a seeker-destroyer-type ship designed for short excursions. They were stationed in what was originally a manual-access room for the utility subsystems, which seems to have been the best room for keeping people in.

Loriel commented that, since it was a manual-access room, if they were able to get access to communicators, he could re-wire the utilities so that the pilot's control panel was no longer attached to the utilities subsystems by ripping off the panel and severing the wires by hand. Since doors were a part of that subsystem on this ship model, that meant that Loriel could, even without an ID, prevent the pirates from locking down their ship. But without the captain's ID or permission, he wouldn't be able to actually manipulate any of the subsystems from the room. After explaining this to Perona, he continued, "once that door opens, we're going to have one minute before every pirate in this ship is ready to fight to the death. Since one of the two guys who opens the door needs an ID to open it, we're taking his ID and running to the utilities subsystem."

"Once we're there, I'll shut off the on-board security systems, shut down the elevator, warm up all of the escape pods, and lock down every door that we won't need access too so that only the captain will be able to open them. After that, we rush to the weapons storage, get personal shields, get our gear, get kinetic weapons, and get out of there. We need to get off this ship before the captain can get back on the pilot's seat. This ship is designed for destroying things, so if we're too slow, we'll have more of a chance of surviving by wiping out all of the bandits on this ship and then launching off in an escape pod. I'd say that, if it takes more than 2 minutes to reach the weapon supply room after that door opens, we had best hunt for the captain and lock ourselves in the pilot's deck."

After explaining this, he sighed. "That's a lot to process. But peacekeepers have protocol that is really useful in times like these: 'live through the plan.' Right now, it's critical that we know everything that we're going to do, since that's the only advantage we have over the pirates. So, do you have any questions?"

Loriel repeatedly had to silence himself through the briefing to ensure that no one was listening in on them. Additionally, he had to speak so softly that he could barely even hear himself. But since they were able to move now, Loriel was able to whisper right in Perona's ear to ensure that she heard him. It made him much more confident, since it was now impossible for the pirates to hear what they were saying. But at the same time, it made him fear that Perona might misinterpret some of his plan. So he made sure to repeat it and to answer all her questions thoroughly to ensure that they were both perfectly in-sync with one another.

Once that was all done, he tried to lighten the mood without destroying their anticipation: "we're going to have a lot to talk about once we get out of here - both with our comrades and with each other." He realized that it had another connotation to it after he said it, but she seemed to respond well, and that was all he needed.

After that, all they had to do was wait. They were on high alert. As soon as the door opened, it was game time. Loriel knew he wouldn't be able to take down one of the pirates, but he was confident he could hold one down and deny him access to his weapon for ten seconds, which should be more than enough time for Perona to finish off the other one. His mind was aflutter with potential ways the pirate might react, and how he would respond. He flew through the possible access points to the doors that he'd have to lock down.

He got bored at one point, and carefully, slowly, and silently pried off the metal panel of the manual utility subsystem access. The bindings were a curse originally, but their strength gave them a fair bit of leverage, which worked to Loriel's favor. With the panel off, he left the block as it was - he wouldn't be able to identify which wires to cut without light, and doing so before being able to leave the room would end in disaster.

No, all they had to do was wait, so wait he did. His job was pretty much done now. It was Perona's time to shine once more - and he was terrified to consider what he'd do if she failed.
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With most of the hard work out of the way, Perona felt herself nearly shaking with anticipation. Especially as she worked to free herself from her restrictions. Using the pole er hands were attached to, she managed to wear the binding thin enough to simply pull apart the holds. Though she did require assistance from Loriel with the bindings around her legs. Standing tall and proud for the first time in a long time, Perona took her partner's advice in stretching her arms and legs before settling again onto the floor Indian-style, in anticipation. Loriel asked for her to relay all that she could remember the first time her blindfold was removed, in regards to the guards. What type of armor they carried, and what weapons they held and how they looked. "It looked like standard recreational armor, and I could see the holster for a kinetic pistol on some sort of tactical sling. They might have also had some sort of riot gear on the, heavy, sort of bulky... And what appeared to be the shape of a knife. Though it was kind of hidden, and the room is pretty dark, so I cannot promise my information as liable. And though I could see the light of the hallway, there wasn't anything that stood out, save for maybe the shape of the second guard."

Perona went back to stretching the muscles in her arms and legs as Loriel explained her importance in their unavoidable battles to come. She needed to be in top physical condition, maybe even a little more than Loriel did. If anything, she would be needing to keep the ex-Peacemaker safe, an odd turn of events. She watched him walk towards a corner of the wall, only for a moment before turning to the door herself. That door would be opening, and she needed to at least prove her usefulness when it opened. When he asked if she had questions, Perona sighed, "Of course, I probably shouldn't... but I want to ask anyway, this task... this should probably be done quickly yes?" Even before he answered, Perona saw something that caught her eyes. Her blindfold. Picking up the long, thick cloth, she tore it into two with her teeth and wrapped her knuckles. As well as taking up one particularly large piece of binding cord to use as a weapon.

Even after he answered, and repeated himself multiple times, Perona nodded her understanding. "We're going to have a lot to talk about once we get out of here - both with our comrades and with each other." Perona actually let a rather light-hearted laugh escape her mouth. "Well isn't that just the icing on the metaphorical cake..." That was quite the inspirational talk between comrades. Or it at least took the edge off, if only a little. Perona sighed forlornly, resuming her previous position of silence. Her eyes now focused solely on the door. She was entirely ready to do what she needed, if that included jumping the first person that marched through that door... honestly, if that included taking down every single pirate in her line of site until Loriel could do what he needed to do that would be fine.

