• So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!
Anarch ContactNear the start of the story you'll catch the attention of an Anarch, the rebellious vampires who fall outside of the Camarilla's control. They may be willing to aid you, so long as you can toe the party line.
Camarilla ContactNear the start of the story you'll find yourself falling into the orbit of a member the Camarilla, the embattled organisation that seeks to control vampire society. They can offer you assistance, but when it comes to the Tower know that nothing is free.
Catenating BloodYou can create Blood Bonds and perform the Embrace as a regular vampire. Any vampire you create this way will be a thin-blood.
Discipline AffinityDespite your Thin Blood you can manifest a particular vampiric Discipline. You gain a dot in this Discipline and can gain additional dots through experience.
LifelikeYou have a heartbeat, can eat food, and enjoy sexual activities like a mortal. All but the most advanced medical inspections reveal nothing out of the ordinary, assuming they happen at night.
Vampiric ResilienceThe curse has hardened you to a supernatural degree, and you treat regular puncture/slashing wounds as Superficial damage.
Day DrinkerYou are less affected by the rays of the sun. Sunlight halves your Health tracker and removes your abilities, but otherwise you are unaffected.
Thin-Blood AlchemistYou have a natural understanding of Thin-Blood Alchemy, the strange art unique to the Duskborn. You gain one Dot in Thin-Blood Alchemy, and choose one formula. You can purchase additional dots and formulae through experience.
Abhorrent BloodSomething about your blood is repellent to vampires, and they must actively force themselves to overcome this disgust if they wish to drink from you.
Faith-ProofWhether you consider yourself an atheist or devoutly religious, you remain too close to mortality for True Faith to affect you.
Low AppetiteWhen at Hunger 0 or 1, and when rising at sunset, roll two dice on your Rouse Check and take the highest of the two.
Lucid DreamerMost vampires don't dream because they don't sleep. You dream; you can recall and even sometimes control your dreams. Once per session, if you're asleep by day you can ask the Storyteller to provide a clue from the previous night's memories or a hint about the story suitable for dream revelation.
Mortality's MienYour mortal nature still outshines your Beast. Your aura does not appear vampiric or supernatural; instead it looks mortal to anyone able to detect supernatural creatures. You can also add two dice to any attempt to make yourself appear mortal in other regards, such as makeup.
Swift FeederMaybe you were a phlebotomist in life, or just didn't like mess. You sip delicately and quickly, neatly slaking one Hunger in one turn, including licking the wound closed. This Merit can only be used once per scene.
  • charisma: Charm, magnetism, strength of personality (Social)
  • manipulation: Getting others to do what you want (Social)
  • composure: Self-control, cool, calm head (Social)
  • strength: Exertion of force by the muscles (Physical)
  • dexterity: Agility, grace, eye-hand coordination (Physical)
  • stamina: Toughness, resilience, endurance (Physical)
  • intelligence: Memory, reasoning, intellect (Mental)
  • wits: Cleverness, intuition, spur-of-the-moment decision-making (Mental)
  • resolve: Focus, concentration, attention (Mental)
  • academics: Humanities and liberal arts, booklearning (Mental)
  • animal ken: Animal handling and communication (Social)
  • athletics: Running, jumping, climbing (Physical)
  • awareness: Senses, being aware of your surroundings, spotting threats (Mental)
  • brawl: Unarmed combat of all types (Physical)
  • craft: Crafting, building, shaping (Physical)
  • drive: Operating vehicles (Physical)
  • etiquette: Politeness in social settings (Social)
  • finance: Handling, moving, and making money (Mental)
  • firearms: Using ranged weapons, such as guns and bows (Physical)
  • insight: Determining states of mind and motives (Social)
  • intimidation: Getting another person to back down (Social)
  • investigation: Following clues, solving mysteries (Mental)
  • larceny: Breaking and entering, guarding against that (Physical)
  • leadership: Directing and inspiring others (Social)
  • medicine: Healing injuries, diagnosing disease (Mental)
  • melee: Armed hand-to-hand combat (Physical)
  • occult: Secret lore, both real and unreal (Mental)
  • performance: Expressing art in person to an audience (Social)
  • persuasion: Convincing others (Social)
  • politics: Handling, moving, and making government (Mental)
  • science: Knowledge and theory of the physical world (Mental)
  • stealth: Not being seen, heard, or recognized (Physical)
  • streetwise: Understanding the ins and outs of criminal and urban society (Social)
  • subterfuge: Tricking others into doing your will (Social)
  • survival: Remaining alive in adverse surroundings (Physical)
  • technology: Understanding and using modern technology, computers, and online activity (Mental)

Decide who your character was, prior to the moment they woke up in a mass grave with a craving for blood. List the following:

Name: (Please also list any nicknames your character might have.)
Age: (People aged 16 and over seem to have been the ones chosen for whatever you've been caught up in.)
Appearance: (Images and pictures are preferred, if not then brevity is appreciated.)
Five Words: (Give five specific words that encapsulate the nature of your character, and don't elaborate on them further.)
Prior to Kidnapping: (Give a brief description, 1-2 sentences tops, of what your character was doing in the immediate lead up to their kidnapping.)
Your character is a Thin-Blood, one of the Duskborn shunned by wider vampire society (as they're quickly about to find out). They have no clan, for none want them.
Attributes represent your character's core capabilities, and are seperated into the three types of Physical, Social and Mental. They combine with Skills to create the dice pools you'll roll during tests. You choose Attributes as follows:
Take your best Attribute at 4
Take your worst Attribute at 1
Take three Attributes at 3
Take the rest of your Attributes at 2

Based on the above, also calculate the following:
Health: Stamina + 3
Willpower: Composure + Resolve
Your character's learned and natural aptitudes, representing everything from how well they can fight to how good they are with technology.

A single dot in a skill represents passing familiarity with it. Two dots represents a solid knowledge of it. Three dots represents a professional level of experience. Four dots means you are truly talented in this area. Five dots means you're one of the best in the world at it.

First, choose a Skill Distribution:
- Jack of All Trades: One Skill at 3; eight Skills at 2; ten Skills at 1
- Balanced: Three Skills at 3; five Skills at 2; seven Skills at 1
- Specialist: One Skill at 4; three Skills at 3; three Skills at 2; three Skills at 1

With your chosen distribution, decide on your character's skills.

A specialty represents a particular expertise in one aspect of a Skill. This is a field where a character may be especially practiced, have a special aptitude, or be engaged in deeper study.

You receive one free Speciality in any skill your character has at least a dot in during character creation. In addition, the following skills (Craft, Academics, Science and Performance) come with an automatic Speciality if you have at least a dot in them, representing the specific area of focus your character has.

Choose from the sample specialities listed with skills, or concoct your own.
Merits and Flaws represent deeper aspects of your character's background, as well as ties to the mortal world. A full list of them can be found here. Bear in mind that a number of these are not thematically appropriate for a Thin-Blood who has only recently found themselves in the world of the Kindred: exercise common sense in your choices.

Spend 7 points on Merits, and 2 points on Flaws.

Your character is something of an anomaly amongst vampires, and can choose from unique Thin-Blood merits and flaws at character creation (listed here on the Paradox Wiki). You must choose between 1 and 3 Thin-Blood Merits, and then choose a corresponding number of Flaws.
Convictions are the guiding principles that help your character cope with the awful situation they find themselves in and the shitty things they must do to stay alive. They allow your character to justify difficult decisions and ward off Stains (the aftermath of bad choices that, if left unchecked, can result in your character's Humanity lowering).

Examples might include: 'Killing is fine in self-defence/fair combat', 'none may control me', 'all is fair in the search of knowledge', etc.

Select one to three Convictions for your character.
Your character begins the story with a Humanity score of 7.

Chronicle Ambition represents what your character is aiming for in the course of the story. I've put forward three options, but I am open to others that you may wish to put forwards. By working towards their Chronicle Ambition, a character can recover a point of Aggravated Willpower damage at the end of a session/sequence.
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  • Love
Reactions: rissa
"This wasn't an accident. Someone is responsible for this. Someone took you and turned your world into a screaming horror show, turned you into a bloodsucking creature that can't stand the sight of the sun. You want to know who. You want to know why. There has to be some meaning behind this madness, and you won't stop until you find it."

Your character seeks to solve the mystery behind their transformation into a Thin-Blood, and track down the person responsible for it all. They regain Willpower by following up on clues, discovering revelations, and striving towards truth.
"You never asked for this. You had a life before all this happened to you. A family, a job, friends and responsibilities. Sure, it wasn't much. But it was yours. If you can get back to it, you can get yourself to a doctor. Leave this insanity and the horrors behind. They can keep their secrets and their powers, their conspiracies and their hidden wars. You want out."

Your character seeks to find a means to untangle themselves from the world of the Kindred and find a way back to the world they know. They regain Willpower by seeking contact with their old life, searching for routes out of the city, and striving towards freedom.
"It's the hunger that you can't stand. The hunger that gnaws at you every waking moment of the night. The hunger you cannot satisfy unless you're willing to compromise yourself in ways that will make you something less than human. Make you a monster. But if someone made you into a monster, surely they can make you human again. Maybe it's a long shot. But you don't intend to give them a choice."

