Zodiac Allegiance (IC)

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Original poster

Six years have passed since the last meeting, and now it is time for the Zodiacs that were scattered all across the world to come together once again to discuss important matters. While averagely these meeting were simple enough, as they would talk about things that involved their individual clans or just basically catch up. This year, was unlike the pervious ones by far. Now, their was more to discuss then just their usual.

For several years now there was a group which had fallen on the radar of the Zodiac's intelligence gatherers. For the longest time they were considered anything but a threat. They were nothing more than a radical group that shouted bullshit in hopes that something would stick. No one took them seriously, even those that tried in order to not let anything slip through the cracks found the group to be laughable. There lack of organization, inability to do anything dangerous, as well as several other things made this group; named the Empire, merely another group of people seemingly deranged if not bored people. All of who were merely all talk and no bite.

That is, until a bit under two years ago, the once loud, obnoxious group, completely fell off the radar. Not a peep about them from anywhere, be it on the streets or social media. Members that had once made sure their voices were heard, seemed to have lost their tongues as not a peep left them. It was initially thought that the group just disbanded, giving up on their foolish ideals that made them seem outright mad. It was strange how the group vanished, but truthfully no one cared or saw reason to investigate the matter further.

Now, only a month before the six year meeting point, something has gone arry. While not much information has been told to the clan leaders as of yet. Something had gone down in the remote regions of Africa. An outpost that was in that region had gone completely dark. This of course raised concern, and people had been sent to check it out. That being said, the lack of information has been alarming. It was only a week before the meeting was suppose to take place did the leaders get new information. They were informed something of urgent had taken place and that the once silent group had returned. However what happened exactly? They didn't know just yet. That key information wasn't given to them. Those in charge of intelligence felt it was too dangerous to send their reports vai mail, be it text, email, hardrive etc. Therefore, in this meeting there was going to be one extra person. One of the top information gatherers among the clans allies was there to inform everyone of what truly happened at this dark zone. Who this person is something the leaders aren't aware of either, as the extra person's name hasn't be released to them.


It is now the day of the meeting. Due to it taking place in 2018, which is the year of the dog, it was the Dog clan who will be hosting the event. They chose the location and supplied the transport for it, they also paid for everything that was needed to make the trip smoothly and as comfortable as possible. With how sensitive the information that was being shared is, it had been decided they meeting would be taken in a more secluded location to make the likelihood of eavesdroppers or unwanted guest be almost 0.

What was more secluded than the middle of the Pacific ocean? The location of the meeting point is taking place on a massive yacht (that even some celebrities would struggle to buy) right in the pacific ocean. Transportation to the vessel was via helicopter (all of which had been generously supplied by the Wardogs security company), though if someone had their own means of getting to the yacht, then they were allowed to use it. The yacht as stated earlier was humongous, with plenty of rooms for all the helicopters that would be needed to take each individual person. It was run by a full staff each a very trusted member of the security company, and the clan itself. While this was a yacht meant for security, it was still a luxury yacht, and therefore had plenty of things to keep someone entertained/occupied till the meeting is to take place.

Currently the time was noon on the dot, the meeting itself wasn't suppose to be taking place till six pm. Some people could already be on the vessel exploring it to get a lay of the land, others could be interacting with each other, some may not even have arrived yet. Either way. sooner or later everyone would be on the Yacht, for as soon as the clock hits 6, the meeting will start.​
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" alright, it will be done" Jake says hanging up his cell phone and leaning over some of the control panel's to get a better look at the sky from the giant window infront of the bridge. "this looks like a good spot, why don't you go ahead and drop anchor" He says looking back at the ships Captain. "Here? what happened to stopping in Sydney" the captain says looking at the digital mapping display in the center of the bridge. " change of plans" Jake says walking over to the map and begins to press buttons lightning up three locations on the map. "Before we even left the harbor, we made preperations and recieved the clearance to dock at these locations, so at this moment we are expected to arrive in Sydney Australia, Tokyo Japan and Panama city, what they don't know is ,we are actually staying here until recieve further orders" Jake says before looking at another crew member.

" once the last of our guest arrive, i want every bird landed, only the recon units should be in the air until the meeting is over". " yes sir" the crewmember says before exiting the bridge. "this blows" Jake says yawning as he sits down on the captains seat.
" you should be happy your father put you in charge of this years meeting" the captain says as he pours some whiskey into two glasses and hands one to Jake.
" your just glad i manage to keep one of the Alcohol crates hidden before they shipped them out" Jake say making the Captain chuckle. " to a safe trip" the captain says toasting with Jake before downing his glass " hope you hid that crate good ,you know if Tani finds out she's going to rat you out to the director"
Jake downs his glass before shaking his head " relax, she's probably getting sea sick in her room right now"
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Ash Sanders/The Tiger

"I...fucking hate...flying..." Ash growled as he stumbled out of the helicopter before harshly throwing the ear protection off his head. "What ever made them think that doing this in the middle of the god damn fucking piece of fu-" With that Ash sentence stopped being a sentence as he just let out a string of cusses to fully make clear how much he detested the action of flying. Stumbling away from the abomination that was a helicopter he moved over to the railing of this immense yacht and gripped onto it as he tried to get his nerves to calm down. You figure, someone that lived on an island and had to fly quite often to meet his family and such would be fine with flying. That simply wasn't the case for the Tiger zodiac, honestly, with every flight he took his hatred for it grew and grew. Really, who in their right minds would enjoy being in a death machine thousands of feet above the air? Not him, never him.

