A new world

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Jayden, feeling as helpless as ever was still for a moment. He looked towards him arm in discontent. 'Why now..' He thought. His eyes darted to his right. He senses had to be dulled due to his injurt and fatigue for he hardly noticed the patite figure approached him. She was definetly in speaking distance with some type of tools sprawled out in front of him. What's more he could still make out her blood. It was half human and he could care less about the other half. Jayden hadn't taken a second to even think that this girl could've been trying to help him. In his eyes anything human had to be killed. He cocked his head towards the girl. If she were void of human blood Jayden would have to admit she was quite cute, with her abnormal ears abd such. But that was besides the fact. "Any closer and it'll cost your life.." He spoke coldly and with a piercing glare. Although in this state he wasn't even sure if he could go through with his threat. That was a first.. and it made him sick
Hykos eyed the girl and carefully as he moved toward the group. He saw what she was attempting to do and moved his small screen over the bleeding vampire. He pressed a few buttons and revealed the screen to her. "He has lost about thirty three percent of his blood, about two liters. If he reaches forty his body will completely shut down and die. No way his body can compensate at this rate unless you heal him." Hykos replied as he still remembered Micah. "At this rate, I believe I have to make some friends to survive. Someone intervened with an arrow earlier. I'll make sure they don't regret such an action." He breathed as he listened to Jayden's comments.

"Hell, you already have seen what I can do with a small explosive device." Hykos replied as he shook a canister in front of him. "I honestly don't mind taking you out with me. Although, I will tell you this now that I will survive such an explosion and you would not. I can also be deceiving you to mess with your mind but either way just be careful." Hykos replied as he began to check his bag as he gave the girl room to work on Jayden.
Hayra gave the human an appreciative smile, accompanied with a nod of thanks and understanding. Thirty-three percent... The witch's way it would have to be then. Although an elf's was more natural while simultaneously being less dangerous, the witch's was more likely to work, even if it did cause side effects, she noted to herself. She replaced one of the smaller pouches with another, along with a medium sized one which had a small star symbol on the front with half crescent moons protruding from each corner. Clearing away a patch of dust from the earth, she dumped half of its contents in the bare spot, along with a half pinch of gray powder, layered evenly over the top. Her eyes flitted away from her work to meet the young vampire's harsh gaze. "I know it's going to cost my life but... could I borrow some of the blood?" she appealed in a tone lightly laced with worry. Glancing at his arm for a moment before returning to his eyes again, she waited for permission before moving forward. However, if he didn't allow her then she would have to take some by force.
Micah was left standing, looking down at his weapon angrily. Squad T-8KD...If he was the one who had killed his brother all those years ago, blood would be spilled. Finally coming to his senses as the girl began working on the younger vampire, he glared at the human, trying to determine the easiest way to get the information he wanted.

"When?" he called to the human, his knife now put away but still close at hand. "When were you a part of T-8KD? During the Edinburgh Massacre?" He frowned, crossing his arms over his chest.
The girls soft voice seemed to ease Jayden futile struggling. He was uncapable off preventing anything at the moment anything. He gave a fatigued nod before his venomous pupils reverted to soft, hazel orbs. "Go ahead.. Make it quick." He said. Truthfully Jayden's vision was starting to blur. So he closed his eyes to avoid throwing himself Into another panic. He didn't know what to make of this pretty face just yet. Sadly enough his only option was to put his faith in her. It didn't sit quite well with him but he would have to do so... for the moment.
"Thank you," she said in evident relief. She moved herself and her belongings closer to him for easier access before tucking away the pesky lock of hair back behind her ears. Terrified of even considering taking more from the boy, she reached over with her hand cupped to gather a small handful of the already spilt blood off the ground. She immediately pressed it to her lips, letting the thick, metallic liquid go down her throat, burning like fire as it went, bringing a small tear to the back of her already closed eyes from the heat. Her body jerked as she coughed once, twice, then three time before her eyes flashed open, the irises having turned a pitch black as her hand came back down empty. It shook slightly as she quickly completed the concoction, taking out a small blue colored bottle from the last of the small pouches and a large black container which smelled of molasses from the large one. She popped the lids off and poured both simultaneously over the previously used ingrediants. White bubbles completely covered the mess for several seconds until she tossed a handful of the red dust over it, then, taking an arrow from the sheath, she sliced her wrist over it, letting the blood freely drizzle over it. She bit her bottom lip against the sharp pain, knowing it would only get worse later once all was finished. Her hand jerked away from the results suddenly, knowing it was enough. What was left was a warm, red paste that smelled suspiciously like compost, which she quickly removed from the ground with her cut hand and raised to the boy's lips. "Say, 'Ahhhh', or you'll die," she said, keeping the strain it took to speak out of her words. "As soon as it hits what's remaining inside of you, it will become diluted and spread while scabbing up the damage already done."
Hykos looked between the two vampires surrounding him. One had attempted to kill him and the other was beginning to plan to. He glanced at what the girl was doing and looked at the other vampire. Hopefully this would call him. He was tired of things considering him food. Then again, he thought of them as animals or potential experiments so he guessed it was fair. He listened to Micah as the girl did her concoction. He considered the question carefully before deciding on answering.

