A World of Mixes

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(A lot of commotion for a little girl)
A young man with blue hair watched what happened in the last few moments. It was unclear to him why she was hunted.
Well... She does have wings and is obviously a Mix, but for him she was just a girl in need of help.

He stands on the roof of the building on the other side of the road and continues watching what happens.
Those who give him a closer look will notice that he wields a shortsword in his right hand.
Ling-Po waited for several seconds before realizing that the person had fallen onto his belly. He craned his up from the pavement in order to get a better look at the person.

It was a girl, that much was certain. What was also certain was that she was quite unconscious, though twitching peculiarly. Another peculiar thing about this girl was that she had small, leathery wings- it reminded him of a bat. Bat. Bat-woman? Woman-bat?

Ling-Po ruminated on this mysterious woman. Who was she? What possible circumstances led her to fall from the roof of a building? Does she like honey? All very important questions, to be sure, but Ling-Po concluded that these questions were for another time. Now, this strange creature needed some help. Ling-Po grabbed the girl with his paws and stood up, slinging her over his shoulder. He then trudged on towards his home in the local park.

At least, he would've, if a lynch mob wasn't standing right in front of him. A rough-looking sort, undoubtedly. Most of them had beards, reminding Ling-Po of Santa Claus, though Saint Nick never wore bandanas or jackboots, nor did he ride motorcycles.

One of them, a particularly nutty looking one, spoke. "Ah think yew've got sommin' we want, buddy." Ling-Po set the bat-girl down behind his immense bulk and raised one pudgy finger up to his chin, as if contemplating something. "I am sorry, but I don't believe we've met. Of course, we could become buddies right now, if you wish.", Ling-Po said. The Hell's Angels knock-offs laughed uproariously. One of them swaggered up to Ling-Po, quite full of bravado.

The unfortunate ganger decided that it would a darn good idea to throw a punch at the large, wide-set panda bear. Before the motorcycle gang could blink, the ganger was splayed on the ground, writhing in the utter pain that always accompanied a cracked sternum.

Ling-Po grinned warmly at the rest of the men blocking his path. "I fail to see what is so amusing, friends.", Ling-Po stated in a high-pitched, lilting tone of voice. The bandana'd men did rapid double takes between the squirming man on the ground and the large panda bear, murmurring and hoarsely whispering things like 'What the fuck did he just do?!' and 'Jesus, what just fucking happened?!'.

One ganger decided to cut his losses and run, and the rest followed suit. Ling-Po shrugged, slung the bat-girl over his shoulder, and continued walking towards his home, humming a merry tune.
Arachne narrowed her eyes and aimed her gun at the...panda...? She did a double take, but no matter how many times she blinked and rubbed her eyes, he was still a panda. He wasn't on the list...But that didn't matter. He was quite large though, so she didn't think one gun would be enough to capture him. And of course, she couldn't kill him. No, that would mean failure. She had to bring him back alive. Failures are not tolerated.

"Hey, Panda. You and that little girl are going to come with me." In each her top two hands, she held a tranquilizing gun and in her six other hands, held guns aimed at the Panda's weak spots, avoiding his vitals. "It will be easier for the both of us if you just com quietly. That girl is no use to you."

Why was he even there, she wondered. Did he have a connection to the girl? Was he just in the wrong place at the wrong time? Either way, he was going to be taken back to the scientists. All of them were. Because failures were not tolerated.
Nova kept watching, even as the Spider Mix appeared.
(Oh my. That's quite a enemy. I guess i give the panda a hand)
He raises his hand his energy gathers in it's palm. It gives of a strong energy but is somewhat controlled.
The energy starts to pulsate and grows.
A energy spear comes from one of the roofs and flies straight at the Spider Mix. It does have a moderate speed but can be dodged if noticed in time.
A heavy, almost melodramatic sigh escaped Ling-Po's mouth. His eyes looked upon the spider-woman with a mixture of patient exasperation and quiet amusement. "Use? The girl being of use to me?", Ling-Po asked, more rhetorically than anything else. "Let us ponder this question, for it is an interesting one indeed. What use is doing anything beyond one's own immediate gain? Indeed, she is of no use to me. But perhaps my motive is not selfish, then?" At this last sentence, the panda's eyebrows rose facetiously, his mouth stretching into a toothless grin.

Ling-Po's eyes darted to the side, before immediately refocusing on the spider-woman. "Besides, it is not I you must worry yourself about. Look to your left."

Shiruba lurched forward as he shot the spear away with what appeared to be a shadow from his body as he shot a glance at the girl with the various amount of arms, both weapons and appendages. As he slid across the roof he took note of where the energy emerged from. 'Why the hell were so many involved?' He questioned as he tightened the sheet of cloth around his mouth. He moved over to the edge of the building as he grinned at Arachne. "Well I'm sorry to cut in but I would prefer it if you didn't aim at me next time." He replied as he fell backwards down toward the alley with the dragon girl and, to his surprise, a panda.
Arache stepped aside to avoid the spear, red eyes looking up at the newcomer. This day just got busier and busier, didn't it? Was this another Mix she would have to bring in? She didn't worry too much about him though. Her attention was still on the Panda. "Perhaps you should be more selfish. It would save you from getting into trouble. And really, what are you going to do with her? Nurse her back to health?" she scoffed, never letting any of her eight arms fall to her side. Two of her arms pointed their guns at the newcomer, so she knew he wasn't trying anything stupid.