Taking a few deep breaths he pushed back his messy and frazzled red hair as he tried to get his nerves to calm down. He had to stand there for a few more minutes till he finally felt fine enough to move around with stumbling around as if he were a drunk. Shoving off the railing and shoving his hands into his pants he walked down the deck to find something of interest to him. He had been made aware by the pilot that the meeting wasn't for another good six hours. Which meant he had a lot of down time right now. "Where the flying fuck, is the food on this ship?" He muttered under his breath as he started to wander the halls (not bothering to look or even find a map), in search for a place to eat. Seeing as he failed to get food before getting picked up (this was due to him purposely skipping his meal so he wouldn't hurl during the flight).
@Anyone that wants to interact with Ash

Alex Williams

Alex had been one of the first of the Zodaics to arrive at the Yacht, as he had been more than ready to be taken via helicopter. Currently he was in his room setting things up with his computer just making himself a bit more at home. While he did want to stream while he was hear, it was made very clear to him on several occasion that doing such would be a security violation. Sure he may be careful not to reveal everything, but rather safe than sorry, at least for now. While it was disappointing he could stream, he never did push the matter. After all, it was the Dog clan's turn to host this meeting what they said goes, no point in causing unneeded trouble for them.

Once he had his computer set up (without a webcam) and his bags put away, he got up and left his room. He figured he may as well take this chance to look around the yacht as well as converse with some other Zodiacs before the big meeting in a few hours. "Its been ages since I met anyone, I wonder how they are all doing?" He hummed to himself as he put his hands in his pockets while he just casually strolled along. He didn't have any goal in sight, just whoever he came across he intended to interact with, unless of course they were busy or wanted him to leave them alone.
@anyone that wants to interact with Alex
Eun-Jae Sin

One part anxious one part excited, Eun-Jae exited the helicopter with a spring to his step. Dressed formally, he looked right at home. However, this was not the case at all. Just looking at the sight of the luxury yacht left him standing in awe with his mouth agape. "Wooow~" It was moments like this that made him realize how small his world was before. Bowing repeatedly in thanks to the pilot that brought him aboard, Eun-Jae grabbed his bags and was then escorted to his room.

Instead of unpacking like a sensible person, he wandered back outside, held victim to his unbridled curiosity. While he moved with the grace of a swan, his eyes betrayed his calm facade. If it weren't for the fact that he blinked often, they'd probably have rolled out of their sockets. The one thing that always took him by surprise was how different the sky felt with something as simple as a change of location. It was a shame that there were no birds to watch. It seemed they were too far out in the water to see any, a thought that chilled him to the bones. After nearly drowning once before, he had avoided the ocean like the plague. He would be lying if he said that being at sea didn't make him nervous.

Those pointless thoughts were pushed to the back of his head by the sound of the waves crashing against the ship. Eun-Jae reimbursed himself back into the experience. His leisurely stroll grew more cheerful as he recalled a fun pop song that he had recently been learning the choreo to. Subconsciously dancing to it, he failed to notice a figure emerging from around a corner and bumped into him, his shoulder colliding with the innocent bystander's chest as he was swooping up into an upright position.

His sense was knocked back into him. "I-I'm sorry, are you okay?" More embarrassed than worried, Eun-Jae wished to flee more than anything but if he had hurt the other party, he wouldn't be able to live with himself. Recalling the identity of the few on the ship, he grew more worried. His flustered gaze met with a set of familiar blue eyes that he had seen many times on a screen. His ears were already flushed and heated. When he recognized the identity of the person he bumped into, the heat spread from ear to ear.

The person he crashed into was none other than LostDreamz, his favorite streamer. Never in this lifetime would he have thought that he'd casually bump into him here. Many in his place would swoon at the thought. Eun-Jae however, wished he had been born a turtle so he could hide away at this very moment. If he had the guts, he'd have hopped overboard into the sea, never to be seen again. Fortunately, he was a coward at heart.

Overcome by emotion, he hid his face away behind his hands and crouched down, suddenly feeling weak in the legs. He was so flustered, he didn't even question why LostDreamz would even be on this ship in the middle of nowhere. Even so, he couldn't resist taking a small peek through the gap between his fingers. "Am I dreaming? May I pinch you? His voice was soft but clear with a slight tremble in it. After making his unusual request, he unsteadily got to his feet and reached out for the Sheep representative's cheek, fairly skeptical of the other's existence.

Alex Williams @SolemnOath
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Issac comeing in with nina not long after the others on his own personal heilcop it's a little bigger than you normal two seater so you can fit a decent amount in, and he says" Well it's been a long time since i seen the others, i can't say i like or hate them after all were all share the same fate in a manner of speaking". He pauses for a minute or so then says" It's just sometimes i think to my self is this really worth the work and the hassle that comes with it, maybe i'm just to deep for my own good ironically some might think i'm shallow because of how i look or my past".

" I don't want to be looked at like that's it's unpleasant to say the least even if i don't say it directly, but enough about me thanks for coming nina it means a lot i know by now you could be doing several other things with your life but you choose to make time for me and the others".
He then shuts up since he has said what he needs to and gently lands on the pad and once on turns the engines off and waits for them to stop and looks at the Yacht and seeing if he can see anyone near by just out of curiosity.

Nina gently laughs and says" of course i'd come and fly with you and it's been a long time for me as well so i want to see what's in store for us, honestly can't say i miss the piss head dragon that thinks she's golden shit and some of the others but for now there's no point picking a fight since we might be on here for a little while". She pauses for a minute then says" From what i remember the horse had some massive knockers and seemed fairly friendly, i don't really remember the other women that well and that slightly badly reflects on me considering i'm meant to be wise and such".

When the engine and the blades finally stop making noise he looks over at the view and gently smiles and then undoes her seat belt and starts to gather her near by items and it's not long before she's done and then opens the hatch to the stairs walks part way down, she then folds and moves the seat forward and starts to pick stuff and she was never one to carry loads of stuff just a three bags one being a four wheeled rollar type.
It doesn't take her long to unload the stuff that she brought with her, she then quickly goes back up once she's got her stuff takes the key out and then comes back down so she can unlock the back hatch which his stuff.
She unlocks it and then motions him to come down so he can go and get his stuff and waits for him, she isn't that kind with most people but being her best friend she wasn't going to rush off with out him.

