A Clash of Worlds (Taliesin&redblood)

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Adrian didn't even twitch at the first few attempts to wake him. After a few more vigorous shakes he grumbled irritably and made an annoyed waving motion with one arm, still with a firm grip on Paris. "Not now Master." He whined. "Just a few more minutes..." And with that he was gone into an even deeper sleep. After several more attempts failed the deeper sleep did have one positive side effect. Adrian was much like a rag doll and did not cling quite so desperately to Paris when he was pulled away by a body guard.

He didn't stir in the car on the way back to the palace or once they arrived either.
After quite a few attempts they eventually had to give up. Adrian wouldn't wake up no matter what. So a body guard carried him to the vehicle with Paris walking on his own two legs in front of them. Pictures were taken, but at least their body guards could keep the amount of reporters at bay now when some of them had left for other news or because they were new to the job and didn't get that being tired wasn't a reason to leave.

When they got back to the palace, Adrian was put in bed while Paris went to talk with his parents. Even they thought it had gone wonderfully. At first his mother had meant to go to the press conference, but they were slightly afraid that the queen would steal the show if someone saw her, thus she stayed back with the king and watched it on TV. Then Paris retired to his room, far too tired to do any more work for the day. He checked how people have liked them on TV and it was a bit of a mixed response. Most seemed to have thought that Adrian was sincere. But then came the comments that spoke about conspiracies, brainwashing and such. Even though they were one in ten, which was extremely good for the internet, he still got tired of them extremely fast and decided to turn off the computer.

He jumped onto his bed and started to read a book instead. Eventually he was sleeping with a book lying across his face.
It was quite some hours before Adrian woke up. When he did he was confused for several moments. First he thought he had just dreamed about the conference and still had to do it but looking at the time confirmed he had already done so. Finally his sleepy brain processed what must have happened after the conference. "Well that was dignified." He muttered with a sigh and ran a hand over his face. He could only imagine that was quite the treat for the news people. He slipped off the bed and whisked off the suit to be replaced with his own more comfortable wear. Now that he felt a bit more like himself he very much wanted to see Paris but he wasn't sure if the other prince was asleep or not.

Eventually he decided Paris wouldn't mind and took the opportunity of the late hour to go visit his lover. When he slipped into Paris's room he couldn't help but stop and stare at the sight of his lover. He pressed hand against his lips to muffle the laughter and swiftly moved over to the bed. He got on it very carefully so as not to jostle Paris and picked the book off of the of the other Prince's face before leaning down to kiss him sweetly.
Paris was very easily awoken. Even someone passing by in the corridor could wake him completely for hours. But if he were tired and was awakened by small sounds he usually just lied there and enjoyed to soon be able to fall asleep again. He was drowsy enough to not realize that what he was hearing this time had actually come into his room. Being somewhere in between a state of sleeping and being awake, Paris was certain that the footsteps he heard coming closer only were in the dream that started to fade more and more as he became more conscious.

For a moment he could feel something moving away from him, but the dream was almost completely gone. Or maybe he just wasn't aware of that the dream were continuing. Then he felt something touch his lips. A familiar scent made him a bit more aware that he might not be dreaming any longer. He didn't really need to open his eyes to know who it was, so for the moment he didn't.

"Weren't you asleep?" He chuckled as their lips parted and he brought a hand up to his face to try to rub the tiredness away a bit. Weirdly it worked. Maybe it had something to do with blood circulation or something. He opened his eyes and saw that Adrian had been able to sit down on the bed without him noticing. He must have been really tired to miss that he had sunk down a bit on one side.
"I was." Adrian pulled upwards with a grin. "But it's been quite a while and strangely enough I woke up." He sighed heavily then. "Of course now my sleeping schedule is entirely ruined but it hasn't been in the best state since I arrived here anyway." His voice dropped to a purr and he settled comfortably next to his lover and idly trailed a hand over his chest. "You have been consuming my hours." Adrian was obviously not particularly bothered by such a state of affairs either.
Paris felt his pulse racing as a blush spread over his cheeks. His instincts did tell him to push the hand away, it wasn't proper behavior. Think about the scandal it created last time. But another side of him did tell him that the scandal was over, and everyone knew about their relationship. And he really liked to have Adrian holding him.

"You make it sound as if I have made you drink a love potion." He mentioned with a pout. Most of it was based on Adrian's speech, though a little bit on his current comment too. People would probably not start seeing Paris as the villain because of it, but it had made him feel as if he had done something wrong. As if he had been seducing the prince without even knowing it. Which might be correct, and in that case he was even more annoyed with himself. For the moment though, he didn't think very deeply on the speech Adrian had done, it was just a comment because of what Adrian just said which reminded slightly of what had been said earlier the same day.
"Love potions don't exist." Adrian replied with a chuckle, leaning in to teasingly nibble on Paris's ear. "And even if they did they would not be near as effective as your natural charm." Perhaps because Paris was quite predictable in this manner Adrian seemed to have an idea what was going on in his mind. "You didn't do anything wrong." He murmured soothingly. "Instead you showed me the wonderful world that was you, the best gift anyone could ever receive." He wasn't speaking of anything physical in that at all, though there was no denying his interest in the other prince's physical characteristics either. Those had simply been incidental to the surprising bond that had formed between them.
The redness of his cheeks deepened on Adrian's second, much shorter, speech of the day. No person in today's society would ever talk like that, which made it much harder to respond to. But it was part of the young prince's charm. He wasn't like other people. The only way for Paris to describe it was that he was magical. It had nothing to do with his magic powers though. The way he moved, spoke and thought was all charming and somehow had pulled the young prince in without even noticing, like a spell.

