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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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How did it go again? I remember dice was involved. That's all I got from it.
Every char starts with 20 HP (Without the Vitality bonus)

There's a roll for the hit, after that a roll for damage, the damage roll gets a bonus for strengh, if a critical hit is landed the damage will suffer a +2, to dodge the attacks is needed the sneak, and you can call the awarness the "Accuracy" of this game, if the defensor haves higher sneak than the attacker's awareness the defensor will dodge the attack.

That's what u made it to understand...
  • Thank You
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I leave for 10 minutes and I see my name turned into "Reina-Sama"
A practice sounds great! I'd like to see an example, since this is my first time doing any combat RP's. Heehee, you're Ame-chama to me.
I have DMed RP fights before, i even have my own system for it, but i can't do Syphereon system because i don't know his roll's values.
Excuse me Raine-Sama if i missed the respect...

You can punish me for it if you wish so
Are we supposed to be seeing the dice roll option somewhere on the screen, or does it have to be inserted into the r.p?
Punishment will be delivered. ;-;
Go ahead Raine-Sama, i shall accept it.

The rolls are inserted and calculated by the GM of the fight, you can't do your own rolls, it must be always DM by a third
I haven't done a RP fight with dice, so I wanna try.
Well, why don't you use your system, Santa Zack, just write a post so I can see how it works.
I've never done one either so it should prove interesting
So I guess we're mostly amateurs at this dice rolling buisiness
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