Issac nods and then comes to the door barely fitting through it and just about avoids kneeling on the seat and gets, out of the plane and starts to come down the stairs and it wasn't long before he got down. Once down he closes the hatch and then starts to get his stuff out of the back, with in fifteen minutes he he has all his stuff and it's a fairly big amount with in his carrying limit.

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Raymond the Monkey and Hisako the Dragon

Yet another Helicopter would arrive to the ship with two members of the Zodiac, The monkey and the dragon to be exact. The two clans hate each other (well, more accurately The Dragon Clan Hates the monkey clan, while the Monkey clan likes to mess with the dragon clan during events like this one), so the only logical explanation as to who their representatives would share a ride to the meeting was only because the situation demanded it. That doesn't mean It was an enjoyable experience for The one standing in for the Dragon clan, as a matter of fact not two second when the chopper touched down did the left rear door fly open with a small monkey leaping out of it making a B-line off the landing pad, with an angry woman on fire in pursuit. "Get back here you furry little menace!" she roared. The Monkey would then take to the form of an impish, and even childish man who couldn't help but to laugh for some reason. "Catch me if you hot stuff!" He would say to her as he bolted his way to the meeting room... These two were to represent the monkey and dragon clans? These two who weren't any different then hyper college students? Yes, they were.

The first zodiac member was a blond haired boy from the Monkey Clan, going by the name of Raymond. His sense of humor is a net so wide cast that not even he's sure what the thinks is and isn't funny. Though it would seem like today he's pissed of the wrong person. The second zodiac that was on this helicopter is a woman named Hisako, who is from the dragon clan. She never liked the Monkey clan, and she certainly wasn't a fan of this guy. However, this hate was mostly placed on jealousy... but needless to say that's not the only reason to why she despises The Monkey house.

The two of them kept this up until Raymond, managed to beat her to the meeting room first. He took his seat with an expression of accomplishment, as if he had just won some big race. "Hey guys" Raymond would say to his fellow zodiac members (who were likely dumbfounded by Raymond's behavior) with an ear to ear grin on his face. Hisako would then show up soon after, short of breath after exerting herself so quickly. She was already tired from having to wake up so early to even make the flight over here. Never mind what she just had to go through. If it weren't for the fact she and he had important business to attend to here she would have just torched the guy there and then. "You know what, your not even worth the energy right now" sighed still feeling annoyed, she took her seat and didn't say a word
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Hayate Kurotama ||
The Rooster
The Zodiac meetings were always something to look forward to, from a Rooster's perspective. Not for being reunited with vaguely familiar faces so much, but more for the opportunity to indulge in the ridiculous amounts of funding invested into these gatherings, and the excellent services provided thereof.

After all, a break from his usual busy routine to partake of the few luxuries associated with being declared a Zodiac Guardian? Hayate could not complain.

And he was admittedly very impressed with what the Dog clan had procured for the purposes of this year's meeting. He'd expected someplace mildly generic, in truth. Instead, the luxury yacht they had been invited upon was a sumptuous vessel that would have honestly left most Roosters clucking with glee. Well-attended, well-secured... its architecture impressive, abundant in space and facilities alike. Where Hayate normally might have sought the company of the other Guardians almost immediately, he was instead very much preoccupied with admiring any and all aspects of the yacht, for what features he might want to install in a boat of his own if he ever chose to invest in one. Not even fifteen minutes following his landing, the finely dressed young man had already wound his way around the impressive ship and towards the yacht bar, requested for himself a glass of vintage champagne and returned to the deck to enjoy the fine sun, salty breeze and glorious ocean view.

Yes, so very commendable of the Dog clan, to have prepared this for them. When it came to the Roosters' turn to host, they would need to best this attempt with a doubt. Unbidden competitions aside, however, Hayate did have several questions as to why the meeting was being held out at sea this year as opposed to an on-shore locality. Initially he would have thought it a delightful change in scenery. But something was different this year. It seemed that whatever it was they had to discuss in the upcoming meeting required heightened security, if their isolated state and the degree of surveillance employed in and around the yacht was anything to go by...

But for the moment, Hayate wasn't too concerned. Pleased as he was with his surroundings and the disports offered, the young man began to entertain the fascinating prospect of a Pacific cruise in the summer of the following year instead. Even if he failed to make time for a personal vacation, there was little in the way of suggesting a corporate event of the sort... and attractive as it was, Hayate doubted his father would be opposed to the idea either.

Releasing a soft, comfortable sigh, Hayate leaned his elbows against the outer railing of the yacht, idly studying his wine-glass as it caught the glitter and gleam of the afternoon sun's rays. A moment of peace to himself, it was nice. He then closed his eyes and focused his powers for a unique kind of observation of those aboard the yacht. Sparse was the nexus formed between sentient persons as they strode about different sections of the boat- both staff and Zodiac Guardians, Hayate would assume. Very vaguely he could sense the lesser traces of enigmatic marine creatures as they skimmed beneath the water's surface, alongside the frays of a seabird's conscious as it glided up above. It was a delicate although lively system- not overcrowded, not yet overwhelming, but in itself it felt wholesome, and Hayate felt legitimately relaxed for it.

Opening his eyes, Hayate sipped from his glass and spent a moment gazing down at the lapping waves before looking to the skyline, wondering as to the approach of any more aircraft. The heavy whir of propellers had signaled the arrival of another helicopter, and he knew a fair few Guardians were now present, so perhaps it would be in his best interests to find himself someone (or some people) to chat with before the meeting's commencement... (having now spent enough time appreciating the beautiful yacht, of course).