"She's going to be more useful to me than you. By handing her in, I'm saving my life. By keeping her to yourself, you're only endangering us all. And as for you." she kept some guns aimed at the human. He could be easily exterminated, but those were not her orders. Humans were who she was protecting. It was all she could do to keep herself from pulling the trigger. "Don't flatter yourself. The only reason you're alive is because there are Mixes like me protecting you. Mixes like me keeping the other failures in check."
Nova sat down on the edge of the roof, his sword still in his hand.
Oh really? And i thought i would still be alive because i can handle myself pretty well.
I'll be honest with you. I don't want to fight you. After all you must have good reasons why you do this.
Now before this goes out of hand, would you allow me a question?
He pays attention to the 2 guns that aim for him as he speaks.
That girl on the Panda's back can't defend herself. No matter who she is, i can see that she is afraid of you. You probably have your reasons for hunting her but...
Isn't there more in being a mix then to serve some master?
Please choose your answer wisely.

His hand doesn't glow this time, but he takes a look around and memorizes every nearby detail. He is definitely up to something.
"She has fear."

"And that fear," she said calmly. "is why she's going to be taken back, as all failures are. A dragon-human mix." she began, ignoring his question. She was not one to care for questions like that. More to being a mix? He was asking this as if there was more to being a Mix. As if Mixes were not originally created to be tools and nothing else. "Don't you think it's strange that a dragon is afraid of a spider? That fear is what makes her a failure. And failures are not tolerated."

This person. Was he a mix? She didn't have any information on him, but no human could have done what he did earlier. And who was he? Speaking as if he understood why she did anything? And how dare he threaten her when she had guns her guns pointed at him? Killing was what she was created to do, the same as a weapon. A weapon was created with nothing but murder on the mind.

And she was just that; a weapon.
Ling-Po came back from the noodle shop to find the spider-woman and the just-plain-man talking about the purpose of mixes, whatever that meant. Keeping the bat-girl slung over his shoulder with one paw and messily slurping from his bowl of chicken dumplings held rather precariously with his right paw, Ling-Po idly listened to the speakers.

From what he gleaned from the strange conversation, the two were quite concerned with their "purpose" and spoke a great deal about "failures" and how "mixes are tools to be used", etc, etc. These ideas were ridiculous to Ling-Po; to him, there was no purpose in life but what you made of it. What we consider tools are probably not tools to a bird or a frog. It really just depended on your point-of-view.

Settling himself in for the long haul, Ling-Po adopted a position of maximum comfort; he plopped down on his generous amount of buttocks and set the dragon girl down between his outstretched legs, leaning her against his belly. He then resumed his meal of chicken dumplings, peering attentively at the arguing two.
Realizing that the Spider Mix is nothing but a tool made the stranger look a little sad for a moment. He hoped that she would at least think about his words, but it seems like she only focused on her mission.
He snapped out of it and looked at the Spider Mix again.
I see. How unfortunate.
By the way. Did you know that one shot projectile of yours is 360 KM/H fast? Quite a speed. I bet if you could take a good aim and pull the trigger, a normal enemy would be doomed.
Now something interesting:
Depending on the reaction speed of the brain, thoughts can be almost instant, so your targets recognize that something is shot at them sooner then your bullet leaves the gun.
Warp speed is almost 269,81 Mio. KM/H fast, and with that obviously faster then a bullet.
Now i bet you wanna know why i am telling you this. I just want to make sure you understand something.
As long as i focus on your guns...

He smiles for a moment and then he vanishes almost instantly with a flash of light. There was no trace of him left on the building.
-You can't hit me.
The voice comes from the back of the Spider Mix. Something small is pointed at her neck, probably his short sword.
Drop your guns. You have no chance of winning. The surprise is on my side this time.
All these facts. All this time wasted. Did these people have any idea how valuable time was? She already knew where he was going with it. It wasn't very hard to guess. He was trying to show off his speed.

Not that it mattered.

A grin graced her lips. The moment he moved behind her, she was already turned around with her gun up between the sword and her neck, red eyes locked on his. "I was created by scientists. Don't think for a second that I'm human. Because that's just offensive." She turned and walked away from him. He was just a pest, and if he really wanted to be eliminated, then that could be managed. But she wanted the girl. "Panda. What're your take on the situation? Hand the girl over and you can eat your dumplings in peace."
Nova noticed it in time that the spider predicted his attack and teleported a bit back to have some distance. Blocking a bullet at close range is porrible but way too dangerous.
He entered a defensive stance to be ready to block any bullet that she might shoot.
Not bad. Only few can predict the way i move.
He keeps his distance and waits for what is about to happen.
(She must have some kind of omnipresent detection. There is no way she could have actually seen or predicted me.)
With this thoughts in mind he began to analyze his opponent.