It was just as she was thinking, maybe after a long moment of near complete science that the doors finally opened. Probably some sort of feeding time. She would honestly feel bad about about what she was going to do, that would have been before she learned of their plans for her. Perona had never been fond of bondage, and she honestly had yet to meet a person in this whole galaxy that would be. In a smoothly calm voice, Perona whispered to Loriel just as the doors opened. "Showtime." Fortunately enough, it was the usual Liel and associate, Hogan she believed. And as soon as Liel stepped through, Perona ducked under him, having a slight advantage with his hands being fully of food. With a swift movement, she secured a knife from his tactical sling in between her teeth, headbutting the plates and sending his arms open wide in surprise. He hardly managed to let a sound escape before she pulled her arms, and subsequently the cord, around his neck and climbed onto his shoulders to hold her grip.


Wait, what?

Loriel barely had time to pull himself back together. The door beeped and Loriel immediately stepped a half inch away from it. The first bit of light that shined through illuminated Perona's face and the knife that she now had between her teeth. When did she get that? He quickly dashed out of the room as he saw the soup bowls fly out of the figure's hands, and immediately lunged for the other guy. In the excitement of the moment, he didn't realize that he had already gotten punched by the guy he was lunging for. Plus he was nearly blind by the massive brightness of the light around him. A great lot of good his eyes would do him if he could barely see.

Loriel realized that he didn't know what he was reaching for on the guy's body moments thereafter, and also discovered that he was disoriented due to his head being smacked. It was surreal to see the figure before him - distorted and sideways. But he didn't let the surrealness stop him - somehow Loriel managed to grab the guy's elbows before getting smacked again. He heard a considerable amount of noise coming out of the guy's mouth, probably curses and requests for aid. But Loriel was still trying to recover from being punched, so he didn't care very much. He cared more about what the guy was doing as Loriel was finally able to see straight once again - that is, kneeing him in the groin. Loriel felt that one immediately.

But as he fell to the ground, his hand found it's way to the guy's holstered pistol. He snagged it as he fell using what physical dexterity he could muster, and rolled away, attempting to numb the pain any way he could while cursing his lack of combat skills. He also briefly saw a lady perched on another guy's shoulders, and would have stopped to contemplate what she was doing there, were he not presently fearing for his life.

Once he finally stopped moving, he felt the man stepping back towards him via heavy footsteps on the ground. He snapped around and attempted to ready his gun, but all he saw was the guy falling backwards. After waiting for a second to see what was going on, he saw the guy bring a knife up to the head of a lady who was choking him with a cord, only to have the knife swatted effortlessly out of his hand by her. He continued trying to grasp at the head of the lady who was choking him up until he went limp. As this was happening, Loriel was starting to be less paralyzed with pain, and was starting to put pieces together again. Oh, right, that's, I'm really, really terrible at this.

Still feeling sore, he rose to his feet and stumbled over to her. He stopped right in front of her and placed his hand against the wall to rest, suddenly realizing that he was also out of breath. "Right. Good job." He bent down and quickly pulled off the guy's I.D., knife and spare pistol magazine. Once he had those, he rushed back into the room, severed all of the wires in the exposed control panel, and rushed back out. With that done, he grimaced for a moment, still trying to ignore the pain availing him, and pointed down the corridor to the left. "Step two."

His eyes were still busy adjusting to the sudden, bright light all around him as he ran. If only I had my sunglasses...meh, I'll have them soon enough. He recognized the model of the ship immediately after seeing the first T-intersection that they came across. A 78'-Stud, never would have guessed. That simplifies things at least. He turned right. Then left. Then he stopped at a door and swiped the I.D. card. His eyes flew around as he entered the door, gun first, head second.

He spotted movement.


Blood splattered across the room in a violent, explosive shower. Loriel's eyes slammed shut. He felt pain shoot through his arms and neck. The recoil on the pistol was insane. He was lucky that he had trained with kinetic armaments once in the meager combat training program he actually managed to pass in "destroyer school". He rushed into the room toward the fresh corpse resting in front of the utility subsystem control monitor and, his voice cracking from shock, ordered Perona to "guard the entrance for a second!"

He roughly kicked the pirate/corpse/blood-fountain out of the chair and quickly used the hem of his shirt to clear the cracked screen of most of the blood and brain goo splattered across it. The seat, keyboard, mouse, and even the ceiling and floor around him were covered in small(or large) splatters of gore. But the chilling moral dilemma and disgusting biohazard that he had gotten into escaped his active cognition for the moment, since his mind was too busy contemplating the subject of not dying as he grabbed hold of the wet, sticky mouse.

Luckily, the computer's still functional...even with a bullet hole in it. He surfed through the settings and entered a bunch of codes. The pirates were wily - they had installed programs to counteract the basic overrides that manufacturers always installed in consoles like these. But the Loriel had the power to simply look off to the left of the keyboard, where he found a paper filled with passcodes. Idiots. Seriously, who does that? Soon enough, doors started closing, the lights shifted to dull, emergency levels, and the oxygen recycling systems paused. Then, everything else shut down. Loriel completed the wonderful protocol he started by taking the pirate corpse's boot and turning the computer into a shower of sparks by overzealously integrating the boot into the monitor.

With that thirty second period of frantic mouse-movement and boot smashing out of the way, he ran back over to the door and said, "alright, step three. We have one minute." With that, it was time for him to run over to the elevator. Left, right, straight. He pointed ahead. He had opened the elevator door with the console, but the access hatch wasn't automated. "That's it. It's shut down, so we'll need to get through the access hatch and climb up to get to the weapon cache." As he was explaining this, he realized that he had forgotten to bring his gun up as he walked past an intersection...
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