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chest cavity just as it swung at him with one of its particularly large limbs, and from the brief, close encounter he had with this creature, he noticed a few things... Different about its composition; unlike the creatures they had encountered, this one did not have tendrils sticking out of its chest, appearing to have been purely made of the fleshy biomass that they were treading through right now.
However, it did certainly react to this sudden attack, letting out a loud roar, as it was suddenly thrown backwards right into the entrance of the crash site, breaking through a wall which seemed to uncover a portion of a blobby, greenish shape, but unfortunately it was a little too hard to see anything more than that.

A faint whispering sound could be heard, seeming to echo through Shichika, as well as the others who had accompanied him's minds... And surprisingly enough, in response, the creature suddenly got up on its feet, apparently not dead, and suddenly began to spasm and contort... Its body mutating into a smaller, more spiderlike creature...


In this new form, it quickly scrambled ontop of the crash site, rooting itself once it had found a suitable position, and mutated again... Compacting itself into some sort of stationary, spined creature.


In its new form, it suddenly began peppering Shichika and the others with a volley of green spikes which it was launching at great force from its back... Ones that apparently seemed to get launched and regenerate at a rather fast rate... Looks like it had decided to fight from a distance rather than up close, but... Shichika had definitely proven that this creature wasn't invincible, despite being quite hardy for what it is.


"The creatures only grow more and more horrible."

Seisa let out a sigh as the creature morphed and darted away from them, scared off by Shichika's use of what seemed to be martial arts. Looking at this strange creature was not enjoyable, so Seisa decided to try to end the battle right there.

"Killing Art."

With her ability's name invoked, space began to be rewritten according to her desire. The space in front of the group almost seemed to glow as the green spikes reached it, only for the spikes to continue as though unimpeded right back towards the creature. This new space simply did not lead past the space in front of them and changed it so that the "backwards" direction had now become "forwards." Therefore the spikes had no choice but to fly backwards.

@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @york @Verite

JD didn't like having any eyes on him, not wanting to draw too much attention or look suspicious. Mentally cursing, he was at least glad he didn't look suspicious to the point of being approached and questioned.

"Excuse me, but I'm here to help out with evac. Heard something about you guys being tied up right? Sadly I'm the only one who showed up and all." he muttered, making his presence known to the two scientists.

The first scientist looked up, and instinctively shut off his tablet. "Ah, speak of the devil." He said. "Just one of you? Damn. But, I guess beggars can't be choosers." He shrugged. "We just need to hold out until a vehicle comes. Think you can manage the crowd until then?"
Connor Walsh

Connor managed to scope a distinctive section of the machine while he looked over at them. " It looks there are aliens hanging out in the midsection of the machine that leads to the machine. If we knock it down so that the middle section is on ground level, we could in theory take advantage of our weapons and knock the aliens out... possibly getting rid of them for good," he said.

@Gands @Gummi Bunnies @Otto @york @AA batteries

Eygon of Carim | @AA Batteries
@Gands @Midnight Maiden @york @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)​

Eygon watched as Alexandra and A2 lunged into the fray. An unseen smile formed on his face. He had gotten tired of waiting around.

"Finally...the fight begins."


Eygon eagerly charged into battle, taking advantage of A2's and Alexandra's diversion. He held his shield in front of him as he charged forward, just in case anything would fly toward him. When he would arrive near the Scarab, he would hit the joints of the legs of the Scarab as hard as he could, aiming to fell the mechanical behemoth.​

@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)

Huntress had the right idea with those smoke grenades... As the temporary smokescreen momentarily seemed to confuse the pilots of the Scarab, as it was not firing its main cannon, that is until A2's shotgun blasts suddenly drew its attention, causing it to fire its main cannon towards her position, sending another beam of burning green plasma towards her... But even though it was moving it in a sweeping motion, it was alot easier to dodge than its last few volleys, as it was literally firing blind.

While Huntress's smokescreen was still up, Eygon was able to deliver crushing blows to the backs of the creature's front legs, causing its entire framework to buckle, and the enitre machine falling over onto its front, appearing to have been disabled... For now, but the fight wasn't over yet, as even through Huntress's smokescreen, one could see a turret on the Scarab's roof suddenly swivel towards A2, aiming to shoot at her, but it was quickly demolished with shots from a few nearby tanks, that were still intact.

It would appear that the smokescreen that Huntress had left up was obscuring the vision of the machine's occupants for the time being, which would allow everyone to sneak aboard it... But it was likely going to dissipate not long after, so they'd better prepare for a fight.

"Can this thing be more predictable?"

A2 commented almost in a lazy fashion as she waited for the machine to do it's thing against her, now that she's gotten its attention. With an incoming cannon shot her way, the android had her evasion systems do the trick for her, initiating her cloaking followed by a small trail of a red glow. For her, it would allow her to graze by the incoming fire, and soon rinse and repeating the same actions. Avoiding. Firing at the machine several more times with her shotgun. All until it was certain that they can hop on board and hijack this machine, just so they can be sure that it was done for.

It'll be soon until then, after all this effort.

@york @Otto @Takumi @Gands @LuckycoolHawk9 @Midnight Maiden
Seisa couldn't help but make a slightly disturbed expression as she took note of the strange creatures around them. Judging by appearances was crude perhaps, but when the creatures appeared as they did it was only human to react as such. It was hard to tell how to sneak past them when they were using tentacles rather than eyesight or hearing from a glance, but they seemed to be rather successful regardless.

While they drew closer to the crash site, Seisa noticed a rocket launcher. It was hard to not notice really, but she wasn't the type to want to wield a weapon like that. Her interactions with Shichika had led her to believe he'd have a hard time even operating the thing and she could hardly tell what Mipha knew or did not know at a glance, having hardly spoken with him...or her.

She really couldn't tell, and for a moment sympathized with Shichika.

That left Giorno in terms of using the rocket launcher. Keeping her voice low, she motioned towards the weapon slightly with her head.


"There seems to be a conventional weapon there, if we'd like to take it while our powers are still working. You seem to be the only one who could operate it, Giorno, so would you like to take it?"

@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Verite @york

@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

As much as Dorian, Howlett, and various marines began to advance into the area, it didn't take long for a large group of the creature's to catch sight of them, and multiple roars could be heard throughout the area as the creatures began to swarm them... Which left the crash site itself alot less populated than it was before.

"Light em up!" Cried one of the marines... And with that, the marines they were with opened fire.

Bullets shredded through many of the creatures, but even that didn't seem to stop them... That is, until they sustained severe damage to their chests, which appeared to down them, permanently. Yet it seemed that the horde showed no signs of slowing, with more and more creatures coming from the distance, peppering their general area with weapons fire as they approached.

As they got close enough for melee range... Howlett noticed that they displayed insane feats of strength as they swung at him and the others, possessing some incredible strength, for what looked to be rotting corpses. It was noted that as the fight progressed, they never seemed to stay down until they were either completely dismembered... Or he had cut clean through their chests. Though, it wasn't long before he spotted one of those creature's that appeared to have some sort of energy shielding, perhaps from its strange, alien armor that was still functional rushing towards him... And instead of a conventional projectile weapon, it possessed some sort of energy sword, with which it lunged at him with, the bullets that the marines had fired off towards it seeming to ping off the shield around him.


In the distance however, Dorian noticed a group of weird, bulging creatures lumbering towards the group, slowly... It looked like they were attempting to sneak up on their group while everyone was more or less occupied.


Those who were sneaking into the crash site itself noticed a large mass of the creatures in the area headed out, looks like Dorian and Howlett's distraction worked, for the most part. The only thing was that there was still that creature holding that rocket launcher in the way, along with something... Bigger.


A hulking behemoth of a creature was guarding the entrance to the ship, appearing not to be budging... Looks like they'd have to either fight this things, or just find a way around it, though currently, it didn't look like there was any effective way to avoid it at all.

@Terrorship (Backup)
@Fallen Hope @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi (Danielle) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Kara)


There were quite a few alien creatures lurking around that ship... Enough to block them from their goal, which was the grav lift, and even that Sargeant appeared to be having trouble pushing through, and one could see why;


in addition to their superior weaponry, they also had miniature floating saucer-like machines zooming around the area, bombarding the troops with their lasers, looks like they hay their hands full.

