You're Banned

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Banned for not breaking out in a show stopping number
But I'm not a show stopper. That's HBK.

Banned for not knowing who that is in my sig.
Banned for making me edit my post on my first post in this thread!
Banned for having a cool anime motion avitar pic.
Banned for having a avitar pic thats to cute
Banned for reasons you and I both know but I would not dare share here. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE!
Banned for wearing a hooded sweatshirt which sends mixed messages about the temperature.
Banned that thinking, for even a second, that I do not want to be hot all the time, every time. >:[
Banned because wearing hipster glasses doesn't help you see better.
Banned for not giving me a post to read in the rp that we're both in ASAP.
Banned because rush is such a strong word, you make it like I don't want you to take your time.
Banned because those all caps red letters are starting to make me think you might be a communist.
Banned for accusing a pirate of communism. Come on, now.
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