Zodiac Allegiance (IC)

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Eun-Jae Sin

"I think it's two cookies stuck together with some kind of filling. Looks like it's chocolate this time. Should be pretty sweet." Eun-Jae watched with glee as Alex approved the pastry. While Alex looked the pastry over, Jay grabbed a cat version of the same sweet.

Stuffing the entire thing in his mouth, he was left speechless by the rich flavor and fully savored it before gesturing with his thumb that was indeed as tasty as it appeared. It was at this moment when the announcement was spoken overhead. Recognizing the woman's error, he almost choked on the macaron and forced himself to swallow it down. Left gigglecoughing, he couldn't help but think that the woman had a very endearing personality. It would take a special kind of airhead to make that kind of mistake. When he could breath again, he poured himself a glass of milk to finish off the macaron and fully clear his airways. "I can't wait to meet whoever that is."

Recalling the greeting from before, he turned to where the pig clan member once stood, ready to bark out a greeting of his own, suddenly realizing that it may have just been German etiquette to yell when you introduce yourself. Unfortunately the boy was already sneaking away, pressed against a wall. Curiously, Eun-Jae wandered on over and copied him, choosing to follow him to the meeting area. "I hope you know where you're going." He whispered low enough for the pig guardian to bear but low enough to not be heard by those with average hearing. If he were to be honest, Eun-Jae couldn't recall where the meeting room was. He didn't have a photographic memory and had only taken a small peek at the map before.


Yacht:Banquet Hall
Alex Williams & ??? @SolemnOath
Munch @fol·ly·cle
Ying Yue Fēng
The Rabbit
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She listened to the announcement as soon as it came on- She didn't like the sound of this. In past years the meeting hasn't been moved up. Ying Yue just hoped that it wasn't some crazy prank put on by the dog representative- She wasn't sure she could handle all the pops and cracks that may or may not be deployed from the sky. Looking around at the ship earlier showed that she shouldn't doubt the capabilities of their host especially in terms of money. Near the end she could spare a slight smile but the mistake didn't make the news any less easier to grasp. Again she took time to generate many possibilities. Each were running through her head before she quickly dismissed them, getting lost further and further into her thoughts. She turned her attention towards Nina considering her own personal attitude towards the boat. "Hmn, it'd be a shame if you had a lot of useless data in your head. Especially regarding a boat that we're probably only going to be on for a short while." Ying Yue commented remembering that she had a few textbooks to look over. Her aunt wouldn't let her off that easily. She felt a little guilty she wasn't embedded into the artitecture of the boat as they were. She was slightly more interested in the sights and items on or off the boat.

Ying Yue subconsciously rubbed her arms in discomfort. Soon she returned back to the conversation catching Hayate's remark. His aura seemed different from earlier. More... Relaxed. She couldn't help a laugh, as he mentioned no longer having a reason to stall she took a moment to tap her lips in a thoughtful manner. "What a shame, I was looking forward to the entertainment provided." She sounded slightly disappointed but once again shoved the feeling away turning back her attention to the fleeting representative. Due to the glass in his hands, and his slight change in manner she wondered if she should've been concerned following the male like this. She walked beside him, curiously looking around. Soon after she remarked playfully, "Such a gentleman."

"I wonder if they put any colorful cute signs, those would've been highly appreciated." She murmured. Ying Yue took that moment to study Hayate's expression then back up to Nina's. She looked back down at her feet smiling softly, her lips twitched due to her trying to conceal the smile. For some reason she felt content, a huge sense of nostalgia washing over her. She enjoyed the moment of hesitation she held as she spoke up once more, pushing her two pointer fingers together she remarked, "Do you think the sudden change in time was simply because of the large crash we heard earlier?" Ying Yue had considered asking, 'What's your blood type' or 'What's your favorite color' but she figured that by asking those questions she'd seem too interested. Ying Yue considered getting her own pleasure beverage but decided on getting one after the meeting. Perhaps they had some soy milk or a parfait somewhere on the boat.

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Hayate Kurotama x @Solaresque
Nina Monsa x @Rads
Tani puts her hands behind her back and begins to sway her hips back and forth with a face glowing with happiness as she listens to Ash make sense of the situation."Blackwidow?" Tani says with a confused look on her face "what! I did not play with Barbies! Jake's A lier!" Tani says defensively as her cheeks turn slightly red. "but i.." Tani freezes when she hears Ash say annoying "im sorry" Tani says looking down doing her best to hide her face. after hearing Ash's final comment Tani lunges at Ash and hugs him from his back "SAN-DER-SAN" Tani says happily while moving her body with every word. When the Speakers turn on,Tani looks up and listens to the strange voice before letting Ash go.

"I better make sure the meeting room is set up" Tani says before running out of the Banquet hall and towards the meeting room. "Why are you here?" Tani says seeing one of the wardog agents standing guard. "P.B wanted the agents to handle the security until the meeting was over" the agent says opening the door for Tani. "Just make sure you be nice to our guest, and you can at least try to look happy" Tani says wallking into the meeting room. "What ever" the agent says holding the door open .

Jake hugs Mai back before waving as she took her leave "...". He lets out an exausted sigh before turning back around and putting his hands in his pockets "What are you stareing at?" Jake says looking at the security guard with an irritable face before continuing to walk. No matter how much he wanted to stop her from walking away, Mai's mother made it clear that she did not want a mutt with any one from there clan especially one of her own daughters. "And here i was thinking, this meeting was going to be a breeze"Jake says before taking a deep breath "why don't you just go after her?" The security guards says noticeing there was clearly something between the two. "Isn't there a hole you should be patching?" Jake says glaring at the security guard making it was obvious he did not want to talk about it. Jake stops to the listen to the mysterious womans short messege before pulling out his ear piece from his pocket and looking back at the security guard while shaking his head "one job" Jake says turning back around to head towards the meeting room.

