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A relationship between good and bad

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Zero was right about it setting off the alarms, though the nurses and doctors couldn't get there until he was already gone and missing. This meant that they had to send some people to look for him, which they did. Ayano could hear the faint sound of the alarm, though she didn't really know what it all meant. She was only thinking about Zero and she didn't even think that he could have been the one who caused it. She sighed, and closed her eyes. She would be able to see him sometime, they had to let her see him. All she wanted to do was go to him and see him for herself. She curled up on the bed, she didn't have any needles in her by now, though she was wrapped in a lot of bandages.
Zero stopped dead in his tracks when he heard a warning siren flare. Zero turned to see an incoming police car and couldn't help but smile. This was good, a little excitement never hurt anyone. Zero ran. A naturally instinct for him and he heard the car doors open as he ducked into a near by alley way, by this point the pain was almost gone. Although it was still there at the same time, it was the simple fact that Zero would not acknowledge it's exsistance until he was good and clear of the cops. It wasn't as interesting as Zero had hoped. They only chased him for about thirty minutes. Zero was bored again ,so he figured he would go back to the hospital. Though when he climbed in through one of the windows he found it wasn't his room but instead it was Ayano's. Zero came in closing the window behind him and looked to her. Over all, his expression showed he was more relieved if nothing else.
Ayano had started to doze off in the bed. There wasn't much to do, besides the TV in the room though they didn't get very many good channels. So, it was pretty easy for her to fall asleep from boredom. When Zero had climbed into the window, she was still asleep but the sound of someone in the room started to wake her up. She opened her eyes slowly, thinking that it was going to be her mom or dad. "Mom? Dad? I want to do see Zero." She mumbled as she moved her head to see who was there. Though, to her surprise it wasn't her parents at all. "Zero!" She shouted out, but realizing he probably wasn't supposed to be there she said the rest of it quietly. In truth, she was happy to see him though she wasn't so happy that he left his room. "You're okay. I was so worried about you."
Zero smiled at her and made his way over to her bedside sitting down on a chair that was next to her bed. His eyes seemed to sadden when he saw how many bandages she was covered in. Zero grabbed Ayano's hand out of habit and laced his fingers with hers. "I'm glad to see you're alright." He said before lifting her hand and lowering his head before placing the back of her hand onto his forehead and using his elbows to hold himself up. HE didn't know what to say, or do again. He wondered why he was like this around Ayano, were his feelings for her really that strong?
A blush formed on Ayano's cheeks as he took hold of her hand and laced their fingers like before. "Me too. I was afraid when my mom and dad said you hadn't woken up yet." She replied. "I was really scared you wouldn't wake up at all and I didn't want that to happen. I don't know what I would have done." She still didn't like the fact that he should technically be in his bed more than her, but she did want to be able to talk with him again. She smiled as she watched him place her hand on his forehead. "I'm fine, just a bit sore from the cuts but my dad said they would heal okay. He's a good doctor after all. He's were I learned how to do the things I did to you when you were injured from the stab wound."
"Oh yeah that." Zero said thinking about the wound that he had on his chest as there now were two of them. What was it with him and knives? There must have been a hex put on him at birth or something, at least that's what he always believed. A nurse had come into the room to check on Ayano and suddenly dropped the clip board she was carrying once she saw Zero. Zero couldn't help but look at her.
"Yo." Silence. The nurse ran out of the room and was on the way to alert Ayano's parents that she now knew where the missing patient was.
"Well that was interesting." Zero said still holding Ayano's hand though it was no longer against his forehead as he propped his chin on the base of his free hand. "I wonder what the heck her problem was."
Ayano looked at the door when the nurse came in, her eyes widening. This wasn't good, the nurse was going to go tell her parents that Zero was in the room with her and make him go back. " What was her problem? She's going to tell my parents and they're going to want you to go back to your room Zero. I don't want you to go yet." She admitted to him. Though, there wasn't much they could do. He was going to have to go back or end up running again which she really wished he wouldn't. She really didn't want him to go yet though, she wanted him to stay with her or at least let her go to his room with him. By this time the nurse had already told them and her parents were on their way to the room.
"Then if that's what you want..." Zero said coming to a stand and taking a seat on Ayano's bed next to her. "I won't go." Zeor wanted to do everything he could to make Ayano happy, after all he felt it was his fault that all those bad things happened to her in the first place. Zero would fight against her parents if he had to. If Ayano didn't want him to leave then he wouldn't leave. He knew he couldn't pick her up and bring her to his room with him, he didn't want to risk hurting her or aggravating the injuries she already had. So Zero just sat and waited for Ayano's parents and squeezed Ayano's hand tighter.
Ayano just blinked as she watched him sit onto her bed and say he wasn't going to leave. It made her smile, and she also tightened the grip on his hand. Suddenly the door was opened with Ayano's mother walking into the room quickly. Following behind her was a tall, thin man with short dark black hair. He was wearing glasses and a doctor's coat. "Mom...Dad." Ayano said as she saw the look on their faces to see Zero there with their daughter. "Please just let him stay here for a little while longer. I was worried about him."

"Ayano..." Her mother began to say but her father came walking towards Ayano.

"You expect me to let one of my injured patients stay out of his bed." Her father said in a deep voice, yet despite his looks there was something calming about his voice. "And just so he can see my daughter which makes me wonder what is going on here."

Ayano's mother laughed, she was wondering the same thing.

Ayano looked down then back at her father and mother. "He's my best friend and I was worried. I just want to be able to see him for a while, then he'll go back, okay?"

