Zodiac Allegiance (IC)

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Eun-Jae Sin

With Alex being so calm, it was hard for Eun-Jae to remain excited. Having calmed down from the rush, he was finally able to socialize like any other person. Accepting the handshake was natural, his grip was gentle and had a bit of a tremble to it but still far from how tensed it was before. "O-of course. It's no problem. Yes, ah, but I'm living in America now. It's kind of fun." Hearing Alex bring up his family made him want to curl into a ball of embarrassment but somehow Eun-Jae kept his cool, chuckling nervously as he recalled his Auntie, who probably had the strongest aura out of all in his clan.

"My auntie sure likes to leave an impression. She is a bit of a guarded person but she can be kind. I probably didn't help much either. I was a quiet child." Jay was quick in trying to stand up for his family, hoping the other didn't take their actions in the wrong way. "That being the case I'm pretty sure we've never met face to face. It's really nice to meet you, Alex. I-if you couldn't tell already, I'm a fan of your streams. I'm not much of a gamer but it's very fun to watch."

Inwardly cringing at his own words, Eun-Jae quieted down, leaving the two in awkward silence. It was at this moment that his stomach decided to let out a loud growl. The cat clan guardian wasnt sure whether to feel relieved or embarrassed. Placing a hand on his stomach, as if to placate it, he took a quick peek at a nearby map to take note of where the banquet hall was located. "I'm sorry I didn't think I was that hungry. Have you eaten? The dog clan really knows how to make preparations. Would you like to join me?"

Alex Williams @SolemnOath
Ash Sanders
The Tiger

"Don't get why you're fucking thanking me, but, whatever." Ash grumbled only to immediately advance towards the food without another glance to Mai. The millisecond he got to the table, he grabbed two plates; and without any hesitation or shame, he just stuffed the plates with a mountain of food. He didn't care that it looked unappetizing, foods mixed that probably shouldn't? Whatever they are going to mix up when they get in his gut, so what does it matter. He made sure to grab a rather large helping of almost everything there (though he did seem to show favor to meat, especially to things like pork and steak).

As he's making his plate with enough food to feed a small army, he heard someone else walk in. Glancing over his shoulder for a bit he saw someone dressed in what he believed to be fancy clothing. Obviously not one of the workers. 'Who the hell is he again?' While he was curious as to what Zodiac the new man represented (probably would have been a good idea to actually read that folder he got with allllllllll this information) his stomach couldn't care less. So with a shrug he went back to stuffing his plate. He didn't have any concern about the two, but his attention was caught when he heard his name. Immediately he shot a death glare at Isaac and let out a low growl, his grip tightening on his plate to a degree that it looked like he may actually break the precious artifact that held his food. "I can hear you, you pompous shit." He spat venomously as he picked up his plates before immediately turning heel and moving to a table not to far off.

With more force than needed, he slammed his plates on the table before dropping into his chair. A second didn't have a chance to go by before he immediately started to dig in. Sadly he had forgotten about getting basic utensils, but meh, meat can be eaten with the hands, and really if people were going to judge him for wasting a few seconds to get some forks. Well fuck them. As soon as the food entered his belly, he started to fee the positive effects of having an actual meal. Now that his stomach wasn't trying to start a revolt with his body, he didn't feel much of a need to scorn everything in the world for now. "Finally." He muttered as he continued to stuff his face without skipping a beat.

While he sat there enjoying his meal, he heard a rather familiar voice from behind him. Glancing behind him, a scoff left him before he rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to his food. "I wouldn't have this fucking 'charm' if someone didn't make me get up early to get into a flying death trap." He muttered as he kept a rather stern look on his face, his eyes fixated on his food, as if the moment he looks away everything that remained on his plate would just dissipate. "Bet you told the pilot to do some fucking tricks or something when I had my eyes closed, couldn't even take any medicine before he arrived. Fucking piece of flying metal worthless shi-" Annnnnnnnnnd the string of under the breath cusses once more started to leave his lips, though because he was feeling better than earlier, they weren't nearly as venomous as they had been prior to having food in his gut. His cussing broke off however when Jake mentioned he made up for it. Tearing his eyes from his precious food for a moment, he turned his attention to Jake as he raised a brow. "How so? Destroyed all those shitty death traps?" He asked before being directed to a freezer. "........................Forgiven." He grumbled albeit, begrudgingly.

While Ash was stubborn about many things, and one that knew how to hold a grudge. It was rare for him to deny an offering of green tea ice cream. Especially the good stuff. Then add a few gallons of this? And you get yourself a very content (though likely soon to be sick, because what even is restraint) Ash. Licking his lips a bit at the mere idea of digging into his new treat, his shifted his eyes back to Jake as he spoke to him once more. "Stern, ya that part of the fucking steel block, I'll be there." Ash said as he waved the other off dismissively, for he without a doubt could ever so easily find that part of the ship, he was a master of direction after all. Without so much as another word to Jake (thank you reallllllly lacking from his ever so impressive vocabulary book), he immediately scarfed down the rest of his food so he could get to his dessert.
@Gumi @Rads @Kazuaki Yoshioka
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Benedict Munchausen
Munch had just made it out of the banquet hall when several other people decided to enter. Only a momentarily glance as he snuck away was afforded the group, the bathroom his newfound destination. He had the strength to punch a hole through a metal sheet right now, and an urge to shit that would stop a god in its omnipotent tracks. Luckily, one wasn't too far from the hall. If not much else could be said about the War Dogs, it was that they knew good ship design.

Taking a seat in an unoccupied stall and thanking the gods that no one else had to go to the bathroom at the exact time he had, he unloaded a deuce no one would imagine possible for his frail figure to produce. Such unsightly excrement was the price for his jack-of-all-trades ability. Only despair could be seen on his face, occasional winces being the only break. Of all the things Munch had experienced throughout his life, this was true suffering. After unloading what must've been half his weight into the toilet, the Pig cleans up and retreats from the bathrooms before anyone has time to join him.

A quick look at his phone revealed it'd be a while longer before the meeting. Great. Maybe hiding in the bathroom would actually be a good idea. The mobile game wasn't shy these days, filled with plenty of RPGs for those with no access to their consoles. While nothing to write home about in the discerning eyes the likes of which Benedict Munchausen possesses, they were still capable of filling a free hour or two.

It was then that he'd realized his horrible mistake. 7%... In the heat of his last minute binge session, he'd forgotten to charge his phone for the trip. Thinking the whole ordeal would be over and done with rather quickly, he'd also neglected to bring a charger along. A look of utter desperation crosses his features, the likes of which one might see in horror movies. There was only one choice for the poor boy.

To ask for a charger.

Ha! That's not even an option! No way I can ask someone for that! No way I can even talk to someone! That's definitely not happening! Looking about frantically as though such an action would yield any sort of positive effect, Munch could only hope he'd been smart enough to at least pack a handheld in his carry on. Unfortunately, that meant going back to his room, and there'd be no guarantee he wouldn't run into anyone on the way there. Oh, what a detestable way for events to unfold.

I'll just run! There shouldn't be many people yet, so if I just rush to my room... Such was the boy's plan, but such was not how things would play out. Overly excited, the boy forgot his chosen meal of protein earlier and put too much stress into his first step.