He puts his ear piece back in his ear before pressing it."go ahead and give the recon teams the green light, if its that urgent, i want everyone on full alert, but be sure not to spook our guest " he says before letting go of his earpiece.
"he's going to kill me" Jake mumbles to his self, dreading the fact that he had to check in with his father after the meeting. When he finally reaches the meeting room Jake rolls his eyes at the Agent standing guard as she opens the door for him. "Glad to see your doing your job" He says sarcastically when he see's Tani already sitting down reading her book. "How was everyone?" Jake says sitting at the other end of the table."i only got to speak with Sander-san before that lady said the meeting was starting, who is she anyway?" Tani says while continuing to read her book making Jake sink deeper into his chair while he stares at the ceiling "i don't think i want to know"

"How was Mai? You chased after her dident you?" Tani says peeking over her book to look at Jake's reaction. "Shut it" Jake says quickly looking around the room before sighing in relief that none of the others had arrived yet. "i don't want to talk about it, so why dont you just.."
"Why don't you try telling her how you feel?" "Tani" "its the least you could do"
"right, im going to take advice from the girl who had to convice her entire senior class that she was training to become a magician just because she decided to pull a disappearing act just because that one kid asked you out" Jake says letting out a slight chuckle . Tani glares at Jake as her cheeks begin to turn red " well, i know you still love her" Tani says putting her book down and crossing her arms. "One more word, and i will ruin the ending of that book" Jake says silencing Tani in an instant since she knew he was serious.

Alex Williams
The Sheep

While Eun elaborated on what the pastry was, Alex continued to inspect it curiously. "Ah, is that so? The more I look at it, the less I want to eat it honestly." He said before letting out a small chuckle. "I might feel bad for eating something this adorable." He stated as he took his eyes off the treat before looking up at Jay who had already popped something similar into his mouth. Upon being given a thumbs up, Alex looked at the treat once more and shrugged. "Might as well snack on something." He stated as he brought it to his mouth to take a bite. However, before he could bite into the sweet treat, the announcement went off and that took all of his attention as Alex gazed over to the ceiling as he listened to the new meeting time As he listened he couldn't help but blink in surprise at the blunder looking slightly concerned. "That....is an interesting mistake." He stated softly, though he could feel for the lady. He's made his fair share of mistakes when it comes to things like public announcements, honestly, this reminded him of a time he accidently started recording sooner than he intended (though luckily nothing happened during that time to raise concern)

"I guess I'll have to get some real food later." He stated with a soft hum before popping the treat into his mouth. As soon as he bit down into it he couldn't help but smile at the flavor that filled his mouth. While he wasn't one that ate sweets all that often, he couldn't help but appreciate the taste of this one. While it was very sweet, it wasn't unwelcomed in the slightest. This small moment of sweet bliss was interrupted when his eyes moved over to Eun to once more thank him for the treat. When he looked in the area he last saw the other, he wasn't there. At first he thought the other had just made a beeline to the meeting room, however idea was shot down instantly when he turned his head to the wall. "...……????" Alex just stood in his spot as he looked at the two with a raised brow as they shimmied along the wall. 'Should, I question this....?' He wondered as just watched them both go. He was lost as to why they choose to leave the area in such a manner, but he said nothing of it. Maybe they were just having some fun before the meeting started? That was always a possibility??

fter standing there for a good several seconds Alex brought his hand up and adjusted his scarf a bit as he felt it had been slipping. "I'm going on ahead." He said with a simple smile once he fixed his scarf. "I'll see you two at the meeting." With that he turned on his heel and walked off to the meeting room (he actually knew the way around the ship, for he had taken the time to read and remember the map of this vessel). Stuffing his hands into his pocket he casually strolled off to the meeting room.

It didn't take him long at all to arrive at his intended destination. Entering into the room he gave a smile to those already inside. "Nice to meet you two." He stated as he went over to an empty chair before sitting down. "Did either of you know this meeting was going to be taken earlier than we were originally told?" He asked curiously as he once more adjusted his scarf around his neck, putting it in a position where it wouldn't slip from the simplest of movements.
@Iceydaze @fol·ly·cle @Kazuaki Yoshioka
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Saria had been sleeping off a hangover which she thought would nearly kill her on this yacht. Her head hurt and the boat swaying on the water was not helping her stomach. She was throwing up constantly and her headache was splitting her head in half. When the stranger's voice rang through the speakers of the room Saria almost punched a wall. She groaned pulling the covers over head face, why did they have to be so loud. Why was the meeting starting now! All she wanted was a nice long rest. She knew she shouldn't have partied hard but what could she say? She couldn't say no to a drink. After the message was over she sat up sluggishly making her way to the bathroom. She splash water onto her face and took some pain medication for her head. Once she looked decent enough she headed out the door.

Despite being near to death Saria was beaming brightly smiling at the people she passed by. There was a gaping hole which she just didn't question because honestly same. It didn't take long before she arrived at the meeting room. Standing out the door she swallowed hard hoping that she didn't lose her stomach in the middle of the meeting in front of all the zodiacs. That would be quite embarrassing. Stepping inside she noticed three people were already there. "Yo!" she shouted at them almost breaking her own eardrums. "What the hell is going on? Dog!? You're the one in charge of this. Who the hell was the chick? 'And why was she so cringy' Are there any snacks in here? I'm hungry" she said sitting down plopping with a sigh. "This better be a quick meeting because I need to sleep for a long time" she said closing her eyes.
Benedict Munchausen, the Pig

Caught in the act. Munch didn't realize it until the boy decided to speak up. His head turned slowly enough that one could swear it creaked. His eyes opened even more slowly. It was all he could do not to yell out upon realizing just how close to his own face they were. This, of course, meant the sheep guardian had noticed they were both now leaned up against the wall like spies in action.

This...was definitely embarrassing. Against his best efforts, his worst nightmare still managed to be realized. Every fiber of his being now wished he'd simply jumped back into the hole, or, better yet, simply stayed down. Knowing how much of a weirdo the one next to him was, it would be no shock to Munch if he jumped in after him. The sheep already went on ahead, but the weirdo was still beside him. Quickly retreating from the wall, he had to attempt to save face.

