~Sacred Heart Academy~

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Raven continued walking with her as a look of surprise came over her face. It had just hit her that all these students were like her, at one point they were probably bullied like she was. For once in her life she wasn't afraid, and she felt comfortable around someone. "A shifter? How interesting!" Raven was even more excited, she had never personally met a shifter. Then she got quiet, it was only fair that she told Sasha what she was. "I'm a type of Siren..." She said quietly.
Sasha was shocked as Raven didn't run away so it is true everyone here is different she thought with a smile and she relaxed ever so slightly. When Raven almost whispered what she was Sasha had never been happier to have her wolf hearing "A siren, That's cool but to be honest I have only ever meet someone else who was different and she was like me so I'm not really up with everything that all can do, But isn't it true your voice can enthrall others?" Sasha was really interested and hoped she didn't come across mean or harsh but spending the last three years on her own or in a forest really hadn't helped her any.
Raven nodded, this was the first time anyone actually asked about her being a siren. "I can, it's hard to control though so that's why I don't speak any louder. I have to listen to music so I don't have the urge to sing out loud. My brother says we can do much more, but I haven't been able to learn as much as him.." With her voice trailing off once again, she realized that here she might be able to control her powers. "Oh! So, what about you? May I ask what it's like to change into a wolf and snake?"
Sasha had never spoken to anyone about what she was but she was glad Raven had asked her "To be honest I know when it's going to happen most of the time normally I turn into a wolf when I'm angry,hurt,and in need of space and it hurts to change into a wolf but it is getting easier the more I try" Taking a deep breath she started to smell fabric that had never been worn so she moved to head in that way, then she continued "My snake form well that's easy it doesn't hurt at all and I normally change in to it when I'm scared or worried about something"

Sasha looked up and noticed they where now under the school and in front of them was lots of shops selling anything and everything you could ever need. With a smile she looked at Raven "See I knew I could get us here."
"If you'd like, next time you turn I can sing a song to calm you. That's probably my favorite part about my songs, I can make people calm or any other emotion." It really must hurt to turn into a wolf, and Raven wasn't ever afraid of either. She loved wolves, and snakes always made her giggle. Soon they approached all the stores, there was everything. "So why don't we buy some clothing, and then some decorations for our room?" Raven enjoyed saying 'Our room.' She loved having a roommate.
Our room our room Sasha kept saying the same thing in her mind she liked the way it sounded and couldn't help the smile as they walked closer to the shops. With a slight blush Sasha looked at Raven "amm I haven't been shopping for my own stuff since before I started to change, and buying stuff for our room sounds great"

Sasha had no idea what shopping was like but she was glad Raven was with as she turned to the girl she smiled "You better keep your singing voice ready as this makes me nervous and I doubt they do clothing for snakes or wolfs" with a giggle she started to walk into the shopping outlet.
Raven giggled as they walked into a clothing store. "Would be kinda funny to see a wolf shopping for clothing." Slowly they walked around the store, mainly to look at everything. All Raven had was her dress, it would be nice to wear some jeans or something. She grabbed a couple of pairs of jeans, a couple of pairs of sea foam green tank tops to match her hair, and some cardigan sweaters. "We should get some swim suits, that pool sounds like so much fun don't you think?" Raven had all her clothes draped over her left arm, she was really enjoying this shopping trip.
Kishi decided she should probably go see what room she was in. She walked to the girls dorm, asking for her room number and getting told that it was #401. She searched for her room finding it and entering. She noticed that her roommate wasn't there yet so she choose a bed and relaxed a bit.

