A Basket of Fruit {{ Closed }}

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Zie nodded. "Sounds perfect." He smiled happily.
She chuckled happily and smiled at him. Then asked him to grab a few things from the fridge as she grabbed a few other things around the kitchen.
Ziekonry searched the fridge for what Kiara asked for, then put them on the counter for her. "This stuff?"
She nodded,"thanks" she told him then set out a wok pan and poured roughly a cup of oil in it before cooking the chicken in a seperate pan and the vegetablesin another.
She smiled up at him,"can you cook the vegetables while I get these two?" She asked as she fried the chicken and rice with oil soy sauce and one of her own concoction.
Ziekonry nodded and started to cook the vegetables, focusing on the steaming veggies in the pan.
She glanced over at him every few minutes till everything was ready. She poured the veggies and chicken in with the rice and tossed jt till it was all mixed then she smiled at him,"can you tell yuri dinner is ready?
Ziekonry smiled. "Alright." He hurried to Yuri's room. "Dinner." He said. Yuri followed him down.
She set up the table and scooped equal portions of the fried rice onto everyone's plate and a few pieces of the left over sushi.
Ziekonry sat on her left. Yuri was on her right.
"This smells delicious." Yuri smiled.
She smiled,"thank you" she said and began eating,"what would you guys like for lunch tomorrow."
"Anything you fix." Ziekonry smiled slightly.

Yuri paused to think a moment. "Maybe a soup?" He suggested.
She smiled at them both,"i guess soup it is" she chuckled happily.
Ziekonry continued to eat and Yuri smiled.
She blushed happily and when she was done she cleaned all the plates and prepared to leave for work,"I probably wont be back till about 2 so dont wait up ok?" She told them as she headed towards the door.
"Okay." Yuri answer.
Ziekonry slipped to his room, then on the roof to watch her walk to work.
She walked down the street and all the way to work.
Yuri returned to his room to do homework.
Zie lay back on the roof, watching the sky.
Early in the morning she arrived back at the house. She arrived and slipped off her shoes before curling up on the ground for a few moments before she heard her alarm go off, she rushed up to turn it offbefore it awoke the others her braids were a mess and her eyes were half closed when she stood from the ground
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