Fortunately, Sonic, and Kara was able to make a good dent in the aliens' numbers, but, unfortunately, it wasn't long before one of the floating machines suddenly advanced towards both Sonic and Kara respectively, aiming to eliminate them... And what's more was that Kara felt something trying to control her mind, an influence that did not have an immediately discernable source, but it sure was persistent...

@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)

Connor was able to scope out a distinct pathway on the midsection of the machine where various alien creatures were perched, and he could just fainltly see an open entrance to the innards of the machine from where he stood before it fired its main cannon again, sweeping it across the field... Forcing him to retreat for the time being, but he did get some valuable intel.

"We've got a Scarab!" Amelia roared in the meantime, clearly having noticed their "little" problem herself.

Hearing A2's proposals, she nodded, pointing towards roughly the top of the machine, where they may be able to see the pathway that Connor spotted earlier.

"Ya gotta get inside that thing! If someone can bust up the generator in there, we can take it down! Since our tanks ain't doing jack to its armor... Our best shot's from inside that Scarab!" She called.

At Eygon's suggestion of crushing it though, Amelia rubbed her chin, her eyes scanning the Scarab as it continued to fire upon the troops in the area, seeming to target tanks, and vehicles transporting explosives or heavy weapons... But it hadn't reached that vehicle they had arrived in just yet, but if it weren't distracted soon, it sure as hell would.

"If we wanna get aboard, we gotta take out its legs, think you can manage it?" She asked.

Come to think of it, Eygon noticed that the Scarab's legs were lacking some protection at the back of their joints, and while it would likely still be able to resist most conventional weapons or explosives... With his strength and his massive hammer, Eygon might just be able to topple the machine, or at the very least, cripple it enough for a little boarding action.

@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

The mannequin creatures seemed to react differently to attacks launched at them; for the most part, Flailbait, Noembelu, and Birdie were successfull in smashing these creatures up... Though some still got up, seeming a little droopier than before.

Yet, Buddy's attacks were not quite so successfull, in fact, frighteningly enough... The mannequins hit by his trump card attacks remained standing, despite drooping a little, and appeared to suddenly stare at Buddy, mimicking his trump card attacks, sending their own volley of eerily similar projectiles flying towards them.

Seeing this, the Blue haired woman's eyes widened, but she kept her hands raised, still seeming to be trying to keep casting whatever spell she had cast on Dio... Which appeared to have made him faster.​

Felling Tree with Roots



"Seisa-san, Giorno-san, stand back!" Shichika exclaimed, taking up the assumption that their powers had not sufficiently returned, or even in a stable manner. Putting his arms up, the man eyed the creature blocking their path, instantly assessing that there was little point in getting around it. "I'd ask you to get out of our way already, but by then, you'll have been torn to shreds!"

With a swift battle cry, Shichika dashed forward like a blur, using the momentum of his movements in order to bolster his hitting power, even if just by a little, just as he had been doing every other time he and the others had been dragged into a fight.

"Kyoutouryuu Art: Kyouka Suigetsu!"


Skidding to a halt in front of the monster like a runaway carriage, Shichika channeled the potential energy he had gathered up and thrust his stiff palm forward like a spear with the intention of piercing into the creature's body, his innate strength developed over his rigorous training hopefully being enough to dig into its flesh, and then after a brief pause, throwing his arm forward even more, as though intending to knock the enemy and send its body smashing right through the entrance!

@york @Kaykay @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mason Moretti

"A rocket launcher...?"

Giorno came to a slow halt when Seisa motioned to the weapon. The boss stared the weapon down for a moment, his expression mostly blank and empty. Turning back towards Seisa, Giorno calmly raised a finger. "In a normal circumstance, it wouldn't make sense for me to know how to operate a military-grade weapon like a rocket launcher. However..."

Without breaking stride, Giorno rose from the group's concealed position in unity with Shichika. The gargantuan monstrosity would catch a glimpse of two humanoids standing high from their elevated position. They stood side-by-side, staring off in separate directions, with a plan communicated by sheer trust...or, was it luck and fate? The answer wouldn't matter-- the fact that they move in such unison is the only 'truth' that matters in such situations.

'I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream."


A crimson leaf traveling in harmony with the golden winds.

Giorno bounded off the rock, allowing his veins to be pumped with raw adrenaline. He wasn't far behind Shichika, bending his knees and channeling Gold Experience's strength into his own legs, allowing him to leap high into the air above the behemoth just as his ally delivered a blow. His eyes focused on the smaller creature lugging the rocket launcher, giving a resolved grunt as his golden spirit materialized in the air before him, reaching back it's shimmering gauntlets and letting out a flurry of imbued punches.


The creature didn't have much room to fire it's weapon at such a range. Smashing it's arms apart and sending the rocket launcher flying, Giorno gracefully impacted with a roll, dashing towards the weapon and heaving it up on his shoulder whilst Gold Experience continued to pummel the infested into the ground. The Stand vanished from view just as the behemoth Shichika attacked crashed through the entrance, flooding the desolate crash site with some light from the outside.

It can change it's shape?!

The entire ship rumbled with great force as the behemoth heaved it's grotesque form upon the ruins, letting out a hail of spikes that seemed sharp enough to tear human tissue. Gold Experience materialized from Giorno's form, spinning around and grabbing a nearby piece of rubble and heaving it infront of Giorno. The boss scanned the battlefield, trying to find anything.

Anything at all. A point of weakness that he could exploit.

And, there it was.


"I wonder...how can something fight so brazenly if it's weakness has already been revealed?"


The movements that followed Giorno's cry flowed through his body like water; the rocket launcher cracked open, revealing a bare missile sitting within the tube. Gold Experience plucked the missile from the weapon with the precision of an eagle swiping the head off a chicken. Rotating around, the Stand held out an open palm towards it's intended target and heaved back it's other gauntlet, squeezing the missile and causing a transparent residue to envelop the explosive.

Just as it left it's hand.


The force of air from the mighty hurl blew the crust off of the nearby rubble, blasting dust into the air. Giorno himself let out a roar in unison with his Stand, because he mustered a strength that doesn't come very often in regular combat. The bubbling projectile sliced through the air for a moment before taking shape-- two appendages spreading from it's side and flattening.


The newly-born missile hawk gracefully maneuvered through the endless hail of spikes, rolling through the open spaces in between each spike and cutting a path towards the pulsating, green section resting just through the crack opened by Shichika's strike. The hawk built it's momentum once it was free of the spike field, making a beeline towards the hole. The creature didn't seem to mind sacrificing it's few seconds of life to aid it's creator.

There was an understanding that couldn't be understood in these few seconds. Just as the hawk had reached optimal speed and was just an inch away from the green membrane, it closed it's eyes and let out a satisfied screech just before it's head shifted into a spike, green surface of a missile.



@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite @york

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Felling Tree with Roots



"Seisa-san, Giorno-san, stand back!" Shichika exclaimed, taking up the assumption that their powers had not sufficiently returned, or even in a stable manner. Putting his arms up, the man eyed the creature blocking their path, instantly assessing that there was little point in getting around it. "I'd ask you to get out of our way already, but by then, you'll have been torn to shreds!"

With a swift battle cry, Shichika dashed forward like a blur, using the momentum of his movements in order to bolster his hitting power, even if just by a little, just as he had been doing every other time he and the others had been dragged into a fight.

"Kyoutouryuu Art: Kyouka Suigetsu!"


Skidding to a halt in front of the monster like a runaway carriage, Shichika channeled the potential energy he had gathered up and thrust his stiff palm forward like a spear with the intention of piercing into the creature's body, his innate strength developed over his rigorous training hopefully being enough to dig into its flesh, and then after a brief pause, throwing his arm forward even more, as though intending to knock the enemy and send its body smashing right through the entrance!

@york @Kaykay @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Mason Moretti

@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

Lopping off the creature's head didn't quite seem to do the trick for Howlett; it kept swinging at Howlett... And it was only when a nearby marine wielding a shotgun fired two blasts from his weapon into the chest of the creature that it stayed down for good.

