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You heard him folks.
I'll fix him up prior to whenever I attempt to Judas fateguard.
Say what now?
Uh .. a nascent future chapter idea. Maybe. Unapproved by asmo.
Permission to ignore one of the other characters...
Why does this feel like a trap...
Gimme one more day to post and I will make it. I'm just beezey.
Ignore a person the FateGuard already has a strong dislike for?

You might as well ask me to eat a fresh homemade brownie! You'd get the same reaction!
I-I did, I thought we could use some otters on this mission...
What better way to fight werewolves with things that look cute but are really demons?
I want to bring sea lions >:C GODDAMMIT

No just kidding. And I finally posted...it's a bit rushed though since I've still got some Social Studies homework to do >.>

Woodrat, you know what to do when I post.
I... I do?

Then again it seems like we've come to the conculsion this is a werewolf. Knowing Asmo it's probably a wolverine... were-otter ... yeti... were-bear ... hellhound. Or some other devilery.

Maybe a were-kobold...

I'll have a post in tomorrow afternoon.
Er... Kitti.... Fletcher's Alley is right next to the house that we're standing in.

That's how the old guy saw where it went...

*reaches for the whiskey bottle*
Eh... **Glares ambiguously at the alley**
Tweaked a few words, then.
What, no three-page OOC debate?

You're such a pushover, Kitti.
What, am I needed again?
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