FOOD your go-to coffee order?

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pink-haired megane
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let's talk about my favorite brewed beverage: coffee! whether you're a total connoisseur or just an occasional sipper, i think we can all agree few things hit quite like that first glorious sip of liquid energy.

now, i know we've all got our personal preferences when it comes to that perfect java jolt. but if i'm being honest, i tend to lean towards the sweeter, more indulgent coffee flavors. i'm talking hazelnutty goodness or that creamy, dreamy french vanilla bean! there's just something about those rich, decadent notes that makes me swoon. but i do love a good hot kapeng barako with no sugar too <3

but maybe you're more of a no-fuss, straight black coffee purist who wants to taste all those deep, bold, almost chocolatey flavors. or perhaps you dig those wild seasonal or regional brews infused with unexpected flavors like pumpkin pie, lavender, or coconut?

heck, i'd even love to hear from my iced coffee and frappe enthusiasts out there! what's your go-to order when you need to beat the heat? are we talkin' a classic vanilla sweet cream setup or some sort of wild customized sugary monstrosity? and let's not forget about our pod-brewing fans either! which roasts or blends does your keurig, nespresso or instant brew fam swear by on the daily?
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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My go-to order is a mocha. Although I buy iced lattes if I'm getting it in a can or a bottle. My ultimate guilty pleasure is the Java Chip Frappuccino from Starbucks; it's basically a dessert in a cup but it's so good.

I don't really like the taste of black coffee. I gotta have something to take the edge off lol.
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Light Iced Venti White Chocolate Mocha sub soy milk with Vanilla Sweet Cream Cold Foam and 2 shakes of Cinnamon Powder. (Only in Summer)

Otherwise, Venti White Chocolate Mocha sub soymilk light whip.

I also used to be a Barista.

At home when I'm not treating myself, I do like a Black Sumatra coffee or Black Vanilla Coffee.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I haven't been into coffee for all that long yet to confidently say that I have any signature drink I go for? I'm still in the stage of trying out a lot of different brews and drinks to see what I like and what I don't like.
I have been leaning towards anything with vanilla or white chocolate though!

And there was one I had just this week from a local place that was called a Campfire Cold Brew that had liquid smoke and I think like marshmallow and it was absolutely amazing. So amazing I got it twice 🤣
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  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I usually get a Milky Way, which is a caramel mocha. :D Super delicious. I usually gotta get it with almond milk or something though because my tummy doesn't agree with lactose.
  • Bucket of Rainbows
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I'm a black coffee purist, but I also like hot/iced cafe latte and cold brew. Fairly basic stuff (like me).

Also, this isn't a coffee order, but the occasional matcha latte is nice too.

I'm also a tea and milk tea person. Bobba isn't my thing, though.
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All this talk about coffee-.

Reading ya'lls orders are getting my caffeine addiction going, LOL. If I don't feel like thinking about what I want, I usually get a nice caramel macchiato.~ Iced or hot. My absolute go-to. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE caramel. But, I'm usually really adventurous and like to try anything and everything that piques my interest. I'm not super picky. :'3

There's a local place that does a lavender honey coffee and it is so yummy. I got a big 'ole 24oz frappe of that, today, with whippies and I am fucking emotionally set, baby.
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