You're Banned

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Banned for disagreeing with me.
Banned for having a mistake in the title.
banned for not agreeing with the banned
*Falls on my knees*
Ill summon the ban gods!
Banned for not realizing a Banning God is in your mists already
Banned because you're certainly not a god.
You all are banned for not realizing I am the actual Ban God.
banned because im a banned deity
Banned because you are not, only I am (and possibly Master Juku...if I allow him to be)
your all banned for not letting me know of this until the last moment
Banned for not using your 'diety' powers to see into the future!
Banned because I just don't know what your name is.
Banned for changing the color of your text from purple to red.
Banned for not realizing, red is much more serious when banning then purple O_O
banned for not knowing Lupine is latin for wolf and that it is a mythical creature
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