A New World Order

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I Am Death
Original poster
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Fantasy,Historical, Romance, Modern, Modern-Fantasy, Libertine, Adventure , Disney and Sci-Fi
Gods of old and New are very prominent in lives of many people, even now that the world has gone from thriving to a desert waste land. The fall of religion brought the Human world crashing to a halt, wars broke out and every country as decimated to a desert wasteland that had very little nutrients and very limited water. Small towns were rare, Roaming Cannibals, and grifters were the main thing you will find, though those who were older often were blind and could not see do to the breaking of the ozone layer with all the chemical nuclear war fare.

Those who had found a place to hide were safe, but not from going blind. However now it has been years and the new generation can see just not as well as the others did before the fall of humanity. Now with this New Era, there were no longer any gods to worship or praise they had all fallen to the wayside and now everyone prayed to no one just that they would survive another day in the waste land that was now known as earth. With no praying or keeping the Gods in their thoughts, these immortals were dying off and disappearing forever from the world never to return again. Some of the Major gods saw this and willed there powers into Objects such as, Necklaces, bracelets, rings, Staffs, and clothing. They would leave them for worthy enough humans to find them. Yet, only the humans that were meant to have the items can access its powers. When the human would wear the Item or hold the Item they would hold the Gods power. This way even if these Gods faded away into nothingness, there powers would not and the gods would live on.

The Items had the power to turn the users Immortal with time, if they kept using the item for an extended time. After a while they would become the New Gods of the New World there goal was to get the world back into balance and get the people worshipping the gods again and keep them worshipping and bring peace to the earth again. However they are running against time, Those who seek to take the powers from them, and those with dark powers wishing to be the main power in the world and keeping the chaos and Disaster in the world and enslave the humans left.

Our Story begins with the gods relinquishing their power into the Items and letting them fall to the earth below. The items would land in the soft soil and wait for their owners to discover them and discover the powers that lie within the item itself, Each Item will fall into the hands of our Hero's or Villain's, Regular people or outcasts. What will you be? Who will your God be? What is the Symbol of power that has been given to you?

Gods – Keep Genders Even please (also if your gods Partner is one Gender you must be the opposite gender unless you agree with you partner for same sex relationship which is okay, Like Hades and Persephone, for example) 9 Females 10 Males

  • Zeus Lord of the Skies ~ Winnie Male
    Poseidon Lord of the Seas~ Neptune male
    Aphrodite Goddess of Love ~ Lulunopia Female
    Athena Goddess of Wisdom~ Winnie Male
    Artemis Goddess Of the Moon~ Rose Female
    Ares God of War~ open prefer be male
    Apollo God of The Sun twin to Artemis~ Dark Disney Male
    Demeter goddess of the Harvest~ Neptune female
    Persephone Goddess of Spring~ open
    Dionysus God of Wine~ Dark Disney Male
    Hera Mother of the Gods~ taken
    Hermes Messenger God~ taken
    Hephaestus Forger God~ Winnie Female
    Hestia Goddess of the hearth~ open
    Iris Goddess of Rainbows ~ open
  • Hades Lord of The Underworld ~ Dark Disney Female
    Nyx Goddess of the Night~ Rose female
    Thanatos God Of Death~ Dark Disney Male
    Chronos Titan Lord~ taken
    Hecate Goddess of Magic and Witch craft~open
    Hypnos God of Sleep~ taken
    Nemisis Goddess of Revenge~ open
    Eros god of Love ~ Lulunopia Male
    Erebus God Of Darkness~ taken
    Eris Goddess Of Discord and Strife~ Dark Disney Female
    Selene Goddess of Vampires~ open
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Nyx and Artemis please ^^
well do I absolutely have to have one and one because I do not think either one would be played well as a male in my opinion...
This sounds neat. I'll take Poseidon and Demeter, if that's okay? c:
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well do I absolutely have to have one and one because I do not think either one would be played well as a male in my opinion...
Made them Female I added 2 males so I took 5 and now we need 2 more males to make it about even
@Princess Poisoned Rose

Will get Signups and Discord up soon. So for the CS it may be simple, but For the first post that leaves you time to really really really work out the back story and personality, so really gives you something to expand your first post with introducing you character to us all and the world they are now put into. Really make them concrete I want Characters to grow and develop through the story. So they may have certain concrete personality but others may change and or grow with time.
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I will also have town's and the new worlds country's and a map
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