"AHA! I JUST WANTED TO SNEAK BY WITHOUT BOTHERING YOU TWO!" An image of a chibi Benedict knocking himself over the head with a comically sized hammer played out in his mind, realizing that he'd, once again, yelled out what he wanted to say. After an obnoxiously loud throat clearing, Benedict carried on. "Well, I guess we should get going to join that meeting, huh?" His eyes were closed and his arms crossed, his face giving hints of him trying to come off as calm, collected, and dissociated.

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Mai starts to head towards the meeting room. As she walks she comes across the giant hole. She frowns tilting her head, "Geez, so that's what made the loud ass crash" she said shaking her head. "Poor Jake," she said letting out a soft laugh. Such a mess, she was glad that she didn't have to host a meeting for a long time. As she walked she came across two of the zodiacs against the wall slowly sliding across the wall. Then the Pig screamed surprising Mai. Her eyebrow twitched watching the exchange between the two. She decided not to disturb the two of them slowly slipping past them giving him a very confused looked.

After a while, she arrived at the meeting room where Tani, Jake, and Alex were already there. A smile seemed to shine on Mai's face when she saw Tani. She always loved Tani, such an innocent sweet child. She was like the little sister she never had. She walked over to the younger girl engulfing her in a hug. "Come here my little rat," she said laughing. "It's been forever since I last saw you," she said smiling looking down at her. "Hello Alex! Saria, hello to you as well" she said smiling as well. "Good to see you both," she said letting go of Tani and sitting down next to her. "Hello again Jake," she said her cheeks slightly reddening. "I do hope there isn't trouble," she said biting her lip nervously.
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Hayate Kurotama ||
|| The Rooster


While his female companions seemed to have faults or at the very least concerns with the sudden change to the day's schedule, Hayate didn't appear perturbed at all. Perhaps because this was something he was already very used to- corporate meetings being delayed in the absence of an important party, or brought forward for the sake of making things efficient. Last minute changes that arise due to errors in the scheduling or in the list of matters to be discussed... the possibilities were many, and Hayate would have been impressed if the meeting had in fact been held in as smooth and punctual manner as it was initially stipulated to be. And in the absence of any dire reason as to why things had changed, Hayate felt much more inclined to write it down to some trivial error unforeseen.

"Well, look at it this way, Miss Monsa, Miss Fēng-" Hayate postulated with a bit of a hum, tapping his fingers against the bowl of his empty wineglass as they walked. "If the meeting is attended to in advance, then that leaves the rest of the evening open to our relaxation, doesn't it?"

He seemed very self-assured in supposing that- Hayate perfectly understood their frustration in having to sacrifice precious leisure time in favour of unbidden circumstances, but it was clear the Rooster continued to maintain high hopes in finding himself a little vacation time of his own as well. It'd take more than a slight shift in schedule to dampen this man's champagne-infused spirits.

"It shouldn't matter so much, whether it's now or later..." He continued, looking ahead of him to make a deft turn for the more innermost compartments of the yacht. "Although I do think the more quickly things are seen to, the better."

As was his approach to most important matters, really. Despite having a very light-hearted approach to this trip on a whole, it didn't change the fact that he and the others had a responsibility to fulfill, and of this Hayate was very much aware.

Ying Yue's mild-mannered inquiry introduced further questions concerning the meeting, a sort that could only be answered with conjecture really, since he truly didn't know any better than her. Hayate wondered if the Rabbit representative was asking out of nervousness for the upcoming meeting, or if she were simply being speculative for the sake of being so. It was hard to say without asking... and there was a much more direct way of finding out, of course, but Hayate wasn't about to rely on his talents for so remote an understanding.

"It could be," he agreed with an air of complacency, leveling Ying Yue a small smile as if in reassurance. "And if that is the case, then they've been very quick in saving the ship from potential destruction, haven't they? I'm sure at least someone considered it a little risky to put thirteen or so gifted individuals, some more volatile than others, aboard a relatively small boat out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. They've proven their point it seems- so here we are."

Hayate slowed in his stride as they arrived before the door to Meeting Room A, looking at least a little satisfied that he'd located the room free of hindrance. Stepping aside to allow Nina and Ying Yue an opportunity to enter the premises first with a polite 'after you', Hayate spent only a moment to straighten out his attire before also entering the room.

"Good afternoon, everyone," the representative of the Rooster clan broadly addressed the inhabitants of the meeting room as he wandered over to the table, having a brief look about the space before swiftly taking his seat opposite the more occupied length of the table. He then seemed to busy himself by setting down his glass and removing his watch (an expensive brand, undoubtedly) to rest it before him on the table's surface. A habit perhaps, that it would be easier to keep note of time that way. Who knows how long this meeting may go on for, after all.

@Rads @xLarius @those in the meeting room
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Ash Sanders
The Tiger

For a fraction of a moment, Ash thought he did a good job at getting Tani to leave him so he could enjoy his ice cream. After all she did apologize once he made clear he didn't like being addressed a certain away. Alas! That moment of glimmering hope was completely shot dead, for seconds after his last statement, he heard an ear piercing scream penetrate his poor ear drums (and causing him to flinch at the suddenness of the sound). He didn't even get a chance to turn around before he felt small arms wrap around his body once more as Tani not only hugged him, but seemed to give him some odd combination of a hug and a jump? "I...what??? What? No I just tol-" Before he could finish his sentence and just as he was about to push Tani off, the announcement went off and distracted him for the moment. "What weird ass announcement was that." After this inquiry, his eyes shot down to Tani…..only to find she had just...well vanished. "???? Tani????" He asked unsure if she had just left or was hiding just to mess with him. "...………….I should have stayed in Hawaii, could have just told them I was fucking sick."

With a heavy sigh he reached up to his ear and messed with his Yin earring a bit as his gaze shifted from the freezer where the green tea ice cream was to the door. This meeting seemed important, he probably shouldn't be eating during it. Likely be rude, possibly distracting, and completely unprofessional.

