You are SO Annoying

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So far from what I've monitored about myself, I'd have to say everything. :T
Oh, hah. The most annoying thing about me is my general destructiveness and clumsiness. It's not purposeful... It just so happens that I destroy everything I touch. No matter how careful I'm being, I somehow manage to cause so much damage. .__.; It gets people mad at me, and they call me stupid.

I'm like that one chick character in Good Luck Chuck. People might as well call me Murphy.

As well, I don't show my real emotions very often. It aggravates the people closest to me because they don't want to see a mask, they want to see what I'm feeling. But sometimes, I just don't want to. I don't like talking about feelings. ><;
I find a couple of things about me annoying, or have been told are annoying by meanie people 8D. But, I guess what I think is annoying of myself, or get worried about often, is that I think I'm too clingy when I feel I'm close friends with someone, or make a good connection. o wo I think a lot of people are cool. When I think someone is cool, I tend to hope they like me! And when they are my friend, then I dearly hope I don't lose em. T ^T' cuz.. people are awesome. so.. yeah.
I find a couple of things about me annoying, or have been told are annoying by meanie people 8D. But, I guess what I think is annoying of myself, or get worried about often, is that I think I'm too clingy when I feel I'm close friends with someone, or make a good connection. o wo I think a lot of people are cool. When I think someone is cool, I tend to hope they like me! And when they are my friend, then I dearly hope I don't lose em. T ^T' cuz.. people are awesome. so.. yeah.

I've spent a bit of time thinking about the clingy feeling and I've come to the conclusion that it is a normal reaction. There's nothing wrong with feeling jealous if you think you have a connection with someone and suddenly being made to wait awkwardly on the sidewalk if they start reconnecting with an old friend or get a phone call from a friend belonging to another social group.
I'd say my most annoying traits are that I have the ability to screw things up often, even things I know how to do, sometimes I talk too much and sometimes I sit quiet especially with people I don't know very well, I tend to be shy and I don't show my emotions often unless it's happiness, when I get scared, sad or feel vulnerable then I often react by getting bitchy or completely stonefaced, I try to behave but it just happens.
1) I have OCD (not self Dignosed, Auctully Diagnosed by a doctor) and it drives my Family insane. I dislike people moving my things so if I am a bit messy I snap at people when they try and move my stuff. Namely because I put things where I know they will be, and when they get moved things feels off balance to me and it drives me insane so I fix it again and again and again if I must. That is why I drive people insane cause I will try and organize their stuff too. Things don't have to be spick and span they just need to look organized. My writing included.

2) When people have terrible detail in thier writing...I tend to become a Detail Nazi. Sometimes I get too detailed but it makes the writing more enjoyable in my opion when you have an image of the character and scenary in your head. I be a detail Nazi in real life and try not to drag it online.
I don't want to be mean!

3) My best friend claims I am defensive about everything. I mean I try not to be but's who I am I guess. I just state my opinion and if that is being defensive so be it!

4) Last but not least, I enjoy making my characters Suffer. I have often been told that I make thier pasts or preasants too depressing but it's my character and if I want them tortured, suffering, and misrible they will be that way! >.>
Oh My!
I barely imagined I was going to feel like I had so much in common with all these people!

2) I am stubborn as a mother %$%^# xD
4) Attitude,oh yeah, I am Spanish and I show it D:

^5 for Stubborn Ladies With A Temper

Oh, let's see here...

I adore so many people, not even necessarily romantically. Just... a strong affinity for people. And not only is it often not even returned, there's the fact of the matter being that it sometimes gets misconstrued and all of that when I don't even mean it to be. And it's just terrible. I wish I could tell all the people that I love that I love them and for them to just instantly understand what I mean.
Well- Kitti, since when loving others is something bad?
But I understand how you feel- It happens to me too...

As well, I don't show my real emotions very often. It aggravates the people closest to me because they don't want to see a mask, they want to see what I'm feeling. But sometimes, I just don't want to. I don't like talking about feelings. ><;
Oh, hiding the emotions. I do this a lot, even without me noticing... people sometimes tell me they can't know how do I feel.
The worst is always trying not to cry, gawd. In public that just does not happen.... I get a knot in my throat and shut up.
Then people go mad at me because I'm not talking. :/
But I just can't talk, dammit!

But, I guess what I think is annoying of myself, or get worried about often, is that I think I'm too clingy when I feel I'm close friends with someone, or make a good connection. o wo I think a lot of people are cool.
SAAAAAAAAME........ nothing worse than feeling that person you thought it was your friends actually does not give a sheath about you.
I wish I understood people better. That wouldn't happen that often in that case.

I'm also quite arrogant sometimes. I don't mean to; If I knew I was, I wouldn't.... meh...
Also I am blunt and don't think much about others... This ends up with me hurting people. Either because I criticize them or let my temper loose for a while (and I do get angry at stupid stuff... another flaw in me....).

And I really, really should learn how to listen better at people. And myself, too.
That's annoying.
And now it all makes sense. o wo

or something.
I dunno.