Down into a newly formed wooden hole went his foot! The rest of his body followed suit trying to catch himself. He wouldn't learn from his mistakes. His hands, which also had too much stress placed on them, crashed through the floor as soon as they touched down, sending the boy to the floor below.



Only the floor below would break his fall. Uninjured, but definitely frazzled, Munch stood up and looked above to the hole he'd just fallen through. OH, GOD, OH, GOD, OH, GOD! WHHHHHY?! There was no escaping it now. Contact with someone would be inevitable. No doubt accompanied by a scolding, which would irrefutably be followed through by his father. Surely there was no hope for him now.

Wait... The bathroom! His original plan to hide out until the meeting's start would be his only way out now. Focusing his enhanced strength in his legs, he prepped himself for the jump. Launching himself at an angle, Munch flew up through the hole and landed right next to the bathroom door, releasing the energy from his legs before landing to prevent a repeat of his earlier mishap. A smile shone on his face as he rose and reached for the handle, only to stop once he looked down the hall.

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Hayate Kurotama ||
|| The Rooster


Oh... who was this? It took him a short moment to successfully identify the woman; if he were to recognize her from six years prior, then that was to take into account six years of physical growth and other subtle changes. Not to mention how soft-spoken and unobtrusive she seemed... would she have left all that great an impression on him the last time they'd met... if they had met at all? It was hard to say...

The average person certainly would have forgotten who she was. But as Hayate quietly studied her face over the few seconds she spoke to him, it gradually clicked with him somewhere in-between her distinct emerald gaze and soft manner of address- this was Ying Yue Fēng of the Rabbit clan. Hmm, was that right? If so, while Hayate remembered very few things about her, something appeared to have changed from the last time they'd met. Was it her style of dress? Her hair...?

Or was there a chance Hayate had gotten her confused with someone else entirely? Yes, arguably so. But was he confident enough in his memory to rely on his initial conclusion anyway?

Oh, without a doubt.

"Good afternoon, Miss Fēng," Hayate greeted the brunette with a warm smile and with little hesitation, pausing in his stride to allow her approach. He was open to her company, considering he had been in the process of looking for someone to socialize with in the first place. "It was a long trip, but not unbearable. I trust your flight was also smooth?"

Admittedly, Hayate's schedule had been planned such to lessen the chances of jet-lag, although it would be difficult to feel very tired with the sun shining as brightly as it was anyhow. It was on that note that he made his following admission.

"Very lovely weather," he pleasantly agreed, slipping his free hand into left pocket of his blazer as he gazed up and around at their decadent surroundings. "I almost feel as though I'm on vacation," he was comfortable to admit, glancing aside at the girl with a bit of a grin. "In fact, I don't think anyone will mind too much if I vanish for a bit of sunbathing...?"

Hayate was mirthful at his own joke, but became distracted when they were approached by yet another. It was very hard to forget the Snake guardian even after years of distance, because the woman stood taller than him and possessed a kind of presence you would find hard to dismiss.

"Thank you, Miss Monsa. You appear very elegant yourself." He returned the compliment courteously and with a smile, his eyes flitting downwards to settle upon his half-emptied glass as he hummed in acknowledgement of what Nina had said. Before he might've commented something generic concerning how wonderful it was to all be reunited again, the sound of something being broken or destroyed somewhere along the hallway had reached them. And on an expensive luxury yacht like this? Oh dear. Someone would have something to pay for.

Hayate's two-toned gaze carried aside, glancing someway down the hall to where the loud crash (and boyish scream) had resounded from. "An accident...?" He supposed out of mild curiosity, then lifted his wine-glass for a sip of his champagne- it was clear he wasn't so concerned as to run over to check what was going on. That didn't stop him from speculating, however.

"Don't tell me some of our Guardian friends are already at odds with each other..." The representative of the Rooster clan sounded somewhat amused by the thought.

@xLarius @Rads
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Alex Williams
The Sheep

Alex could see that Eun was still nervous, and he of course didn't blame him. Though he did have to admit he appreciated the effort the other was putting in, into trying to act normal. While Alex was popular, he never thought he should be placed on a pedestal above other people. Sure he loved the attention, but he didn't want to be seen as someone that was better than everyone else, as he knew he wasn't in any shape or form. He felt the other quiver when they shook hands, but he also noted that he certainly wasn't freaking out as much as before. An action that brought a soft smile to Alex as he slowly let go of the others hand before returning his own hands to his pocket. Bringing his eyes up, he looked at Eun as he started to speak. "Ah really? I hope your time in the United States has been enjoyable." He stated casually before slightly tilting his head when Eun spoke of his Aunt's ever lasting impression. "Hahaha, I understand its no biggie, just to child me, I felt like some kind man eating monster was coming for my soul when she looked at me. Then again, I got spooked by a cake...so Haha, I'm not what you would call me the 'bravest' of people" He couldn't help but let a laugh leave him at the memories.

Rubbing the back of his head, a small flush went on his face as he gave the other a genuinely grateful smile. "I'm glad you enjoy the stream as much as you seem to do. Haha, having someone get nervous at the sight of me, well I guess that's one way to boost my confidence, hopefully I don't get some kind of ego. Still thanks." After saying this he moved his hand back into his pocket. Standing there in silence for a bit he looked off to the side not completely sure as to what he should do. Do they part ways here? Continue the conversation? Maybe he could ask more about what he thought of living in the US. Or maybe he could ask about his home in Korea. As he was trying to decide what should be done next he heard a loud growl. Blinking a bit he looked at his own stomach with mild confusion as he didn't think that came from him, he then glanced at the other before smiling. "Light breakfast?" He asked before waving the other off. "Please, no need to apologize for being hungry. As for your offer..." Alex trailed off as he thought about it. While he wasn't all that hungry (seeing as he had a good meal before he left, and hand snacks on the ride here) he did think some dessert could be nice, maybe some ice cream due to how hot it was today? At least something relaxing, if there was anything at all. "I'll take you up on it, I could go for a snack."

With that he started to make his way to where he remembered the banquet being. As he made his way there, he was about to start a casual conversation with his companion, but before he could he heard a loud crash and a yell. Something that made him jump from the suddenness of it all. "What the???" He questioned before looking toward the sound. "That came from near the banquet hall.... Ahh, I hope they aren't fighting or destroying anything." He exasperation left his lips at this as he stepped into the hallway that lead to food. No sooner did he enter this area, did a boy jump out from a hole in the ground. He blinked several times in pure confusion (honestly, he's felt more confused on this boat than he averagely did in his day to day life), as he watched the boy land. "W..." He stopped in his words as he scratched his head trying to fully get what just happened. "What happened???" He asked after his mind failed to processes how that hole got there and why the boy (who he was trying to remember) had to jump out of it.
@Iceydaze @Pravitas


"Let me up to the helm, I must speak with the captain." Demanded a woman with beautiful snow white hair that was up in a ponytail, placing her hands on her hips while she looked up at the guard with a great deal of annoyance. "I have a job to do, and you are preventing me from doing it. Move to the side so I can go up there."