After about three minutes, Ash left the banquet hall and entered the hall way, with a massive bowl of ice cream, topped with whip cream and some strawberries. '....The horse isn't here? Thought she was going to take me to this fucking meeting room.' He thought as he took a massive bite of his perfect ice cream. If there was anything that cool his temper off, it would have to be this ice cream, he didn't know why, or how it did it. However, he knew it worked, hell, he didn't even feel like cussing up a storm due to Mai not helping him out. Rather his eyes slowly scanned the area, and soon enough he walked off in the (opposite) direction that Mai had earlier told him the meeting room was located.

"Sir where are you going?" A security guard that was by the banquet asked him.

Ash looked over to the other guy as he took another bite of his dessert. "Meetin room."

"Sir, that's the wrong way. The meeting room is the first door over there." The security guard said as he pointed in the other direction.

Ash blinked numerous times at this before scoffing. "What the fuck Mai, I thought you knew where all this shit was." He grumbled before turning on his heel, to head in the right direction. Yes, he blamed Mai, for his own misunderstanding of her given directions, which almost caused him to get lost once again. After all he is a mature person who calls people out on their mistakes, rather than blaming them for his own. Its just how he is.

Choosing to eat his ice cream rather than grumble about it. Ash strode on before turning the corner and walking on ahead, he paid absolutely 0 attention to the two people in the hall (the pig and the cat) and just went on. While he went along, he actually passed by the meeting room, despite the fact the door was wide open revealing its contents inside. He would have kept walking to, if he hadn't heard the voices of several people in there. Halting in his steps, he took a few paces backwards before stopping at the door to the meeting room. Looking in to make sure this was in fact the place, he silently walked into the room to search for a seat so he could go back to eating his ice cream in peace.

Upon entering, all he gave to the others was a mere grunt, he had no intention of starting any kind of conversation, or reintroducing himself to people around him. Saying nothing else as he let his attention be consumed by the frozen heaven in his bowl, he moved over to the table and sat on an empty seat that was as far as possible from Tani. Sitting down, he placed his bowl on the table and immediately started to devour it, paying only a little heed to conversations that were going on in the room.
@Everyone in the meeting room
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Nina enters the room after following Hayate not being able to say much about what he said that was the truth. He could have given more of a fun reaction to Nina's nature, that would have lightened her mood a bit. She introduces herself once they arrived at the meeting room. "Hello everyone, I'm Nina from the Snake Clan. Can someone explain to me why we are listening to some woman we have never heard of?"
She was trying her best to suppress her bad mood due to lack of food and having her chill time cut out. There were still some waves of anger and resentment coming off her. She sighed and takes several deep breaths to calm her self down, it worked, for the time being. As she's Looking at Mai and Jake she had to inwardly snort.

The way the two acted towards each other was almost painful to watch. 'Why can't you two be more honest with each other. If you don't come clean then it will only get more awkward.
No matter how hard one tries to hide behind a mask the truth will always slip through. You can't fool each other's heart. I hope you do it soon or I'll force you both to pull your bums. It's strange, I'm meant to be a cold-blooded reptile, but for the first time in a long time, I get to show the true me. This feeling will take a while to get used to. I'm so used to having to lay on the fake charm so often' Nina turns on saria and says"
Your to bloody loud women, can't you ever address things with more grace and dignity"? " But then again i shouldn't expect the impossible".

Issac enters the room not long after many of the others. He then moves to the front and says "I'm Issac of the ox clan and while we may not become friends, I do hope we can still get along to some extent and possibly find some common ground as people". Looking over he spots Saria from the Monkey Clan.
He starts to remember his night with Saria and a part of him wanted to crawl back into a hole.
What happened that night involved a lot of wine and shaky morals. It was something he regretted mostly because he believed he ruined anything happening between them. he doesn't get why she needs to be so loud and aggressive towards him, is that her way of saying i like you but i'm crap at expressing it?

He told Nina about it the day after, while she didn't say a lot to him, she supported him. He still got a vibe that she secretly hates Saria and would enjoy making her suffer on her time and terms. He cringed as Nina told Saria to shut up.

Issac was just going to ignore the girl. He knew that might cause even more trouble but he didn't really have time for this. His reputation was also at stake. He pauses for a minute then says" I can help with the work on the ship if need, and with that said I understand if you would rather do it your self". He then goes and stands in back and remains silent till he is spoken to by the speaker or others.

Nina then joins issac in the back of the room, holding her self closer than she needs to, sly eyeing saria to mess with her more. She could help but get a rush from it. She would make it up to issac later after all they are really close friends so it's not like she's doing this to hurt him badly.

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Ying Yue Fēng
The Rabbit
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The moment she was trying to refrain from all this time was now here. One on one talk or even two- Being a strain of course but alas... All of them at once, trying to remember who and what would be a problem. She wished this was one of those conferences where everyone had to sit at their nameplate- Then she wouldn't have to play the guessing game. Maybe after the meeting was over she could find out who the dog representative was and give him the heavy gift she'd been carrying around all this time. As they entered the room Ying Yue smiled at Hayate before walking in, she took a brief moment to access the situation as Nina spoke up. Uncomfortably she opened her mouth to speak but decided that this wasn't a battle worth fighting. She'd rather not tick anyone off within two steps into the room. As Nina continued to speak she flinched at the stinging words that were lashing out. Despite the other woman's very seductive look, Yue decided it was probably best not to step on Nina's toes. Especially when she was targeting the other's one by one.

She took a seat by Hayate wanting to feel a little bit safe about who she was sitting by. After all at the moment, it seemed everyone in the room was tense and ready to explode. Curiously she looked over at a male with "burning" red hair with two peculiar earrings. His appearance didn't bug her- It was the ice cream in his hand. When she landed she didn't have a chance to dine on the cuisine provided. Uncomfortably she twiddled her fingers, forcing herself to break her long contact with his bowl of ice cream she diverted her gaze to her fingers. Ying Yue hoping that he didn't notice her staring- On the other hand she could only sit still for so long. She pinched her cheeks before yet again resting her twiddling fingers in her lap. Perhaps she could get the nerve of asking him where he got the beautifully mushed up sweet icy goodness.