Pulling away from the railing, Hayate made a mild attempt at smoothing back his hair from its entanglement with the turbulent wind, and ventured back inside the yacht, champagne in hand as he took to the halls in search of someone to speak with. Here's hoping he would remember the names of most of his fellow Guardians and would avoid any impolite encounters... although given a rather smooth demeanor, he had faith things would unfold nicely.
Scritch, scratch. Scritch, scratch.

These and footsteps were the only sounds made audible by the young representative of the Pig clan. The suit he was forced to wear was irritating his skin, so it was all he could do to plague himself with a perpetual scratching. Thankfully, because of the security of the whole matter, he wasn't allowed a tag-a-long to make sure he actually stayed in the suit. Soon as an opportunity presented itself, Munch would rip his suit off to reveal the more casual wear he had underneath — nothing more than a plain white tee and shorts that graced only the tops of his thighs.

Rounding yet another corner, Munch couldn't help but be annoyed by the vessel's size. It was nothing to be impressed with, as his family had several ships of this size, but it being this huge made it all the more difficult to find the banquet hall. If he didn't eat something soon...

A hand covered his mouth. The boy dashed towards the ship's edge and emptied half his body's weight in vomit into the ocean. "Fuck," was the only thought that passed through his mind as he realized his mistake. He was seasick. Another emptying, followed by a quick retreat. The meeting wasn't for another six hours, and already he was suffering. 'Of course. This is what happens when you try s o c i a l i z i n g.' A discomforted sigh left the Pig's lips, with what residue remained being wiped off on a suit sleeve. He wouldn't be wearing it much longer anyway.

Resuming his search, he spotted two people, one of them obviously flustered. Not something Munch wanted to deal with. Ducking out, he finally happened upon the banquet hall. Food aplenty was spread out for display and consumption. Munch could hardly believe no one else was here, but that just meant it'd be quiet.
"Yay." Making his way to the nearest table, which was proudly offering an assortment of differently prepared chicken, Munch ignored the small fry drumsticks and went straight for a breast. It was only seconds before he was downing another. Years of eating like a madman teaches one new ways to quickly consume food. If he cared to enter food eating contests, there'd be no contest.

After eating his fill of chicken, another sigh resounded. All else this banquet had to offer, and none of it he could eat, unless he wanted to deal with terrible tummy trouble later. Ah well, at least the boy was full and his body wasn't yelling at him to eat something by expelling what little his stomach already had.
'How retarded,' he'd always thought of it. It's like telling someone their in danger by shooting them. "See you in a couple hours then," Munch offered in departure, knowing that he'd be here a time or two again before the meeting finally began.
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Ying Yue Fēng
The Rabbit
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Ying Yue spent a majority of the way recalling the last meeting, she was having a slight problem remembering some of the faces. Absent minded she tugged at her hair, it was much shorter back then. Every six years she got the chance to lay back and spoil herself for a little while- Until the meeting started and they left as soon as they came. She memorized most of them not by name, but by title. It was a habit she had grown accustomed to over the years.

She was pulled back to earth when the pilot yelled, "IT'S TIME TO GET OFF MISSUS." At that comment she flinched before murmuring a thank you. Finally she took a moment to notice her surroundings. Tightly clutching the box that she decided to bring with her, an offering of sorts to the host. At the moment Ying Yue was sort of regretting it from taking a large look at the luxurious items around them. She was mildly tempted to chuck it overboard and watch it float away... On the other hand she wanted to refrain from being scolded when in the presence of a different clan. For once she wasn't dolled up, her hair was in a manageable ponytail with a flower scrunchie. Although her attire was formal, it was easier to move around than usual. The length of her dress was above her knees and decorated with a floral pattern.

She reached out to an individual, "Excuse me where is the-" but they happened to speed right by. Ying Yue tried once more but once again was brushed off. She could partially blame it on the volume of her voice. She let out a heavy sigh eventually giving up on the idea of figuring out the location by asking someone. A light breeze tugged at her ponytail as she faced the beautiful scenery. It absolutely captivated her. She wondered what she would pull up her sleeve if she were to host. Perhaps a ball with a full sight of the moon, she shook her head. It was too formal. Whatever it was it could wait, Ying Yue set down her box and took her Polaroid. With the purchase of her personal camera she felt slightly guilty since instead she should be helping her parents- As much as they might dislike her. A click was heard as she patiently waited for the picture to appear, in the meantime after marking the back with a red X she put the picture into a pocket to file later. It was more a personal picture rather than one she shared with the public.

She took a few more moments holding the light blue camera in her hands, she put it away and returned the backpack to its original position on her back. Picking up the wrapped box once again and tucking it back into her bag she decided to find something of interest. That was until she could find the host. She paused before realizing that she had no idea what the host looked like. She scratched at her cheek trying to recall the last time they were together once again but decided to ask around- It seemed she was at square one once more.

Entering the yacht she took a moment to open her mouth in awe. No matter how long she spent with the wealthy side of her family she just couldn't grasp on the luxuries they had. Ying Yue was snapped back to reality once more when she noticed a male carrying a champagne glass in his hands. It seemed that he was a guest- She hoped he was a guest. With a light voice she spoke,

"Good afternoon, it's a lovely day to be outside. Did it take very long for you to arrive here?" Ying Yue inquired attempting to remember the male present before her. She brushed away the thought being content with starting a conversation. After all, it had been awhile and it never hurt to try to catch up with her fellow Zodiac representatives. She felt uneasy reminding herself that it was just a light conversation- After this they'd all return to their very lives and for most of them, pass one another on the street per say.

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Hayate Kurotama x @Solaresque
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Mai looked out at the ocean, her mood had already been ruined by the call before she had entered the helicopter. Her mother had called her screaming at her. She was leaving despite her exams being so close, this made her mother very angry at her. There wasn't anything Mai could do. It was her duty as a zodiac to come to these meetings and make sure everything was in order. Her mother screamed at her, telling her how stupid she was to go to this meeting and that all her hard work was going to be wasted on this.

