~Sacred Heart Academy~

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"There's more than one thought pattern in your head. One is I'm guessing you, then a wolf, and some kind of snake." he said aloud. "You're... a shapeshifter, aren't you?" he asked, trying not to be rude. Jace didn't often interact with other people aside for Mr. Sychson, and as a result was a little uncomfortable talking to people. But this girl's triple thought pattern interested him too much not to investigate.
As Raven started to sing in her head she noticed Sasha was trying to keep calm. She would feel bad if she kept quiet so as she said before, she started to hum a gentle and soothing tune loud enough for Sasha to hear. It felt nice to help others with her powers, maybe that's what she was meant to use them for.
As the voice spoke again Sasha sighed a slight relief "Yes I'm a shapeshifter, I turn in to both a wolf and a snake" she thought very straight to the point, but she was intrigued by this way of communicating "Can you talk to anyone like this and can you hear my private thoughts?" she mentally asked as it was only fair she knew, as she didn't want to think anything that could get her into trouble.

Sasha could hear Raven humming a lovely tune and it settled her nervous enough that she could look at the girl "Thanks that's really helping and white are you sure wont it go see through?" she didn't want Raven to think she was ignoring her so she would try her best at two conversations.
This was odd to him. He was speaking actual words anyone could hear, but she was using thought. "You do know I'm blind and not deaf, right? You can speak from your mouth. Actually, I would prefer that, so I don't look loony and you don't look like you're ignoring me." he looked over at the girl who was humming, then back to the shapeshifter. "Yes, I can communicate telepathically with just about anyone, but I can't invade your private thoughts. Well, I could, but I'm more courteous than that. Unless you wanted me to hear them. Anyway, It just struck me as odd that- Ok, I'm sorry, but that tune in your head is filling mine and making it fairly difficult to concentrate." he said turning to the other girl. "I- I'm sorry, but it's driving me up the wall. I'm here mostly to learn how to block the thoughts of those around me, and for some reason I can't block that tune." he went silent for a minute, mentally scolding himself for being rude to her, but then he found himself humming the tune as well. "Oh, for crying out loud..." he muttered to himself, and shook his head free of the hypnotizing music. "As I was saying, I'm Jace. A lot of people know me as Prophet. What're your names, might I ask?" he asked the girls.
"It would be see through wouldn't it... I'll go with the green one then." The grabbed the green suit instead and then noticed that she was accidentally putting too much power into her tune. "Oh, sorry... I still can't control how much force I put into my songs." Quickly she stopped humming out loud and in her head. She would have to work on this later on with her brother since he was immune to her songs. "I'm Raven... I'm a type of Siren..." She trailed off a little, this would be the second person she told about herself. Oddly enough she was getting used to it.
Sasha shook her head "sorry I'm new to all this so you will just have to grin and bare it" she said with a smirk knowing he wouldn't see it but he would hear it in her tone "Mind you this is easier" turning to Raven she smiled "Yes the green is much better" Sasha picked up a plan black number and almost put it back as she thought about how much skin she would be showing off knowing that her scars would be on show. turning back to Jace "Hi I'm Sasha and you already know what I'm." with a smile she looked at Raven "If you need to I'm sure I wont turn in the middle of the shop now I'm nice and calm but thanks it really did help"
"Pleasure to meet you, Raven, Sasha. So, a Siren and a shapeshifter. Interesting pair. I'm what could be called a 'seer'. I can see future events, and aside from that I'm a telepath." he explained. He relaxed his shoulders as he became more comfortable with the situation. He already knew their names from reading their thoughts, but he figured if he just told them he knew them outright it would be kind of creepy. "So, Sasha, you're a freshman, I'm guessing?" he asked. He could have easily probed her mind to find out, but searching for information the old fashion way was less risky for both parties. She wasn't in danger of sharing private information and he wasn't in danger of gaining it.
Sasha started to blush she was glad he couldn't see she was 17 and only just starting school "Yeah I'am, I haven't been to school for a very long time due to well my changes" she stopped before she said anything more she didn't want others knowing what life had been like this was her fresh start and she hoped it would be for the best. "It must be strange seeing things yet to happen and rather worrying too, I would of thought"
Raven remained silent as the two talked. She wasn't fully used to talking so much, and had started to wish she had her ipod with her to keep her distracted. Now she was even afraid to sing in her head. Never has she met someone who could read minds, and for her it was just a little too strange.
"I don't have to see to know your age. I don't mind how late of a starter you are- age is simply a number to me. As for the future-seeing, I have... complicated feelings about it. I often see multiple different outcomes to the same situations. For example, if Raven gets the green one, it is most likely to get her more compliments than the blue one. There's a lot of the probability factor involved and it gives me a headache." he said as he placed his hand on the side of his head, and expression of pain on his face. "Well, I don't have to be a prophet to see I'm making miss Raven here uncomfortable. So, for now, I bid you adieu, and good luck." he said, and walked out of the store.