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+ N/A +

Jake rubs the back of his neck before sinking back into his chair as Alex enters the room "Alex right?, on behalf of the Dog clan we appreciate....." Jake reaches into his suit to pull out a small index card and holds it infront of his face before letting out a sigh realizing the card was blank. "welcome" he says giving Alex a half hearted smile "yup, all according to plan" Jake says with a sarcastic tone.
"JAKE!" Tani yells as she stands up "thats not the proper greeting Jake, i told you to write it down!" She yells before turning towards Alex "im sorry, Ale.. your Alex williams" Tani says while her eyes begins to grow with excitement "lostdreamz" she whispers as if she did not believe it her self, but before she could say any thing Jake casualy whips the index card across the room hitting Tani in her head. "Ow" she says holding her forehead while she sits back down. "thats enouph Tani, You can fangirl after the meeting" Jake says reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small device that looked like a hard drive.

"This is for you" Jake says sliding the device across the table over to Alex's seat "Im sure your internet provider will understand when you cancel your subscription, think of it as a small gift from the Dog clan" Jake says before winceing when Saria made her loud entrance. "Good morning sleepy head!" Tani says when she sees Sarai but raises an eyebrow as she tilts her head"Saria..... is that alcohol on your breath?" Tani asks before immidetly looking at Jake with a deathstare. "Dont look at me, i dont know how she got it" he says defensively before looking at Saria "S....welcome" Jake says not remembering the Monkey's name before quietly watching as a few of the other guest start to arrive. He immediately pulls out his phone when Mai enters the room just to keep from making eye contact with her.

Tani says with excitement as she hugs Mai "im so happy you made it" Tani says expressing how much she missed her But begins to glares at Jake when Mai greets him again. "Yes Jake, we would all like to know who this mysterious voice belonged too" Tani says with an innocent look on her face while she takes a seat.
"Relax, everything is undercontrol," Jake says before looking at Hayate "welcome"
When Tani notices Ash entering the room she crossing her arms attempting to grunt which resulted in a pout "bullshit" she whispers before immidetly putting her head down as if she instantly regretted it. "Im sorry"
Jake stands back up and approces Issac and Nina "thank you both for coming, i apolgize for the sudden change in the scheduled" he says when he noticed Nina looked slightly irritable. "I appriciate the offer, but we have things covered" Jake says holding out his hand to shake Issacs hand. "I hear your one hell of a pilot" Jake says so only his self and Issac could hear.
"Once the meeting is over, a few of us are going to have a few drinks, your welcome to join us " he says before turning to look at Ying Yue "welcome, The meeting will start soon" Jake says before walking towards the exit. "whats wrong? Planning on skipping out?" The Wardog Agent says crossing her arms "we are missing two of our guest, go and find them" Jake says pulling out his pistol checking its clip making the Agent raise an eyebrow. "Until we know who this mysterious voice was from, i won't take any chances" he says before holstering his pistol and leaning back on the wall "ill wait until the woman arrives, just make sure you find the two"
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Eun-Jae Sin

Many things happened. On his way towards the meeting room, Jay found himself feeling more than a little lost. "Yeah, I really should be going... This way?" It must be said that he really did know the way. It's just that the ship was so large and amazing, it'd be a shame if he didn't look around a little bit. Every door had the possibility of hiding away wonders he has never laid eyes on. After all, In comparison to plenty of the other zodiacs, he could be considered broke. Even now, he owned a grand total of $10 and all of it was safely stashed away in his bag. This fact didn't get him down in the slightest. His family was well off and his needs were met so there wasn't exactly anything to complain about.

As he explored, with a "Wow" here and "Oh my god!" there, he gradually forgot about the meeting as he happily chatted with any staff member he ran into. But unfortunately it seemed the meeting didn't forget about him. Only after a couple minutes of exploring, he was found by a wardog agent. "Sir, the meeting room is this way." "Oh... Thank you." On the outside he remained calm and composed as he was led to the room, his pace neither rushed nor slow. However, inside he was a little reluctant to be meeting with the other clans. Ever since he was a child, all he heard were rumors of the zodiac members' arrogance and how they flaunted their powers like they were gods chosen.

Since he hadn't wandered far, the trip to the room was brief. When he opened the door, he was surprised to find almost everyone already gathered and seated, awaiting further instruction. "Hello." Eun-Jae sheepishly smiled at everyone politely and greeted them with a slight bow before heading inside. He remained collected and quietly took a seat beside Alex, the only person he's spoken with so far. The only sign showing the flurry of fluster he was feeling were the tips of his ears which were tinted red. Even he couldn't believe he had forgotten about the meeting for even a second.

Food ⇢Meeting Room
@Everyone in the meeting room
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Tatsuya Yamazaki ||
|| The Dragon

Tatsuya didn't care for this. From the instant he had boarded an aircraft destined for the middle of the Pacific Ocean, had a very mild but apparent bitterness festered in him, all the more agitated when the Dragon representative finally reached his destination. There wasn't a lot he was leaving behind for the purposes of appearing at this meeting, but the fact that he'd been forced to cross almost half the globe to tend to this event in person successfully annoyed him. Worsened by the belief that preparations of this magnitude were not necessary by any degree, Tatsuya was not very appreciative of this little trip at all. He thought it to be an immense waste of money and time, for the fact that the meeting was being held on a luxury ship sailing about the midst of the sea and that attendance had required more than several hours travel...

Not that this was anything new, really. The yacht as a venue may have been a matter unprecedented, but the funding devoted to the Zodiac meetings and their apparent importance in the grand scheme of things always seemed a thing worthy of being sneered at. It had become more for the purposes of showing off, Tatsuya felt, that this "tradition" of theirs was comprised mostly of social trivialities and very little else. It was rare that the meetings ever amounted to anything of legitimate concern, so despite the fact that this gathering had been declared different to the others... Tatsuya wasn't very excited for what was to come.

Guardians, clans, powers... the dragon representative wanted hardly anything to do with it at all, in truth.