Your character seeks to purge themselves of the terrible curse that has been inflicted upon them, and return to their mortality. They regain Willpower by following up on rumours, learning more about their condition, and striving towards humanity.
"The others don't get it. Not like you. They think this is a curse, something to be rid of or solved. But you aren't so naive. You can feel the strength that seeps through your body now, you can feel the rush of exhilaration as you satisfy the hunger inside. And all this? All this is just the beginning. Fate has brought you to the edge of a vast ocean, but you're just dipping your toes in. You've had a taste of vampirism, but a taste isn't enough. You're going all in."

Your character seeks to delve further into the world of the Kindred, and leave behind their humanity for the life of a predator. They regain Willpower by discovering more about the vampiric underworld, pursuing means of true Embrace, and striving towards inhumanity.
Five Words:
Prior to Kidnapping:

Strength: ■
Dexterity: ■
Stamina: ■
Charisma: ■
Manipulation: ■
Composure: ■
Intelligence: ■
Wits: ■
Resolve: ■


[Sample Skill] [Specialisation]: ■
[Sample Skill] [Specialisation]: ■
[Sample Skill] [Specialisation]: ■

[Discipline]: ■
[Discipline Description]
[Merit]: ■
[Flaw]: ■
[Merit]: ■
[Flaw]: ■

  • [Sample]
Chronicle Goal:
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"Where we are,
There's daggers in men's smiles.
The near in blood,
The nearer bloody."

- William Shakespeare, 'Macbeth'

In your defence, it probably wasn't your fault.

You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Wrong shortcut. Wrong alley. Wrong party. Wrong date. Doesn't matter. Just because it wasn't your fault doesn't mean you can't suffer for it. One moment, everything was hunky dory.

Next moment, you're waking up in a mass grave amidst a burning building, trying desperately to figure out what the fuck is going on and why you have a thirst like the Devil's own.


You might be thinking that this is the worst moment of your life. And you may very well be correct in that thought. But let me tell you, friend: the night is still young. Things are going to get so, so much worse for you.

Call it a disease. Or even a curse, if that makes you feel better. In a world of blood-transmitted horror, you got the shortest straw possible: you've just become the monster's monster. In the eyes of the beasts that made you, you're a combination of leper and harbinger of the end times. A Thin-Blood. Dead yet not. A monster with half their foot still precariously hanging over mortality. Don't expect a warm reception. Except from the flames currently consuming the building you're lying in.

You don't know it yet but you've just been dumped, naked and afraid, into a world that exists beneath the one you used to call home. A world of shadows and blood, of ancient monsters and terrible secrets mankind was made to forget. A world of bloodlines and alliances forged in times so ancient they make the biblical flood look contemporary. A world of hierarchies, and be assured that you're at the very bottom of every single one of them.

Only saving grace is that you're not alone. There's a whole bunch of bodies in this mass grave, after all, and some of them are still breathing. Metaphorically speaking. Your new comrades in catastrophe, unified in just how universally fucked each and every one of you are.

So get up. Get moving. Because there's far worse than flames coming for you at this moment in time. If you survive long enough, you might just make some sense of the mess you've just been thrown into.

And if you're very lucky? You might have a chance to get even with the bastards that did this to you.


  • "Shovelhead"
    1. An informal term for an especially brutal form of Mass Embrace, most commonly practised by the Sabbat, in which victims are abducted, drained, forcibly embraced and then dumped in a mass grave. Those who can claw their way out, often through their fellow victims, are then deployed as expendable shock troops in the underground wars raging between the Kindred.

    'Shovelhead' is a Horror RP about receiving the shortest end of the stick possible, set in the world of 'Vampire: The Masquerade'. Players will take the role of a group of ordinary people awakening to discover that they have been transformed into Thin-Bloods, a diluted form of vampirism that marks them as pariahs in the undead world they are about to be thrown into. Assuming they can scramble out of the mass grave they find themselves in before the building they are in burns down. Trapped in a city they do not know amidst forces that either want to use them, abuse them or see them dead, they must band together in order to survive and find a way out of the horror show they have found themselves in.

    Yet the world of the Kindred is as cruel as it is esoteric. The newly minted Thin-Bloods will quickly find themselves being pulled in different directions as they are caught up in power struggles and wars that have been raging for centuries. Ignorance of the rules is no protection from them, and bad luck can be a capital offence in these dark nights.

    There will be no happy endings.
  • 2otmjcau-copy-jpg.251651

    First, a disclaimer. A warning, even. I am a lousy fucking Games Master. This isn't me trying for a humble brag, or an attempt to beg some sympathy: my track record proves it. I have a tendency to overthink, underplan and get myself in way, way over my head. The result has been a whole host of failed projects that I've crashed out of in spectacularly awkward fashion, and though I do think I've improved over the last year or two there is no guarantee that it won't happen again.