"Miss. I just told you, you don't have clearance to go there." An exasperated guard said as he debated if he was really being paid enough for this.

"Do I have to show you my badge again? I will, don't make me show my badge again." She threatened as she narrowed her eyes. "You know what? No, I'm going to show you it again. Once I do you better let me up." With that shed immediately started to search in her pockets. "Hold on, just had it, freaken blind people."

"Miss, I saw your badg-"

Before the man could finish she shoved a wallet in his face. "Take a good look at it and let me up." She said sternly as she held her wallet open for him to see the picture in side if fully.

"Miss, that's....that's a picture of a puppy...."

"What???" Taking the wallet back she looked at it before a small flush went on her face. "Right um...woops. Wrong spot..." With that she flipped it to the right spot and once more shoved the wallet in his face. "There!" She exclaimed (the blush from her mistake still prevalent on her cheeks. "Take a good look of this! Its my badge, now let me up so I can talk to the captain."

"......." The guard was silent as he looked at the badge before looking at her, then back at the badge and once more at her. "....Miss..... This, this is just....a piece of paper you wrote in. All it says is. "Do as I tell you, I'm important -Sop' .....Why on earth do you think I would let you up?"

"............It says I'm important and told you to do as I say. Why wouldn't you let me up?"

"Please step away from the door, before I have to call in backup."

"I....I....I......" The girl stuttered out as she kept the wallet up. "Okay...the truth is....I...may...have lost my ID...."

At this the man blinked a few times as he wasn't quiet sure he heard her right since her words were just above a whisper. "Can you repeat that Miss?"

".....I...lost my ID...." She repeated, a fraction louder as she turned her gaze to a wall, something of which looked vastly interesting.
"Your ID? Mind telling me what this ID was and how you lost it? Also, please stop shoving your wallet in my face."

There was a good moment of silence as the white hair woman just stood there, but she did slowly lower her hand as she put the wallet back in her pocket. "It...It was my clearance card..... I broke my old one, so I had to get a new one."

"More detail Miss, I cant let you in simply because you claim you lost your ID card."

"......I got the new one, just as I had to leave to come here." The woman mumbled as she crossed her arms, still refusing to make eye contact. Letting out a small forced cough she continued. "I got on the helicopter...but tripped as I was stepping up... I crashed onto the ground and the card slipped from my grip.... Um...see....during this time, the chopper propeller things, The ones on top you know. Were on, and um... They created a lot of wind.... So when I tried to reach for my ID, it slipped through my fingers and flew off a bit...."

At this the guard looked down at her with a raised brow. "If it just flew off 'a bit' you should have simply gotten it. I cant let you up just be-"

"I'm not done!" The woman exclaimed her face getting redder. "The helipad I left at, was...was on a port..... it......it fell into...into the water......................."


"Before I could...jump in to get it....I seagull-"

"I would have believed you, but come on, you got to make your lies believable Miss."



".............................................I'm not lying.... A seagull...noticed it was shiny....and took it....Of course I tried to get it back by shooting it. But.....but when it fell into the water. It.....It was dragged underwater by some kind of fish, along...with my ID."

After that a long bout of silence just filled the air, as the guard looked at her in disbelief. She kept her eyes on the wall, her face remaining a deep shade of red as she could feel the man intensely judging her. "As-Ask the helicopter pilot of helicopter 14.....he saw it all...." She mumbled.

"Fine fine, I still don't believe you."
The guard said as he adjusted his radio to talk with the pilot she spoke about. Once the other man responded the guard spoke. "I have a white hair girl here, with no ID. She says you can vouch for her? Something about her ID being 'lost'

"Hahahahha! Lost? Hahaha! Oh gods, I don't even know how that happened! But it happened, ah man yo-you should have seen it. I never seen someone scream so much at a fish! Hahaha! She was panicking the entire flight here, th-then she told me hah, haa. one second... Sh-She told me, that she'll just write something on a piece of paper, and use th-that to g-get into places!"

"............." With that the guard stepped out of the way for the woman. "Get a new ID soon Miss."

"S-Shut up....I have to wait a week before I can get a new one..." The woman grumbled as she made her way to the helm, her face as red as a tomato at this point.
Ash Sanders
The Tiger

"Don't get why you're fucking thanking me, but, whatever." Ash grumbled only to immediately advance towards the food without another glance to Mai. The millisecond he got to the table, he grabbed two plates; and without any hesitation or shame, he just stuffed the plates with a mountain of food. He didn't care that it looked unappetizing, foods mixed that probably shouldn't? Whatever they are going to mix up when they get in his gut, so what does it matter. He made sure to grab a rather large helping of almost everything there (though he did seem to show favor to meat, especially to things like pork and steak).

As he's making his plate with enough food to feed a small army, he heard someone else walk in. Glancing over his shoulder for a bit he saw someone dressed in what he believed to be fancy clothing. Obviously not one of the workers. 'Who the hell is he again?' While he was curious as to what Zodiac the new man represented (probably would have been a good idea to actually read that folder he got with allllllllll this information) his stomach couldn't care less. So with a shrug he went back to stuffing his plate. He didn't have any concern about the two, but his attention was caught when he heard his name. Immediately he shot a death glare at Isaac and let out a low growl, his grip tightening on his plate to a degree that it looked like he may actually break the precious artifact that held his food. "I can hear you, you pompous shit." He spat venomously as he picked up his plates before immediately turning heel and moving to a table not to far off.

With more force than needed, he slammed his plates on the table before dropping into his chair. A second didn't have a chance to go by before he immediately started to dig in. Sadly he had forgotten about getting basic utensils, but meh, meat can be eaten with the hands, and really if people were going to judge him for wasting a few seconds to get some forks. Well fuck them. As soon as the food entered his belly, he started to fee the positive effects of having an actual meal. Now that his stomach wasn't trying to start a revolt with his body, he didn't feel much of a need to scorn everything in the world for now. "Finally." He muttered as he continued to stuff his face without skipping a beat.

While he sat there enjoying his meal, he heard a rather familiar voice from behind him. Glancing behind him, a scoff left him before he rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to his food. "I wouldn't have this fucking 'charm' if someone didn't make me get up early to get into a flying death trap." He muttered as he kept a rather stern look on his face, his eyes fixated on his food, as if the moment he looks away everything that remained on his plate would just dissipate. "Bet you told the pilot to do some fucking tricks or something when I had my eyes closed, couldn't even take any medicine before he arrived. Fucking piece of flying metal worthless shi-" Annnnnnnnnnd the string of under the breath cusses once more started to leave his lips, though because he was feeling better than earlier, they weren't nearly as venomous as they had been prior to having food in his gut. His cussing broke off however when Jake mentioned he made up for it. Tearing his eyes from his precious food for a moment, he turned his attention to Jake as he raised a brow. "How so? Destroyed all those shitty death traps?" He asked before being directed to a freezer. "........................Forgiven." He grumbled albeit, begrudgingly.