Tatsuya left the aircraft wordlessly and without paying much mind to his pilot or any other staff in the immediate vicinity. Dressed no differently than what was normal for him, the man seemed impervious to the vigorous ocean winds that whipped at his bare torso and hair as he departed from the helicopter and made straight for the interior of the yacht. There was no beating around the bush with him, especially in considering how he'd arrived just in time to hear the latest announcement; unimpressive was the woman's closing speech, but the main message was that the meeting was taking place sooner rather than later, so Tatsuya was swift in locating a map and heading for Meeting Room A as asked.

From how immense the luxury yacht was, it likely would have been pretty difficult to find one's way around without direction. This would have impressed many, but not Tatsuya, who saw no need for the space and had little appreciation for the architecture in all its grandeur. If anything, it was a kind of environment unfamiliar to him and, subtly enough, he found it uncomfortable. All the more reason to see matters through more quickly, so that he might force these gratuitous gatherings to the back of his mind for another six years time before he was obliged to attend another...

In any case, whatever reluctance Tatsuya felt towards his current set of circumstances was well-hidden beneath a mask of apathy and a need to see things through regardless his frustrations. The dragon representative was fortunate in that he was able to locate the meeting room without any major difficulties, and spared the open door a bit of a steely look before entering the premises. Most if not all of the Zodiac members were already gathered in the room, indulging in chatter or making themselves comfortable.
Not a word of welcome nor misanthropy was offered as Tatsuya's dark gaze silently roamed the area and the people inhabiting it, before he found himself a seat among the few chairs that were left unoccupied, not caring much for who it was that had the displeasure of being placed beside him. It was clear the man felt little inclination towards reacquainting himself with the other representatives; in frankness, he hardly recognized most if any of their faces and their names, so the drive to pay mind to any individual here save for the one seeing the meeting through was at a regrettable low.
???? & ?????


"...………..How did you manage an announcement like that....?"
A man (one of which was several inches taller than the earlier mentioned woman) questioned with a genuine expression of confusion on his exposed features. This man was decked from head to toe in black clothing, from his boots, to his hat to even his face mask. Merely his dark emerald eyes and pale complexion around them, were the only things that could be seen, that was part of his skin rather than clothing. "...…You could have waited...just a few minutes.....I would have done it....." He drawled for a moment as a heavy sigh left his lips while he shook his head once.

"You were too slow first off."
The woman mumbled, her face still buried in her hands as she addressed his statements. "Secondly...how was I suppose to know that it was still on? It was a honest mistake!"

"...………..There is a red light.....telling you the mic is on...………"

"Stow it...I...I don't think I can do the meeting now. I should go to a doctor or something, my face is about to fall off."

With a roll of the man's eyes he reached up and grabbed the woman by the collar of her coat before he started to drag her off in the direction of the meeting room. "....You were so eager to do this.....and meet the representatives... That you forgot to go to sleep last night......dropped your badge in the most impossible way I've ever seen.....and ditched me before the helicopter propellers even stopped spinning...…… You made a mistake...get over it... You're still doing the meeting...."

"You just don't want to be the one to do it." The woman grumbled as she allowed herself to be pulled along by the other.

"Correct.... Don't worry....if you die from your own humiliation...…. I'll probably take over..... Now stop pouting, the staff....is giving us weird looks...and we are almost there..."

Slowly lifting her head up to peak out from her fingers, she saw everything the other was saying was true. From the weird looks, to the fact that they were nearing the meeting room (as she knew it was just around the corner). "Right, I got this. I mean come on, how could I not have this??" She whispered to herself trying to install some sense of self confidence into her being.

".....Could say something stupid, humiliating....career ruining...… Could piss of one of the zodiac's that have a hair trigger....may use their power on you before I can bother stopping them.....I could film your humiliation and post it on the internet...…… There are too many ways for you to not have this."
The taller man once more drawled as he looked at the woman from the corner of his eyes as he let her go.

Her eyes fastened on the man with a mixture of disbelief and worry. "You wouldn't dare." She snapped, though her words were kept at a soft whisper so only the man could hear them.

The outline of the man's lips could be seen shifting a tad, making a small yet subtle smirk press against his mask. "...….Time to start the meeting." Without waiting for any kind of response from the woman he turned on his heel and silently turned the corner to approach the room. Upon entering the new hall, his eyes shifted to the door of the meeting room and landed on the man leaning against the wall. Lightly tilting his head to the side the man approached the dog representative soundlessly. Honestly, if Jake hadn't been looking down the hall/the direction this man came, he would have never have noticed him approaching. "...….You should be....in the meeting room. Its about to start." His tone was rather somber and before Jake could stop him, the man slipped into the room without any other words.

"H-Hey! You could at least pretend you are with me!"
The woman shouted from behind the man as she ran down the hall. Due to her trying several breathing exercises before coming down the hall way, she had been completely left behind by her companion. "He's so frustrating sometimes." She grumbled as she slowed her run into a jog then into a face paced walk. She came to a halt when she was right in front of Jake. Upon realizing who it was she gave him a smile, doing her best to appear professional and bury her embarrassment from earlier a trillion miles down. "Could you please step into the meeting room? This conference is about to start, and we don't want anyone to miss anything." She stated, her tone more calm and collected, voiding any resemblance to the panicked tone that had been heard in her clumsy announcement. "I would introduce myself, but it will be easier for me and my partner to do so to everyone at once rather than give individual announcements. There are a lot of you, you know? It can get pretty bothersome to repeat my name and his thirteen times, not to mention I bet its unlucky. Cause thirteen is an unlucky number and all. And the last thing any of us want is bad luck while in the middle of the ocean. So I want to avoid that, best way, avoid using the numb-"

"...….You are rambling." A voice from inside the meeting droned out, instantly causing a dusty rose color to appear on the woman's cheeks.