Nonetheless, they seemed to be causing quite the ruckus, and the battle seemed to be going reasonably well... Minus an incoming horde of bulbous looking creatures, that was getting dangerously close to the group. There was no telling what exactly their purpose was, but it was probably in their best interests to eliminate them rather than to wait and find out.


Shichika in the meantime, found that despite the creature's bulky physique, his blow was able to penetrate through its chest cavity just as it swung at him with one of its particularly large limbs, and from the brief, close encounter he had with this creature, he noticed a few things... Different about its composition; unlike the creatures they had encountered, this one did not have tendrils sticking out of its chest, appearing to have been purely made of the fleshy biomass that they were treading through right now.

However, it did certainly react to this sudden attack, letting out a loud roar, as it was suddenly thrown backwards right into the entrance of the crash site, breaking through a wall which seemed to uncover a portion of a blobby, greenish shape, but unfortunately it was a little too hard to see anything more than that.

A faint whispering sound could be heard, seeming to echo through Shichika, as well as the others who had accompanied him's minds... And surprisingly enough, in response, the creature suddenly got up on its feet, apparently not dead, and suddenly began to spasm and contort... Its body mutating into a smaller, more spiderlike creature...


In this new form, it quickly scrambled ontop of the crash site, rooting itself once it had found a suitable position, and mutated again... Compacting itself into some sort of stationary, spined creature.


In its new form, it suddenly began peppering Shichika and the others with a volley of green spikes which it was launching at great force from its back... Ones that apparently seemed to get launched and regenerate at a rather fast rate... Looks like it had decided to fight from a distance rather than up close, but... Shichika had definitely proven that this creature wasn't invincible, despite being quite hardy for what it is.


"The creatures only grow more and more horrible."

Seisa let out a sigh as the creature morphed and darted away from them, scared off by Shichika's use of what seemed to be martial arts. Looking at this strange creature was not enjoyable, so Seisa decided to try to end the battle right there.

"Killing Art."

With her ability's name invoked, space began to be rewritten according to her desire. The space in front of the group almost seemed to glow as the green spikes reached it, only for the spikes to continue as though unimpeded right back towards the creature. This new space simply did not lead past the space in front of them and changed it so that the "backwards" direction had now become "forwards." Therefore the spikes had no choice but to fly backwards.

@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @york @Verite

"A rocket launcher...?"

Giorno came to a slow halt when Seisa motioned to the weapon. The boss stared the weapon down for a moment, his expression mostly blank and empty. Turning back towards Seisa, Giorno calmly raised a finger. "In a normal circumstance, it wouldn't make sense for me to know how to operate a military-grade weapon like a rocket launcher. However..."

Without breaking stride, Giorno rose from the group's concealed position in unity with Shichika. The gargantuan monstrosity would catch a glimpse of two humanoids standing high from their elevated position. They stood side-by-side, staring off in separate directions, with a plan communicated by sheer trust...or, was it luck and fate? The answer wouldn't matter-- the fact that they move in such unison is the only 'truth' that matters in such situations.

'I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream."


A crimson leaf traveling in harmony with the golden winds.

Giorno bounded off the rock, allowing his veins to be pumped with raw adrenaline. He wasn't far behind Shichika, bending his knees and channeling Gold Experience's strength into his own legs, allowing him to leap high into the air above the behemoth just as his ally delivered a blow. His eyes focused on the smaller creature lugging the rocket launcher, giving a resolved grunt as his golden spirit materialized in the air before him, reaching back it's shimmering gauntlets and letting out a flurry of imbued punches.


The creature didn't have much room to fire it's weapon at such a range. Smashing it's arms apart and sending the rocket launcher flying, Giorno gracefully impacted with a roll, dashing towards the weapon and heaving it up on his shoulder whilst Gold Experience continued to pummel the infested into the ground. The Stand vanished from view just as the behemoth Shichika attacked crashed through the entrance, flooding the desolate crash site with some light from the outside.

It can change it's shape?!

The entire ship rumbled with great force as the behemoth heaved it's grotesque form upon the ruins, letting out a hail of spikes that seemed sharp enough to tear human tissue. Gold Experience materialized from Giorno's form, spinning around and grabbing a nearby piece of rubble and heaving it infront of Giorno. The boss scanned the battlefield, trying to find anything.

Anything at all. A point of weakness that he could exploit.

And, there it was.


"I wonder...how can something fight so brazenly if it's weakness has already been revealed?"


The movements that followed Giorno's cry flowed through his body like water; the rocket launcher cracked open, revealing a bare missile sitting within the tube. Gold Experience plucked the missile from the weapon with the precision of an eagle swiping the head off a chicken. Rotating around, the Stand held out an open palm towards it's intended target and heaved back it's other gauntlet, squeezing the missile and causing a transparent residue to envelop the explosive.

Just as it left it's hand.


The force of air from the mighty hurl blew the crust off of the nearby rubble, blasting dust into the air. Giorno himself let out a roar in unison with his Stand, because he mustered a strength that doesn't come very often in regular combat. The bubbling projectile sliced through the air for a moment before taking shape-- two appendages spreading from it's side and flattening.


The newly-born missile hawk gracefully maneuvered through the endless hail of spikes, rolling through the open spaces in between each spike and cutting a path towards the pulsating, green section resting just through the crack opened by Shichika's strike. The hawk built it's momentum once it was free of the spike field, making a beeline towards the hole. The creature didn't seem to mind sacrificing it's few seconds of life to aid it's creator.

There was an understanding that couldn't be understood in these few seconds. Just as the hawk had reached optimal speed and was just an inch away from the green membrane, it closed it's eyes and let out a satisfied screech just before it's head shifted into a spike, green surface of a missile.



@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite @york

"Thank you, my allies, for taking care of the main creature," Mipha said. She wasn't sure if her voice could be heard through the roar of battle or that her sentiment was known to the group, but she was thankful regardless.

However, she noticed that her allies, with far more offensive capabilities, were making progress eith killing the limo of mass. She felt compelled to aid the group in some way, and she happened to notice the blobish green shape that was uncovered due to collateral damage. Making sure to keep as much distance as the reach of her trident would allow, Mipha carefully, with precise movements...

...stabbed the heck out of the green blob with her trident. She stabbed fiercely, believing the mass to be connected in some manner to the overall parasite, or at least the creature that blocked their way, but was cautious in case messing with the blob backfired in any sort of way.

@Atomyk @CrunchyCHEEZIT @Kaykay @Jeremi @Verite @york
@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

Between the projectiles that were "returned" to it thanks to Seisa, and the rocket launched towards it thanks to Giorno having wrested a weapon from an hapless creature amidst the chaos... It would appear that the creature could no longer maintain its form, despite having curled up in an attempt to protect itself.

In the end, it fell limply to the ground, evidently having been killed.

Mipha, who had the right idea by stabbling the green blob quickly found that it was easily penetrated, but... Upon closer inspection, there appeared to be multiple alien-like creatures embedded inside, none of them looking very alive if anything. Mere moments after the monstrosity was pierced, multiple times by Mipha's spear, a loud buzzing noise permeated the immediate area, resonating within Mipha, Seisa, Shichika, and Giorno's minds... And as it grew louder and louder, it would appear to be interfering with their powers. Looks like whatever this thing was, it did not intend to go down so easily, but... Fortunately, it's form itself seemed quite frail, but it was tough to tell where exactly a specific vital point may lie... On the other hand, there was no doubt that a near complete obliteration of the creature would do the trick, so there was always that.

Speaking of which, there appeared to be a few large, glowing, orange cylinders that the green mass was nearby, still intact despite the ship they were attatched having crashed... Though judging from their general location amidst the crash site, and a distinct humming noise emitted by them, one could imagine they might be some sort of power generator for the ship... The kind that would likely be volatile if exposed to the right elements.

@Terrorship (Backup)
@Fallen Hope @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi (Danielle) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Kara)

Those who entered the Terror Ship through its grav lift would quickly find themselves in a star, silver colored room, a rather large one at that... Large enough to probably hold dozens, if not more of those saucer things they had encountered outside of the ship. Evidently this ship was designed to house a force to be reckoned with, though it didn't really seem like it would suffice for any sort of crazy big invasion force.

