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A Basket of Fruit {{ Closed }}

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She gazed over at him,"I have work again today so I'll be home late but I left some leftovers in the fridge if you guys get hungry" she said to him, gazing back up at the sky.
Yuri nodded. "Alright." He said, stretching a little. He looked around the school grounds. "We have to get back to class soon..." He sighed.
She nodded,"ok" before getting up and starting away,"you ready?" She asked.
She smiled at him softly then walked towards the classroom, hearing him trail just behind her. "So how has your day been?" She asked.
"It's been pretty good...classes were normal." Yuri smiled faintly. "And yours?"
She smiled,"same" she said, even though she was lying, she was getting used to not telling them what was going on.
Yuri nodded slightly, though something in the back of his mind doubted her just a tiny bit.

Ziekonry, even though he really wanted to nap in the sun, walked back inside to see if maybe, just maybe, he could figure out his homework.
She walked to class with him, pulling out the dice again and smiled at him,"wanna play? Make it 50 this time?" She asked pulling out her other things.
She smiled and after the day was done they headed home together.
Ziekonry hopped down from the roof, landing with a slightly pained grunt. "Hey Kiara.." He smiled.

Yuri rolled his eyes.
She smiled at him,"hey Ziekonry, how was your day? Are you feeling any better?" She asked happily, shifting her weight from folt to foot so as not to put too much preasure on any part of her body.
Zie nodded, watching her carefully a moment. "How was your day?" He asked softly.

Yuri went inside.
She gave a soft nod,"it was great" she lied,"do you want to help me with dinner, I have the night shift tonight so after dinner I have to go" she told him.
Zie nodded happily. "Sure." He said, opening the door and motioning her in.

Yuri was in his room doing homework.
She slipped into the kitchen and pulled out a cook book,"first off what do you want?" She asked with a happy chuckle
She laughed happily,"alright how about chicken fried rice and some yellow pickles, I like the yellow ones because they are sweeter" she explained to him.
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