~Sacred Heart Academy~

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"Hehe, well i'll stick with Sabah. I was never fond of shortening names." He started to lead the way to the arcade, and then he noticed Sabah make a tiger. He kept his eye on it and like before, when it looked like it was going to roar or make a noise he would mimic it. It looked very convincing. If Robin wanted to he could be an amazing ventriloquist.
Jaymi narrows her eyes at her roommate, glaring at her. Jaymi might not say much unless she has to, but she has the dirtiest looks up her sleeve.
"Listen, Blondie." Jaymi stalks closer. "I've just got one thing to say to you. Let's make a deal shall we? You can come with me to the mall to get some school supplies, but only if you agree to this..."
Jaymi pauses for a second, but keeps talking after a moment. I have to live with her. "If you ever hear a scream in the middle of the night coming from this room, you ignore it completely. Capiche? And if you push me for reasons, I'll shut you out for good. And you don't want that. Trust me."
Sabah nods at Robin before hearing the sound his tiger made, "Thanks, we'd make a great team. Sounds and Light. Two of the fastest things in the world," he mumbles following Robin to the Arcade. He was kind of a cheater at video games, because of the light used to make the projections on the screen he could change them to his will making him get the top score.
Robin grinned, they were in fact a good team. "With your light and my sound we could have so much fun. Just imagine that for a sec." He pulled out his wallet and took out a couple of dollars and exchanged them for tokens. Robin loved to game, and mess people up. With guitar hero, or just about any game he could project a different set of sounds in his opponents head to throw them off. "What shall we play first? I'll let you pick."
Kishi chuckles at the girls threats, "What kind of friend would I be if I just let you scream at night? I won't agree to that!" She smiles and stands up, "But I'll go with you." She smiles and gets up taking the other girls hand pulling her out of the dorm. "We'll be best friends, Jay!"

Sabah smiles, "you can pick. But be warned if you try to cheat, I will cheat back," he gives a mischievous smile to the other pulling out his own wallet to get tokens.
Robin kept a grin on his face, these two were definitely going to get along well. He looked around and found a game that would be fun. "Air hockey. You're going down." He walked over to the air hockey table and put some tokens and put them in. He took the side facing the arcade entrance, just in case anyone of interest could come in.
What?! NO one's ever reacted to my glare like that! What the heck?! Jaymi thought as she was dragged wrist first out of her room by the weirdest girl she'd ever met. She was almost creepy with the way she ignored nearly everything she said.
'We'll be best friends, Jay!'. That was the scariest thing she could have said. It terrified Jaymi because it seemed she had no choice in the matter at all! The way Kishi had dragged her out of the dorm room she couldn't even grab her journal! She's just glad she had kept the key to the room in her pocket and not her trusty messenger.
Luckily, Blondie was towing her along and facing away from her, so she didn't notice Jaymi's terrified expression as she jogged reluctantly through the courtyard behind her.
And then Jaymi's eyes widened even more when she realized what bringing Kishi meant at the mall. She'd be visible, thanks to the fact that Kishi won't freaking take a hint!
"Crap." she whispered.
Sabah smiles and takes his side, "Good a game we'll have trouble cheating at," he chuckles putting his tokens in. He was going to get along with Robin pretty good if it keeps going on like this. Hell his sister would be happy he had made a friend.

