You Want Me Now

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After awhile, Marcus felt calm and happy. He felt so warm in Christian's arms and he could feel Christian's warmth as he was pressed up against him as they danced around the room. When Christian spun them he would gasp and cling to Christian, afraid of falling but he was reassured by Christian's firm grip around him, holding him close. He closed his eyes as he relaxed and danced with Christian. He opened his eyes just as Christian had begun to lean in and kissed him gently. Marcus blushed and he kissed him back, as best as he could, enjoying how warm and soft Christian's lips were.
Christian smiled softly into the kiss before breaking away, a slight chuckle bubbling up from his throat. He was glad for the fact he wasn't uncomfortable with his kisses and he was fairly relaxed throughout most of their little dance. It was a big leap from the broken kid he'd found at Marcus' place the other day. He'd slowed down so they were mostly just swaying in circles which allowed Christian to speak to him more easily. "Are you enjoying yourself? Just checking; I did promise to take you elsewhere if you weren't."
Marcus was blushing when Christian pulled away from his lips. He wasn't expecting it so he was blushing from surprise and how nice it felt. He looked at Christian as they danced but when they slowed down he looked at Christian as he asked if he was enjoying himself. Marcus nodded his head to Christian. "I like it. Its very calming," he said softly to Christian as they continued to sway slowly to the music.
"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself," he said with a widening grin, moving one of Marcus' hands from his shoulder and holding it in his hand. One hand was still on his hip while one Marcus' of hands was still at his shoulder. He began to lead them into a more waltz type of dance. "Perhaps you could accompany me to an event sometime in that case. I'm involved in several charity events and such that often come in the form of a ball." He smirked slightly, spinning them in a circle abruptly. "It would be an absolute pleasure to show up with you on my arm."
Marcus smiled and nodded his head to Christian. He watched As Christian took his hand from his shoulder and began waltzing with him. When Christian said that he'd like to bring Marcus to the charity events he looked a bit confused. "Won't people think its weird two men dancing together? And especially since I look like a little kid," he said softly. "I don't really care, but I don't want to embarrass you," he said softly to Chris, looking down at Christian's chest.
"You could hardly embarrass me." He shook his head slightly and looked down at Marcus with a small frown. "What people think of me is the last thing I'm concerned about...though you do look rather young..." He chuckled lightly with a smirk and spun once again. "I'd rather not have someone call the police on me, but I'm not taking back my invitation to you." That was more of a joke than anything, he doubted anyone would even consider that.
Marcus nodded his head and continued to move with Christian. "I think it would be fun," he said softly, about the parties. When Christian joked about being arrested because Marcus looked young Marcus frowned. "That's not funny," he said. He could still tell when Christian was joking or not. He held on when they spun still not used to it.
"Come now, it's a little funny." He was pretty glad that Marcus was still able to tell when he was using his dry sense of humor. He shook his head and smiled a bit crookedly. "Relax a little Marcus, you're safe with me. When's the last time you've even laughed?" He looked down at him with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Perhaps I should tickle you."
"No it's not... Loosing you is not funny to me," he whispered softly to him as they still danced. When Chris asked him when was the last time he laughed Marcus shrugged. "I don't remember..." he said softly, but when Chris said he should tickle Marek to see, Marek felt his eyes widen. He remember tickle fights and he knew with them being so close he would do it. "No... Please..." he said softly.