Despite being part of the horse clan her mother seems to want to separate from this protecting earth business. Her mother wanted to be normal despite none of them being normal. Mai let out a long sigh closing her eyes. Soon they were on the boat and Mai made her way out waving at the pilot. She grabs her bags and walks inside of the Yacht. She didn't really seem impressed with the boat, it wasn't because she was stuck up or because she had experienced something like this, it was because she just didn't care about materialistic things like this. This yacht meant nothing to her, just another place to come to and discuss certain things.

She felt a bit nervous meeting up with the other zodiacs. She knew every single one of their names and even their backgrounds. It was her lawyer personality. She had to know every little thing about them not only because they needed to work together but because her powers rely on them. She had to know their strengths and weaknesses so she could make sure that it didn't expose hers. She passed a couple of them on the way to the meeting room. One star-struck boy with the streamer and a mischevious monkey running away from the angry dragon lady.

Mai took a deep breath, they were all quite the handful but in truth, she enjoyed their presences. They made her feel stronger, faster, braver. Her powers had returned to her, whenever she was back home and away from the others she felt weak. She got tired more easily and mentally she didn't fair well around her family. It was one of the reasons why she stayed away from them.

As Mai turned she peeked her head, seeing the pig stuff his face with food. She let out a small laugh before continuing to walk. She would probably have joined him but didn't really feel hungry at the moment so instead, she decided to just keep wandering around. Maybe get her mood up again. She didn't want to enter the meeting room with a sour face on. She wanted to walk in friendly and outgoing like she always did. She was a horse, after all, they were suppose to be filled with excitement, beauty, and grace. All that she wasn't feeling at the moment. She came into a large room which she supposed was another small meeting room. It was empty and very quiet, the only sounds she could really hear were the soft waves hitting the boat. She leans against a wall closing her eyes and taking a deep breath again. She decided to just stay there for a moment, try to regain her composure before the meeting started.
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Ash Sanders
The Tiger

"You know a map would be so fucking nice, but no, why give your passengers a map, who gives a shit if this place is basically a fucking maze." Ash growled under his breath feeling very frustrated with his current predicament. For somehow, he not only passed every single place to get any food from, he also past the dorms, and the signs that informed him he was in the wrong area. If had listened to any sign, just a single one! Then maybe, just maybe he wouldn't be standing in front of the engine room looking utterly lost. A string of curses left his lips as he let out an aggravated sigh. "How in the hell does anyone deal with ships. Especially these big ones. First on a floating steel block in the middle of no where, then the place acts like a maze, with no maps may I add" Glancing around he figured the best thing to do now was to retrace his steps and try again. Surely there had to be some place to eat around here, even if they were trying to hide it from him, he'll be damned if he allowed them to succeeded.

Shoving his hands in his pocket he strode back the way he came. His stomach making its continuous complaints, which only served to piss him off even more. "Shut the fuck up, for Christ sake, I will starve just to spite you." He muttered. As he made his way through the ship, he ignored the looks he got from some people, and it didn't occur to him once. Not even for a second, that maaaaaybe he should ask the people that work here, where the hell he should go. Why do that? When instead he could walk around looking like a stowaway and just let himself get ticked off even more as time goes on.

Eventually he made it back onto the main deck. Taking a deep breath before letting out a low growl he glared at the doors around him as if they were the bane of his existence. "Where in the fucking fuck is the god d-" The string of cussing started up once more. With that he started to open up every door, hoping that a table of food would just appear before him. Sadly, for the most part the rooms he entered were empty, unused, and not worth his time. "I swear to gods, if I don't find something soon, I will eat a god damn horse." He spat as he slammed another door open making the doors crash harshly against the walls.

When he looked into the room he blinked a few times when he saw someone there. A girl, who he sure was important...somehow...probably saw her face somewhere before? Maybe? Uh...... Before he could place it, his stomach once more let out a loud complaint due to the lack of things in it. "I swear if you don't shut the fuck up." He spat as he glared at his own gut, before sending that same glare to the girl in the room (though he wasn't really angry at her, he just failed to change his facial expression before looking at her). "You. What's your name? You're one of the other important animal, beast...fucking fu...you know...the zodiac! Ya you are one of them aint ya? Is this the meeting room? Do you know if food will be brought in here?" He asked in a more or less even tone, though his words were a bit on the rushed side, and he gave 0 regard to how intrusive he was being right now.
@Lovers in Flames
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Alex Williams
The Sheep

As Alex strode along the halls, he admittedly wasn't paying much attention to where he was going. Instead his eyes were currently on his phone as he was now on his twitter account. He had just updated his following about the lack of streaming that would be occurring, so he was getting a good amount of not so happy posts, yet at the same time he was getting a great deal of positive comments as well (something of which he was thankful for). 'Ah, if only it wasn't a breach of security for me to stream.' He thought as he closed his eyes for a moment as a slightly disappointed sigh left him. Alas it didn't occur to him to stop walking, despite his eyes being closed, something of which would have been a great idea. For not two seconds later he felt his body crash into another person, which caused him to drop his phone in his surprise. He was about to apologize to whoever he ran into, but before he got a chance the other apologized first.

"No no, I had my eyes closed its fine, if anyone is at fault it would be me." Alex said with a light chuckle as rubbed the back of his head lightly. His focus was currently was on the man in front of him rather than his phone that was laying at his foot right now. He looked at the other in mild confusion as he noticed how red in the face the stranger was getting. Not sure if he was seeing things right, he reached up and adjusted his glasses. Once things were in focus again he saw that the stranger's face was still taking on a striking bright red flush. Utterly confused by this as well as feeling a bit worried about this man's health, he reached out his hand to touch the other's shoulder. "Are you all right?? You don't look that well." Just before he could reach out to touch the other, the stranger ducked down onto his knees making Alex all the more confused as he looked at the other. "Could it be seasickness? If that's the case I have some medicine that may help." He said in a soft tone that showed nothing but genuine concern for the person that was just but a stranger to him.

