A world full of ashes OOC

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What would you choose

  • Angel

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Demon

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Human

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Hybrid

    Votes: 4 44.4%

  • Total voters
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Original poster

Remember that old story about Noah and his arch. Well God did it again, this time it wasn't just a flood. Earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and tornadoes. But humans are just so annoying. They survived it all. Their power to adapt and over come, lead to them building safe houses and boats to survive the apocalypse. Obviously this meant the big guy up top wasn't to impressed at his creation. So he sent down his soldiers, angels. But as he did it meant that others could escape, demons.

A large war raged on, on the already desolated earth. Demons fought angels, angels fought demons. And humans. They stayed under, waiting with baited breath. Doing everything they could to survive. Over time the war got less intense, and humans began to surface again. Trying to rebuild the thing that was completely destroyed. But the fighting wasn't over yet, and it wasn't just angels and demons this time. Humans started hunting, and once they got one kill. They wanted more. But they weren't the only ones, hybrids were born. Creatures with mixed blood or gifted and dammed by the Harbingers.

Society was slowly and gradually built up to a slightly stable state. Groups of people gathered and formed gangs or at tops, villages. But nothing came close to earths original state. Unfortunately the moment something was built, it was soon destroyed. By either the angels who did it for God, Demons who did it for the blood or humans that did it for power.

You are a survivor of the war. Demon, Angel, Human or maybe a hybrid. But just cause you survived this far doesn't mean you are invincible. It is inevitable that you are being hunted. Will you choose to team up with others and try rebuild society, or will you choose to hunt and kill everything in your way.

How will you survive?


1. No God modding
2. You can have up to 3 characters
3. I don't mind about the length of your posts (but try make it a bit more than one line)
4. Romantic relationships are acceptable, but keep it appropriate since there might be younger people here.
5. Swearing is allowed
6. Please respect one another
7. Let your imagination run wild with your character design
8. Killing characters is fine, as long as you have permission

Character Sheet

Appearance: [Anime style pic please]




Race/Species: (Human, Angel, Demon or Hybrid)

History/Back story:

Special traits/Abilities:

Strengths & Weaknesses: (1 or 2 of each)

Fears: (If any)


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this is what his mark looks like http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net...3916667.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130214155402





Hybrid, dammed by the demon of Greed

History/Back story:
Vlad was only young when it happened. Originally he was a human, part of a small group that began to rebuild society. They all lived happily on the side of a mountain. Vlad's father knew a little on how to forge weapons, using scrap iron and other metals he could make decent weapons. He taught some of these skills to Vlad, but didn't have enough time to teach him everything. Although humans had begun to combat the angels and demons in taking back earth. They were still much weaker than them, so when a demon managed to find the small group of survivors they didn't have much chance. It was a demon of greed, hung up on having everything. It completely annihilated the group, Vlad watched everything from a small cave in the mountain. Everyone he every knew were ripped apart, limb from limb. Their blood spilled everywhere. After the slaughterer, the demon turned to Vlad. Following the young boy, who was only 5 at the time, into the cave. But before it killed the young boy, it's views changed. The demon was getting old. It needed a new body, and Vlad's was the perfect fit. the demon dammed the young boy to forever have the demon of Greed inside his body. Nothing changed about his appearance, but a large tattoo like mark grew on his body. It represented greed, and it granted the boy powers. But his personality completely changed, as he became much more greedier. He always wants more of anything and everything. Vlad now wonders the ash covered earth alone, waiting to collide with another.

Special traits/Abilities:
The mark on his body can animate and come to life.
It also has the ability to devour creatures to help Vlad grow stronger
Vlad has enhanced human features, like strength, speed, senses

Strengths & Weaknesses:
Vlad is a good fighter thanks to the demon, he is also decent at forging weapons because of his father. But he doesn't trust many and his views are clouded by greed.

There aren't any fears that the boy knows he has, but he definitely doesn't like losing things

Vlad has a dream to build an empire and become the strongest leader in the knew world. As well as killing everything in his way

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Mina Wingfell

History/Back story:
Mina joined God's army when she was 16. She is very proud of her position in his army and gladly, falls to his will. She Loves her God with all her heart. When she turned 17, God came to her and told her it was her time to join the fight on Earth and that it was her time to show Him and the others, what she was made of. Many other Angels doubted Mina, they said she was just a pretty face and had no actual use in God's army, other than being the perfect image of an Angel. She hated it and so when she came to battle on Earth she fought with all she had, killing Demon after Demon. Many angels came to call her Lady Demon Slayer. They were proud of her, they congratulated her for showing everyone what she was made of. After the War, Mina was left on Earth to fight and serve with the others. She is very proud she is one of the last few angels left and proud she was chosen to stay on Earth.