Sabah nodded understanding what the guy was saying, "My sister controls light," he mumbles going back to his silent type. Laying back on his bed he continued to make the tiger pace the room not looking at it or moving a muscle. His roommate seemed like a solid person, so he had no problem sharing a room with him.
Robin sighed, he found himself to be very bored. What is there to do around here anyway? "As much as I love sitting here doing nothing... Want to go do something?" Now he began to think he was crazy. He was so bore he actually wanted to hang out with someone. Maybe he missed his sister already but who knows, this guy seemed pretty cool.
Sabah frowns a bit but nods anyways. As long as he didnt have to talk or interact with anyone he'd be fine. He sits up letting the tiger fade to nothing.
Robin sat up also, and walked out of the room. He had no idea where he was going, or where Sabah wanted to go. Honestly, he didn't really care much. He decided to keep walking until Sabah said something. As far as he knew, silence meant good. Talking, meant something was wrong.
Sabah followed him shoving his hands in his poclets. Raven was walking and he wasnt sure where to go. So he just followed. Talking wasnt some thing hes been fond of.
Robin sighed as they left the left the dorm building. He stood for a moment and remembered that he had a credit card, and he needed some more clothing and such. He decided to suck it up and attempt to speak to Sabah. "Want to head to that mall they have under the school?" He hated having to talk to anyone, he was used to having that sort of unspoken communication with his sister.
401...401...401! Great. She's finally found it. Room 401...where she'll sleep and write for a whole year. The only problem is that she has to share it. People say that being an only child makes you selfish, but the only reason she hated having some other girl sharing her space is that she's a very private person and she despises the fact that she'll have to interact with the girl eventually. She took a deep breath and slowly entered her dorm room. It must have looked strange to see the door open all on its own for the other girl with the blondish hair. Jaymi ignores her roomie for the moment and made sure that her single suitcase was on the bed. And it is. As it should be. She was about to open her suitcase, which would obviously make more noise than the door, but then she got a better idea...
Before her roommate could notice her presence in the room, Jaymi creeped up behind her and slowly put her lips beside her ear. Of course Jaymi knew that as soon as the girl heard her she'd become visible, but it'll still be fun if she freaks out.
"Welcome to Hell, Roomie."
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"Yeah I can just see the shop assistants face now as you have to explain what I need" Sasha smiled and looked around at some of the clothes picking up a few halter neck tops she draped them over her arm. Sasha had never been a strong swimmer she loved water but was more of a sit on the side and dangle her feet in kinda girl, "I will go but wolves and snakes and water and even me for that matter don't mix to well" but she said it with a smile and picked up a pair of black shorts she could wear with a bikini top if she found one.
(([MENTION=4880]Eve lilith Angelson[/MENTION] - it's spelled 'Wolves'))

Jace gave up on trying to learn a new recipe as the words began to blur together in his mind. He closed the book and placed it back into his backpack, and decided to walk around the shop area. He was bound to find someone to talk to there. Thinking about it, he needed a new swimsuit, anyway. He accidentally set his on fire a few weeks ago.

Wandering almost aimlessly around the plaza, he opened his mind and listened to the thoughts of those around him. Most here were girls just shopping for clothes. One stuck out to him though. It was not one girl, but three entities. A girl, a wolf, and a snake? The jumble confused him greatly, so he decided to investigate. It seemed she was a shapeshifter, but he had been wrong before.

"Umm, hello," he started, "I'm a psychic, and you have a very odd thought pattern." He probably didn't do that right, but it's not like he had any practice. Being shunned the majority of your life causes social interaction issues. He just hoped he didn't come off as too rude.
Kish jumped as she heard the voice behind her. She turned around seeing the girl who the voice belonged to. Wearing a smile, Kishi hugged her roommate, pulling back after a bit. "Hello! I'm Kishi! How are you? What's your power? I can control shadows," she makes a little pure black shadow Elephant in her hand, "see pretty cool huh? My brother controls light. Though he's the dark one," she rambles on a bit more, happy to meet someone new. When she finally stopped talking, she had plopped down on the bed. "I hope we become great friends!"

Sabah glances at the other guy, "Sure," was all he said. He'd been to the all with his sister before and he hated it but now he was with another guy, maybe it'd be better.
Okay...NOT what she expected...
Man she hugs hard.
"I'm Jay, I'm pretty sure you know my power, I'm not a hugger and uh,whatever...I'm just. gonna...unpack."
Jaymi turns her back on Kishi and starts to unzip her suitcase, letting out a long sigh. This is going to be a long year...
Robin lead them down to the mall that was located under the school. It seemed everyone else had the same idea. There were many girls around, looks like shopping for school cloths. Did Robin need anything? Maybe some clothes, or maybe some posters for his room. "Where do you want to go first? I feel rude if I were to just go somewhere without asking you." He may not be the most talkative or nice person but he did try to show some manners from time to time.

Raven kept close to Sasha as they looked at swimsuits. Raven wasn't great at swimming either, but being a Siren she felt the need to be by the water. Could all the tales of Sirens luring sailors be true? "How does this look?" She grabbed a pure white bikini that looked very nice for the pool. Suddenly someone approached the, directing his focus on Sasha. To keep herself calm, Raven started to look for a song to sing in her head to keep herself occupied.
Sasha stopped the moment she heard someone in her head Oh great I'm just as crazy as my mother told me I was, maybe she should of just killed me" she thought. Sasha could feel her wolf dying to be free to find out if someone was talking to her on some kind of mental pathway. But Sasha took a few deep breath's to stay calm and answered "what do you mean odd?" she asked internally hoping in someways she would get an answer but hoping in other ways she wouldn't. Not meaning it to sound rude but she thought it could be taken in that way.
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