Kishi glances back at the girl, "What do you need at the mall?" She asks happily to be with someone other than her brother.
"I'm going out for a while." Skylar shrugged and left his room, deciding to try to learn the layout of the school and campus. He wandered for a while and found the pool. He made a mental note about the location and continued walking. He wandered around the schools hallways and soon got lost. "Uuuuh, where am I?" He asked himself.
Jaymi ran a hand through her long hair and tried to keep her composure. She had a mask to maintain after all. Especially in front of this intimidating weirdo.
"Uh. School Supplies. I suppose they'll be providing textbooks, so I just need pencils, notebooks,that kind of stuff......Don't..you need anything?" She asks through clenched teeth. Jaymi definitely tries to push people away, but she's not inconsiderate when anyone manages to actually talk to her.
"My stuff should arrive soon enough," she says with a smile. Still walking across the school ground.
Robin took out his paddle. The game started with him hitting the puck to Sabah. Back and forth it would go, it was going at such a fast speed that no one else would be able to watch it. "So this is what happens when light and sound go head to head." He laughed while hitting the puck.
Sabah plays the games with a smile, "I guess so. I guess this will prove which is faster." He chuckles hitting the puck to the side of the boy.
"Okay then..."
Kishi led Jaymi to a door that led down to the underground mall. She took a deep breath in the elevator, preparing herself for the large crowd beneath her.
Kishi seemed to know exactly where she was going as she tugged her along through the hordes of 'gifted' teenagers (mostly girls).
Though she knew it wasn't true, she felt as if she was being stared at from all sides. Exposed. There was no way she would get used to this.
Sasha watched as Raven went running out of the store after Jace she couldn't blame her he was a nice enough guy and clearly had problems dealing with other people your a fine one to talk her mind muttered at her as she continued to look at the swimming outfit she had picked up. With a slight roll of her eyes at herself she walked up to the counter "Don't worry she wil......" Sasha could hear Raven shout to Jace damn that is an interesting effect she has Sasha thought as she shook her head to clear her mind.

Standing by the till she saw the moment that Raven and Jace walked back in "Nice to have you back" she said to them both as they reached her. After Raven explained that they needed to find Jace some swimming trunks Sasha smiled "No worries I can help" and with that she walked back over to the male section after picking up a few and putting them down she picked up a pair of navy blue trunks "Here Raven I think these would suite don't you?" she felt bad for not talking to Jace but he couldn't see them so she turned "Jace how do you feel about Navy blue?"
A steady beat was emitted from a pair of over-the-ear headphones, the constant bass of the music able to be heard in silence from up to three feet away. A brunette was standing atop the Main Hall building bobbing his head to the beat. His thumbs were stuck in his pockets, but the rest of his hand was free to slap the side of his leg to the beat. Brown eyes focused carefully on the figure of Nathaniel Weathers as he exited his large carriage by the hand of his butler.

Aldin Aphros stood silently, watching as the man traveled through the school gates and up into the Main Hall. Despite his vibrant appearance, complete with bright red skinny jeans, lime-green hoodie and a yellow umbrella, Aldin still went unnoticed by the other students for the moment. It was not until droplets of water began pouring down onto the umbrella that rested gently on his shoulder that he had noticed he had been staring.
It was happening again..

No, it was not raining, but occasionally the boy's powers would end up liquefying the air around him into water before pouring down onto him like rain. It was one of his abilities that he was unable to control at the moment, so he carried an umbrella wherever he went. Aldin rose a hand and flicked it through the air gently, causing a gust of air to disperse the water from him. He then retrieved the umbrella with his other hand and fanned it over his head before shooting it forward, a wind tunnel forming behind him and sending him trailing after the umbrella. The lithe young man in the cast off lime-green hoodie and red jeans spread his arms wide like a bird would with wings, taking a few steps forward until cool perforated metal was replaced with wispy white clouds and everything started to whistle past him. A group of students below gave a collective gasp as this person fell from the building, plunging down fast like a fallen angel cast out of heaven. Everyone was screaming and Aldin could hear the faint sound of his body chopping through the air. Otherwise, it was just him, his thoughts, and complete silence up there for about the span of four seconds. Maybe I have to be falling to do a trick, he thought, looking to his hands expectantly. As if they were responding to his thoughts, they began to glow, the wheels in his mind beginning to turn. The feeling of raw power rippled through the young man's thin frame, and his fall began to slow considerably. The air surrounding his body started to become thick, the pressure rising. The only look one would be able to see on his face would be the slight wince in his features as his hands paused in their glow and so did everything else. In that one split second he had left, Aldin looked down. Just a few feet away were the group of students who gathered at the base of the Main Hall. In that one split second everything froze. The mouths below were agape with horror and disbelief. In that one second, he took in a deep breath and took hold of the wind. In that moment, the students beneath the falling boy gasped in amazement when he appeared inches before their faces, a small smile on his pale face, and winked out of sight.