However, there was little time to take in their surroundings, as a hatchway suddenly opened, and a fizzling noise could suddenly be heard, before a purple, foot-ball sized object coursed into the room, appearing to be redirecting itself to strike Sonic head on, as well as anyone else in its direct vicinity.

From the brief glimpse anyone who had entered could catch of the object, it looked to be some sort of guided explosive, one with what could be assumed to be a rather powerfull payload, considering the sort of technology the Terro Ship's occupants had in store.

@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)

In the meantime, A2, who had leaped aboard the machine found that hijacking, or at least busting up this machine would be a little more complicated than she had first anticipated... As Huntress's smokescreen was beginning to fade, revealing an heavily armored alien, wielding a purplish sword, made up of what appeared to be some sort of super-heated plasma.


"Ahhh, lohbaba!" It cried in a foreign language upon seeing A2.

Without a moment of hesitation, it lunged at her with its sword, intending to cleave her head clear off... Guess this creature was part of the "Covenant" Amelia had mentioned from earlier, and it sure didn't look happy to see that it had human (or so it believed) company aboard this Scarab, not at all.

@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

Ben, in the form of "Rath" did not have much trouble finishing off what was left of the mannequins, as they had been pretty battered up to begin with... Falling to pieces, which faded into nothingness.

The blue haired woman seemed to sigh in relief, opening her eyes as she stopped casting whatever spell she had been casting on Dio... Who would notice that his powers were returning to him once more, though it was hard to say if that had happened intentionally (if the woman was responsible for it in the first place anyways), or not.

After she took a good few moments to rest, the woman frowned, taking a moment to look around instead of immediately advancing.

"... It is strange. I feel the presense of the being that trapped us in this place... But yet... It should not be here... Unless..." She rubbed her chin, her eyes widening as something occurred to her.

Quickly, she gestured for the otehrs to follow her once more, through the hole in the mysterious wall, and towards the mountain in the distance.

"We must go. Now!" She said urgently.

Looks like something had her alarmed, so much so that her usually calm, and composed demeanor had faded, for the time being anyways.​
@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

Between the projectiles that were "returned" to it thanks to Seisa, and the rocket launched towards it thanks to Giorno having wrested a weapon from an hapless creature amidst the chaos... It would appear that the creature could no longer maintain its form, despite having curled up in an attempt to protect itself.

In the end, it fell limply to the ground, evidently having been killed.

Mipha, who had the right idea by stabbling the green blob quickly found that it was easily penetrated, but... Upon closer inspection, there appeared to be multiple alien-like creatures embedded inside, none of them looking very alive if anything. Mere moments after the monstrosity was pierced, multiple times by Mipha's spear, a loud buzzing noise permeated the immediate area, resonating within Mipha, Seisa, Shichika, and Giorno's minds... And as it grew louder and louder, it would appear to be interfering with their powers. Looks like whatever this thing was, it did not intend to go down so easily, but... Fortunately, it's form itself seemed quite frail, but it was tough to tell where exactly a specific vital point may lie... On the other hand, there was no doubt that a near complete obliteration of the creature would do the trick, so there was always that.

Speaking of which, there appeared to be a few large, glowing, orange cylinders that the green mass was nearby, still intact despite the ship they were attatched having crashed... Though judging from their general location amidst the crash site, and a distinct humming noise emitted by them, one could imagine they might be some sort of power generator for the ship... The kind that would likely be volatile if exposed to the right elements.

@Terrorship (Backup)
@Fallen Hope @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi (Danielle) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Kara)

Those who entered the Terror Ship through its grav lift would quickly find themselves in a star, silver colored room, a rather large one at that... Large enough to probably hold dozens, if not more of those saucer things they had encountered outside of the ship. Evidently this ship was designed to house a force to be reckoned with, though it didn't really seem like it would suffice for any sort of crazy big invasion force.

However, there was little time to take in their surroundings, as a hatchway suddenly opened, and a fizzling noise could suddenly be heard, before a purple, foot-ball sized object coursed into the room, appearing to be redirecting itself to strike Sonic head on, as well as anyone else in its direct vicinity.

From the brief glimpse anyone who had entered could catch of the object, it looked to be some sort of guided explosive, one with what could be assumed to be a rather powerfull payload, considering the sort of technology the Terro Ship's occupants had in store.

@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)

In the meantime, A2, who had leaped aboard the machine found that hijacking, or at least busting up this machine would be a little more complicated than she had first anticipated... As Huntress's smokescreen was beginning to fade, revealing an heavily armored alien, wielding a purplish sword, made up of what appeared to be some sort of super-heated plasma.


"Ahhh, lohbaba!" It cried in a foreign language upon seeing A2.

Without a moment of hesitation, it lunged at her with its sword, intending to cleave her head clear off... Guess this creature was part of the "Covenant" Amelia had mentioned from earlier, and it sure didn't look happy to see that it had human (or so it believed) company aboard this Scarab, not at all.

@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

Ben, in the form of "Rath" did not have much trouble finishing off what was left of the mannequins, as they had been pretty battered up to begin with... Falling to pieces, which faded into nothingness.

The blue haired woman seemed to sigh in relief, opening her eyes as she stopped casting whatever spell she had been casting on Dio... Who would notice that his powers were returning to him once more, though it was hard to say if that had happened intentionally (if the woman was responsible for it in the first place anyways), or not.

After she took a good few moments to rest, the woman frowned, taking a moment to look around instead of immediately advancing.

"... It is strange. I feel the presense of the being that trapped us in this place... But yet... It should not be here... Unless..." She rubbed her chin, her eyes widening as something occurred to her.

Quickly, she gestured for the otehrs to follow her once more, through the hole in the mysterious wall, and towards the mountain in the distance.

"We must go. Now!" She said urgently.

Looks like something had her alarmed, so much so that her usually calm, and composed demeanor had faded, for the time being anyways.​
Once the group entered the ship, Sonic looked around the room and smirked.

"Over compensate much?" Sonic asked aloud, though to no one in particular. Before he could further take in his surroundings, however, he saw a purple object attempt to strike him in the head. Sonic immediately rolled out of the way of the object and looked at it.

"Attacking me when my guard's down? Now that's just playing dirty!"
He said before attempting to counter the item with a homing attack, not really taking notice of the fact that it was an explosive.

@Jeremi @LuckycoolHawk9 @Fallen Hope @york

@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

Ben, in the form of "Rath" did not have much trouble finishing off what was left of the mannequins, as they had been pretty battered up to begin with... Falling to pieces, which faded into nothingness.

The blue haired woman seemed to sigh in relief, opening her eyes as she stopped casting whatever spell she had been casting on Dio... Who would notice that his powers were returning to him once more, though it was hard to say if that had happened intentionally (if the woman was responsible for it in the first place anyways), or not.

After she took a good few moments to rest, the woman frowned, taking a moment to look around instead of immediately advancing.

"... It is strange. I feel the presense of the being that trapped us in this place... But yet... It should not be here... Unless..." She rubbed her chin, her eyes widening as something occurred to her.

Quickly, she gestured for the otehrs to follow her once more, through the hole in the mysterious wall, and towards the mountain in the distance.

"We must go. Now!" She said urgently.

Looks like something had her alarmed, so much so that her usually calm, and composed demeanor had faded, for the time being anyways.​


"Anything to say to Rath, naked oversized fashion store dolls? Huh? Yeah, I thought so," Rath tossed a tattered mannequin to the side.

"And stay down!"

Soon, the lady signified everyone to go through the hole. Rath picked a very weakened Buddy up, who proceeded to use Wish. A star-like projectile was shot into the sky... and its aftereffects would come much later.

"It's OK partner, you go on ahead first..." Rath said as he allowed Buddy to enter the hole first. Rath followed after, but was stuck for a bit, due to his height and broadness being pretty great. Rath wasn't the smartest, so he didn't think of bending or walking sideways, or both.

"Lemme tell ya somethin', hole in the wall of this time-displaced realm! When Rath has to go, Rath has to go! And no one, Rath repeats, NO ONE, stops Rath in Rath's path! Unless they want a very bad beating!"

As Rath barely squeezes into the entrance by sheer might, the Omnitrix on his chest would hit the sides of the tunnel, causing him to turn back into Ben, who easily crawled through the entrance with no difficulty.


"The sooner we make a move, the sooner we can give this mystery bad guy a piece of our mind."