Special traits/Abilities:
Mina is very fast, and stealthy. She yields a small battle axe and a long sword. Her large wings and small body give her the ability to crate string and powerful gusts of wind that can blow things into the air away from her and can cause small craters in the Earth when aimed at the ground. Her Wings are laced with Gold plating that has spikes at the top, giving her the ability to slice through things and people.

Strengths & Weaknesses: (1 or 2 of each)
Mina is very kind hearted and many people take this as her being on their side. She is also very beautiful and knows this, using it to her advantage she uses her beauty and kindness to sway people to her way. However, she is very weak, emotionally, she takes criticism very hard, and beats herself up about more things than anyone else could. She has low self-esteem and looks for acceptance in others, rather than in herself.
Mina has the fear of being rejected by those that matter to her. She also has a fear of losing her wings, it is very hard to do so, but seeing many angels wings being taken off in the war it became a fear of hers.

Mina, dreams for peace and Harmony. She would rather that everyone get along and love another.

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You should create an ad for it :)
Character Sheet






Hybrid (Human+Demon)

History/Back story:
He was just a boy when his parents died in a battle between an demon and an angel, since then he started hating everyone that appeared his way, leaving no one alive, but one day he fought with an powerful demon that almost killed him but he surprised it using his demon form and for that day on he stopped killing first and asking later.

Special traits/Abilities:
He have an Full Demon Form, he grow a pair of wings and a double tail that both are black. He have an good agility and on his demon form, he can fly and run faster.

Strengths & Weaknesses:
He is a master with Great-Swords and Long-Swords but by the time he trained for becoming an master he could't learn how to use any other weapon.

Lose all his powers

Stay alive
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Hesper and her family were once part of a small, growing community. They were a peaceful group that kept to themselves, and it seemed the world had forgotten about them. However, it was only a matter of time until the effects of the war reached them. Drought soon ravaged the community and disease began to spread. And, on top of that, some of the community's most valuable members -- those that were craftsmen and those that could hunt -- were turned and recruited for the war by outside groups, demons and humans alike. Hesper's small village community began to crumble to pieces.

In the community's last dying moments, the people even turned to cannibalism. After Hesper's parents had died of some fatal disease, the only family she had left was her older brother, Garr. But starvation got to him just like it did the rest of the village, and he too eventually decided to partake in cannibalism. One night, in a delusional fit of hunger, Garr approached Hesper with a knife in hand as she slept, intending to kill his own sibling for food. Hesper awoke suddenly when she heard him, and the two struggled in a fight for their own lives -- one sibling pitted against another. When it became clear that the Garr that Hesper once knew was gone and this empty shell of a person wasn't giving up, Hesper had no choice but to kill him instead to save her own life.

This emotionally (and physically) scarring moment was it for Hesper. In a frantic fit, she packed a few essential things that night and disappeared, and by morning, nobody even noticed or cared that she was gone. She assumed her brother had become breakfast for the remaining community, and she never looked back. That was almost a year ago, and Hesper has been wandering alone ever since.

Special Traits & Abilities
Seeing as she's been wandering on her own for almost a year now, Hesper has developed certain necessary survival skills. She is a pro at building and setting traps, and she is quite handy with a set of throwing knives. Beyond that, however, she is also a very fast climber (particularly, tree-climber) and has incredible balance.

Strengths & Weaknesses
Hesper has a very high emotional threshold; she has a certain set of values that she refuses to turn her back on, despite what everyone around her is doing. Though she may be hurting on the inside, she is able to keep it buried and keep on trucking through life. However, Hesper is no fool. Her constant fearfulness has given her a sharp edge, and because of this, she has a strong wit and is very perceptive. As much as she wishes she could live around other people again, she cannot bring herself to let her defenses down. She is fearful and distrusting of everyone she meets, unable to accept help from a single soul. Because of this, Hesper tries to do everything alone and often finds herself in trouble because of it.