While Ash was stubborn about many things, and one that knew how to hold a grudge. It was rare for him to deny an offering of green tea ice cream. Especially the good stuff. Then add a few gallons of this? And you get yourself a very content (though likely soon to be sick, because what even is restraint) Ash. Licking his lips a bit at the mere idea of digging into his new treat, his shifted his eyes back to Jake as he spoke to him once more. "Stern, ya that part of the fucking steel block, I'll be there." Ash said as he waved the other off dismissively, for he without a doubt could ever so easily find that part of the ship, he was a master of direction after all. Without so much as another word to Jake (thank you reallllllly lacking from his ever so impressive vocabulary book), he immediately scarfed down the rest of his food so he could get to his dessert.
@Gumi @Rads @Kazuaki Yoshioka

Issac took notice everything around him and out of the corner of his eye, he notices Dog looking at Mai. Tiger continues to mouth off to everyone but instead of reacting to his comment he decides to simply comment in a joking manner trying to disperse the awkwardness that suddenly appeared. "Wow, someone is a grump. Putting that thought aside. This sort of reminds me of the grumpy little leopards I had to deal with on one of my holidays. They were cute though so when they continued to try and mess with me and get under my skin I would simply play with their paws". "Some people simply need a need a really big and long hug, but enough of that, it's not important and I want to get back to the topic at hand". He listens to her speak before replying to her question, " I'm good, thanks for asking. As for the cake, although I do like trying new things, for now, I would prefer some proper food and there's something I noticed but I'll tell you after I get some food".

Issac goes and gets some food from another table because he could not be asked to deal with the Tiger and his anger issues. After grabbing what he needed he came back to speak to Mai again, "I was just thinking while I've been all over the world, I've never made proper friends with the clans of the zodiacs and I've always enjoyed being around you Mai so i would like to be your friend and if any more comes of it then that would be great". He rubs his chin, his face going a little red after he realizes how out of character and direct that was for him and says" I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to make you feel awkward. You seem like a happy person and I want to know how you've been doing". ' What is up with the dog looking at her and standing behind me instead of joining in, I can't help but wonder if he doesn't want to join because I'm here. Maybe I'm over thinking it but the mood here is definitely awkward'.

Mai listens to what Issac said but couldn't help but notice Jake walking behind Issac. It had been a year since their break up, Mai had cried so much and missed so much school her mother almost killed her. Seeing him again and his goofy smile made her both happy but also upset. She watches him take a grape putting it in his mouth and spitting it out. She couldn't help the small laugh escape from her lips. She quickly looks away, her cheek going pink. At the mention of wanting to be friends with her and maybe even more got Mai's attention again. "What!?" she said blinking at the Ox in front of her. She could tell that he was flustered about what he said. "I... um," she said brushing some hair behind her ears. "Thank you, for that... I would like to be friends with you" she said looking up at him smiling again. "But about the more part. I don't think that will happen" she said. "You're very nice and handsome but I'm not looking for anything at the moment," she said. She jumped when she heard a crash, "Oh my" she said looking at the door. "Sounds like someone is causing trouble. I should go check that out" she said clearing her throat and walking past him. She looks at Jake on her way out but doesn't say anything leaving the banquet room.
@Rads @Kazuaki Yoshioka

Mai needs some air to breath, that back there was a mess. She had someone just admit to her that he wanted something out of her and then her ex-boyfriend also walked in smiling at her with that stupid smile of his. It was quite overwhelming to be quite honest. She made her way away from the others not actually caring about the crash that was heard. She was sure it was one of the zodiacs and with everyone else here she was sure that the mess would be taken care of. She ended up out in the deck going over to the edge. She leans against the rail eating her cake with a slightly sour face. She couldn't enjoy this anymore, she thought she would be able to handle this but it was obvious she was not over it.
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Ying Yue Fēng
The Rabbit
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It only took a short moment for him to identify her- To her own surprise. As he greeted her, Ying Yue's eyes seemed to light up. A genuine smile seemed to gradually appear on her face as she clasped his hands in her grip. She knew herself that she didn't make a huge impact but she really couldn't understand how others could scream and flaunt their egoistic values. As soon as he spoke she had to take a wild guess that this person was known as "Mr. Kurotama" in a sense. There weren't many zodiacs that could remember her- Mostly because they were getting into trouble themselves. She replied, "The individual piloting the helicopter was intimidating to say the least, but unlike you fortunately, my trip was shorter than last time." Ying Yue teased, "If you're too irresponsible in going every which way, the Dragon will do much more tanning than the sun would." She paused, considering for a moment if the Dragon representative would actually commit the act she suggested.

Then one of the "forget me nots" approached. Watching Miss Monsa and realizing the sudden contact she had placed herself in- she let go of his hands, took a step back, and brushed at her dress. The Snake representative knew how to carry herself- Perhaps she even did it subconsciously. Ying Yue was slightly envious but then realized she wouldn't know what to do with all that attention. Still, it wouldn't have hurt to know she had any charms. It seemed the years had treated Nina well. When the Snake representative complimented her she nodded her head, thankful for the polite compliment. Ying Yue refused to admit to herself that she spent a good chunk of her lifetime deciding what would fit her in order to remain modest, but not exactly too plain either. Ying Yue absented nodded at the statement that Hayate held himself well, not thinking about it very much.

'Ah. There it was.' The nice smooth, 'nice to see you all'. "You never fail to impress me with your attire, Miss Monsa." She opened her mouth to carry on the conversation when a crash was heard- She flinched. Her emerald eyes seemed to be slightly duller, a slash of brown mixed with it. She was tempted to run to the noise but most likely than not, with this group of odd individuals it was most likely that someone had gotten into a battle. That and she knew that if she wasn't at the scene- More likely than not... The problem would be taken care of in mere seconds. Especially since at their end of the ship, the crash seemed softer than it was supposed to be. Ying Yue quietly mourned for the individual(s) and hoped they wouldn't get into too much trouble- When Hayate spoke up her eyebrows creased, "That would be a shame, on the other hand it's nice to know some of us never change." A fond smile appeared on her lips. "At least no one has gone overboard yet." She tapped on her lips thoughtfully, "Ah! I haven't gotten around to exploring the ship thoroughly, have either of you found anything of interest?"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hayate Kurotama x @Solaresque
Nina Monsa x @Rads

"welcome to the Bridge madam, is there any thing we can help you with?" The Captain says resting his arms behind his back while he looks at tomato girl.
After freshening up, Tani makes her way to the Banquet hall while she reads her favorite book on the way. Before she reached the hall she hugs her book while twirling around in excitement letting out a girly noise(dont know how to describe it, sue me) "Schuyler is so lucky" Tani says holding her cheeks imagining her self with one of the main charaters in her book while entering the Banquet. When she spots Ash, she immediately runs up to him and gives him a big hug "Mr.Saders!" Tani cheered as she continues to hug him "it has been... oh, thats right!" she says quickly letting ash go before taking a few steps back "It is an honor to have you grace us with your presence your majesty" She says performing a formal bow but stops when she hears Jake lauphing from the table he was at. Her cheeks turn red quickly realizing Jake had lied about Ash becoming a king after marrying the princess of some foreign country. "You Jerk!" Tani yells at Jake before looking back at Ash "sorry Mr.Ash" she says before looking down in embarrassment


Jake's phone vibrates making him press the small ear piece in his right ear "Situation?..... who?.... what?, and he let her in?!" Jake snaps doing his best to keep his voice down "dammit, alright, give me a minute" he says before hearing a very loud crash that sounded expensive.
Jake closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before pressing his earpiece again "New plan, have one of the agents takecare of the security, and tell dave i have a job for him,..... what?, i don't care what his name is!? Just get it done!?" Jake says before pulling out his ear piece while he looks back at Mai who was already on her way out of the banquet. Jake puts his hands in his pockets as he follows her out. "You dont like the cake?" Jake says leaning his back on the rail next to Mai.