Things however, started to come together at the man's last question. Alex stood there and blinked a bit before a small laugh left him, mockery vacant from his lips. "Yes, you may actually. I'm pretty sure neither of us are dreaming, but.... I did close my eyes, so I wouldn't put it past me to have randomly fallen asleep in the middle of the hallway. Getting only a few hours of sleep in preparation for this meeting does take a lot out of me." Alex said with a kind smile as he adjusted his scarf a bit. He didn't push Eun away, or do anything to make the other feel uncomfortable as he simply stood there, having no issue with his cheek being touched. "Seeing how you reacted when you saw me, you know who I am. But...I'm sorry to say I don't know you." He said with a soft smile. "What is your name? And which of the zodiacs are you? Assuming, you are one of the guardians that is."
Mai was relaxing against the wall when she heard someone letting out a whole string of very horrible curses. They were so bad that a sailor would probably be embarrassed. Then the line of being so hungry that they would eat a horse made her eyes open raising an eyebrow. She watched a certain red-haired male walk up to her looking quite unamused by everything around him. She knew exactly who he was, she dealt with hot heads all the time. He was on a different level, she just thought he was an ass.

Despite that she wasn't going to be rude to him, she would rather stay away from his bad side, maybe even stay away from all his sides. She stood up straight when he started to address her, she felt as though he was at least kind enough to ask for her name. "Hello, my name is Mai Van Alen. I'm from the Horse clan so I do hope you don't try to eat me" she said a small smirk appearing on her face. She enjoyed her little jokes. "You're Ash Sander. Part of the tiger clan's" she said. "This isn't the meeting room. I think you got yourself a little lost. If you like I can show you where the banquet hall is" she said. "Although I do hope there is food left. I saw Benedict, from the pig clan stuffing his face. So I don't even know if there is much left" she said. "Come on," she said smiling at him as she turns to walk back to the banquet hall.

"So how was your trip here?" she asked trying to have a simple conversation with him. She didn't want there to be any awkward silences around them. "You don't really seem pleased with anything and your mouth tells me that you are very annoyed," she said. She cleared her throat a bit looking ahead of herself, "Do you perhaps have any idea what might be happening? This meeting seems to be very urgent. You don't think something bad has befallen us has it?" she asked sparring a glance at him. "I might just be worrying too much. I shouldn't be, with all you zodiacs here I feel more confident that things will be alright" she said smiling again. It was strange, even though she never really talked to most of the zodiacs and she wouldn't say they were friends she still found their presences comforting. It was probably because she relied so much on them.

Soon they arrived at the banquet, "Here we are" she said. "Just around that corner is the big meeting room. You can't miss it" she said. "Although if you're afraid of getting lost I can wait for you and we can walk in together if you like," she said.

"what do you mean?! I cant go in" Tani yells while glaring at the guard that stood in front of the Bridge entrance. "im sorry ma'am, only officials with a level 5 clearance can enter at this time, the acting direc..." "whats that smell?" Tani says cutting the guard off when she could smell the alcohol on his breath. "i knew it" Tani says crossing her arms as she glares at the guard. "Unless you want me to explain to the director why one of his men reeks of liquor, i sugges..." "ok, ok " the guard says holding up his hands " look, i was just following orders" he says stepping out of Tani's way. "im still telling"
Tani says entering the elevator and makes a silly face at the guard when the doors begin to close. When the elevator reaches the top floor Tani runs out of the short hallway leading towads the bridge "JAKE!" She yells looking around the Bridge "i know your here! Come out"

The captain clears his throte to get Tani's before smiling "well, hello Tani"
Tani puts her head down when she noticed everyone in the bridge was all stareing at her. "im sorry captain"
"its alright, it must be Difficult to keep an eye on that pup, but i beleive the he said something about going to meet the others" Tani takes one more look around the Bridge before looking back at the captain "well alright" Tani says walking back into the hallway. A few secodes later Jake peeks his head up from behind one of the control panels. The captain raises his hand to try and get Jake to put his head back down "is she gone?" Jake says making everyone in the bridge make there disappointment herd. "what?" Jake says looking at everyone before feeling a sharp pain on his left forearm "ouch! What the hell" he says holding his arm. "i knew it!" Tani says appearing out of thin air in front of Jake

"your already breaking the rules that your dad had set for this meeting" Tani says pointing her finger at Jake "did you just bite me?" "And you were suppose to greet the others as they arrived" "this better not leave a mark" Tani's face begins to get red from anger "YOUR NOT EVEN LISTENING TO ME!" Tani screams as she trys to bite Jake again. " chill chill! Ok, ok!" Jake says holding her back "ill go and greet them now, besides you need to stop screaming before.." Jake leaps back when Tani Vomits onto the floor "You do that" Jake says shaking his head.
" sorry" Tani says holding her stomach
Jake sidesteps around the vomit before heading towards the elevator "some one clean that up, and go and brush your teeth Tani, the meeting starts" Jake says leaving the bridge. When Jake passes the guard at the entrance he glairs at him
"one job man, one job" he says before heading towards the meeting room.
Eun-Jae Sin

Taking liberties with a very much adored idol could be said to be a fantasy that many dream of. Eun-Jae not being an exception to this strange phenomenon, could not resist the temptation and gently pinched Alex's supple cheek, bringing that once distant dream into reality. It was so soft it felt as if he could squeeze water out if he pinched hard enough. "Oh my god! You're actually real!" He exclaimed and released Alex's cheek as if it burned him.