Hesper fears, more than anything, betrayal from those she trusts and being eaten alive. She has literally seen it happen before her own eyes -- villagers that were once the best of friends, completely turned against one another. She's seen people transform into monsters because of this war, and while she's not afraid she'll become one herself, she eternally fears being unable to tell the good people from the bad and ending up as somebody's Sunday dinner.

It's Hesper's dream to be able to settle down one day. Her highest hope is that she will someday have a sanctuary that she can call home -- a place where she can sleep soundly, protected from the horrible nightmares that plague her and keep her from being able to sleep at night.​
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can we create more than one charie?

Her hair color is black and very long, eye color is red.




(appears 25-30)




She'll do it all



History/Back story:

Lutheria was born in hell. Her earth mother aborted her and she found herself here. She was raised by other demons and enjoyed her life. When she became old enough she became a guard for the hell hounds. She always bonded closest with them, they gave her comfort and security. that and she knows that they could tear apart any one of her enemies. Lutheria did that for about a thousand years. Then the opportunity to have revenge on her mother arose, her mother had died many years ago, but was getting herself in trouble with the other demons and hell bound souls. Her mother was quite the whore. Lutheria had never been taught to have one sexuality over another, so she liked it all. Knowing her mother as they way she was, Lutheria seduced her mother, and consumed her soul. When Lutheria had finished out puberty and growing, She was given the traits of aphroditite just in a more deadly way. When the war broke out, Lutheria was sent out with all of the animals of hell to vanquish as many as she could. Lutheria had a favorite hell animal and that is her dragon Max, a simple name but she finds it cute. Lutheria, Max and the hell hounds battled ruthlessly through the war, killing many. When the war was said and done, Lutheria had grown a new hatred for the angels. They had killed so many of her pets, slaughtered them without a second thought. Now against the wishes of the high lord, she is still on earth battling her way through any angel she comes upon. Swearing to kill all and any.

Special traits/Abilities:

Max, is still alive, however, he is able to grow from small to large in a second. The majority of the time, he keeps himself propped upon Lutheria's shoulder. Lutheria's armor is accurate in the picture. Her "tail" comes to a sharp point and Lutheria is able to use it to slice through the flesh of others as well stab into others. Lutheria has very sharp nails that she uses to defend herself. Her large black demon wings are also used, she uses them to wrap around others and suffocate them, or the tips of them on top and bottom are very sharp and can be used as well. Lutheria also on rare occasions; only when in large battles; is able to call upon the hell hounds to come to her aid.

Strengths & Weaknesses:
Her strengths are pretty obvious, she is very resourceful and takes advantage of what she has available to her. She is incapable of developing feelings for anyone as far as she knows and it is very hard to get inside her head. She has a soft spot for animals however, she has vowed herself to protect them so seeing one get hurt, hurts her and if she witnesses a person doing so, she kills them.


The death of Max


To rid the world of angels.​
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I really want this Rp to start T_T
I know, I will work on the Ic so plead hang in there .
Alexandria K. Weismann




Hybrid of human and angel

History/Back story:
Alexandria or Ria is a hybrid between a human and an angel. Her father, Angel Gabriel fell in love with her human mother and their forbidden love bore fruit, resulting her birth. At a very young age, she was already sent into hiding with her father fearing her safety. Her mother died during her child birth and her father protected her ever since, watching her from afar. She learned how to protect herself, being taken care of her uncle Agni, her mother's only brother. Ria knew from the very beginning what she is but she didn't care, all that mattered to her is to keep her family and herself safe from harm. She learned fencing, martial arts and most of all, throwing knives.

After the war, Ria was left alone to defend herself. Her uncle died defending her and as for her father, he just vanished. Since then she began living by herself in the forest, hiding and hunting for food.

Special traits/Abilities:
Alexandria is an excellent and talented swords-woman and has an outstanding visual acuity. She is robust, speedy, and vigorous and agile. Her senses are also heightened due to her being half angel. She is also an excellent marksman and has impeccable super strength, speed, durability, agility and stamina.

Strengths & Weaknesses: (1 or 2 of each)
Her strengths as mentioned above are being an excellent swords-woman and an excellent marksman. She is also has an excellent memory. As for weaknesses, she remembers everything and cannot forget everything so easily, especially the deaths she witnessed. She also can't stand the sight of blood.

Fears: (If any)
Blood and seeing others suffer because of her

To live freely and to live without fear​
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