    All of this is to stress that if you're planning on joining this game? You're not just making a character.

    You're probably making a mistake.

    Self-deprecating warnings aside, I've spent the last year or two actually reading up on the process of RPs and the running of them thereof (turns out "just wing it" isn't always the best approach), and I've taken a fancy to a philosophy put forward by Justin Alexander over at his blog. One that I think might help with a game such as the one I'm proposing here. With 'Shovelhead', I'm not prepping a plot: I'm prepping a situation. Rather than trying to anticipate everything the players might do and overstress myself, or else forcing you all down a very specific path I don't want you to deviate from, I've instead worked to create a series of situations and characters with specific agendas that the characters will bounce off.

    My hope is that this will create a reactive and engaging narrative that you have a great deal of agency to steer and develop. It's a style that I believe will reward the active, engaged players who want to get their teeth into the business of figuring things out and telling a cool story. You know, roleplaying. The thing we do here.

    As soon as someone like me breaks out the metaphorical dice and starts rattling them menacingly, there are a lot of people who tend to get nervous. And I get that. Tabletop RPGs are more popular than ever, but they still can be a little intimidating if you haven't played one before. That intimidation factor only increases when the weird guy rattling dice (me) informs you that he's not proposing something that people have heard of like D&D, but instead some weird urban horror thing popularised by goth LARPers back in the 1990s.

    But trust me. If you've ever bounced off D&D before, or if you fear that all the maths and systems involved in it might slow down the story you want to experience, I have good news. Vampire: The Masquerade is probably a better game than D&D for actually roleplaying.

    To help reduce any anxieties, and to aid people who may not be familiar with Vampire or the World of Darkness it belongs to, I've compiled a few videos and resources to help you all get a feel for what all this is and how it plays.

    I mourn the loss of 'Emperor TTS' to Games Workshop's greed and bullshit, but I'm really pleased that the team behind it pivoted to World of Darkness content instead of something more obvious (like D&D). This video serves as a brilliant overview and introduction to Vampire and the other games associated with it, and is pretty damn funny to boot.

    I will confess up top that Actual Plays actually aren't my thing at all, but I will admit I don't dislike this series (at least from what I've seen of it, Jasper best boy). The above comes pretty well recommended as a great example of how Vampire's Fifth Edition plays, however, and there are some standout moments in the story that people have shared with me over the years (Brennan Lee Mulligan as a terrifying Catholic priest immediately springs to mind).
  • ooc_1.jpg
    • 'Shovelhead' will make use of 'Vampire: The Masquerade' Fifth Edition, the most recent edition of the game (and one that I hope will be well-suited to a 'Play By Post' forum format).
    • Having access to the rulebook is handy, but not necessary for play. I will be providing breakdowns of rules as and when they are required, and many of the core systems have kindly been provided over at Paradox's official Vampire wiki.
    • Players will take the role of ordinary people who have recently been abducted and infected with a lesser strain of vampirism, known as Thin-Bloods, before they escape out into an unknown city.
    • I actively dislike the concept of posting expectations and will personally fight anyone who throws around the term "literate" like it's a badge of honour. All are welcome in this RP.
    • I will aim to keep things moving and encourage people along when it comes to posting/making decisions, and ask players to help with such endeavours.
    • The goal of this RP is to be brutish, nasty and short - like a good hanging. I have several 'end states' in mind for the story, but how we might get there is very much going to be in the hands of the players.
  • ooc_2.jpg
    • Themes: 'Strangers in a strange land', 'underdogs', 'personal horror'
    • I'm deliberately remaining vague about the city this story takes place in, and the Kindred the Player Characters will encounter within it. My goal is to get you guys in the mindset of a bunch of people very much down and out in an unknown location, and I figure the best way to do that is to chuck you all into a fictional city.
    • Credit where it's due, I'm using a fictional city from a web serial I'm a fan of. Because I am a lazy bampot and make no apologies for this.
    • The 'world of darkness' (ie. the world 'Vampire: The Masquerade' takes place in) is essentially our world through a morbid, gloomy looking glass. Picture the gothic cityscapes from movies like 'The Crow' or 'Blade', and you're on the right track in terms of vibe. Imagine the places you know but just a little bit more twisted and dark, then populate them with a whole host of monsters, horrors and abominations that lurk in the gloomier recesses.
  • ooc_3.jpg
    Decide who your character was, prior to the moment they woke up in a mass grave with a craving for blood. List the following:

    Name: (Please also list any nicknames your character might have.)
    Age: (People aged 16 and over seem to have been the ones chosen for whatever you've been caught up in.)
    Appearance: (Images and pictures are preferred, if not then brevity is appreciated.)
    Five Words: (Give five specific words that encapsulate the nature of your character, and don't elaborate on them further.)
    Prior to Kidnapping: (Give a brief description, 1-2 sentences tops, of what your character was doing in the immediate lead up to their kidnapping.)
    2. CLAN(LESS)​
    Your character is a Thin-Blood, one of the Duskborn shunned by wider vampire society (as they're quickly about to find out). They have no clan, for none want them. By default:
    • They take damage like mortals. When Mending Damage they can remove one point of Superficial damage per Rouse Check.
    • Their Bane Severity is 0 since they lack a clan, and thus also lack a clan bane.
    • They cannot create Blood Bonds, perform the Embrace with certainty, or create ghouls.
    • Only supernatural means can drive them to frenzy.
    • They take only one point of Superficial damage per turn in direct sunlight.
    Attributes represent your character's core capabilities, and are seperated into the three types of Physical, Social and Mental. They combine with Skills to create the dice pools you'll roll during tests. You choose Attributes as follows:
    Take your best Attribute at 4
    Take your worst Attribute at 1
    Take three Attributes at 3
    Take the rest of your Attributes at 2

    Based on the above, also calculate the following:
    Health: Stamina + 3
    Willpower: Composure + Resolve
    4. SKILLS​
    Your character's learned and natural aptitudes, representing everything from how well they can fight to how good they are with technology.

    A single dot in a skill represents passing familiarity with it. Two dots represents a solid knowledge of it. Three dots represents a professional level of experience. Four dots means you are truly talented in this area. Five dots means you're one of the best in the world at it.

    First, choose a Skill Distribution:
    - Jack of All Trades: One Skill at 3; eight Skills at 2; ten Skills at 1
    - Balanced: Three Skills at 3; five Skills at 2; seven Skills at 1
    - Specialist: One Skill at 4; three Skills at 3; three Skills at 2; three Skills at 1

    With your chosen distribution, decide on your character's skills.

    A specialty represents a particular expertise in one aspect of a Skill. This is a field where a character may be especially practiced, have a special aptitude, or be engaged in deeper study.

    You receive one free Speciality in any skill your character has at least a dot in during character creation. In addition, the following skills (Craft, Academics, Science and Performance) come with an automatic Speciality if you have at least a dot in them, representing the specific area of focus your character has.

    Choose from the sample specialities listed with skills, or concoct your own.
    Merits and Flaws represent deeper aspects of your character's background, as well as ties to the mortal world. A full list of them can be found here. Bear in mind that a number of these are not thematically appropriate for a Thin-Blood who has only recently found themselves in the world of the Kindred: exercise common sense in your choices.

    Spend 7 points on Merits, and 2 points on Flaws.

    Your character is something of an anomaly amongst vampires, and can choose from unique Thin-Blood merits and flaws at character creation (listed here on the Paradox Wiki). You must choose between 1 and 3 Thin-Blood Merits, and then choose a corresponding number of Flaws.
    Convictions are the guiding principles that help your character cope with the awful situation they find themselves in and the shitty things they must do to stay alive. They allow your character to justify difficult decisions and ward off Stains (the aftermath of bad choices that, if left unchecked, can result in your character's Humanity lowering).

    Examples might include: 'Killing is fine in self-defence/fair combat', 'none may control me', 'all is fair in the search of knowledge', etc.

    Select one to three Convictions for your character.
    As a newly Embraced Thin-Blood, your character begins the story with a Humanity score of 8.

    Chronicle Goals represents what your character is aiming for in the course of the story. I've put forward three options, but I am open to others that you may wish to put forwards. By working towards their Chronicle Goal, a character can recover a point of Aggravated Willpower damage at the end of a session/sequence.
  • ooc_5.jpg
    Five Words:
    Prior to Kidnapping:

    Strength: ■
    Dexterity: ■
    Stamina: ■
    Charisma: ■
    Manipulation: ■
    Composure: ■
    Intelligence: ■
    Wits: ■
    Resolve: ■

    Health: [ ] - ( [X] indicates Aggravated Damage, [/] indicates Superficial Damage)
    Willpower: [ ] ( [X] indicates Aggravated Damage, [/] indicates Superficial Damage)
    Humanity: ■
    Hunger: ■

    [Sample Skill] [Specialisation]: ■
    [Sample Skill] [Specialisation]: ■
    [Sample Skill] [Specialisation]: ■

    [Discipline]: ■
    [Discipline Description]
    [Merit]: ■
    [Flaw]: ■
    [Merit]: ■
    [Flaw]: ■

    • [Sample]
    Chronicle Goal:

    Five Words:
    Prior to Kidnapping:

    Strength: ■
    Dexterity: ■
    Stamina: ■[/TD]