Strange, that was the longest conversation he'd had with anyone he didn't know from a class that didn't end with him being chased away for having what could be considered 'evil' blood. Well, semi-evil, but you get the point.
Skylar looked up from the student handbook. "Wanna go find that pool?" He asked his roommate. He would do no swimming, water made him antsy and he had trouble controling his powers while wet, and he's sure that the swimmers wouldn't take to kindly to being electrocuted.
Raven frowned as Jace walked away. He seemed to have a little bit of trouble with his powers just like her, and she didn't want him to leave because of her being uncomfortable. "I'll be back okay?" She said to Sasha as she walked quickly to the counter. She told the cashier she would be back for the clothes, and to just leave them there then walked after Jace. "Wait..." She said loudly over all the people down there. As she feared, when she used her loud voice her hypnosis was stronger. After finally catching up to him she took a moment to catch her breath. "I'm sorry for acting like that, i'm not used to others that are like me... Um..." Her eyes remained on the ground, obviously she was nervous. "Would you like to go to the pool with us? You can even borrow my headphones to occupy your mind. That's what I do... I'm not sure if it will work on you but it's worth a try right?" Her faced turned completely red at this point.
Jace stopped when he heard the booming voice of Raven tell him to wait. She was a siren, alright. He was a little shocked when she came up to him and apologized. Why was she apologizing? She didn't do anything wrong. Did she? "It's quite alright, I'm the one who should be apologizing. I forget sometimes that not everyone can control their thoughts as well as I, and some people think louder than others. Your behavior was perfectly justified. I pointed out I could hear your thoughts and you felt embarrassed, possibly even invaded. As for the pool, I would love to. Problem is, my swimsuit is currently made of ashes." he said, and a smile crept onto his face. "Seeing as how I'm blind, no pun intended, would you and Sasha be so kind as to help me find one that would suit me?" he asked the siren. May as well make at least a few friends while he's here.
A smile formed on her face as well. Once again she was proven wrong. The world she knew back at home was cruel and everyone was cruel to her. Here everyone was so much nicer to her, well so far at least, and she was having fun making more friends. "Well come on then, let's see what we can find..." It took her a moment but suddenly she started giggling. "Let's SEE what we can find? Sorry... I accidentally made a pun." Quickly she recovered her seriousness and took his hand. "Come in!" With a big smile she lead him back to the clothing store and found Sasha, and one after another she looked through all the male swimsuits.
"Nah. Actually, I think I will sleep a bit. Took a bit out of me getting here." Floats spoke with a softer voice, producing a smile upon his face. From what appears to be nowhere, he pulled out a picture frame with a stock photo of a husband and wife with their son. He places it upon his bed stand, before providing a large cup of water, dissipating himself into it, filling it to the brim. "When I sleep, I can't hold my form well. I just turn into a puddle of water. So I sleep in cups and such, so that I don't go everywhere. Just remember it's me, and don't try to drink me up! Had THAT happen before. Not pleasant." With that, he ceases speaking, and small bubbles start to appear from the bottom of the glass, as he apparently falls asleep.
Jaymi dropped her messenger bag onto the chair by her desk. Both ends of the room have an individual desk and dresser for each student and one bathroom for both. Though Jaymi was used to much more extravagance since her parents love to pretend that they care about her, she didn't mind the set up of the place. Even if it is a bit plain.
In order to better ignore the other girl in the room, Jaymi pulled her earbuds and iPod out and blasted one of her favorite songs, 'We Write Sins Not Tragedies' by Panic!At the Disco. She's pretty sure the blondie behind her could hear every lyric, though faintly.
Inside her messenger bag, Jaymi had about 6 large books. She needed to stay entertained after all. Even if there is an extensive library here in SHA, Jaymi's pretty picky with her books. She pulled out her favorites and stacked them neatly in the corner of her desk. When she picked up her hardcover copy of Wicked, she giggled a little bit. Her situation seemed kind of similar to Elphaba's when she got her blonde roommate, Glinda. She recalled a fitting line from the musical: "My dear father, There's been some confusion over rooming here at Shiz. But of course I'll care for Nessa, for I that's how you'd want me to respond. Yes, there's been some confusion cuz' you see my roommate is......Blonde."
Jaymi smiled once more, then pulled out her small desk lamp and journal. Her Journal is her most prized possession. She keeps it with her at all times in case inspiration strikes. It's where she writes down her snippets of horror and occasionally, her private thoughts. So it kind of doubled as a diary as well. If anyone read this, she would consider murdering them.
Her iPod shuffled to another one of Jaymi's favorites. 'Face Down' by the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.
After setting up her toiletries in the bathroom, her messenger bag was empty and prepared to be filled with school supplies…which she'll have to shop for. Jaymi sighed. She hates shopping.
Finally, she stocked her dresser. She pulled put most of the pants and long-sleeved shirts which were usually black, gray, and crimson in color, then pulled out her undergarments, along with the one swimsuit she owns: a cobalt whole bathing suit. Just because she can't swim doesn't mean she can't enjoy the water. The pool sounded quite intriguing, even if she would only stay in the shallows or dip her feet in by the deep side.
Her iPod switched to yet another song: 'Headstrong' by Linkin' Park
She smiled and tossed her faded high-tops and combat boots in the closet followed swiftly by her knee-length boots and plain flip-flops. Yet another unfortunate thing about being invisible is that Jaymi always has to wear short socks with high top footwear because if her skin doesn't touch it, it won't go invisible. She can never wear knee-high socks because then her shoes would appear to walk all on their own.

