You're Banned

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Banned for going against the Some Random American law, by abducting sections 1, 5 and 12 bought out in what ever year it concearned the government. By the declaration of this law, you are banned for using words, signs, letters and numerals! After commiting the crime of using words, signs, letters and numerals over and over again! I implore you sire that these words, signs letters and numerals of your silly literacy have been claimed! The defendant has been found guilty and their sentence is....BANISHMENT.
Banned for defending Ai-chan because she can take care of HERSELF. D:
Banned for being new
Banned for assuming that I am discriminating against the majority.
Banned for assuming I'm not fat enough to be a majority.
Banned for assuming that that was what I was assuming.
Banned for using the same word twice in one sentence.
Banned for not knowing the difference between umlaut and accent.
Banned for thinking we need to know the difference. We all will be speaking Mandarin soon enough!
Banned for enjoying fighting and double banned for having a provocative picture!
Banned for breathing air!
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