    Charisma: ■
    Manipulation: ■
    Composure: ■[/TD]

    Intelligence: ■
    Wits: ■
    Resolve: ■[/TD]

    Health: [ ] - ( [X] indicates Aggravated Damage, [/] indicates Superficial Damage)
    Willpower: [ ] ( [X] indicates Aggravated Damage, [/] indicates Superficial Damage)
    Humanity: ■
    Hunger: ■

    [Sample Skill] [Specialisation]: ■[/TD]

    [Sample Skill] [Specialisation]: ■[/TD]

    [Sample Skill] [Specialisation]: ■[/TD]

    [Discipline]: ■
    [Discipline Description][/TD]

    [Merit]: ■
    [Flaw]: ■[/TD]
    [TD][CENTER][FONT=IM Fell English SC]THIN-BLOOD MERITS & FLAWS[/font][/center]
    [Merit]: ■
    [Flaw]: ■

    Chronicle Goal:
  • ooc_4.jpg
    A story needs an ending. A character needs an arc. Credit where it's due, the goth LARPers who wrote this edition of Vampire understood both of these facts and incorporated mechanics to help foster them. 'Chronicle Goals' are what will (hopefully) drive the characters' stories towards a satisfying finale. By pursuing your character's goals, you can also regain Willpower throughout the game (mechanical incentives to play your character well are cool and fun and more RPGs should use them).

    Since this is something of an introductory game, and since a lot of the setting/story remains deliberately obscured at the outset, I thought it might be wise to provide some Chronicle Goals that I believe will fit the vibe I'm going for. You will find these listed below. However, I'm not against players having their own ideas for their character's Chronicle Goal. If you have some ideas, feel free to message me and we can hash it out.

    "This wasn't an accident. Someone is responsible for this. Someone took you and turned your world into a screaming horror show, turned you into a bloodsucking creature that can't stand the sight of the sun. You want to know who. You want to know why. There has to be some meaning behind this madness, and you won't stop until you find it."

    Your character seeks to solve the mystery behind their transformation into a Thin-Blood, and track down the person responsible for it all. They regain Willpower by following up on clues, discovering revelations, and striving towards truth.
    "You never asked for this. You had a life before all this happened to you. A family, a job, friends and responsibilities. Sure, it wasn't much. But it was yours. If you can get back to it, you can get yourself to a doctor. Leave this insanity and the horrors behind. They can keep their secrets and their powers, their conspiracies and their hidden wars. You want out."

    Your character seeks to find a means to untangle themselves from the world of the Kindred and find a way back to the world they know. They regain Willpower by seeking contact with their old life, searching for routes out of the city, and striving towards freedom.
    "It's the hunger that you can't stand. The hunger that gnaws at you every waking moment of the night. The hunger you cannot satisfy unless you're willing to compromise yourself in ways that will make you something less than human. Make you a monster. But if someone made you into a monster, surely they can make you human again. Maybe it's a long shot. But you don't intend to give them a choice."

    Your character seeks to purge themselves of the terrible curse that has been inflicted upon them, and return to their mortality. They regain Willpower by following up on rumours, learning more about their condition, and striving towards humanity.
    "The others don't get it. Not like you. They think this is a curse, something to be rid of or solved. But you aren't so naive. You can feel the strength that seeps through your body now, you can feel the rush of exhilaration as you satisfy the hunger inside. And all this? All this is just the beginning. Fate has brought you to the edge of a vast ocean, but you're just dipping your toes in. You've had a taste of vampirism, but a taste isn't enough. You're going all in."

    Your character seeks to delve further into the world of the Kindred, and leave behind their humanity for the life of a predator. They regain Willpower by discovering more about the vampiric underworld, pursuing means of true Embrace, and striving towards inhumanity.
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For those of you who might previously have been put off by "crunchier" TTRPGs and their many interlocking systems, I have good news when it comes to Vampire V5. The overly dramatic goth LARPers responsible for this edition, for all their many flaws, took an already pretty simple system and streamlined it even further. The result is something I think will suit the format we're playing via pretty well.

Tests in Vampire operate via a dice pool mechanic. Your character wants to do the thing, so you take an Attribute, a Skill and any associated bonuses (Specialisations, Equipment, etc). Tally all of them together, and hey presto: that's the total number of D10s you'll be rolling. Every die that lands on a 6 or higher is considered a success. If you match or succeed the number of successes required for a particular test (a number decided on by the GM), then congrats. Your character did the thing.

Honestly, that's the basic thrust of it. For all there are additional mechanics that come into play, this is the basic system you'll be dealing with whilst playing Vampire. Like I said, nice and streamlined.