Startled by the fact that he was wide awake and much too aware of the person before him, Eun-Jae began to nervously shuffle on his feet, accidentally kicking the sheep guardian's phone in the process. Noticing his error, Eun-Jae quickly picked up the phone and dusted it off before carefully handing it over to Alex with a slight bow. If he had taken a moment to look at the screen, he'd notice that he had poorly taken a selfie of both of them with the blue sky overhead in the process. Unfortunately it didn't end there. His clumsiness knew no bounds. As he dusted the screen, he had also accidentally posted the picture onto Alex's Twitter account. If the two had known the chaos that ensued immediately after, they probably would have preferred never to have met.

Completely oblivious to the madness he had unleashed, Eun-Jae shyly introduced himself. "My apologies. I didn't mean to... Um, I'm from the Meo-Cat! Cat Clan! My name is Eun-Jae but you can call me Jay or anything really really. Are you okay?" His voice was soft but he spoke quickly, making it hard to tell whether anyone could make out what he was saying.

Finally, just as he was about to apologize again, it dawned on him. Why would LostDreamz be here? The few times he attended the previous meetings, he was stuck in a dark corner. His guardians had not allowed him to mingle with the others and he wasnt used to socializing at the time. As a result he could only watch on as the festivities continued on without him. Few approached him and those who did were chased off by his guardian's overwhelming auras. After racking his brains for some time, he finally recalled the same set of familiar blue eyes. Mind-blown over this one fine detail that he had missed for years, Eun-Jae's eyes widened into saucers. "Wait. Waitwaitwait, Which one are you?" Recalling only the face, Eun-Jae felt really regretful over not taking a step forward and getting to know the others before but there was nothing he could do about it now.






Alex Williams @SolemnOath


Ash Sanders
The Tiger

Now moving so he was leaning against the door, Ash had his hands stuffed in his pocket as he ever so impatiently waited for the answers. Well, really all he cared about was the possible location of the food, everything else for the most part felt unimportant, at least for the moment. He said nothing as Mai introduced herself, though a scoff did leave him when she asked him not to eat her. "Doubt you'd be tasty anyway." He muttered under his breath. After saying those delightful words he was about to introduce himself, in a manner that would have been anything but courteous. However, it seems such action wasn't needed. Before he even had a chance to say his first name, Mai made it very clear she was fully aware of who he was. Which was great, since it meant less talking on his part.

"Bah, I'm not fucking lost, place is a maze that is fucking with me on purpose." Was his ever so reasonable response when she brought up the honest and true notion of him having no clue where he was. When the banquet hall was mentioned she now had his full undying attention. Which was rather evident seeing how loudly his stomach suddenly growled at the mentioned of knowing where food may be. However, that hopeful look in his eye, was almost snuffed out when she said the guardian of the pig clan made it to the food first. "........There better be some food there or I will gut that fucking fat ass pig." He spat, obviously having no clue how the actual guardian looked like.

Shoving himself off the doorframe, he turned on his heels and followed Mai, hoping that she actually knew the way out of this maze. Would be a pain if she got him lost. Of course as he followed, he kept his usual bad posture, not making any effort to look even slightly proper, even in the presence of another member. During the walk he almost immediately started to zone out, but before he could fully do it, Mai's questions snapped him back into reality. "Fuck. Flying." He grumbled harshly, making his stance very clear on that. "I had to get into a small spinning death trap, just so I arrive on a steel block in the middle of the fucking ocean. A block which was made out to be a maze for no god damn reason. Not to mention my food may have been devoured by some shitty pig. So yes, yes I've on the more annoyed side of life." He spat rather venomously, though...he had to admit, saying all of that out loud did feel pretty good. Nothing like venting out your frustrations to help get rid of your frustrations... At least that's what his god damn therapist kept reminding him every other session. She may be onto something.

"Hell if I know, I lost the files that were sent to me about the information I should learn before the meeting." Ash said with a careless shrug, as if misplacing important documents wasn't a big deal. "Better be important as hell though. Dragging me all the way out here, fucking stupid responsibility piece of fu-" Once more he went on a nice string of cussing, most of which fell under his breath as he spoke, though there was a good chance Mai would still hear most of it. Once he was done, he choose to respond to the other thing she was talking about. "Don't bother worrying till the bad shit happens, might not even be that bad who knows. Wouldn't be surprised if this was just some type of torture sessions or something." He muttered as his stomach let out another growl. Shooting a glare at his gut he lightly punched it. "Hush, I'll eat soon for fuck sake."

He kept his eyes on his gut, giving it quite the death glare, as if daring for it to say another damn thing. It wasn't until Mai said they were at their destination did his attention snap back up. "Finally gods, stupid ass maze." When his eyes landed on the banquet, a great deal of relief filled him. For the tables were still loaded with food, the slight fear he had of starving to death vanished and he let go of his stomach. For the first time since he got on his metal block, a small smile was on his face. He was out of the maze and right before him was the prize he had been seeking since he got here.

Without so much as a thank you, he walked past Mai before stopping in his tracks. Looking over his shoulder at Mai he couldn't help but roll his eyes at her question. "I can find that. Just go around that corner (he says as...as he pointed at the wrong corner) and poof meeting room. Easy. What not going to stay in eat? The pig bastard didn't eat everything."
@Lovers in Flames
Alex Williams
The Sheep

Alex couldn't help but be amused by Eun's reaction when he became aware that he was in fact real. "That I am." He said simply as he kept a kind patient smile, showing no issue with how the other was reacting. In all honesty he didn't find it childish nor silly, too an extent he could relate. After all, having gone to several cons and done a few collabs with people he at one point looked up to as well. Lets say he's been in Eun's shoes before, even now he could remember how star struck he had been. He did have to admit, he'd never get over how someone could act upon meeting him, of all people. Seeing what looked liked excitement and joy in the others eyes all due to this meeting, it filled Alex with such pride and happiness.