@mysterioswomanwhomanagedtoinfiltratemyship @SolemnOath @Gumi
Isaac stood there and gently sighs. He noticed the dog flip out over something but like Nina he recognizes that too many chefs in the kitchen spoil the food. He grabs some more food and then heads out the way he came going the opposite way of Mai. Within a few minutes, he was away from the noise coming from the Tiger and the Pig.

He began to think 'It must have been painful for her. I didn't mean to make her feel bad, but out all of them, she's the most stable and understanding. Also when I think about her reaction did seem pained so it's best i didn't chase after her. Love never seems to favor me for long, but, yet I still want to be loved deep down. Maybe I'm stupid for feeling this way and shouldn't try so hard. Maybe it will come and if it doesn't, well friendship has its own happiness'. He continues to eat his food and drinks some more wine and then thinks to himself' sod it if it happens it's nice but i don't want to seem to needy any more so i'll just see where the road takes me'.

Nina noticed the Ying's seem to be a bit intimidated by her appearance. Nina always wore clothing that complimented her body. She loved to use her charm on people and her body was something that gave her more of a boost. In all honestly Ying was a beautiful woman even with her modest appearance she was a woman to truly praise.

If Ying wasn't straight than Nina would try to swoon her. The sound of the crash took Ying's attention away from Nina. Nina sighs thinking, 'For fuck sake, I just wanted to chill for a while but I can't even get a day in before shit goes wrong. While I am interested in chaos and things with grace and beauty in their own ways, given how things are now I would rather not be dragged into this. I really hope there isn't anything major.'

Nina was mad for a couple of minutes then says" A leader must have a number of things going for them, otherwise they are nothing more than a figure head or a shell, speaking of which your cute even though you don't dress like me you should have more faith in your standing".
Nina paused for a minute or so then says" Before i forget my manners thanks for saying about the dress, i do admit it can be tiring at times though but enough complaining about that". " As for have i found anything not yet but i can't speak for Hayate because he's got a keen sense and notices many things about people".

Nina paused for a minute or so then says" for now but the money and the dragon are practically at each others throats, that gets old really quickly that is why i can honestly say as cold as it may seem it's one of the reasons i wish they hadn't come".
She pauses again for a minute then says" Later on when things have calmed down i'd be happy to go with one or both of you round the ship, however now i don't think is a good idea because we don't know what's going on".

Eun-Jae Sin

Relieved that Alex didn't take his Auntie's attitude to heart, Eun-Jae was finally able to calm down completely, reverting to his usual carefree attitude. "Light breakfast? More like no breakfast. Sure, let's go and dont worry. Your ego can't compare to some people I know. I'm sure you're safe if it grows little for now."

The short journey to the banquet hall was peaceful and quiet. With Eun-Jae growing more comfortable around Alex, the silence wasn't as awkward nor as suffocating as before. Instead it was quite relaxing. However, with all of the zodiac members in one specific area, how could things simply remain peaceful for long? It was already a miracle that the ship remained afloat for the amount of time it had.

As they neared their destination, the aforementioned chaos seemed to have begun rearing its head. Following behind Alex, he caught sight of a small boy next to a gaping hole in the ground. It was an awkward sight that made him feel embarrassed for the pig guardian. Not wanting to put more pressure on him, Eun-Jae turned aside to take a look at the food being offered. If anything, what caught his attention was a round oriental container. Upon lifting the lid, he caught sight of something truly amazing.

There were several sweet buns beautifully displayed in a circular pattern. What amazed him the most were how cute they were. The chefs deserved props for the garnishes. There were some in the shape of rabbits, others in the shape of cats. There were even some that looked like tigers! Unable to bear the cuteness, Jay couldn't stand it any longer. Without bothering to grab a plate, he started to stuff himself full of buns. One by one, a precious animal disappeared into his eager mouth. Luckily most were too focused on the guardian to notice him polish off the entire container on his own in a matter of seconds. Unknown to him however, the evidence would stare others in the face in the form of some sweet red bean paste that stubbornly managed to remain on the corner of his lip.

Before he had a chance to snatch anything else, he caught sight of some cute chocolate and caramel stuffed macarons off to the side that reminded him of Alex. Intrigued, he tried one and almost went into shock from how sweet it was. Enamoured by the flavor, he grabbed one and brought it over to Alex to try, completely forgetting about Munch's little predicament in the process. Even after gently tapping on his shoulder and holding out the pastry, he failed to pay attention to the strange atmosphere and looked everywhere curiously instead. I wonder where all of these doors lead...

Yacht:Banquet Hall
Alex Williams @SolemnOath
Mai was glad for the air, the sea breeze made her skin feel so cool. She loved the ocean and if she could would probably prefer to live in it. That was probably a stupid dream considering she was the horse zodiac, not a fish. Still just because she was a horse didn't mean she acted completely like one. She was her own person, her zodiac did not define her completely.

As she continued to look at the ocean she felt as though her nerves were calming down. She was about to take another bite of her cake when Jake appeared surprising her and causing her slice to fall off her plate and into the ocean. She looks at the water wondering whether or not jumping in would be a good idea. "I was enjoying it," she said letting out a small whimper. She looks over at him seeing him lean against the ledges the sun reflecting off his skin.

Being close to him brought back so many memories of them together. It was painful and she felt her eyes water with tears. She stood up straight taking a deep breath, "Sorry" she said smiling at him. "I really liked that cake," she said wiping her eyes letting out a weak laugh. "How have you been?" she asks. "This yacht is very nice although might have caused a lot of pain and torture to those who flew here," she said. She paused trying not to make this awkward, they were both adults here and this would have happened either way. They were zodiacs, protectors of this world.

Silence filled them despite the commotion inside. "You didn't have to come after me," she said softly. "I'm sure you have a lot of work to do and I don't want to be a burden on you," she said brushing some hair behind her ear. "Besides, there must be something big going on. Why else would we be out in the middle of nowhere" she said. "I'm worried," she said. "I know I shouldn't be but you know me. I can't help but the stress of things gets to me" she said. "How are you doing?" she asks. "How is Tani? Is she still causing you trouble"? she asks smiling. "Such a sweet girl. I haven't seen her yet but would love to spend some time with her" she said.
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Ash Sanders
The Tiger

Ash gave no heed to any of the commotion going on around him, he didn't listen to the ox's prattling, and he barely even gave any reaction when the crash reached his ears. All he cared about, was what was directly in front of his face, ie his food. Before him were two plates, both of them at one point had a mound of food covering it, now, however, Scraps littered the surface of those plates as he finished gnawing on the last pork chop bone. "Finally, some good shit~" He hummed, a smirk gracing his lips as he pushed the plates away before heaving himself out of the chair. While his stomach had been sated, he wasn't finished just yet. After all, what kind of person would he be, if he left a full freezer of green tea ice cream alone? Trick question, he wouldn't be a person, he would be a monster.