Some GMs are more high handed with what attributes and skills players can use in tests, but that isn't really my approach. If I suggest that you should roll Charisma + Persuasion for a test, but you think Manipulation + Subterfuge would suit your character's approach better? Pitch it to me, and if I think it vibes I will absolutely go for it. This is a collaborative form of storytelling, after all.

It's one thing to use a game system like this when we're all sitting around a table (or using a virtual one), but this is a forum. How the hell is any of this going to work if we're Playing By Post?

Well I'm thrilled you should ask, hypothetical questioner I just made up. Allow me to explain.

Rolling dice is a means by which we can help determine the outcome of a particular scene: I don't want it to become the focus or the millstone weighing the game's momentum down. As such, the general outline would be as follows:
  1. The GM (that's me) will set up a scene/encounter/conflict/shenanigans via a GM post in the IC Thread.
  2. In the OOC Thread, players will figure out their characters' actions and what dice pools they want to use.
  3. Once the pools and actions are agreed upon, the dice get rolled. We'll use Iwaku's dice rolling addon (unless this turns out to be scuffed, in which case I guess I'll need to make a Discord 😒).
  4. Based on the results of the roll, we will know how the scene plays out and can write posts accordingly.

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    "A Beast I am, lest a Beast I become."
    - Kindred Proverb

    There is a presence inside of you. A wordless, formless entity that you can never escape. The Beast, they call it. Always with a mix of respect and fear. Your inner predator made manifest, forever demanding. For it is hungry. It is always hungry.

    And there is only one thing that satisfies it.

    Hunger represents your character's drive to feed, their desire for blood that is ever present and ever insatiable. Even Thin-Bloods feel it's pull, and must slake their hunger lest it consume them. It is represented on a scale. A vampire with a Hunger of 0 is sated and satisfied, whereas a vampire with a Hunger of 5 is ravenous and can barely think of anything except their next drink.

    Hunger Dice
    For each level of Hunger affecting a vampire character, they gain one Hunger die. Hunger dice should be rolled separately from regular dice to distinguish them. When a player builds a dice pool, they exchange regular dice from that pool for Hunger dice on a one-for-one basis. Hunger dice function as regular dice in tests and contests, scoring successes on a 6 or higher.
    • Characters never include Hunger dice in Rouse Checks, Willpower, or Humanity dice pools
    • If the dice pool for the roll is lower than the character's Hunger, the player must roll a number of Hunger dice equal to the dice pool.
    • Rolling a 10 or 1 on a Hunger die carries additional consequences.
    • HOUSE RULE - Hunger dice can be re-rolled using Willpower, but you must choose whether you are re-rolling your Hunger dice or your Regular dice. To do both, you would need to spend two points of Willpower.

    Consequences of Hunger
    A pool containing Hunger dice can incur unintended effects such as:

    Messy Critical
    A critical win in which one or more 10s appear on a Hunger die is a Messy Critical. The character succeeds as in a regular critical - but it was the Beast's win, perhaps, not the character's. This can have a variety of results, including but not limited to:
    • Acts causing Humanity Stains
    • Masquerade Breaches
    • Compulsions
    Bestial Failure
    A Bestial Failure occurs when the player rolls a 1 on one or more Hunger die in addition to failing a test. Story-wise, either the character failed because their Beast manifested inopportunely or excessively, or the character's failure angered their Beast into a reprisal. Any of the consequences of a Messy Critical or simply sustaining aggravated damage are possible depending on the scene's circumstances.

    Rousing the Blood
    Every time a vampire rises each sunset, calls upon their Disciplines, or mends their damaged body, they risk increasing their Hunger by having to perform a Rouse Check. To make a Rouse Check, the player rolls a single die. On a success, the vampire's Hunger remains unchanged, but on a failure, the vampire gains a point of Hunger, and thus, one more Hunger die for their dice pool.

    In order to keep Hunger in check, Kindred have to feed, usually drinking the blood of mortals. Drinking blood reduces a vampire's Hunger by a fixed amount. Only draining a mortal (or a supernatural creature) of blood, thereby killing them, can reduce Hunger to 0.
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    "He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."
    - Samuel Johnson

    You are no longer human. What humanity you have left to you is little more than scraps, vestiges of a life lost. Yet these scraps are all that keep you tethered to the life you once had. They are all that keep you from succumbing to the Beast.

    You will fight a losing battle. A rearguard action against overwhelming odds. Every compromise, every failure, every moment you let the Beast in will eat away at the fragments of your old self you have left.

    All you can do is fight it.

    The Humanity score represents how close a Kindred remains to their human nature, to specific people vital to them, and how easily they slip away from human concerns and instead towards the whims of the Beast. As a character's Humanity rating changes over the course of time, it's important to keep track of the changes that will occur. As their rating deteriorates over time, their connections alter and soon they might find themselves holding the corpse of a human they had originally never intended to kill.