When she finished unpacking, she put her suitcase in the closet and grabbed the rule_book from beside the door. She tossed the thing at Kishi and plopped down onto her bed, turning off her iPod.


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Sabah shakes his head with a frown. He glances at all the girls that were shopping in the mall, some where pretty and some where not. He only had came here once before with his sister. But now he was with this other guy, "I don't care where we go... Robert?" He says his name questioning. He was awful with name, and he had to live with this guy.

Kishi watches the girl unload her bags sitting on her bed with a small smile. When she tosses the book at her she catches it, "Jay, was it?"" She says opening up the book, "You remind me a bit of my brother, quiet and a Loner." She starts to read the book still talking to the girl, "I think you'd like him! He's pretty nice."
"You don't know anything about me, how could you think I'm anything like you brother?" Jaymi rolls her eyes at the girl's naivety and stands to put her red high tops back on. She has two pairs. Black and red. The black pair's sitting in the closet.
"Well...I've gotta go" She didn't want to to tell Kishi where she was going lest she want to follow. "...run some errands, so I guess I'll see you later, Blondie."
Robin kept his eye out just in case his sister was around, and he finally found her when he heard her call out for someone to wait. Since her Siren voice didn't effect him, he didn't become entranced. He was very tempted to go up to her, but he noticed her talking to a boy. "Heh..." He said quietly. She looked just fine to him, so he would let her be alone for now. Finally Sabah spoke, and Robin laughed a little at his comment. "It's Robin... and to be honest I forgot your name to." He took a moment to get the small laughter out of the way then finally thought of something. "I could buy clothes at anytime, want to go hang out in the arcade? Everyone looks to be wanting to go to the pool... which means a lot of people. That's just a big no for me."
"Why don't I come with?! We could get to know each other better," She says with a smile sitting up and looking at the girl. She was way to talkative for anyone's good. She set the book down watching the girl, for a few before standing up. "Even if you say no, I'll follow."

Sabah smiles a bit at the other boy before nodding, "Haha. Sabah. Most call me Sab. Girls call me Sabby," he says talking the most he had today. He knew it would take long before his sister started to look for him so he nodded, "Sure." He stuffs his hands in his pockets making a tiger the size of his shoe walk beside him.
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