"You should probably say that to all the heartbroken teenage girls that cries because I have a boyfriend. They might not agree with you completely." Paris joked, knowing there were a lot of people whom had announced their undying love for him on the internet. They probably thought he did something wrong. But it didn't matter who he were together with, they would always think they were better even though 99% of them had never met him. Then there were those girls, princesses and diplomats daughters, that actually had proposed to him before he had even come of age. The questions had pretty much flooded in the moment it had become public that he and Alyssia wouldn't be forced into marriage.
Adrian grinned and hummed pleasantly in agreement. He was once again having to hold a tight reign on himself because Paris blushing was a creature too tempting for words. It was almost better than his own fantasies, which he tried not to think about because he felt they were degrading to Paris, even though the other prince would never know about them. "It's a shame for them." He said nonchalantly, obviously feeling no sorrow at breaking the hearts of so many deluded fangirls. Jealous nobles were a slightly different matter but that just made him even more proud of his accomplishment. Even though there had been quite a few stumbling blocks along the way he had persevered and hopefully the worst was over now.

Of course, there was still that niggling guilt that ate at his gut, but it was just an irritation that he would ignore at all costs. As such he pushed the feeling down and leaned in for a deeper more sensual kiss.
As Paris felt the kiss he became completely lost in the wonderful world of Adrian. Just like most times, he completely forgot his surrounding and just lived in the moment. How could he have been so lucky to meet his soul mate so unexpectedly? Sure, it wasn't the person people might want him to be with, but no matter if they accepted Adrian or not, Paris knew he was perfect. Both for him and the kingdom.

"I'm glad you came to our country." Paris mumbled drowsily and happily once they had stopped and just laid in each other arms. He weren't sure if they had been going on for minutes or hours, or maybe even days. But considering they hadn't been disturbed, it was probably not morning yet at the very least. "I wonder if it's a matter of fate or luck." He continued while a hand were playing with Adrian's hair. How big was the chances that Adrian hadn't chosen another country? Of course the only reason why he thought like that was because he didn't know that Adrian had deliberately chosen which air to a throne he were going to try to seduce. The most clueless and innocent one in the world was probably the best to go for first.
Adrian had been so content, wrapped around Paris in just the perfect way they seemed to fit together. He was in no way prepared for the effect that Paris's words had upon him and turned his choking into a violent coughing fit. He half rolled off Paris both to recover himself and to not be coughing in the other mans face. He waved off the obvious concern and cleared his throat a few times. "I'll...be fine....just choked on air....it happens occasionally..." He managed a weak grin and tried to pass it off as just an accident though the ball of guilt inside of him seemed to have grown far out of proportion to the small amount of words that had been spoken. Much as Paris had unwittingly stolen his head, Paris also unwittingly tore it apart.

After his terrible reaction he was finally able to breath and think a couple minutes later. "Ah...it's been a while since I've done that." He rubbed his throat ruefully. "My master always said it was a talent." Outwardly he was much recovered and at the moment that was all that mattered. He managed a better smile this time. "I am quite glad I came to this country too." He didn't feel so much like cuddling anymore though.
Paris watched worriedly as Adrian seemed to be coughing up his lungs. Waiting for a bit, the prince finally seemed to recover. He had choked on his own spit a few times, but never on air. But he didn't dwell on it. At the very least, Adrian seemed to be fine again.

"You sure you're okay? You're not about to get sick, are you?" He asked still a bit concerned. It wasn't unusual for people from other countries to get sick as their bodies weren't completely used to the difference in air, temperature, bacteria culture etc. He laid a hand on top of Adrian's head and kept it there for a few seconds. "No fever at least." He sighed relieved.
"I've got a strong constitution." Adrian said with a shrug. "I'm sure I'll be fine." He seemed to think about it for a few moments though and then sighed. "Perhaps I will go to my own room and rest for a while though...I am not feeling the best." He leaned forward for another quick kiss and flashed a weak smile before sliding out of the bed. "Rest well love." He slipped his clothes back on, exerting just a bit of magic to clean himself up and let himself out in an almost suspiciously fast manner.

He went straight to his room and laid down. He wasn't feeling sick in the manner Paris was thinking of, but he was definitely not feeling well nonetheless. He tried to sleep but the twisting pain in his stomach made it quite hard. It was some hours before he finally settled into a restless sleep.
"Okay, call me if it gets worse." Paris told him before Adrian closed the door behind himself. It felt as if he had done something wrong. Had it been something he said? Or was Adrian just becoming sick? Maybe he should call a doctor to check on him just in case. The prince watched the door for a long while before finally sinking back down into the bed. He couldn't sleep though. What if something was badly wrong with Adrian's health and he just down played it?