Shoving his hands into his pockets he started to make his way over to the ice cream. However! He didn't reach his goal as soon as he would have liked, due to being interrupted. For moments after he started walking off, he heard the sound of someone running what seemed to be right at him. Before he had a chance to see who was running around in the room, he felt to arms wrap around his body as he was embraced. Immediately he became stiff as a board as he seemed to wince at the action. While confusion did overtake him for a split moment, that all vanished when he heard a familiar voice. 'Mr...Sanders? The fuck??' He thought, feeling sick at the mere thought of being spoken to in a formal manner. A heavy sigh left his lips as he stood in his place, remaining fridged (he was obviously uncomfortable, by the close and sudden contact) he said nothing as he had to restrain himself from reacting violently. Glancing over his shoulder to look out of the corner of his eye, he allowed his body to relax a tad (though he was still tense). "...Tani" He stated simply in recognition of the other.

When she finally let go he turned around to face her (though he did take a small step back to increase the distance). "Your...majesty?" He asked with a raised brow obviously not getting why on any plane Tani would call him that. Then Jake started laughing, which allowed it to click even for someone as slow as Ash. "Ah, right you get tricked really fuc-....really easily." He stated rather bluntly as he tried to restrain his usual cussing (at least to a degree) in front of her. "Why would you think me of all the fuuuc-.....the people in the world, would become some shi-...some noble that needs to be given some fu- title? What in the ever to loving hel-... What did Jake say? That I won the lottery and became a shi....a king to a place in the middle of nowhere? Also, drop the mister, I fu-.....I hate it when people use formalities with me, fuc-...it doesn't sound right." He asked with a raised brow, genuinely struggling to not cuss like a drunken sailor.
@Kazuaki Yoshioka


Once the woman arrived on the bridge she luckily didn't have to look around before finding the captain. "Ah yes! Finally! You're the captain here right?! Please tell me you are!" Blinking a bit at her excitement she coughed in her closed fist a few times as a way to regain her self. Now placing her hands behind her back and standing tall as if she were at attention (though it did seem she was trying a tad too hard to look professional). "Can you tell me where your intercom is? I need to make an announcement, now that all the guardians are here. I was trying to find it earlier, but someone told me that I had to come up here? Which was a nightmare all on its own, you figure it would be easy to get to the bridge of a private yacht for a security company that is carrying over a dozen important people, but nope. Doesn't help I lost some important things before I even landed her, and now I'm on a really strict time schedule which, let me tell you doesn't he-.........." When she realized she had started rambling she once more coughed into her fist as she looked at the captain (her blush having by this point went away). "As...as I was saying sir? I need to use the intercom so I can talk to the Zodiac's right quick."
@Kazuaki Yoshioka
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Benedict Munchausen

All the Pig could do was blink at the two people that stood before him.
Lost...Dreamz...? And...? He couldn't make out who the other one was. Remembering people wasn't something he was capable of being assed to do. If he wasn't a gamer himself, Alex's appearance probably would've went just as easily over his head. How...annoying...

How well could he pull this off as being anyone's fault but his own? The boy was certain he'd been spotted jumping through the hole. Definitely not something easy to explain away. Did he even owe an explanation though? Could he not just as easily rush into the bathroom? Would such an action result in a pursuit? So many factors, so many possible outcomes, Munch's head couldn't help but spin.

There was always the play it dumb option. Act completely oblivious to what'd just happened and hope that the witnesses go along with it. Anything was better than admitting he'd accidentally smashed a hole in the floor in a silly attempt to avoid socializing with anyone. So the boy shot his arm out and barked a greeting.


FUCKING SHIIIT! THAT WAS WAY TOO LOUD! It took every ounce of superhuman strength the boy now had to keep from grabbing his own head and popping it like a pimple. Instead, a nervous smile that seemed like it'd crack at any moment plastered itself on his face. With every second that passed, the situation only worsened.

@SolemnOath @Iceydaze
" right" the Captain says looking at the woman with an unsure face before he points at one of the instrument pannels.
"there" he says pointing at the
microphone before returning his attention to his crew. Mean while down at the entrance of the bridge one of the Wardog agents had already relieved the security guard.

"Its alright Sander-San" Tani says grinning at Ash "i have been practicing my self" she says looking around the room before leaning towards Ash and whispering "shit" she says before giggling in excitement "oh! Oh! and i even scratched my elbow on a mango tree last week" Tani says rolling up her sweater sleeve and showing a her elbow which had a small band-aid with flower design on it "Jake said it wasn't going to leave a scar, but he's just jealous because im going to look cool like you" she says proudly before holding her fist in the air "Im not the same weak Tani from back then". When she hears Ash's comment about her being tricked easily , her shoulders drop while she puts her head down "i don't get tricked easily" Tani says sadly while her cheeks puff up. "stupid jake" she mumbles under breath "he said you saved an Arabian princess and married, then became king" she says realizing it sounded weird.

Jake watches as the Mai's cake drops and can't help but chuckle before looking back at her with a warm smile. "i know" he says giving her a slight nod when she mentioned that she liked the cake. Jake stays quiet and continues to smile warmly as Mai begins to make small talk until the two eventually go silent. "Im really happy to see you" Jake says looking Mai (you did not see shit) in her eyes.

"I mean" Jake shakes his head realizing he was stareing a little too much. " I've been better" he says looking out at the ocean "the old man wanted this years meeting to be a little more secure since..." Jake stops himself before accidentally revealing classified information "Tani? Shes doing fine, hold that thought" Jake says walking up to security guard that was approaching them. " what!?, a hole?"
Jake rubs the back of his neck before taking a deep breath "just get it patched up, and make sure hes ok" Jake says turning his attention back to Mai.
"Im sorry Mai, something just came up" he apologizes before pulling out his phone and walking away with the security guard.
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Alex Williams
The Sheep!

Alex stood there rather flabbergasted by the sight before him. He wasn't quite sure what to make of it, after all its not everyday you see someone just jump out from a random hole in the deck of a yacht. While the jumping wasn't all that surprising (seeing as such a feat can easily be attributed to the guardians) the surprising thing was the fact such a situation occurred in the first place. Speculation on how all of this could have occurred started to fill Alex's head before the boy could even talk. Faulty flooring? Did he throw something on the deck and it destroyed said deck? Maybe one of the other Zodiac's broke it, and the boy before him didn't notice it and fell?? O-

As more possibilities filled Alex's head, they were all shattered when the boy brought him back to reality by shouting out his name and position. "Ah!" Alex couldn't help but exclaim from the pure suddenness and volume. When he realized that he got spooked by a fellow guardian merely introducing himself, a flush rose to Alex's cheeks from slight embarrassment due to his overreaction. "Sorry.." He mumbled as he rubbed the back of his head. He didn't take the others hand right away, rather his eyes moved behind Benedict and at the hole before looking back at the boy. "Are we jus-" Before he could ask if this was something that wouldn't be addressed, Alex took a good look at Benedict's face. There was an expression riding over the younger man that seemed like he was about to crack at any second.

