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I'm not MAD about it or anything exactly. xD

It just felt like I was watching that "telephone" game where people repeat the message and eventually the original gets lost. Except that they've all heard the same original message and still draw the conclusions they do. Telephone Abridged. I get your reason Spammy and the difference between us and our characters. That's why I said characters and not players in the first sentence. Although Ferrick kindda surprised me, I thought he'd latch onto a way to prove himself innocent like a moth to the flame.

Now I want Corben to force all the FateGuard to play Telephone the next morning. >_>

How this feeds TK confuses me. <_>
Alright, sorry for the wait, a lot of stuff (and some tests) came up recently. But I will have a plot-advancing post up tomorrow, this I promise.
So far this RP has had less nudity than the entire first episode of Game of Thrones.
So you're saying Ferrick needs to strip down also to prove his innocence?

I don't think he can take much more abuse capt'n.
I'd post but Spammy seemed intrigued by handling 'the test' from his POV so. . .

Yes. Everyone must get naked so Leo can check we haven't been bad.

Also, I'm about to level up. >:|
"What would we do if you were bitten, Leonardo? Do not put yourself in danger until it is needed. You're not wearing as much armor as some of us, you are less protected."
Damn you and your powers, Kitti! You managed to say all of this in the same time that it took me to swing a sword at some guy's neck?
Whether or not you could understand the rapid speech is another story.
However, chronologically, this should actually be after your blade and Leo's thwack, or that's what I was going for, wording wise.
Since I didn't know if you wanted the werewolf to be slashed and beaten effectively or if you wanted it to miss, I left out the consequences of that.
Are we assuming that attacks land?
I was under the impression that Ferrick was not moving... and that Corben's slash was a mercy kill. A beheading if you will.
He sunk to his knees, and it slowly subsided, feral yells replaced by whimpers as he slumped forward, hanging his head, not able to look at any member of the Fateguard now, his shoulders not shaking with the wolf trying to release itself but shaking in sobs as his tears fell on the floor.
He hasn't turned.

Corben's about to decapitate Ferrick for his own good.
Well according to Spammy's post my attempt didn't even exist. <___>

So I guess my first crack at it missed?

Not gonna post again till I'm clear on it.
Urk. Sorry about that man. =( Assume that Ferrick rolled out of the way and you missed.
Even during the pain of changing?

I mean I thought bones would be morphing, muscles expanding, and internal organs shifting.

Pretty high pain threshold you've got there.

*thumbs up*
He got out of the way before that. Sequence of events goes: Knock Corben over, lunge out of the way, transform, glare at everyone.
So when I claimed Spammy was the werewolf all along, mostly from memory of a short story, did everyone know but didn't want to say it out loud, was I speculating too much and ruining everything, or did I make a horrible mistake?
So when I claimed Spammy was the werewolf all along, mostly from memory of a short story, did everyone know but didn't want to say it out loud, was I speculating too much and ruining everything, or did I make a horrible mistake?

I should totally derpmod & go back and make it so he hit during the transformation.

But I won't. >:D
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