After hours and hours of sleeplessness he finally drifted off. The next day when he went up, the first thing he did was look at the newspaper. As expected, a picture of Adrian being carried out to the car on the front page. When opening it though there were a lot of flattering pictures too. One of him doing his speech, and another one when Sylas was introducing them. The paper did say a lot of nice things about Adrian, but also took up that we couldn't know if he was a threat or not, only time would show.

Paris went to Adrian's room to show him the good news. Sure, the paper only wrote what they knew the people wanted to hear, but now they knew that the people weren't extremely suspicious towards him. He knocked on the door and creaked it open. "Adrian, you awake?" He said in a low tone so he wouldn't wake the man if he wasn't already.
Adrian almost didn't respond to the soft tone. He had just started drifting back off into a light doze when he thought he heard someone speak. It took a few moments after that to realize he had actually heard someone speak and that someone was Paris. He slowly pushed himself up and squinted towards the door. "Paris?" He called, only slightly louder than his lover had. "Come on in." He wasn't in any way ready to deal with Paris again but he was hardly going to tell the other Prince to go away so he'd just have to deal with it. "What're you doing here so early?" He glanced towards the windows, only now realizing due to the craziness that happened it was probably well into the day actually.
Paris had almost thought Adrian were completely asleep and was just about to close the door when he heard the small voice calling him in. "Sorry I woke you up." He apologized while closing the door behind himself. "It is close to noon though." He told the other prince. No one expected them to be up early when they had such a difficult day the day before, so it wasn't like they couldn't sleep.

"I thought you wanted to see the news. They've written a lot about your speech." He then said cheerfully and brought the paper to Adrian, of course making sure that the first picture he saw was him being carried out by a bodyguard.

"People especially thought you were adorable after you were done." He commented, knowing there were some females that had fangirled over the picture on the internet.
"I was drifting." Adrian said dismissively to Paris's apology and seemed to perk up at the mention of the news. He scooted towards the edge of the bed before freezing in horror at the sight of the front page. "Oh no..." He groaned and put a hand over his face, doing little to hide the flush of embarrassment at how incredibly undignified he had been. "My brother would never let me hear the end of this." His guilt was briefly forgotten in the more immediate emotions but once he recovered himself and started skimming through the article he felt it come back with a vengeance, gnawing at his gut.

"I'm glad all that effort paid off." He said softly, mustering up a smile for Paris with some effort. As he became more awake he was firmly taking himself in hand. He was far too much of a well trained royal to let his emotions get the better of him, let alone a magician. "Have you spoken to your parents yet?"
Paris chuckled at the reaction of the front page. He had figured that would get a reaction out of him. "Lucky your brother doesn't get our news feed then." He commented. This was probably the one instance Adrian cheered for their country being without technology, after all, no technology, no internet. They wouldn't get this picture too easily. If they hadn't sent a spy to check on him and that spy happened to come across the paper.

"I have." He nodded, the smile probably told more than any words he could use to tell about it. "They think your speech was great, and so far there is a 70% support ratio from the people to make more contact with your country. A poll came up on the internet as fast as the live sending was done." He explained, extremely proud over how far they got so fast. Of course it had only been one day since the press conference, and it could still change a lot. But it seemed like people were taking it well. He didn't mention what people thought of their relationship though. Everyone had mixed feelings about that. Some didn't want him to have a boyfriend because they couldn't produce an heir. Some didn't want a person from an uncivilized country. Some were fangirling about it, probably writing fanfiction about it right in that moment, some probably didn't care.
"70%..." Adrian fell backwards onto his bed, letting out a soft sigh of relief. "It definitely worth it then." He shook his head slightly in bemusement. "Your 'internet' is truly an amazing thing." That was one thing magic would have a hard time replicating. It probably could be done but it would be hard and require magical resources that would be better spent elsewhere. He stared musingly up the ceiling for a few moments before sitting up with a chuckle. "So, what is the plan today?" Adrian knew of at least one thing he needed to try and deal with but that would require being alone and was best done at night. He'd have to be even more careful this time as well.
"It definitely helps giving the statistics faster than if we'd have to ask people on the street for their opinion." He chuckled. "Though it's still early, so it might go up and down for the next coming days. In one or two weeks we should know for certain what the majority wants. But starting out positively will give us the news people on our side. And that usually influences the people who hasn't decided on their opinion early."

But Adrian was right. The internet was quite fantastic as it could influence people in a positive way and spread things fast. But likewise it could influence things in a negative way and spread it even faster. It was a curse and a blessing.

"If we listen to my parents, the plan will be to sleep the day away. They think we need 24 hours of sleep just to refuel our batteries." Paris rolled his eyes. "But that seems like a boring way to spend a day off, don't you think?" A playful, childish grin came across his face. "Let's get out today. Everyone thinks we'll be resting in our rooms anyway." The prince of can't-do-anything-wrong was suggesting they sneaked out in the middle of the day. Maybe Adrian was a bad influence. "If you think you have the energy for it of course." He then said slightly concerned, remembering Adrian hadn't felt well the previous day. "Still feeling unwell?"
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