Her father was quiet for a moment, seeming to be thinking it over. "He doesn't seem to be one who listens very well considering he jumped out the window." He replied, "A few more minutes and then he's going back into his own room and we'll talk about more later."

Ayano smiled, "Thank you." She said and her parents started to walk out of the room.
Once they were gone Zero let out an irriteated sigh. "The window wasn't even that high off the ground. I would call it climbed not jumped. God, old man seems like he runs a pretty tight shift." Zero said saying the last part under his breathe. Laying down next to Ayano he propped himself up with his free arm and looked down at her. "You sure have a way of convincing them." Zero said to her as he looked down at her looking deep into her eyes. Zero wondered if this was what it was like to love someone. HE wondered, and wondered even more, until his brain felt like it was going to start leaking from his ears.
Ayano laughed a little when she heard his response to jumping or rather climbing out the window. She moved over when she saw that he was going to lay beside her. She turned to face him and sighed, "It's pretty easy for me to convince them because they feel bad that they're not around. I mean, I know they love me and all and they try to make up for it but I'd rather have them around. I know I shouldn't think like that though because they are here helping so many people." She looked back into his eyes and though she felt a bit sad telling him how she felt about her parents, it was nice to tell him and he had a way to make her feel better.
Zero let himself fall next to Ayano letting go of her hand he snaked one of his arms underneath and around her moving the other over her and pulled her close to him to where her head was pressed against his chest. He wanted to make up for all the time her parents couldn't spend with her. Even though he knew it wouldn't be the same, Zero wanted to know that she wouldn't be alone anymore. He was happy that she was able to open up to him and tell him about things like this though. It made him feel allot better and he hoped it would make her feel the same way.
Ayano was surprised that Zero suddenly held her and brought her to his chest, but it felt nice. She closed her eyes and smiled. Somehow, he really did make it all better, that it was like she wasn't going to be alone anymore. And, she hoped that he would understand that too, that he had her now also. "Thank you Zero." She mumbled into his chest. "Thank you so much." Even though many people loved her in school it still always felt like it was all fake and that no one really cared. But Zero was different, he really was her friend and that made her happy, happier than she had ever been.
Zero smiled at the thank. Eventually he ended up falling asleep. He really hoped that her parents wouldn't come and bother them and ask Zero to leave. Zero was not a plesent person when woken up by people who didn't know. Actually, he hated being woken up early by anyone in general. Zero seemed to sleep rather peacefully though the night keeping his arms wrapped around Ayano all night long, it didn't seem to bother him though he was sure as he was falling asleep that it would have. But he wondered if it ever bothered her.
Ayano didn't want to move from his arms, it was just too nice. She couldn't help but smile, even after all that they had been though. She had noticed he had fallen asleep and with time she also did. It just seemed so comfortable being so close to him that it was hard not to. Hopefully though her parents wouldn't go walking in on this, they would surely think something weird. But, was it weird...that she was in his arms like this? She liked it a lot. While the two were both asleep her mother did come in. However, she smiled seeing how happy the two looked and decided that it would be okay. She didn't go telling Ayano's father either, figuring it would be okay until morning for him to stay there.
Zero slept Peacefully through the long night as it seemed nothing could disturb him from his sleep. He was concious of time passing, though it seemed no fine had passed at all once he woke up. He woke up seeing and feeling Ayano in his arms, he smiled and nuzzled his face into her sweet pink hair. HE felt like he could stay like this forever, though fate would not have it that way and he knew this. He knew by now that he really wasn't going to be able to go to the fight club for at least a week. Instead of thinking about it any further he nuzzled his face deeper towards Ayano. He felt warm all over, and his stomach felt like it held a raging river inside of it, or rather he felt his heart might just beat out of his chest at any moment.
Despite having trouble sleeping the last couple nights from being uncomfortable from her injures, Zero made it feel like they weren't even there and she was able to stay asleep the whole night. Only when late morning came around did she finally start to wake up and open her eyes to remember that Zero was on the hospital bed with her, holding her tightly to him. She was still against his chest and she could feel his body so close to hers. She moved her head slightly to be able to look up towards him face. A light pink blush started to appear onto her face again like it had done a couple times before when they had moments similar to this one. It always made her wonder why he could get her to blush and most everyone else couldn't.
Zero saw he was awake and he pulled away so he could look her in the eyes. He smiled at her as the sun lights leaking in from the window behind him seemed to illuminate him as he laid on his side infront of her. "Good morning." He said in the tired sounding voice that most guys had when they first woke up in the morning. His voice was scratchy and seemed like it hadn't been broken into its usual deep sense as of yet. He wondered if her parents would be coming back to check on her anytime soon, it made him a little worried as to what they would say when they did see him with their daughter.
Ayano looked into Zero's eyes. "G-good morning." She said, slightly having trouble saying it first because for some reason just staring at him like that was beginning to make her a bit nervous, especially since they were so close together on the bed. It was the second night she had fallen asleep beside him, yet this time even seemed more embarrassing than the first. "Thank you for staying with me." She finally replied, she figured that it really did help her to get some more sleep.
Zero shook his head, he didn't see it to be a problem or anything that bothered him so he didn't know why on God's great EArth why she was thanking him. "Don't mention it." He said with another soft smile to follow. Zero got up from the bed and stretched just a bit, being sure not to go to far or else he might tare his stitches open like he did in a matter of bad habit and simply not being aware of his injuries.
"Did you sleep good?"
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