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  • Thread starter The Wandering Magus
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scientifically- we're adapted to fire in ways no other creature is
philosophically- our human soul/spirit/mind/consciousness/being.

Have you ever encountered situations where you wish we had deep words that could combine all these different ideas and feelings into one descriptive... thing?
I used to. But then I found that most of the time the things I can't express are not meant to be expressed. Not everyone has to know everything just because I thought of it.

What is the one thing about you that you identify yourself as most, the thing that if I asked what you are you would say first?
Wow that's a good question but the first thing that comes to mind would be hectic.

If the end of the world was coming in 72 hours what would you do with the time you have left?
Visit my best friend - my one friend - and spend the remaining time in worthwhile philosophical debate. Except if that end of the world were Armageddon (unlikely, I think), in which case I would visit my best friend and we'd spend the remaining time arming ourselves and preparing for battle; the Devil, if he turns out to exist, would surely expect us to do our part. ;)

What do you expect your last word will be?
Something stupid knowing my luck maybe.... i would hiccup or maybe i will want to say something inspirational to my loved one and all that come's out is me laughing my head off.

What is the nicest thing you have ever done for someone you care about?
I took care of my grandmother when she was ill for a while.

what's the most adventurous thing you've ever done outside of games and internet-related stuff?
Went to another country on a whim, alone, with only a backpack, no car and no accommodations secured beforehand (and no exact travel plan apart from "going upwards"), to climb a mountain up to the permafrost regions and see snow late in spring. (It turned out well too.)

If you could gain the power to read minds (and those whose mind you read wouldn't notice), would you feel it right to use it?
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I would hope i would only use it if it was a life or death situation.

Apart from being on Iwaku at this moment have you got anything else on if so what?
Pictures of four of my story characters I drew (elves, all of them) which I look at and think about a part of their story.

What's the most important object you own?
I am really not that materialistic but at this moment in time i would have to say my pc.

How many rp's are you involved in at the moment?
Two so far. Can only handle so much at once I'm afraid. :p

Did you find Iwaku or did someone suggest it?
Found it on my own.

If you were cursed so that whatever you eat would all be the same flavour, is there a flavour that would make this tolerable?
Cherry, if i had to pick one it would be cherry.

How many rp's are you in at the moment?
Six, not counting the ones we are just planning to start.

What's the one thing that's most important to be present in a story for you to like it?
Adventure.But anything were i can use a new character or grow an old one and i am happy.

Who is your best character and why?
in amie it would be Allen waker becuse we eat lot and we care for are frinds.

What was your fisrts date (if you never hade a first date like me how was your first crush) X3
never had a date or crush *forever alone* xD

hmm... how does one get a date?
Well... I'm no authority that either, I fear. Actually I don't think one really needs one, I have never seen any reason to want one. If you are enough for yourself, that is a form of strength, for you will never betray yourself.

Do you think it's a bad thing to be alone?
depends on the situation. there are situations in which being alone is a very bad thing, and situations in which being alone is a very good thing.

if you were to one day have a spouse, what would be the primary three qualities you would wish for in him/her?
Mutual respect; that our temperaments be well-matched; and that we agree that this is an alliance for both of our benefit, which does not make us lovers.

If you could be famous, would you want to? What for?
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