The sour afterthought of that battle remained in Buddy's mind.



"Come on Buddy," Ben picks the Eevee up, "so what if you needed my help? Sometimes I need yours, and other times we can do things by ourselves just fine! If there's anything I keep forgetting and learning, it's that it's always important to have a partner or two to fight alongside with."

Ben looks at everyone else.

"Or seven."

@york @BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah
Last edited:
@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)

In the meantime, A2, who had leaped aboard the machine found that hijacking, or at least busting up this machine would be a little more complicated than she had first anticipated... As Huntress's smokescreen was beginning to fade, revealing an heavily armored alien, wielding a purplish sword, made up of what appeared to be some sort of super-heated plasma.


"Ahhh, lohbaba!" It cried in a foreign language upon seeing A2.

Without a moment of hesitation, it lunged at her with its sword, intending to cleave her head clear off... Guess this creature was part of the "Covenant" Amelia had mentioned from earlier, and it sure didn't look happy to see that it had human (or so it believed) company aboard this Scarab, not at all.


A2 hasn't really seen anything like this before, but with this creature wanting to chop her head off, that curiosity can be answered some time later. Swapping her shotgun out for her spear, A2 vaulted herself up into the air while having the spear stabbed into the ground as support. Narrowly avoiding that sword lunge by the fact that small strands of her hair were cut off, the android readied her sword for a downwards slash as she came down on the creature, as well as taking hold of the spear with her other hand for a thrust.

@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @york @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor) @AA Batteries​
Eygon of Carim | @AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @york @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)

In the meantime, A2, who had leaped aboard the machine found that hijacking, or at least busting up this machine would be a little more complicated than she had first anticipated... As Huntress's smokescreen was beginning to fade, revealing an heavily armored alien, wielding a purplish sword, made up of what appeared to be some sort of super-heated plasma.


"Ahhh, lohbaba!" It cried in a foreign language upon seeing A2.

Without a moment of hesitation, it lunged at her with its sword, intending to cleave her head clear off... Guess this creature was part of the "Covenant" Amelia had mentioned from earlier, and it sure didn't look happy to see that it had human (or so it believed) company aboard this Scarab, not at all.​


A2 hasn't really seen anything like this before, but with this creature wanting to chop her head off, that curiosity can be answered some time later. Swapping her shotgun out for her spear, A2 vaulted herself up into the air while having the spear stabbed into the ground as support. Narrowly avoiding that sword lunge by the fact that small strands of her hair were cut off, the android readied her sword for a downwards slash as she came down on the creature, as well as taking hold of the spear with her other hand for a thrust.

@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @york @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor) @AA Batteries​

Meanwhile, Eygon boarded the Scarab and took note of the fight going on between A2 and the alien. He swapped his shield for his talisman in order to cast a Miracle. Instead of engaging in melee combat with the foreign warrior, he decided to damage it from afar in order to avoid potential mishaps that tend to occur in melee 2v1 battles.


He raised his talisman toward the sky. Soon after, a spear of lightning materialized in his hand and he quickly threw it at the alien.
Alexandra AKA Huntress

Huntress followed the others up into the machine. Noting that A2 had decided to take it to a new opponent. Eygon was already staying back and She was running out of tricks. She decided between electrical blasts to try to move past the big machine as it fought A2. Her intent to run up and dive past it as it was busy with A2, perhaps during this process it will get distracted and one of her allies can destroy it.

@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @york @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)
Connor Walsh

Connor saw that all the super-powered individuals were fighting a robot and he looked around the room to see if there was anything that would take this down or make the robot go on the fritz. If he could find nothing, he would use his shotgun from here to attempt to shoot the robot.

@Gands @Takumi @Midnight Maiden @Gummi Bunnies @Otto @york

Kara Danvers/Supergirl

Supergirl looked at Sonic and quickly moved to block his attack on the device. " That's an explosive, we can't hit it head on," she said, looking over at him. If it didn't explode on her, she would attempt to use her freeze breath to keep it at bay so that they could fight whatever was trying to hurt her.

@Jeremi @Fallen Hope @york @thatguyinthestore
@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

Between the projectiles that were "returned" to it thanks to Seisa, and the rocket launched towards it thanks to Giorno having wrested a weapon from an hapless creature amidst the chaos... It would appear that the creature could no longer maintain its form, despite having curled up in an attempt to protect itself.

In the end, it fell limply to the ground, evidently having been killed.

Mipha, who had the right idea by stabbling the green blob quickly found that it was easily penetrated, but... Upon closer inspection, there appeared to be multiple alien-like creatures embedded inside, none of them looking very alive if anything. Mere moments after the monstrosity was pierced, multiple times by Mipha's spear, a loud buzzing noise permeated the immediate area, resonating within Mipha, Seisa, Shichika, and Giorno's minds... And as it grew louder and louder, it would appear to be interfering with their powers. Looks like whatever this thing was, it did not intend to go down so easily, but... Fortunately, it's form itself seemed quite frail, but it was tough to tell where exactly a specific vital point may lie... On the other hand, there was no doubt that a near complete obliteration of the creature would do the trick, so there was always that.

Speaking of which, there appeared to be a few large, glowing, orange cylinders that the green mass was nearby, still intact despite the ship they were attatched having crashed... Though judging from their general location amidst the crash site, and a distinct humming noise emitted by them, one could imagine they might be some sort of power generator for the ship... The kind that would likely be volatile if exposed to the right elements.

At first Seisa thought simply killing the shapeshifting creature was going to be enough to get them to move along, but rather soon afterwards she felt her Killing Art seem to fluctuate in usability. It wasn't the first time her power had been disabled so it wasn't as though she was shocked still or anything like that, but it was still uncomfortable. Without her powers, she generally didn't exactly consider herself to be in good health.

"Assuming I am not alone in a loss in aptitude, is anyone more suited for destroying these power generators? I'll see if I can smash those little creatures."

Seisa moved towards the blob and decided to see if she could crush one of the creatures with a punch, even if her ability wasn't working right now.

@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @york @Verite
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@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

Between the projectiles that were "returned" to it thanks to Seisa, and the rocket launched towards it thanks to Giorno having wrested a weapon from an hapless creature amidst the chaos... It would appear that the creature could no longer maintain its form, despite having curled up in an attempt to protect itself.

In the end, it fell limply to the ground, evidently having been killed.

Mipha, who had the right idea by stabbling the green blob quickly found that it was easily penetrated, but... Upon closer inspection, there appeared to be multiple alien-like creatures embedded inside, none of them looking very alive if anything. Mere moments after the monstrosity was pierced, multiple times by Mipha's spear, a loud buzzing noise permeated the immediate area, resonating within Mipha, Seisa, Shichika, and Giorno's minds... And as it grew louder and louder, it would appear to be interfering with their powers. Looks like whatever this thing was, it did not intend to go down so easily, but... Fortunately, it's form itself seemed quite frail, but it was tough to tell where exactly a specific vital point may lie... On the other hand, there was no doubt that a near complete obliteration of the creature would do the trick, so there was always that.

Speaking of which, there appeared to be a few large, glowing, orange cylinders that the green mass was nearby, still intact despite the ship they were attatched having crashed... Though judging from their general location amidst the crash site, and a distinct humming noise emitted by them, one could imagine they might be some sort of power generator for the ship... The kind that would likely be volatile if exposed to the right elements.

At first Seisa thought simply killing the shapeshifting creature was going to be enough to get them to move along, but rather soon afterwards she felt her Killing Art seem to fluctuate in usability. It wasn't the first time her power had been disabled so it wasn't as though she was shocked still or anything like that, but it was still uncomfortable. Without her powers, she generally didn't exactly consider herself to be in good health.

"Assuming I am not alone in a loss in aptitude, is anyone more suited for destroying these power generators? I'll see if I can smash those little creatures."

Seisa moved towards the blob and decided to see if she could crush one of the creatures with a punch, even if her ability wasn't working right now.

@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @york @Verite

"My powers are disrupted as well.. However, we do still have that projectile launching weapon. Perhaps Giorno can use it to destroy those generators? Do we have more ammunition? I'm not a master of machinery, but generally machines seem to explode of you shock their power source."