"If this is about a relative or friend than I am completely sorry." Hykos replied as he glanced at Micah. "My technology was which he or she most likely died from. I won't tell you anything specific since that part of history should just be forgotten but you should avoid delving into something your brother died from." Hykos looked at Micah with a light stare as he breathed silently through his mask. He remembered someone familiar looking but chose to ignore the memory.
(alright, I'll reply...bare in mind it might be a little rough. Trying to catch up o3o)
Kiyomi walked over to the vampires. Being one herself, and sensing she was oldest out of all of them, she felt like she had the right, and authority to break up whatever was happening. "Can we please be adult here...? If none of you are willing to help me then I suggest you get the hell out of Tokyo." She growled. She said it to the vampires but also to anyone who was listening. She took out her Katana and pointed it at each one of them. "If anyone still wants to follow me, please do. If you do not, then leave and go to Okinawa. Its safest there." Kiyomi glared at all of them, then with her incredible speed, dashed into the woods.
Katsu had listened to the entirety of her conversation and watched as she sped off. The others were less interesting and he could murder each of them later. As she dashed away he pulled his cloak tighter around himself as he bared his teeth. They were reminiscent of a sharks with the entirety of his teeth being sharp. As he launched himself from his hiding spot he began to chase this person throughout the woods. His eyes shone as he began to close in on her.

He reached behind his shoulder to grab the hilt of his sword. The weapon was merely a hilt connected to a large piece of jagged metal but with the pieces of flesh which had clung and rotten away at its edges. Even though it was crudely made it was still quite successful.
Kiyomi could sense someone had decided to follow her. She instantly stopped running, dashed into a tree, and squatted on a branch, looking for her follower. Her sword was still in hand but she had no intent on using it on him. Finally she caught sight of him. "You there! You intend on helping me, no?" She asked, her voice sounding like a princess, or queen from back in the sixteen hundreds. Very elegant. She looked at him with her glowing red eyes and gave a smirk.
"How did you know we were talking about my brother?" he asked the man, tears springing to his eyes. Glancing away for a moment as he saw Kiyomi leaving, his vampire-sharp eyes caught sight of someone--or something--following her. Taking out a different knife, the one that was more for speed than killing, he took careful aim through the trees before reaching back and throwing it, his inhuman strength sending it faster than a bullet towards the figure, about where the back of the knee would be.

Not bothering to see if it hit or not, he turned back towards the human, his favored knife now in his hand. Bringing up his free hand to brush away a stray tear, though he would have passed it as dust in his eyes, he tried to push down memories of his brother, though they were coming to the surface like bile. To distract himself, he tried to decide if he could get a safe distance before the canister went off, if he killed the human. Maybe, but he wouldn't leave the others to die.

"Hey," he said, speaking to the injured vampire and the elven girl, "I'd get out of here, if I was you..."
Katsu felt something hit the back of his leg as he saw Kiyomi come to halt. Before he could force himself to stop he braced himself as he smashed through the tree that she sat upon. He began to bleed from multiple areas as he fell to his knee and turned around to look at the collapsing tree behind him. "Help you...?" He coughed as he bared his teeth. "Why would I do that?"


"Because I remember someone similar to you." Hykos replied as he brushed his suit and turned towards Micah. "I'm surprised you haven't learned. I'm no normal human and I don't fear your threats. I just fear of the outcome that can happen if you follow through with them." He pointed his monitor towards Micah. "Plus, it would have been more merciful if he did die rather than become an experiment. I honestly believe you wouldn't want that but I do not know which chamber he was sent into at that time when I executed the ones we couldn't use." Hykos pressed a button on his monitor.
Jayden took his treatment with no resistance whatsoever, a rare occurrence. He simply closed his eyes and sat still while the girl did whatever it is she was doing. A few odd smells entered his nose but he dismissed any suspicions until he was healed. He heard her speak once more, such a soft , sweet voice. It was almost serenading to the brute. She did a good job hiding the pain in her voice, but not good enough for Jayden. He could spot a front from a mile away. But why did he care? Was he worried? This confusion wasn't helping in the slightest. He was never good at dealing with any feeling besides anger. As she raised her hand to his mouth he could smell her sweet blood. Obviously he'd die without it but for the first time in awhile he didn't want to drink.. not from her. But he had to. 'I'll repay you for this.. I promise' He thought. Jayden didn't know why he felt an obligation to do so but he did, and he would. "Ahh.." He struggled to make the word out before pursing his lips and sucking on the girls open wound. He found it hard to stop himself but he did after a few seconds. It would be troublesome if she ended up in the same predicament as himself. Tired out afterwards he slumped over, his head falling lightly into the girls lap, resting for a moment as the bleeding stopped and so on. His unkempt hair sprawled about. During his procedure Jayden heard the commotion around him. He heard the older vampire issue a statement and dart off, the assailant follow her and the younger vampire's warning. He would deal with everything when he gained enough strength to walk. They could always be tracked down. "M-Micah was it.." He struggled and slurred when he spoke. "Go get your mate.. We'll be fine. And why not kill that loudmouthed human while your at it"
"This world is infected....we need a cure for it, no?" She saw that something had hit him, and she jumped out the tree and landed on her feet like a cat would, and walked over to him, bending down to his level. "Something wounded you, let me see." She said, taking his hand away from the back of his knee, seeing the wound, bleeding. Kiyomi then stuck her hand in her pocket and pulled out a piece of gauze, and took out what ever it was that hit him, and wrapped his knee. "There..." She was baring the smell of his blood, for there were more important things at the moment.
By the time Jayden spoke, Micah was already gone, rushing into the forest as his chest heaved up and down in a struggle to get air to his brain. Stumbling several times, he caught himself each and every time, not wanting to get hurt. Though he had only watched the human's monitor for a couple seconds, that was all the time it took for it to burn itself in his mind. It had been so scarring that he had even forgotten his knife, which now lay at the human's feet, his blood on the hilt from where he had been gripping it too tightly.