Blinking a few times at this, and not wanting to worsen the other's situation he immediately smiled brightly at the younger man as he took his hand and gave it a shake. "Nice to meet you Benedict. I'm Alex Williams, the guardian of the sheep clan." His words were calm and simple, as he made an attempt to not freak the other out even more than he already was. "How was your trip over here? Hopefully it wasn't too rough, I know that some of the Zodiac's are probably not all that happy about having to come to this yacht." Letting go of the other's hands, he didn't so much as glance at the hole. If Benedict didn't want to talk about it, than so be it. Not like his actions truly caused any harm, besides, it looked like Benedict was struggling to not just freak out then and there, it would be best if he didn't make things worse for the young man.

Moments after asking this question, he felt a tap on his shoulder. "Hm?" Glancing behind him his eyes landed on Jay, at first he gave the other a questioning look as to what he wanted. Then his eyes landed on the pastry, blinking a bit he reached up and took it from the other. "Oh for me??" He asked as he looked over it, a small glimmer of amusement danced in his eyes as he saw the shape of the pastry that was in his hand. "Haha, this is adorable, I didn't know they would go out of their way to prepare sweets like this. Hopefully it's as sweet as it looks. Thank you for giving me this, I haven't really eaten this kind of thing before though. Is it like a cookie of some kind or??"
@Pravitas @Iceydaze

Ash Sanders
The Tiger

Ash couldn't believe what he was hearing, he said nothing as Tani started to gush to him. When she added 'san' to his last name, a grimace went over his face for a short moment. He was never one to care for having any kind of honorific be it English, Japanese or whatever. It simply felt far too formal for the likes of him. Meaning on average he insists people don't bother using something like that when talking to him. It wasn't needed, and he didn't want it. Now, Ash would have told this to Tani, but he knew the girl wasn't done chattering to him, so he waited. After all, he had to admit he was lightly curious as to what on earth Jake told her in order to fool her.

When she got a tad closer to him, only to cuss one of the most basic curse words out there (seriously, shit was the first curse word he ever learnt and said freely), it too a great deal of willpower not to facepalm right there and then. '...I swear to god, if Jake comes after me because of this...' He thought as he merely shifted his weight side to side as he watched the girl get all excited about something. That something, turned out to be a cut she got from a mango tree. His eyes fell on the flowery bandage before immediately shooting back up at Tani's face as he gave her a genuinely confused look. 'Cool as me?? The fuck???' He couldn't help but just stand there, confused and rather lost as to what to do. He had things to say about all of this, buuuut he knew with his way of delivering his...opinions, he may end up hurting Tani's feelings more than anything. So rather than risk the girl crying and having Jake come after his skin, he gave a fake forced smile as he let Tani continue on. 'The sooner she's done, the sooner I can just make sense of all of this'

After she told him what Jake had said to trick her, there was a pause as Ash just looked down at her with a blank look. "...………………" Eventually he let out an exasperated sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Where...do I even start with this?" He grumbled under his breath. Closing his eyes he had to think for a bit (something he could manage to do, since his stomach was full the for time being). 'Don't hurt her feelings, don't hurt her feelings, don't hurt her feelings, whatever I say, don't hurt her feelings.' After repeating this thought several times in his head, he let go of his nose as and looked the girl in her bright admiring eyes.

"I give it to you straight. If you want to look cool and be awesome and all that shi-stuff. You ought to copy legit anyone other than me of all the fu-....of all the people here. There is nothing 'cool' about me. Also, don't cuss. You shouldn't practice cussing, it sounds weird and doesn't fit you." Ash stated simply as he shrugged, fully aware of how much of a hypocrite he was seeing as he struggled to do anything but cuss. "Seriously, if you copy me, Jake will only end up kicking me off this steel death trap. Shouldn't you be trying to copy people like....I don't know... Black Widow, or...uh.....whats that singers name? That female one? You know the one that girls like? Hell....its...uh.....Barbie?" He offered obviously utterly clueless on what he should be saying. "Look whoever, whatever, I'm just saying don't copy me, and don't use honorifics with my name its annoying." He stated bluntly before turning his back to Tani so he could walk over and get his ice cream now.

However after taking a step he did stop before letting out another sigh, as it did occur to him what he said was more likely than not...rude. So rubbing the back of his head he looked behind him at her. "But hey...at least you are getting stronger since the last time I saw ya... So that's pretty cool." He said before giving a half shrug.
@Kazuaki Yoshioka


When the captain merely directed her to the microphone without any hassle, the albino girl let out a breath of relief. "Thank you." She said with a half smile as she gave him a nod. Immediately moving away from the door she walked over to the microphone and checked it. "Okay, now the hard part. Not making a fool of myself." A light laugh left her, however it quickly died down to a weak if not pitiful laugh. Taking in a deep breath and slowly exhaling several times, she cleared her throat as she rolled her head a bit to get any crinks out of her neck. While it looked like she was preparing, in truth, she was stalling for a tad more time. "Lets do this!" Slapping her cheeks hard as if to wake her up (leaving a red marking as she did use a decent amount of force in this action), she put on a serious face as she gazed straight ahead out the window before pushing the button to turn on the microphone.

"All zodiac guardians, the meeting that was meant to take place at six, is being rescheduled to happen now. I need everyone to immediately report to meeting room A. There is a situation that has risen, and time is not being kind right now. I repeat. All zodiac guardians, head to meeting room A immediately." After saying this she backed away from the microphone and let out a breath. "Hell ya, I didn't stutter or mess that up. Hahah, giving out announcements is e-.....why is my voice echoing...…….?" At this her eyes went to the microphone, where she saw a flashing light, indicating it was in fact...still on. "Oh! GOD DAMN IT!" As soon as she saw this she smashed her hand against the button shutting the microphone off. "...…………………………" Pure silence...that was all that left her as she slowly placed her face (which was an even brighter red than when she first arrived here) into her hands. "...………………………………………………………………………...Im...going to jump...overboard."
@Rads @Pravitas @Iceydaze @Solaresque @SolemnOath @Kazuaki Yoshioka @Gumi @xLarius
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Mai could feel her heart warm up as told her that he was happy to see her. She didn't even know how to respond to that. If she said she was happy to see him too would that just make it awkward or what? She looks at him seeing him being a little flustered after saying that. He had been staring at her with that smile of his which just made her go all warm and jittery. She listened to him speak still thinking about his earlier statement. She was so hung up on it that she didn't even realize what he had said about the place being more secure. "Hm?" she said when he began turning to the security guard and then at her. She nods when he says he has to leave. She understood that they were on duty and making sure everyone is safe is his first priority. As he walked away she felt herself spring back. "Um Jake wait!" she said walking towards him. "I um... I'm really happy to see you again" she said. "Also thank you for taking care of everyone," she said her cheeks going even redder. "I'll see you later," she said brushing some hair. She wants to hug him but didn't know if that was appropriate. 'Fuck it' she thought to herself as she looks back at him and brings her arms around giving him a soft hug before pulling away. "Good luck," she said waving goodbye to him as she walks back into the hallway.
@Kazuaki Yoshioka

Once she was hidden away in the hallway she brought her hands to her burning face. "What the hell is wrong with you!" she nearly shouts shaking her head back and forth. She had hugged him out of nowhere and it was for selfish reasons. She missed him so much and she just wanted to be close to him. She groaned sliding down the wall and hugging her knees burying her face into them. "Why am I so stupid" she mutters to herself. She closes her eyes when suddenly a voice rang loudly. She had no idea who this person was but they were calling the meeting to order now. This made her both confuse and worry remembering that Jake had mentioned something about extra security. She felt her bright face go pale as she stood up. Whatever was going on she needed to know before she lost it.
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  • Nice Execution!
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Hayate Kurotama ||
|| The Rooster



Hayate's attention was drawn from the strange accident that had sounded down the hallway when Nina had made mention of him. It was expected that he might've made notice of something interesting, was it?