It took all of her willpower, to refrain from burying her face back into her hands. Instead she brought a fist to her mouth and coughed once to clear her throat, doing her best to keep her professional look. "As I was saying. Please step inside so the meeting can procced"

After informing the woman of her mistake, the man moved away from the door and silently made his way to the front of the meeting room. His hands were buried in his pockets and his eyes didn't so much as move over to observe the rest of the Zodiac's. He evidently didn't care if they were all there or even if they were seated. Rather he simply let his soundless steps move him over to the front of the meeting room where the screen was. Once he reached the right of the screen he turned and faced the other representatives, however, his eyes still had yet to meet them as they were on the door as he patiently waited for both the woman and the dog to enter the room.
@Kazuaki Yoshioka @SolemnOath @xLarius @Iceydaze @Gumi @Solaresque @Rads @Miku

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Jake stares at the man who entered the meeting room before looking at the woman with an unconviced look on his face before pressing his ear piece "stand down" He says before holding his hand up halting two of the wardog agents who was following the two . "after you" he says holding the door for the woman before looking back at the agent who returned with Eun . He leans back and whispes something in the Agents ear before returning to the room and taking a seat and waiting for the meeting to start.

(Just to get the meeting started)

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???? & ????

The woman gave Jake a simple smile before entering the meeting room. Taking a glance around the room she did a mental count before raising a brow at the number she arrive at. Taking a second look over the group she confirmed her confusion of there being a missing member. "Where is the pig representative?" She question as she walked toward the front of the room. Glancing down at her watch she softly puffed out a cheek as she tried to figure out what she should do. She was informed that everyone was on the ship, so why wasn't the pig here yet? Should she delay the meeting for them to arrive??

".....Start." The other man said as his dull expression looked over at the woman.

She turned her gaze to him for a moment, then back at her watch and then the group. A small silence was filled the room, but luckily for everyone it didn't last long, for she had come to a decision. "If the missing representative comes in, we'll just catch him up." She hummed simply as she now stood at the head of the table, her back to the screen and her eyes on the members in the meeting room. Clearing her throat as a way to get everyone's attention, she moved her hands behind her back as she stood in a proper and rather professional position. "With that being said, this meeting shall now go underway." It was time to be serious, no more mistakes like earlier, no mentioning of said mistakes, this meeting was vital, and she couldn't have anyone leave due to her mistakes. Even with an absent member, it was time for everyone to learn why this meeting in particular was so important, and why it was being held in such a remote place unlike all the ones pervious to this.

"To start, let me begin with introductions. My name is Sophia Rohr, and this is my partner, Zephyr." She informed, keeping a calm demeanor as she directed their attention to the man behind her, who only now chose to look at the group, though he still remained silent. "The two of us are agents of the zodiac's personal information gathering team. I was selected to lead this meeting today, and explain to everyone what exactly is going on." Returning her hands behind her back she moved over to Zephyr and held out her hand for something.

Taking his hand out of his pocket, he pulled out a remote and handed it to her. Once she got said remote she smiled at the group. "Everyone, please direct your attention to the screen." With that she pressed the on button, and a projector on the other side of the room turned on after Zephyr turned the lights down so it would be easier to see what was being projected on the screen. "As you ca-"

"...…..You're standing in front of the projection...."

"...….." Moving to the side so that she was no longer blocking the view she continued as if nothing happened. "Just a quick overview, incase some learnt information has been forgotten. As you are all aware, each group is in charge of protecting an ancient artifact that has been in their respective family since the early B.C.E. These artifacts are extraordinarily valuable and far more dangerous in the hands of members that are outside of the Zodiac clan. That being said, over the years, one way or another, over half of them have been lost." With that Sophia pushed a button on the remote and there appeared a slide. On this slide was were two separate list; Those that have an artifact & Those that don't, along with the list, there was a simple description of the artifacts at the very bottom.
Those that have artifact
Dragon = Right wing
Tiger = Left arm
Dog = Fang
Rooster = Left wing
Monkey = Right arm

Those that don't
Ox = Head.
Snake = eye
Rat = Tail
Horse = Left foot
Pig = Right foot
Rabbit = Ears
Sheep = Horn

Each of these artifacts, represented a different part of the body of the animal zodiac that were in charge of watching over it. The structure of these artifacts are figurines, each of them varied in size, as well as material they were made out of. Along with that, each artifact is powerful in their own right, details of which are confined to the individual clans, and its one of the few bits of information that isn't openly shared between clans.

Now turning her eyes back to the group she continued to speak after they had a chance to look over the given information. "As you can see, a good portion of the artifacts were lost, how they were lost exactly is only known to the clans themselves, even I don't know how so many were taken from the Zodiac clans."

A small chuckle left Zephyr as he turned his head to the side. "....I do."

Ignoring him completely Sophia continued. "That doesn't matter however, the fact is that they are lost. Ever since they disappeared generations after generations have been searching for these artifacts. In hopes of returning them safely to the clans they belong to. For the longest amount of time, we couldn't find anything. That is, until about three months ago." Clinking a button on the remote once more the slide changed and showed a map of Africa with the red circle some distance away from Cairo Egypt. "Direct your attention to the red dot that is shown on the map. Several months ago, a base of operations was created there, as rumors had started to come forth that caught our group's attention. It was believed that there were traces of one of the missing artifacts in this area. Where exactly? We aren't certain as of yet." A light sigh left her lips as she once more placed her hands behind her back.

"Everything was fine, until three months ago communications were completely cut off out of no where. Sadly, due to how small our group as become over the generations, topped with improper funding, not to mention how spread out we've been as of late. This issue wasn't noticed until two months ago." There was a hint of bitterness in her tone, but she did keep her professional appearance as she continued speaking. "When we were made aware of this, one of out better field agents went to personally check the situation along with her partner." Clicking on the remote again, two images were placed on the slide showing badges with the two missing people's face and name, though some information was redacted, this included last names and birthdays.



"These two were sent to investigate, their task was to figure out what was going on, and to report every issue they discovered when the zodiac meeting occurred. As you can see by their lack of presence, they never reported back. Despite our efforts to get information, even by satellite, we keep coming up empty handed. These agents are currently considered MIA, we are unaware if they are still alive or not."

"So? What the hell does this have to do with us? Isn't this information that could have been just emailed or whatever? I don't get why we had to come to the middle of the fucking ocean to learn all of this shit." Ash interjected, doing a horrid job at hiding his slightly annoyed tone.

"I was getting to that." Sophia remarked with a small smile as she shut the projector off before letting the lights brighten a bit. "The reason this has everything to do with you. Is that out intentions is to send the thirteen of you to Cairo Egypt, to locate the camp and hopefully find the agents, or at the very least gain any kind of information possible on the situation."

