A Daemon and His Work

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Samael nodded, standing up, many of his bones cracking from sleeping on the floor. He stretched, then examined the pipe. It's intricacy, surely a vampire living in such a place, wouldn't own something like this, not legally. Of course, that was why the man at the club wanted it, most likely. Sighing, he grimaced, handing Yuuki the pipe again and following her down the stairs of the belltower.
Yuuki took the pipe back and slipped it in her pocket as she walked down the winding stairs, pausing at the bottom to look all around. The church was still deserted, which was good. She gestured for Samael to follow her silently just in case there was somebody out of sight, then tiptoed out the door. Once outside, she hopped down the steps and wandered to the sidewalk.

"Alright. We'll go to the club, find the guy again, give him the pipe, then be on our way. We'll leave from there to go to that place you mentioned. Maybe on the way we should stop at a store, I don't have a whole lot of food and if we're staying somewhere out in the woods we should have a little stocked up since I can't hunt worth anything," she said, taking his hand in hers as they walked down the street. She didn't mention that they would probably have to steal from the store since she had no money. Maybe a miracle would happen.
Samael nodded, following her into the sun. As they went on their way downtown, to the club, he ran over in his mind what they would find at the place he was taking her. Surely, the vampire's wouldn't just leave his father's body to rot there. If they did...the thought made Samael shiver. There might be a few cans of non-perishables. Surely his father wouldn't have lived like he had made his son. If the body was gone, the vampires wouldn't have cared enough to clean the blood up. It would still be there, stained the wooden floors, and leaving a ghastly testament to what had happened there. Sighing, he resigned the two to their fate, that they were actually going to the house he was born in.
"At least the main room will be deserted since it's so early," she murmured as they approached the door of the club. She hadn't spoken another word as they walked, too lost in thought. He had been silent as well, so she assumed he was thinking about their problems. Would he be in so much trouble if not for her? The thought saddened her, but she pushed it away and just opened the door. She had been right about the club being deserted. It was clean and empty. She looked around, then shrugged and walked over to the door they had used last time. "Come on, let's get this over with," she said to Samael, tugging open the staff entrance door.
As they approached the club, wifts of the two's previous walk came to Samael's sensitive nose, and he realized that any sort of Daemon or vampire would instantly be able to tell if he was ever here or not. It was a troubling thought, but he shook it away just as well, instead focusing on what was happening now. He followed her through the deserted club, the smell of cleaner apparent, as they approached the staff door. Heading through it, they were greeted by the same interior, the same door at the end of the hallway, and the same strangling silence.
Yuuki pushed the door open and stepped into the white hallway from before, glancing around to ensure that nobody was there before looking back at Samael. She slid her hand in his with a faint nod and started walking toward the door that had been the man's office last time. About halfway there, she paused and looked behind them. There was nobody there, which confused her a little bit. She started walking again, then stopped again after a single step and turned to Samael.

"Can you hear that?" she asked uncertainly, glancing behind them. Still nobody there.

'Yuuki..' the voice faintly called in her mind, genderless and faintly seductive. Not in a sexual manner, but in more of an unresistable call sort of manner. She looked all around for the source of it, then tried to push it out of her mind.

"Nevermind, I think I'm just tired and too stressed. Let's go," she said, shaking her head again and walking over to the door. She took a deep breath, then opened it.
Samael nodded slowly, not knowing what to make of Yuuki's actions. Deciding that he wouldn't press her further, he followed her the rest of the hallway, stopping at the door as she opened it. Inside was...

Nothing. It had the exact same furnishings, but the man was gone from his position at his desk. Stepping inside, his eyebrows pressed together in confusion, he examined further the room, before silently berating himself. The man surely wouldn't be spending all his time here. Looking around the room more closely now, however, he found a dark wood coffin lying upright in the corner.