To be fair to Mipha, everything in her world that wasn't human exploded or disintegrated upon death. In fact, she was starting to wonder why the transforming creature wasn't disappearing in a puff of smoke as a Bokoblin or a Lizalfos would.

When Seisa moved to punch one of the creatures Mipha tried to grab her hand and try to pull it away.

"Those little creatures don't look very alive. I believe they might have been victims as well, trapped like spiders in a fly's web. We don't need you being trapped in the web. Perhaps it would be better to try to destroy the whole blob at one with that weapon," Mipha said, pointing at the rocket launcher. She didn't know its name, but she understood how well it destroyed the mutating creature.​

@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

Well, it was hard to call those creatures within the blob "little", though they were certainly shorter than the average human. They looked to have once been creatures that looked akin to perhaps the typical aliens one might find in early science fiction, the sort that piloted flying saucers, not unlike the ship that had crashed... Save for the brownish biomass spilling forth from it.

Unfortunately, while Seisa's hand did manage to penetrate the blob, leaving a sickening squelching noise, it did not seem to go deep or far enough to reach any of the creature's trapped within. Nevertheless, the entire mass seemed to writhe and churn from this, evidently having felt at least some degree of pain, and it looked to be sucking her hand in. Probably a good idea to pull her hand out while she still could, seeing what happened to what could be presumed to be the previous residents of this alien ship.


As for Mipha, she noticed that the rocket launcher, while having one of its tubes busted open by Giorno, was fortunately still functional, but because it only had one operational tube left in there. However, it was likely a good idea to fire this thing at a safe distance, after rotating the functional tube into position using the handle in front of the trigger, seeing as they would only have one shot at this.

@Terrorship (Backup)
@Fallen Hope @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi (Danielle) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Kara)

As soon as Sonic made contact with the mysterious projectile, it would likely have exploded, but thanks to Kara's quick thinking, her freeze breath momentarily froze up the projectile, causing Sonic's spindash attack deflected it, causing it to fly backwards just before it detonated after it struck against a wall, shattering the ice around it and, causing a blinding flash of purple light and a defeaning boom that shook the ship to its very core. Somehow, whatever technology created this thing had managed to allow the explosive projectile to produce an explosion with a force alikened to a miniature nuclear bomb! (Minus the fallout and radiation, that is).

Unfortunately, it did not kill whatever creature was firing it, but it did blow a hole through the wall, exposing a cluster of cylinders, pulsating with a strange orange light. Those must be the generators the Sargeant mentioned, but there was little time to take in the scenery, as another fizzling noise could be heard... Followed by another purple projectile heading their way, turning its way around any potential obstacles as it headed straight for Sonic! A click could be heard following that, then another fizzling noise, and a second projectile arcing its way into the room... Looks like the residents on this ship firing these things intended to try and finish off those in the room, fast.

@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)

Eygon's lightning attack struck the creature before it even had a chance to turn and react, causing a brief flash of light as it ended up knocking out its shielding systems temporarily. This allowed A2 to not only spear the creature clean through its midsection, but bisect it with her sword... Cutting through its armor like butter, now that its strange energy shield was gone.

However, the battle was far from over... As despite the fact that most of the troops on the downed Scarab were being engaged by the marines and forces surrounding it, peppering it with tank shells, and a loat of gunfire, there were still a few more of those humanoid, armored creatures in their way... Seeming to be defending the Scarab's weak spot on the inside, which if they were to get closer, they'd notice that there was a pulsating mass of orange flesh poking out behind some sort of grey, metal panel on the inside.

Looks like that was their ticket to blowing the machine, but of course, aside from those armored creatures guarding it, there were smaller looking creatures coming towards them.


Both forces quickly opened fire on the boarding group, peppering them with blue and green plasma bolts, as well as strange, pink looking needles that shattered on impact... But perhaps this battle could be a little easier to finish than they had anticipated, assuming someone had some good throwing that is, since anyone who happened to be looking would notice that the freshly killed alien had dropped a couple of alien grenades.


It would appear that it was a simple matter of pressing the glowing button, and tossing the grenade quickly, to prime it and let it explode, but they only had two... So they'd have to make every toss they had count.

As for Connor, he still had his trusty sniper rifle to pick at the enemies on that Scarab from his position, so he could probably give the ones boarding the machine a little support.

@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

As the woman lead them through that hole in the wall, they could already feel a chilling breeze coming from the mountain they were so close to... One that grew stronger and stronger the closer they drew to it.

From afar, they could faintly see some sort of cave near the top... However, it seemed that there was a strong wind blowing against them, one that appeared to prevent them from progressing any further.

This caused the woman that was leading them to stop, rubbing her chin.

"Death Peak... The machines that were meant to guide us through are no longer with us... But... I remember a little of the path we need to take to get up..." She said, pausing for a moment as she scanned the mountain, looking for something.

After spotting what she was looking for, she looked a little relieved as she pointed to an outline of a tree partway up the mountain, one that was partially buried by the snow on it.

"The trees... They will shield us from that wind... But we must time our movements carefully... Lest the wind blow us down again..." She explained.

As if on cue, the wind stopped for a few moments before it continued blowing again. Looks like the first part of their climb would be easy; they just had to wait for the wind to calm again before they headed over to that tree.​
@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

Well, it was hard to call those creatures within the blob "little", though they were certainly shorter than the average human. They looked to have once been creatures that looked akin to perhaps the typical aliens one might find in early science fiction, the sort that piloted flying saucers, not unlike the ship that had crashed... Save for the brownish biomass spilling forth from it.

Unfortunately, while Seisa's hand did manage to penetrate the blob, leaving a sickening squelching noise, it did not seem to go deep or far enough to reach any of the creature's trapped within. Nevertheless, the entire mass seemed to writhe and churn from this, evidently having felt at least some degree of pain, and it looked to be sucking her hand in. Probably a good idea to pull her hand out while she still could, seeing what happened to what could be presumed to be the previous residents of this alien ship.


As for Mipha, she noticed that the rocket launcher, while having one of its tubes busted open by Giorno, was fortunately still functional, but because it only had one operational tube left in there. However, it was likely a good idea to fire this thing at a safe distance, after rotating the functional tube into position using the handle in front of the trigger, seeing as they would only have one shot at this.

@Terrorship (Backup)
@Fallen Hope @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi (Danielle) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Kara)

As soon as Sonic made contact with the mysterious projectile, it would likely have exploded, but thanks to Kara's quick thinking, her freeze breath momentarily froze up the projectile, causing Sonic's spindash attack deflected it, causing it to fly backwards just before it detonated after it struck against a wall, shattering the ice around it and, causing a blinding flash of purple light and a defeaning boom that shook the ship to its very core. Somehow, whatever technology created this thing had managed to allow the explosive projectile to produce an explosion with a force alikened to a miniature nuclear bomb! (Minus the fallout and radiation, that is).

Unfortunately, it did not kill whatever creature was firing it, but it did blow a hole through the wall, exposing a cluster of cylinders, pulsating with a strange orange light. Those must be the generators the Sargeant mentioned, but there was little time to take in the scenery, as another fizzling noise could be heard... Followed by another purple projectile heading their way, turning its way around any potential obstacles as it headed straight for Sonic! A click could be heard following that, then another fizzling noise, and a second projectile arcing its way into the room... Looks like the residents on this ship firing these things intended to try and finish off those in the room, fast.

@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)

Eygon's lightning attack struck the creature before it even had a chance to turn and react, causing a brief flash of light as it ended up knocking out its shielding systems temporarily. This allowed A2 to not only spear the creature clean through its midsection, but bisect it with her sword... Cutting through its armor like butter, now that its strange energy shield was gone.

However, the battle was far from over... As despite the fact that most of the troops on the downed Scarab were being engaged by the marines and forces surrounding it, peppering it with tank shells, and a loat of gunfire, there were still a few more of those humanoid, armored creatures in their way... Seeming to be defending the Scarab's weak spot on the inside, which if they were to get closer, they'd notice that there was a pulsating mass of orange flesh poking out behind some sort of grey, metal panel on the inside.

Looks like that was their ticket to blowing the machine, but of course, aside from those armored creatures guarding it, there were smaller looking creatures coming towards them.