"I'm honoured you think that way of me," came his modest response, a slight smile capturing his lips. "But I assure you, Miss Monsa, many things tend to evade me too."

That wasn't to say he hadn't had a thorough look about the ship, because familiarizing himself with his surroundings was the first thing Hayate thought to do upon landing. Still, it was a thing of intricacies or politeness to understate one's achievements, and he didn't want to seem a know-it-all, even if the Rooster practically strived to be that way.

"From what I've seen of the yacht... it's a magnificent vessel," Hayate casually recounted, his gaze drifting aside to survey the surrounding area. "And I can tell you a thing or two about its layout, if either of you were interested in finding a room. Or, if you so fancy, a place to sunbathe. As I was telling Miss Fēng earlier- I admit I've been eyeing a spot."

Not long after he had made this jest, the speaker overhead had sounded and Hayate fell quiet to listen. At first he only silently attended to what was being said, but when a hilarious complication arose towards the end of that message-

Hayate almost laughed whilst in the midst of sipping his champagne, but quickly caught himself and stifled the sound into the sleeve of his blazer instead. Oh, what a joke. Who in the world was that woman and just how did she manage that?

"That was very professional!" Hayate brightly remarked as the announcement had finally cut, sounding highly amused and not at all concerned by the speaker's plight. "Very competent staff we have here. I just love knowing we're in good hands."

It was probably the champagne that had left him so bubbly and mildly more outspoken than was usual. If Hayate was unsettled over the fact that the meeting had been brought forward for a reason unannounced, then he certainly wasn't showing it.

"But it seems we have no reason to stall then," he supposed as he examined his empty wine-glass with a lingering grin, then glanced beside him at the two women. "It was meeting room A she mentioned, wasn't it? Hmm..."

Hayate thought for a moment, recalling the layout of the map he had earlier utilized upon departing his helicopter, then as he seemed to figure things out for himself, promptly turned on his heel.

"This way, ladies~" He lightheartedly indicated as he made down the hallway for the meeting room, seeming very confident in his sense of direction. And well, with a memory like his, he likely had reason to be.
Hayate Kurotama ||
|| The Rooster



Hayate's attention was drawn from the strange accident that had sounded down the hallway when Nina had made mention of him. It was expected that he might've made notice of something interesting, was it?

"I'm honoured you think that way of me," came his modest response, a slight smile capturing his lips. "But I assure you, Miss Monsa, many things tend to evade me too."

That wasn't to say he hadn't had a thorough look about the ship, because familiarizing himself with his surroundings was the first thing Hayate thought to do upon landing. Still, it was a thing of intricacies or politeness to understate one's achievements, and he didn't want to seem a know-it-all, even if the Rooster practically strived to be that way.

"From what I've seen of the yacht... it's a magnificent vessel," Hayate casually recounted, his gaze drifting aside to survey the surrounding area. "And I can tell you a thing or two about its layout, if either of you were interested in finding a room. Or, if you so fancy, a place to sunbathe. As I was telling Miss Fēng earlier- I admit I've been eyeing a spot."

Not long after he had made this jest, the speaker overhead had sounded and Hayate fell quiet to listen. At first he only silently attended to what was being said, but when a hilarious complication arose towards the end of that message-

Hayate almost laughed whilst in the midst of sipping his champagne, but quickly caught himself and stifled the sound into the sleeve of his blazer instead. Oh, what a joke. Who in the world was that woman and just how did she manage that?

"That was very professional!" Hayate brightly remarked as the announcement had finally cut, sounding highly amused and not at all concerned by the speaker's plight. "Very competent staff we have here. I just love knowing we're in good hands."

It was probably the champagne that had left him so bubbly and mildly more outspoken than was usual. If Hayate was unsettled over the fact that the meeting had been brought forward for a reason unannounced, then he certainly wasn't showing it.

"But it seems we have no reason to stall then," he supposed as he examined his empty wine-glass with a lingering grin, then glanced beside him at the two women. "It was meeting room A she mentioned, wasn't it? Hmm..."

Hayate thought for a moment, recalling the layout of the map he had earlier utilized upon departing his helicopter, then as he seemed to figure things out for himself, promptly turned on his heel.

"This way, ladies~" He lightheartedly indicated as he made down the hallway for the meeting room, seeming very confident in his sense of direction. And well, with a memory like his, he likely had reason to be.

Nina follows while joking and teasingly saying" Aww i thought you had the perfect memory or could it be semi selective, i would lying if i said i remember everything about the master peice but i do agree it's well designed and has it's on grace". She pauses for a minute then says" on a serious note i have to agree with you about it's very sudden, in turn it would be a pain for us all if the ship is falling apart". " I wanted to relax some more to be honest my job means i'm running around doing many tasks at once, i figured we would have more time before the meeting". ' he's an interesting guy even if we don't become more i'm happy to be friends with him, as long as he doesn't become like some many men i know it just makes me want to inflict pain on them.

Issaac heard it as well and sighs and then quickly starts heading there, thinking to himself' i don't hate the dog per say but it's some what vexing picturing that stupid expression he often carry's around with him, and i also get the feeling as long as he's around i'm not in with a chance so best let that ship sail' ' That aside though what they earth could they want suddenly, it seems strange that a women i don't know is making the message as well i just hope it's over with quickly because i can't help but be some what irritated by what's going on'.
As issac continues to walk down at a faster pace he continues to watch what's around him, before returning his attention to the task at hand.

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Benedict Munchausen

Only minutes into having been discovered, and there was the perfect opportunity to get away. As much as he hated this whole ordeal, for once he was happy to hear a summons. The tricky part was getting away without these two offering to walk with him. That would, no doubt, lead to them trying to converse with him further. The only way out of this situation was to walk around them. Jumping back into the hole wasn't an option, and using his power to jump over it would make it far too obvious he was simply trying to get away from them.

A deep breath. Just go, Benedict. A nod, and the boy leaned himself against the wall, shimmying by as though he were some protagonist in a video game that hid from enemies in a box. Not realizing how much more awkward this would make things if they were to notice him squeezing by like this, he closed his eyes. He only had to respond if he saw their reactions. Right?