Figuring it couldn't hurt to open it, just in case the man was some sort of odd-habited man, Samael moved to the coffin, shrugging at Yuuki awkwardly. "Couldn't hurt," he said simply.
"Couldn't hurt?" she repeated, eying the coffin with a faint frown. There were a lot of things that could hurt with opening up a coffin. Who knows what was inside?! It could be that vampire hunter that had sent them here in the first place. Wait, the whole sleeping in coffins thing was just a myth, right? Vampires were myths, what was she even talking about? She was too distracted by the voice to think straight, and just gave Samael a nod. "Alright, might as well.."
Again, Samael took note of Yuuki's behavior, but chose not to bring it up. Just as he was moving to open the coffin, it opened of its own accord. Jumping back, startled, he shouted a warning to Yuuki, trying to make sure that she would be safe in case whatever was inside it was hostile. Just a few more inches until the two could see whatever was inside the coffin remained and the rest of the coffin jerked open.

Inside was the hunter. Press. He looked about, surprised for a second. Recognizing the two, his eyes flashed angrily before he said, "Hello Daemon. Madam. I trust you actually have business here today?"

Without thinking, Samael blurted out, "Were you sleeping in there?" A smile played upon his mouth, almost a smirk, but he really wanted to know.

Apparently, the comment offended Press, who sneered and said, "Of course not, Daemon. It's a passageway disguised as a coffin to make my traveling easier." Samael couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not, so he just nodded, not sure how to respond.
Yuuki jumped when Samael yelled, but didn't budge. She just stood and watched as the coffin opened. Well, her first thought was right. She eyed him as his expressions slid from one to another, a faint touch of amusement touching her thoughts as Samael asked Press if he had been sleeping in there. Maybe it wasn't such a myth after all, just not for vampires. She cleared her throat and stepped forward, figuring that she might as well answer him since she was the one who had the pipe.

"We do have business, but it isn't with you. I'm looking for your boss," she said, then paused before asking where the other man was.

'Yuuki.. Come here..' she heard again. She glanced behind her automatically, but it was just the closed door. Running an anxious hand through her hair, she turned back to Press and waited, hoping he'd offer up the place where the other man was.
Press gave her a bemused look, seeming to think her question over before saying, "I am not his keeper. No, he is mine. Who am I to say where it is he has gone?" The curved scar at the left corner of his mouth makes it look like he is smiling, but it does not reach his eyes. He did seem to notice her anxiety, and said, "Something troubling you, my lady?" The thought seemed to amuse him.

Instinctively, Samael stepped forwards, trying to make it apparent that if Press touched her, there would be blood. "Watch yourself, hunter, and tell us what we need to know." Almost absentmindedly, Press scratched at a long-worn tattoo on his right hand, a blood seal, just like Samael's, but it had its own design.
"No," she answered automatically, then shook her head slightly at Samael. "Don't bother. There's no point playing games with him if he isn't going to tell us. We tried, that's all that matters. Let's get out of here," she said, turning away from the pair and back toward the door. It wasn't their fault if Press wouldn't help them out. They had tried to deliver on their promise and were unable. End of story. If he got angry, oh well, no helping that now.

Once she was facing the door, she stopped and stared. Gabriel was standing there with a wicked grin on his face, and his eyes were locked on hers as he took a step closer to her.

'Yuuki.. my daughter..' he said, and the words echoed in her mind. It was only then that she realized Gabriel wasn't actually there, and that Samael and Press wouldn't be able to see him. She was just hallucinating. Damn it, the stress really was getting to her. She went to walk past the figment of her imagination and he seemed amused, moving to lash out at her.

She collapsed to the floor, seemingly randomly, in the middle of walking over to the door. A small cut across her cheek was the only sign of injury - that, and the fact that she was out cold.
Samael nodded, throwing a dirty glance at Press before turning as well. Just as he was tipping his chin up in defiance towards Press's games, he noticed Yuuki stop in her tracks, and was about to ask her what was wrong when she began moving again. Shaking it off as nothing, he continued, shouting out as she fell back, a cut across her cheek.

"Yuuki!" he cried, kneeling by her and checking her pulse. Turning his head to Press, he shouted, "What the hell did you do to her?" Press shook his head, actually offering an emotion besides amusement.

"I haven't done anything to your master, Daemon." was all he said before returning to his coffin, shutting the lid behind him.

Returning to Yuuki's aid, Samael tried to get her to respond, to no avail. "Please!" he finally shouted. "Wake up, Yuuki!"
Yuuki didn't even flinch when she hit the floor, or when Samael yelled her name. She didn't move at all, in fact, seeming much like a ragdoll. Slowly her skin began to cool a little, not dangerously slow but enough to be noticeable. Her pulse remained calm as though she were sleeping.