Everything felt good right now. Like really good. It was as if he was becoming part of a time stream, melding with something totally greater than himself, which would sound ridiculous but it was true. The air caressed his arms and legs lovingly, enveloping his body in a warm embrace that Aldin could honestly stay wrapped up in for all eternity. Only thing he was aware of was the sight of concrete and the alarming rate it was approaching, but he could not for the life of him muster up enough thought to notice that he was going to die. But there, between him and unforgiving concrete was a faint blue mass, becoming more apparent as he focused on it. Slowly, too slowly, that mass gained sheen and became recognizable as a body of water. That was what that was and it was his only life line so he took it, begrudgingly surfacing from the incredible high his vortex brought on to him and spun faster, flipping until his feet connected with something wet. Without noticing, the water seemed to bend out of the pool and grab hold of him, ceasing his fall and dragging him into the safety of the pool.

Finally surfacing, Aldin let out a sigh of relief. Another close call.. I really need to stop doing that.. hethought to himself, scaling the side of the pool and out onto dry land as his fin and hooves began to recede back into his body. I even lost my umbrella this time!

With that, he rushed off in search of his umbrella, unaware that he would end up missing the Student Orientation completely.

Sorry.. wasn't sure if I was allowed to post with this character yet.. but, I got impatient~!
Jace laughed softly as another sight pun was made. "Alright, then." He was about to follow her when she grabbed his hand. He was stunned for a moment, and his cheeks became slightly redder than usual. Once they were inside the store, the cool air caused the blush to recede, but it was still apparent it had been there.

"Navy blue..." he said, tapping his chin. He wasn't quite able to look through others eyes, and when he took off his blindfold everything was either hidden in shadow or discolored by the glow of fire. He didn't really know what 'blue' was, much less any of it's shades. He had his mothers eyes, so to speak. "I suppose it could work. I'll try it on." Still somewhat disoriented by Raven grabbing his hand, he attempted to mind search his way to the changing rooms, which only afforded him a confident looking run-in with a pole. He rubbed the bump on his head and turned to where the girls were, or at least where he last remembered them. "Little help, please?" he said, laughing softly at his blunder.
Raven seemed to like the navy blue a lot. "It does look pretty good." She kept her eyes on Jace for a moment as he walked off to go an try on the suit. What was it like to not see colors? She did feel a little bit bad for him, but at the same time she didn't. Feeling bad for someone never helped anything, so why should she feel bad? Suddenly Jace ran into a pole. "Oh!" She kept her voice quiet and ran up to him. "Come on i'll help you." She giggled softly and lead him to the men's dressing room, once again holding his hand. "Here you go. I'll be out here if you need me." While waiting for him to go in, she bonked her own head a little. "You sound like his mother, Raven! First the pun, now this? What is wrong with you today?!"

Robin and Sabah's game continued. It seemed like it lasted for days, when it had only been about five minutes. Obviously no one was going to back down. Faster and faster the puck went, and then light lightning it shoot off the table. It did no damage though, just hit back and forth a few times on the walls then landed on the ground after losing momentum. "Well... Umm... Maybe Light and Sound aren't meant to play air hockey?" He laughed a little trying to act natural.
Kishi smiled as she pulled the girl into a school supply store. "What do you need?" She asks still holding her wrist, she was happy to be out with Jay. It was great to get to know her. "So Jay, where you from?"

Sabah watched the puck bounce around the room before landing on the ground, "Yeah. Air hockey wasn't a good choice. How about... Guitar hero? I enjoy that game," he said with an evil smile. He wasn't going to play fair who did in a school of mutants? He picks up the puck setting it on the table before walking away.
"I can grab my own stuff and none of your business." Jaymi quipped. She walked off towards a large rack of notebooks. She had her eye on the skulls and crossbones.
How does this girl manage to smile so often?
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