Shaking by the time he came upon Kiyomi and whoever it had been that was following her, he forced a smile, though it looked more like a grimace, and looked at her. "Hey," he said, his voice shaking. "Figured it'd be a good thing to stay with a group, you know...?" Looking down at the man on one knee and the arboric destruction around the area, he asked, "It wouldn't be too much trouble to give me my knife back?" Though he had been making conversation, he knew it was all empty and that his expression must be such a strained one that Kiyomi must think him crazy or something.
"You threw the kinfe?!" She hissed. "No one throws ANYTHING at ANYONE who is not infected...there are simply not enough of us left in the world to just be killing Micah!" She threw her hands in the air and glared her beaming red hues at him. "Take your damn knife but only use it for those who need to be killed." She sighed. Kiyomi realized that she was being too sensitive, too headstrong, too emotional, too everything. But her cousin whom she loved dearly was all alone stuck in a room in New york, working on a cure that wouldnt even happen until she got a creature from the source of the problem, which happened to be in Tokyo. "We need to get along....or none of us are going to survive."
Hykos looked at Jayden. "You said you owed her so why don't you owe it to me to not make simple threats anymore. I was the one who said how much blood you lost and I could have easily poisoned you but chose not to." Hykos replied as he looked at Micah. "And of all things don't encourage him. He might actually kill me unlike what you tried to do earlier. Anyways, although I'm a human I have tricks up my sleeve. I haven't survived out here with your kind just out of luck." He replied as he began to check the air again and looked at the vampire that healed Jayden. "I know this is strange to ask but can I have a tissue sample from you? I want to know if anything in the air has altered bodies like yours. I would have taken it from his dead body if the explosion hadn't evaporated him but I won't touch something that is damaged." Hykos replied as his gas mask continued to make its regular noises.


Katsu grinned as he stood up and looked at her. "I'm no vampire or human and yet you helped me..." He touched at his wound and grinned. "I used to hunt things like you for sustenance. To survive out here, especially as an infected is a whole lot different than you may believe." Katsu replied as he touched some of his blood and smeared it on Kiyomi's cheek. "You beings are just the same as I am. Just able to control your behaviors unlike us." He replied as he revealed his arms which were covered in wounds and scars. "You nearly forget what pain feels like if you live out here. I would suggest ignoring the rest of this stuff though and if I am of any help to you I can follow." He replied as he kicked some dirt off the ground.
At her defensive shouts, Micah raised his hands to head-level, not taking the knife yet, and said, "Hey, I could've been protecting you! This guy could've tried to kill you or...something. I saw something following you and thought I'd get in my good deed for the day, is that such a crime?" His fangs were bared and his own eyes were blazing back at Kiyomi's, but he was still a distance from her.

Lowering his hands finally, he let out a heavy breath, taking his knife from her. Leaning down to wipe the blood from his weapon, he looked up at the both of them, a grimace on his face. "None of us are going to survive anyways," he said darkly. "Not with monsters like that," he gestured towards the city, where the human was probably still standing, "still in this world. Hope doesn't exist for us anymore."
"Y-you're an...infected?! But!" She took a step back and touched the handle of her Katana once more, her eyes wide in shock. "But you look nothing of...you act nothing of...I...huh?!" Her knees were so weak she almost fell out of her stance. She blinked, looked over at Micah, then back at Katsu, and stared. "I...am so confused..." She gulped, taking the Katana out and held it in front of her.
At the mention of infected, Micah immediately straightened, and backed up a couple steps. Holding the knife defensively, he reached in his jacket for his favored one, but then he remembered that he had left it earlier. His grief and confusion from earlier forgotten, he said, "Stay...stay back." Pulling his hood back up over his eyes, feeling himself burning in the weak sunlight that streamed in through the trees, he took a readying stance, careful in case the infected attacked.