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Haven't read the IC yet, but upon reading Kitti's post I guessed that there might be an escape through the trapdoor into Leonardo's lap.

Edit: HOT DAWG A++++ would predict again
That was... kinda anticlimactic...

And I'm not sure about your physics there, Chaos... They were dangling at arm's length on the end of a pair of trapdoors. You'd have to kneel and hang out of the hole to chop off Sayra's hand, which would be even further away than her hanging-on hand. And by the time you pulled Erilyn up by her fingers Sayra would have passed out from the pain and fallen. Or at least done something else rather than waiting to be grabbed by the collar.

Ahh, I didn't realize we're dealing with a trapdoor so small. Fiction has tainted me with stupid trapdoor sizes. Hang on, I'll redo the post entirely.

I guess I didn't really think that one through.
There. All better. Sayra is Corben's problem now.

Sorry for the trouble the first time around.
So, I'm assuming the trapdoor opens downwards, and that the two wooden panels are more or less perpandicular to the ground, and Erilyn is hanging off those with strength of grip alone? (I was going to write something based on that.)

Formidable lady.
Felt a bit forced, but had to write something, I guess.
No no no no no. -_-

For one, Derek is already reaching down. He's not nimble enough to reach down to Erilyn in the time it takes Tahan to shake of the shock of the scream, run into the room, grab rope, tie rope, give other end of rope, and jump? That's 15 seconds of Derek in Baywatch slow motion! Also consider what Asmo said before I redid my most recent post...

You'd have to kneel and hang out of the hole to chop off Sayra's hand, which would be even further away than her hanging-on hand.

That means dangling yourself upside down by tying rope around yourself is not only completely unneeded, but that post would put him hanging further down than Erilyn.
Hmm ...

- Most of what I wrote happens in tandem with what you wrote; I didn't take post order as temporal order.
- The way I read Asmo's post, the trap doors swing outward - i.e. downwards. So if Erilyn is hanging at the edge of such a trapdoor, she is out of arm's reach.
...Come to think of it how would outward opening doors like that be able to "drop" anyone? The doors swing outwards, but they somehow still drop them. Also they're hanging on the doors which would be impossible on outward opening doors, wouldn't it? There'd only be a ledge made by the frame of the door and...

Dammit Asmo, what kind of sorcery is this?!
That's why I thought they were hanging onto the perpendicularly oriented wood panel by grip strength .. and if they're human like us, they're probably slipping off the planks as we speak.
Just wait for Asmo's instructions I suppose. >.>
Alright. Here's what I'm seeing:

They're explicitly stated to be hanging by the doors. They're stated to be outside, in the rain. You can't be hanging by outward opening doors like in the picture and still have your hair whipped around by the wind and rain. I think in this case outward means the doors are going outward of the tavern. Downward through the floor toward the sea.

So I think my post still holds water...? o_O

Who knew trapdoors would confuse everyone?


That's how I see it. And yes, I interpreted it as a trapdoor opening directly into the sea.
Yeah, like that. Post still holds. That said I'm sticking with my original guns unless Asmo says otherwise.
That's not how you play hangman, Unanun. Not at all how you play hangman.
Going to post. . .

. . . Goddamn Dark Reign giving me a surfgasm & sending me into Turborion mode for the last 3 hours.

Needless to say THAT POST is mostly done but not yet ready.

Time to post in here either tonight or tomorrow.

Chaos, to me it seemed that no matter what Derek does, he won't be able to reach Erilyn. You will have to go a bit further than bending down at the knees (dohoho). One of our characters will have to suspend themselves to catch her, I think. But you can look at it two ways:

a) Tahan arrives just as the fight begins, observes most of it, then jumps in as Derek wants to help

b) Or Tahan comes later but sees Derek struggling to reach Erilyn, watches him for a bit, then jumps in

Either I feel are completely valid temporal interpretations.

But if you don't want Tahan stealing your thunder (wait if that was the case Leonardo should catch Erilyn in his arms), we can work something out too ;). But doing a coop post might not be bad. You can even hijack the little one in your post so you don't have to tip toe.
Unanun's drawing is correct. The doors swing downwards, so the kitchen staff can dump food into the water below. Erilyn is hanging on the latch that opens the door.

The doors are normally pulled closed again with the use of a boating hook that snags an iron ringlet on the end of either door. But with the weight of the girls it would pointless for Derek to attempt this method.

*pretends he knew all that beforehand and didn't just go "Trapdoor dangling! Yay!"*

Also... Chaos... you did exactly the same thing as Unanun when you rushed in past Erilyn and threw a pot at Sayra in the space that it took you to react to a scream, get up from a gambling table and run to a kitchen.

*hits Chaos with a boating hook*
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