Yo! I'm new here


Somber Night

Original poster
Heya! User is Somber Night (although I'm not as depressing as my name entails.)

I'm pretty excited to be here, I've had an itch to write again and hoping to meet quite a few people to roleplay with! I used to roleplay on chatango and various wolf RP sites, although those have always fallen off and it felt really chaotic with the differences between the writing styles of one to another. Some were new some where far more advanced than me. Although, I met a few new friends that way!

That's my plan for here too, meet new friends, meet new people! I hope to get to know some of you all and we can enjoy stories together.
Chatango was quite a trip.

I've met a buttload of stupid dumb losers good friends here, and I hope you'll do the same as well. Welcome aboard!
Oh wow, chatango. It has been quite some time since ive been there.

Welcome to Iwaku, hope you enjoy it here.
Hi there and welcome!
I think that we have a pretty wide range of writing styles and levels here and if you're looking to get an idea of what someone is looking for in their partner search or thinking of making your own, you might want to have a look here since we have tried to make a clearer system for members to express what writing they're looking for in a partner rather than nebulous and undefined terms like "literate".

Anyway, if you need help, don't be afraid to ask! Good luck and happy roleplaying!
Thanks for all the welcomes! I hope to find something new here at Iwaku than I found in chatango!