Both forces quickly opened fire on the boarding group, peppering them with blue and green plasma bolts, as well as strange, pink looking needles that shattered on impact... But perhaps this battle could be a little easier to finish than they had anticipated, assuming someone had some good throwing that is, since anyone who happened to be looking would notice that the freshly killed alien had dropped a couple of alien grenades.


It would appear that it was a simple matter of pressing the glowing button, and tossing the grenade quickly, to prime it and let it explode, but they only had two... So they'd have to make every toss they had count.

As for Connor, he still had his trusty sniper rifle to pick at the enemies on that Scarab from his position, so he could probably give the ones boarding the machine a little support.

@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

As the woman lead them through that hole in the wall, they could already feel a chilling breeze coming from the mountain they were so close to... One that grew stronger and stronger the closer they drew to it.

From afar, they could faintly see some sort of cave near the top... However, it seemed that there was a strong wind blowing against them, one that appeared to prevent them from progressing any further.

This caused the woman that was leading them to stop, rubbing her chin.

"Death Peak... The machines that were meant to guide us through are no longer with us... But... I remember a little of the path we need to take to get up..." She said, pausing for a moment as she scanned the mountain, looking for something.

After spotting what she was looking for, she looked a little relieved as she pointed to an outline of a tree partway up the mountain, one that was partially buried by the snow on it.

"The trees... They will shield us from that wind... But we must time our movements carefully... Lest the wind blow us down again..." She explained.

As if on cue, the wind stopped for a few moments before it continued blowing again. Looks like the first part of their climb would be easy; they just had to wait for the wind to calm again before they headed over to that tree.​
"Pshaw. I can take care of that." During the break in the wind, Birdie would run up to the tree, hoping his 500 lb girth could keep him from tumbling over. If or when he got to the tree, he would grab it with his chains, making a sort of rope for the rest of the group to use to anchor themselves as they faced the wind. "It's gonna take more than a Sunday breeze to knock me down!" Birdie boasted triumphantly.

@york @Crow @BarrenThin @Archmage Jeremiah @MetalNova
@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

Well, it was hard to call those creatures within the blob "little", though they were certainly shorter than the average human. They looked to have once been creatures that looked akin to perhaps the typical aliens one might find in early science fiction, the sort that piloted flying saucers, not unlike the ship that had crashed... Save for the brownish biomass spilling forth from it.

Unfortunately, while Seisa's hand did manage to penetrate the blob, leaving a sickening squelching noise, it did not seem to go deep or far enough to reach any of the creature's trapped within. Nevertheless, the entire mass seemed to writhe and churn from this, evidently having felt at least some degree of pain, and it looked to be sucking her hand in. Probably a good idea to pull her hand out while she still could, seeing what happened to what could be presumed to be the previous residents of this alien ship.


As for Mipha, she noticed that the rocket launcher, while having one of its tubes busted open by Giorno, was fortunately still functional, but because it only had one operational tube left in there. However, it was likely a good idea to fire this thing at a safe distance, after rotating the functional tube into position using the handle in front of the trigger, seeing as they would only have one shot at this.

@Terrorship (Backup)
@Fallen Hope @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi (Danielle) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Kara)

As soon as Sonic made contact with the mysterious projectile, it would likely have exploded, but thanks to Kara's quick thinking, her freeze breath momentarily froze up the projectile, causing Sonic's spindash attack deflected it, causing it to fly backwards just before it detonated after it struck against a wall, shattering the ice around it and, causing a blinding flash of purple light and a defeaning boom that shook the ship to its very core. Somehow, whatever technology created this thing had managed to allow the explosive projectile to produce an explosion with a force alikened to a miniature nuclear bomb! (Minus the fallout and radiation, that is).

Unfortunately, it did not kill whatever creature was firing it, but it did blow a hole through the wall, exposing a cluster of cylinders, pulsating with a strange orange light. Those must be the generators the Sargeant mentioned, but there was little time to take in the scenery, as another fizzling noise could be heard... Followed by another purple projectile heading their way, turning its way around any potential obstacles as it headed straight for Sonic! A click could be heard following that, then another fizzling noise, and a second projectile arcing its way into the room... Looks like the residents on this ship firing these things intended to try and finish off those in the room, fast.

@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)

Eygon's lightning attack struck the creature before it even had a chance to turn and react, causing a brief flash of light as it ended up knocking out its shielding systems temporarily. This allowed A2 to not only spear the creature clean through its midsection, but bisect it with her sword... Cutting through its armor like butter, now that its strange energy shield was gone.

However, the battle was far from over... As despite the fact that most of the troops on the downed Scarab were being engaged by the marines and forces surrounding it, peppering it with tank shells, and a loat of gunfire, there were still a few more of those humanoid, armored creatures in their way... Seeming to be defending the Scarab's weak spot on the inside, which if they were to get closer, they'd notice that there was a pulsating mass of orange flesh poking out behind some sort of grey, metal panel on the inside.

Looks like that was their ticket to blowing the machine, but of course, aside from those armored creatures guarding it, there were smaller looking creatures coming towards them.


Both forces quickly opened fire on the boarding group, peppering them with blue and green plasma bolts, as well as strange, pink looking needles that shattered on impact... But perhaps this battle could be a little easier to finish than they had anticipated, assuming someone had some good throwing that is, since anyone who happened to be looking would notice that the freshly killed alien had dropped a couple of alien grenades.


It would appear that it was a simple matter of pressing the glowing button, and tossing the grenade quickly, to prime it and let it explode, but they only had two... So they'd have to make every toss they had count.

As for Connor, he still had his trusty sniper rifle to pick at the enemies on that Scarab from his position, so he could probably give the ones boarding the machine a little support.

@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

As the woman lead them through that hole in the wall, they could already feel a chilling breeze coming from the mountain they were so close to... One that grew stronger and stronger the closer they drew to it.

From afar, they could faintly see some sort of cave near the top... However, it seemed that there was a strong wind blowing against them, one that appeared to prevent them from progressing any further.

This caused the woman that was leading them to stop, rubbing her chin.

"Death Peak... The machines that were meant to guide us through are no longer with us... But... I remember a little of the path we need to take to get up..." She said, pausing for a moment as she scanned the mountain, looking for something.

After spotting what she was looking for, she looked a little relieved as she pointed to an outline of a tree partway up the mountain, one that was partially buried by the snow on it.

"The trees... They will shield us from that wind... But we must time our movements carefully... Lest the wind blow us down again..." She explained.

As if on cue, the wind stopped for a few moments before it continued blowing again. Looks like the first part of their climb would be easy; they just had to wait for the wind to calm again before they headed over to that tree.​
"Hehe, my bad guys!" Sonic said nervously once the device exploded, scratching the back of his head. Though, the hedgehog was used to things exploded thanks to Dr. Eggman and his usual schemes.

Though it turned out Sonic's recklessness might have been a good thing as the aforementioned generators that they were supposed to destroy were behind said wall.

However, before Sonic could make some form of witty remark, another floating purple device was heading straight towards him! But seeing as this was where they needed to destroy the generators, Sonic homing attacked the device again in hopes that it would be directed to the generators.

@LuckycoolHawk9 @Jeremi @Fallen Hope @york @TerrorShipBackup
@Crash Site
@Mason Moretti @Jeremi (Howlett) @Atomyk @Kaykay @Verite

Well, it was hard to call those creatures within the blob "little", though they were certainly shorter than the average human. They looked to have once been creatures that looked akin to perhaps the typical aliens one might find in early science fiction, the sort that piloted flying saucers, not unlike the ship that had crashed... Save for the brownish biomass spilling forth from it.

Unfortunately, while Seisa's hand did manage to penetrate the blob, leaving a sickening squelching noise, it did not seem to go deep or far enough to reach any of the creature's trapped within. Nevertheless, the entire mass seemed to writhe and churn from this, evidently having felt at least some degree of pain, and it looked to be sucking her hand in. Probably a good idea to pull her hand out while she still could, seeing what happened to what could be presumed to be the previous residents of this alien ship.


As for Mipha, she noticed that the rocket launcher, while having one of its tubes busted open by Giorno, was fortunately still functional, but because it only had one operational tube left in there. However, it was likely a good idea to fire this thing at a safe distance, after rotating the functional tube into position using the handle in front of the trigger, seeing as they would only have one shot at this.