When Eun bent down and picked up his phone, Alex merely kept his smile as he simply took his phone back. "Ah thank you. Almost forget it was on the floor." He said in a calm tone, since he wasn't worried about his phone even getting a crack, he didn't bother looking at it. Rather he just instinctively pushed the button to put his phone into sleep mode before placing it in his jacket pocket. Which made him completely miss what Eun accidently did. "Eun-Jae?" Alex repeated. "That...is a really nice name. Korean right? I think?? I'm not positive about that one. And the cat clan huh? That's interesting, I haven't had much of a run in with them. Though I do remember a good portion of them not giving me the..........happiest, of looks." A slightly nervous laugh left him at this statement as he recalled one event he had gone to which the cat clan was at. The stares he got when he had wandered too close to their area of the party sent chills down his spine just remembering them. "Ah yes, I'm fine, don't worry I'm not that fragile." He stated calmly as ever. "Lets just say we are both at fault hm? So no more apologizing from either of us." He offered simply, trying his best to let the other be comfortable in his presence, though he did understand the effect his popularity could have on people.

When Eun eyes suddenly bulged out of his head, Alex couldn't help but be confused once again. For a moment he thought he may have said something he really shouldn't have. However, the reason for the expression was made clear enough when Enu spoke once more. "I'm the Sheep guardian." He said with a small nod of his head. "I don't think we've ever really met before? I'm not certain, I've been to very few: meetings, parties, gatherings or events when it comes to the sheep clan. If we have met before, I apologize for having forgotten you. I promise though, this time around, I wont forget your name or face, okay? Its a pleasure to meet you by the way." Alex said before extending his hand for the other to shake.
Issac unpacked his stuff and organized what he needed to. He then exited the room, quickly heading towards the banquette hall. He goes through a smaller room, remembering where the banquette hall is. When he gets nearer to the end of the small room he turns and moments later he walks through a seconds set of doors where the banquette hall laid.

He gathers himself for a minute or so and looked around. He finds Mai standing there and speaks to her, " Did Ash's potty mouth make you want to put special earplugs in. Because he swears like a very pissed off rapper" he said chuckling. "But that aside you look good and the clothes really suit you. I do like a woman that knows how to dress her self well". "Oh my, where are my manners I'm sorry I got a little carried away". "To think six years would fly by. "I can't help but wonder what time will bring for the clans".

' i swear to god every time I see her, she gets even sexier but I don't want to seem like a pig so I'd better be careful where my eyes drift somewhere they shouldn't be'.

Nina enters the scene with a sexy blue Chinese dress which showed off her graceful figure as well. She walks towards the roaster and the rabbit causing stares from men and women alike. She beautifully smiles and takes a drink from a passing waitress and in a couple of minutes gets to them and says, " Why hello you two Ying-Chan is looking good". "You cleaned up well man, even if I'm not dating a man I can respect and admire one that holds himself well". "That aside, six years have flown by." "I'm happy to see most of the clans and it was a pleasant journey to get here". ' i hope a single complement doesn't go to his head some men can't help themselves and a little flirting is just that some need to realize that difference and not treat me like i'm easy or badly'

@Lovers in Flames @SolemnOath @Solaresque @

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Mai laughed a bit as the redhead lies about being lost. She thought it was quite amusing. It wasn't much of a surprise that the rest of the conversation involves at least one line of curse words. She didn't really mind it because she has heard worst from clients of lawyers she shadows. People did not have filters and she had to get used to it. When he smiles, she rose an eyebrow. It made her smile as well, she was glad to see he was no longer scowling. She blinked when he pointed to the wrong corner. She couldn't believe how forgetful a person could be. She decided to stay and walk him to the meeting room with him after he was done eating. She didn't want him to cause a commotion and cause more trouble for others. "Thank you, I will stay and maybe get something to eat and drink," she said.

Mai looks around to see what looks appetizing, finding some cake. She had a sweet tooth and well why not spoil herself a bit with some cake. She ate it humming in happiness. Halfway through a bite, another male appeared, she turns her eyes seeing it was Issac the Ox zodiac. She laughs shaking her head, "I don't mind at all" she said with a shrug. "I've heard worst," she said smiling. At the mention of her cloth, she blushed lightly, "Oh um, thank you" she said looking a bit uncomfortable. It wasn't because of his compliment, far from that. It was more because of a certain someone, despite her probably regretting this she had dated one of the zodiacs and it wasn't the ox. Which one? Well, that was a secret she kept to herself. "It's good to see you, Issac, you look very well," she said. "Six years, that's a very long time. I was only fourteen at the time" she said shaking her head. "How are you? Would you like some cake?" she asked.

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Jake yawns as he continues down the hallwall leading to Banquet hall. "Well, looks like tony has lost his frosted flakes" He says hearing Ash before he even entered the hall. Jake enters the hall just in time to hear the end of Ash's rant "Nice to see you still have that charm" he says smirking as he walked up to ash. "so how was the flight here?Terrible, excruciating or just a little discomforting" Jake says jokingly as he pats Ash on his back "don't worry i already made up for it" he says pointing at a plain chess freezer that seemed out of place in the hall "it wasn't easy, but that freezer is filled with gallons of green tea ice cream, strait from east asia, and its all yo...." Jakes ear twitches when he hears a familiar laugh, he turns around spotting Mai who was currently talking to Issac. "o boy" he says under his breath before returning his attention towards Ash "After the meeting, lets meet in the lounge on the Stern of the ship, unless you intend to spend the rest of this trip sober" he says before walking over to Issac and Mai.

~what am i doing~ Jake repeats in his head before veering off his path and pretends to look over the variety of food and drinks set out on the table behind issac. He looks at Mai while reaching for the closest thing to him and tosses it into his mouth just as he meets her eyes making his smile grow while he begins to chew. Jake quickly rips the grape from his mouth realizing what it was before looking at the grape with a yuck face.

@SolemnOath @Lovers in Flames
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