"......Before you ask why we cant send more...agents" Zephyr drawled as he looked at the group while he pushed off the wall. "......It's simple, regular humans don't have powers...….well, averagely... As all of you can hopefully tell... This isn't an average situation.... We think..the person, or whatever, that is blocking us from doing our job......is someone that can use powers...…. Probably is rather efficient...since our agents know how a good deal of combat, which allows them to face against power users....as rare as a situation like that may arise..... If there is a power user....they managed to subdue, two highly trained agents...." His tone didn't change in the least as he gave a small shrug. "Our best option....is to send a group with powers...to deal with another group that may have powers...…….. Even if that group..." He stopped his words as he looked over the individuals in the room, betraying no emotion in the least as he scanned them. "......is sorely lacking in any.....field experience...."

"I was about to tell them that, except without the insult thing." Sophia grumbled as she crossed her arm and slightly puffed out her cheek.

"...……………….Don't care."

"Well obviously!" Blinking a bit she let out an exasperated sigh as she turned her attention back to the group. "I know this might be a lot to take in since we weren't able to give you any kind of heads up on the matter. There is still some more things to go over, but if you have questions or complaints about the current situation, please, express them now. I am more than happy to answer anything you may have to ask."
@Kazuaki Yoshioka @SolemnOath @Solaresque @Rads @xLarius @Iceydaze @Gumi @Miku
Saria rolled her eyes at Nina's comment, "Can't you ever shut your mouth with grace and dignity?" she said mocking Nina's voice. She hated the Snake girl, you know even though they were all zodiacs that didn't mean they had to act like the animal they were. Saria may be a monkey but she didn't go around throwing her shit everywhere. Nina acted like she was graceful and whatnot but she was a snake a slimy, annoying snake.

It's then that Issac enters the room. Saria smiles at Tani looking away innocently, "I have no clue what you're talking about" she said laughing. "I did not have one ounce of alcohol" she said tapping her lips playfully. Issac entered the room and every color in Saria's face seem to drain. She didn't even look at him not wanting to admit the guilt she felt every time she saw his face. When he spoke she cringe, why did he always have to act like he was some gentleman. Couldn't he just act natural and not his pretty boy fake statue. She watches as Issac moves to the back along with Nina who throws herself on Issac. She scoffed, the poor girl actually thought that she was doing something to her. Saria wasn't angry, so what if her face was getting red and her heart was beating quickly. She wasn't angry....

Saria looked up when the strange girl came into the room. She seemed to be way out of it but honestly Saria would have fun with someone as air headed as her. She listened closely to what Sophia said. There was danger? That was a first, she never thought that someone would actually try and steal the zodiac artifacts. Her clan still have their piece, she had no idea that others had lost their. That was not good at all, they couldn't allow the pieces to come together. She looked at the others wanting to see if they had any sort of reaction. This was a lot to take in and the fact that they were trying to send them across the country was utterly insane. She was glad for once that she didn't have any real life responsibilities.
Ying Yue Fēng
The Rabbit
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Ying Yue frowned slightly, no doubt the woman seemed rather more capable in the field rather than social contact. She seemed to balance the other male almost perfectly though, Ying Yue was grateful for more of the "good cop" in a sense. As the list appeared on the screen, Ying Yue seemed to dwindle just a tad bit- If a tad bit includes her physically drooping. Although she wasn't directly in-charge, it was a family matter that was supposed to be handled delicately. The way it was lost didn't make the situation any better either. In the years torn into the mix she never expected to simply go to a foreign country to fix her ancestors mistakes. Perhaps if she managed to retrieve the artifact, her family could leave her alone and she could leave this irritating life in a heartbeat- if she wasn't "blessed" with the power's that could've been the truth.

The only bright thing was now she realized who the host was- The only downfall was that now the situation was beyond inappropriate. She leaned her head on both her hands which were leaned on the table. She seemed almost to be deflating in general. Ying Yue seemed to be struggling to gain her composure but the whole situation was overwhelming. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at the faces of the agents. Ying Yue took a deep breath before sitting up perfectly straight, her eyes churning a dark brown with a flicker of emerald. At the thought of a crap ton of strangers, some with apparent romantically tension and other's with anger tension in general- She had no idea how adding powers into the mix made the situation convert into sunshine, rainbow's, and happiness.

"How long is this trip expected to last do you predict? I'm trying to fully understand that-" Ying Yue paused as to consider her thoughts, considering what boundaries she could be overstepping. Despite her doubts she continued, "How long is the time frame of when they disappeared? It seems to me that at the moment a lot of time has been lost since then..." She furrowed her brows, even if they hadn't all been together it would've been better to get the problem dealt with earlier. Two or three members gathered at a time should have made all the differences in terms of turning the tide. Realizing that she was practically catapulting questions at them she rubbed the back of her neck suddenly becoming self conscious.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

x The Room x
"Of course I made it. It's my duty to come here after all" Mai said smiling. She looks over at Jake seeing him go on his phone and ignore her. This made her very confused about why he had acted like that. She thought that they were okay now that they talked and what not. She supposed she was wrong and things were still going to be awkward between each other. Her ear perked up when she heard Tani say bullshit. "Tani!" Mai scolded. "What did you just say?" she said. "Don't say that words" she said trying hard not to laugh. She never heard Tani say curse words before and it did not suit her. It made her seem even more like a little kid. "Who made you say that?" she said already having an idea who it might be. She looked over at Jake seeing if he had anything to say about this but he had already left the room. She sighs leaning back into the chair.

Soon enough the mysterious woman along with another male came into the room. They were agents of information. She never heard of them but they seem to be important or at least they did important things. Sophia did not seem to have, how some people might say, her shit together. She seemed all over the place and the boy just seemed like an arrogant a-hole. She did her best to listen closely to everything they were saying. The list came up and Mai had to do everything she could to hold in her embarrassment. As the horse Zodiac, it was her duty to protect that piece and to have it go missing was a big embarrassment.
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