'Yuuki.. You came to me. What an obedient daughter I have,' a voice spoke to her, and in her mind she turned to see Gabriel standing there. Their surroundings were pitch black, but there was a faint light so that she could still see the outline of his wings. He was smirking at her. 'I'm so glad you could make it. I have a gift for you.'

'I don't want any gift from you! Where are we? Where is Samael? How did you get into the club?' she demanded, making him laugh.

'Fiery. Good. You'll need that for when I come back to kill you. For now, my gift is merely this: Your true heritage.'

At that moment, her body, lying there on the floor, began to change. Her skin began to glow faintly even though she hadn't stirred. After about a minute, she began to move slightly as if in discomfort. Seconds later she was whimpering in pain and the sounds of something tearing could be heard. By the end of it all, a small pair of black wings had forced themselves from her back. They were shiny with blood, but smooth, and the wound healed around them almost instantly. She woke up a few minutes later, dazed.

Samael didn't know what to do. He was powerless in this situation, had nothing to do that would help. It was almost as if she was in a coma, her body there, but her mind not. He shook with rage, fear, and sadness. He didn't want to lose Yuuki, not after all they had been through in such a short amount of time.

As her skin began to glow, he gasped, almost dropping her head. He watched in horror as the black wings forced themselves from her shoulder blades, never having seen something in all his life. As the wound closed, he again tried to rouse her, but failed, having her wake up several minutes later. As she spoke, he responded, "Yuuki, I'm here. Are you...are you okay?"
"I think so.. But.. Wasn't Gabriel here? I saw him.. Or, I think I did. He spoke to me.." she murmured uncertainly, rubbing the side of her head since she was starting to get a severe headache. "I don't feel so good. Where did Press go?" she added, sitting up a little, still unaware of the new additions to her back as she brushed her hair away from her face and looked back at Samael.
Gently, Samael helped Yuuki sit up. Finally, he answered her questions. "Yuuki, no one but Press, you, and me were here. Press just left." He tried to keep from glancing conspicuously at her wings, not sure how to bring up that subject. Smiling reassuringly, or at least, trying to, he said, "Let me help you up. We can return to the cathedral, and find some way to get to the place we're going."
Yuuki stared at Samael for a long few moments uncomprehendingly. They were the only ones that had been there? That would mean that she had hallucinated Gabriel being there, but that was impossible. He had struck her, spoken to her, mocked her. Hadn't he? She realized then that she had no physical proof that he had been there or that she had seen him, only a lingering feeling of unease. Looking down at the floor, she nodded a little and took his hands, standing up and wobbling for just a moment before she regained her balance and stepped back from him.

"Back to the cathedral.. okay.." she agreed, nodding a little as she tried to forget all of her confusing thoughts. She glanced at the door instinctively, but there was nobody there. It was really just the two of them. "We should go," she said, trying to get a grip on reality. She had hallucinated and passed out, that was all. Maybe she was just hungry.
Gently, he helped her stand up, worried that she would fall when she stepped away from him. When he thought she was okay again, he pushed open the door once more, taking her hand lightly in his. "We'd better go now, right Yuuki?" he asked, gauging how far into reality she was in. Even though he wasn't too sure he was in reality as well. He nervously glanced at the wings coming from her back, wondering if he was going crazy.
Twitching slightly and glancing behind herself, Yuuki could have sworn that she saw something move. Was she going crazy? She frowned uncertainly and looked up at Samael, lacing her fingers in his shakily. Go now? Right, the cathedral. They had to leave. She nodded and moved over to the door with him, stepping out into the white hallway. Something behind her caught her attention again and she turned, this time catching a glimpse of something black. Blinking, she twisted around and saw the full edge of a wing.

"What is that?!" she yelped, spinning around in circles in an attempt to see it. She couldn't. Frowning, she looked up at Samael with pleading eyes, confused and starting to really panic. Had Gabriel actually touched her? No, that was a hallucination. What was going on?! She fell back a step and put her hands on either side of her head, trying to ignore the swiftly growing migraine. "Samael.." she whimpered.