A fun night in Lucis

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Kiwi enjoyer
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
  2. 1-3 posts per day
Online Availability
all the time
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, romance, yaoi, action (a little),
It had only been a few days since Noctis left the crown city to go to altissia for his wedding with the beautiful lady Lunafreya.

Noct sits in a folding chair at night, watching the moon float in the sky while his friends slept. He smiled as the fire burned and made him feel all toasty.

After what felt like hours he decided to put out the fire and lay down, resting his head on his curled up chocobo. The gold ball of feathers moved a little when he rested his head on its back.

When Noctis gets comfy he closes his eyes and drifts off into a deep slumber, only to be awakened the next morning by the smell of ingis's cooking "mm...mmm...hmmm?" He groans as he sits up and stretches and rubs his eyes

Hours later they make it to lestallum, greeting everyone and stopping for a small snack of cup noodles. They walk into the hotel and greet Iris. Noct blushes a little, having a small crush on her despite being Lady Lunafreya's soon to be husband.

"Hey Noct!" Iris shouts, running over to Noct and wrapping him in a tight embrace. "H...hey iris" he mumbles, hugging back

Noctis x iris

I dont know what to do after this

So please continue from where I stopped