@Terrorship (Backup)
@Fallen Hope @thatguyinthestore @Jeremi (Danielle) @LuckycoolHawk9 (Kara)

As soon as Sonic made contact with the mysterious projectile, it would likely have exploded, but thanks to Kara's quick thinking, her freeze breath momentarily froze up the projectile, causing Sonic's spindash attack deflected it, causing it to fly backwards just before it detonated after it struck against a wall, shattering the ice around it and, causing a blinding flash of purple light and a defeaning boom that shook the ship to its very core. Somehow, whatever technology created this thing had managed to allow the explosive projectile to produce an explosion with a force alikened to a miniature nuclear bomb! (Minus the fallout and radiation, that is).

Unfortunately, it did not kill whatever creature was firing it, but it did blow a hole through the wall, exposing a cluster of cylinders, pulsating with a strange orange light. Those must be the generators the Sargeant mentioned, but there was little time to take in the scenery, as another fizzling noise could be heard... Followed by another purple projectile heading their way, turning its way around any potential obstacles as it headed straight for Sonic! A click could be heard following that, then another fizzling noise, and a second projectile arcing its way into the room... Looks like the residents on this ship firing these things intended to try and finish off those in the room, fast.

@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)

Eygon's lightning attack struck the creature before it even had a chance to turn and react, causing a brief flash of light as it ended up knocking out its shielding systems temporarily. This allowed A2 to not only spear the creature clean through its midsection, but bisect it with her sword... Cutting through its armor like butter, now that its strange energy shield was gone.

However, the battle was far from over... As despite the fact that most of the troops on the downed Scarab were being engaged by the marines and forces surrounding it, peppering it with tank shells, and a loat of gunfire, there were still a few more of those humanoid, armored creatures in their way... Seeming to be defending the Scarab's weak spot on the inside, which if they were to get closer, they'd notice that there was a pulsating mass of orange flesh poking out behind some sort of grey, metal panel on the inside.

Looks like that was their ticket to blowing the machine, but of course, aside from those armored creatures guarding it, there were smaller looking creatures coming towards them.


Both forces quickly opened fire on the boarding group, peppering them with blue and green plasma bolts, as well as strange, pink looking needles that shattered on impact... But perhaps this battle could be a little easier to finish than they had anticipated, assuming someone had some good throwing that is, since anyone who happened to be looking would notice that the freshly killed alien had dropped a couple of alien grenades.


It would appear that it was a simple matter of pressing the glowing button, and tossing the grenade quickly, to prime it and let it explode, but they only had two... So they'd have to make every toss they had count.

As for Connor, he still had his trusty sniper rifle to pick at the enemies on that Scarab from his position, so he could probably give the ones boarding the machine a little support.

@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

As the woman lead them through that hole in the wall, they could already feel a chilling breeze coming from the mountain they were so close to... One that grew stronger and stronger the closer they drew to it.

From afar, they could faintly see some sort of cave near the top... However, it seemed that there was a strong wind blowing against them, one that appeared to prevent them from progressing any further.

This caused the woman that was leading them to stop, rubbing her chin.

"Death Peak... The machines that were meant to guide us through are no longer with us... But... I remember a little of the path we need to take to get up..." She said, pausing for a moment as she scanned the mountain, looking for something.

After spotting what she was looking for, she looked a little relieved as she pointed to an outline of a tree partway up the mountain, one that was partially buried by the snow on it.

"The trees... They will shield us from that wind... But we must time our movements carefully... Lest the wind blow us down again..." She explained.

As if on cue, the wind stopped for a few moments before it continued blowing again. Looks like the first part of their climb would be easy; they just had to wait for the wind to calm again before they headed over to that tree.​

Shion, who had followed the others inside and stood back long enough to try and study the enemy took note of the grenades and studied them momentarily before pressing the button on one and throwing as hard and as quickly as he could towards some of the forces coming at them. He'd hope that it would be timed right, and made contact. Keeping the second grenade in hand, he'd wait, being careful to keep an eye out for enemy fire.

@york @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @Midnight Maiden @LuckycoolHawk9 @AA Batteries


The first scientist looked up, and instinctively shut off his tablet. "Ah, speak of the devil." He said. "Just one of you? Damn. But, I guess beggars can't be choosers." He shrugged. "We just need to hold out until a vehicle comes. Think you can manage the crowd until then?"

"I'll try my best." JD replied, honestly it probably would've been helpful if more people came this way but whatever. Things couldn't get too hard, right?

@AA Batteries
@Midnight Maiden @Otto @Takumi @Gummi Bunnies @LuckycoolHawk9 (Connor)

Eygon's lightning attack struck the creature before it even had a chance to turn and react, causing a brief flash of light as it ended up knocking out its shielding systems temporarily. This allowed A2 to not only spear the creature clean through its midsection, but bisect it with her sword... Cutting through its armor like butter, now that its strange energy shield was gone.

However, the battle was far from over... As despite the fact that most of the troops on the downed Scarab were being engaged by the marines and forces surrounding it, peppering it with tank shells, and a loat of gunfire, there were still a few more of those humanoid, armored creatures in their way... Seeming to be defending the Scarab's weak spot on the inside, which if they were to get closer, they'd notice that there was a pulsating mass of orange flesh poking out behind some sort of grey, metal panel on the inside.

Looks like that was their ticket to blowing the machine, but of course, aside from those armored creatures guarding it, there were smaller looking creatures coming towards them.


Both forces quickly opened fire on the boarding group, peppering them with blue and green plasma bolts, as well as strange, pink looking needles that shattered on impact... But perhaps this battle could be a little easier to finish than they had anticipated, assuming someone had some good throwing that is, since anyone who happened to be looking would notice that the freshly killed alien had dropped a couple of alien grenades.


It would appear that it was a simple matter of pressing the glowing button, and tossing the grenade quickly, to prime it and let it explode, but they only had two... So they'd have to make every toss they had count.

As for Connor, he still had his trusty sniper rifle to pick at the enemies on that Scarab from his position, so he could probably give the ones boarding the machine a little support.

Shion, who had followed the others inside and stood back long enough to try and study the enemy took note of the grenades and studied them momentarily before pressing the button on one and throwing as hard and as quickly as he could towards some of the forces coming at them. He'd hope that it would be timed right, and made contact. Keeping the second grenade in hand, he'd wait, being careful to keep an eye out for enemy fire.

@york @Otto @Gummi Bunnies @Midnight Maiden @LuckycoolHawk9 @AA Batteries

"Hope that the first one hits, because if not, I'll do more than be a distraction at this rate..."

A2 spoke briefly to Shion before attempting to get closer to the enemy creatures. Several shots making contact on her, A2 didn't let that stop her from trying to slash at one of them with her sword... though it wouldn't be long until she probably would garner up too much damage.

@york @Otto @Takumi @Midnight Maiden @LuckycoolHawk9 @AA Batteries​
@BarrenThin @Crow @Yun Lee @MetalNova @Archmage Jeremiah

As the woman lead them through that hole in the wall, they could already feel a chilling breeze coming from the mountain they were so close to... One that grew stronger and stronger the closer they drew to it.

From afar, they could faintly see some sort of cave near the top... However, it seemed that there was a strong wind blowing against them, one that appeared to prevent them from progressing any further.

This caused the woman that was leading them to stop, rubbing her chin.

"Death Peak... The machines that were meant to guide us through are no longer with us... But... I remember a little of the path we need to take to get up..." She said, pausing for a moment as she scanned the mountain, looking for something.

After spotting what she was looking for, she looked a little relieved as she pointed to an outline of a tree partway up the mountain, one that was partially buried by the snow on it.

"The trees... They will shield us from that wind... But we must time our movements carefully... Lest the wind blow us down again..." She explained.

As if on cue, the wind stopped for a few moments before it continued blowing again. Looks like the first part of their climb would be easy; they just had to wait for the wind to calm again before they headed over to that tree.

With little time for a trivial thankyou, Blaze grabbed hold of Birdie's chain to easily scale the gentle mountain as winds rushed past her into the valley below.

@Yun Lee @york


@BarrenThin @Crow @MetalNova
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