    The Humanity tracker contains 10 spaces, with the Humanity rating filled from left to right.

    Stains are what damage Humanity and are caused by significant actions. Those actions may include embracing a new childe, harming others,
    or breaching their own convictions. Stains can be negated by a character's Conviction if it was broken in alignment of their Conviction, reducing the amount of Stains gained by one or more. The amount of Stains earned can vary from clear violations giving only 1 and with truly monstrous or egregious breaks netting 2 or more. Fill the amount of Stains exceeds the amount of empty spaces in the tracker degeneration is triggered.

    When taking Stains, the tracker fills in from right to left with slash marks to differentiate the Stains from Humanity.

    When a character has Stains in their tracker at the end of a session they will make a Remorse test. The Remorse pool is composed of how many empty spaces are left between the Humanity and the amount of Stains taken. In the case of a Humanity 7 character with only one Stain, they'd roll two dice. However, in cases where there are no spaces left, such as a Humanity 7 character with three Stains, they'd still roll 1 die. Any amount of successes means that the character has felt enough guilt, shame and remorse than their Humanity will not drop. If they do not any successes, the beast has won and they must drop 1 Humanity. Once the remorse test is completed, all Stains are removed.

    In cases where they have taken more Stains than they have room for, the character becomes impaired. This type of impairment removes two dice from all possible pools as they are racked with regret. In addition to this, they take one point of Aggravated Willpower damage for each Stain that did not fit onto the tracker. During this time, the character is unable of further intentional Tenet violations and upon being forced to commit one must test for a terror frenzy with Difficulty 4. This impairment will remain until they test for Remorse at the end of the session, alternatively they may choose to snap out of it by automatically dropping by one Humanity point and removing all Stains.
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Welcome to the Stolen Lands. A vast peninsula of city states and grand battles, of powerful lords and ambitious knights. All of them fighting their great wars, delving dangerous depths, their names being sung to the rafters of every taverna and inn the length of the kingdom.

It is a land in dire need of heroes.

Unfortunately, what it has instead is you.


A raucous mob of lazy swindlers, low-life scoundrels, listless dabblers, and greedy Knaves. Gathered together under the banner of a Free Company, you are the dregs of the adventuring world. The cannon fodder of all battles, the dirty dozen pulled out of prison for desperate missions, you take the jobs no-one else wants. The ugly, necessary work that keeps the world turning and keeps you living from day to day… assuming it does not get you killed. What you lack in status, fame and power you make up for with cunning, luck and outright duplicity.

The Stolen Lands are a dangerous, tantalising place. Built atop the remains of a receding empire, it is the crucible of new ideas and the perpetual battleground between the great and good. A realm of powerful, squabbling lords and old rivalries. Of bold new technologies that may change the very nature of warfare, or just get a lot of people killed. Of lingering magics from ancient times, left behind by a receding Empire. And amidst it all, opportunity.


Storm a city's walls, or find a way to sneak through them. Defend a guild caravan moving through dangerous wilderness, or engage in a spot of banditry yourself. Choose which jobs to take and which lines you will not cross. Decide whether loyalty to your patron is worth more than the bribe you have been offered to betray him. There is work to be done, Knaves. Ugly, dishonest work.

But hells, someone has to do it.

  • 'KNAVES!' is a Picaresque Fantasy RP about scrappy mercenaries and puckish rogues getting in there, getting the job done and getting paid in a fantastical realm inspired by the Italian City-States of the 15th and 16th Centuries. Players will take on the role of sellswords bound together in a Free Company as they navigate the battles, intrigues and rivalries of a land as ripe with opportunities as it is rife with danger.
  • This will be a game about finding cunning solutions to difficult challenges and overcoming adversity through wit/underhanded tactics (delete as applicable), and navigating the many factions that may wish to help you, hire you or hurt you.
  • In addition to their characters, players will also have the opportunity to design City States, rival mercenary companies and other elements of the setting. I want this to be a highly collaborative story that players will have a great deal of influence over.
  • 'Picaresque' stems from the Spanish word "picaro", meaning "rogue" or "rascal". Think of stories about roguish heroes who don't fall within the bounds of the law but still do the right thing (should the mood take them). I'm going for a comedic, satirical tone: The Princess Bride rather than Game Of Thrones.
  • Whilst the world of the Stolen Lands has a decidedly Low Fantasy flavour (at least initially), this has not always been the case. More fantastical elements do lurk on the periphery, and though magic is rare it is a factor that must be considered.
    • Let me stress that 'Low Fantasy' does not mean 'Dark Fantasy'. The aim is for a whimsical, comedic vibe.
  • Key sources of inspiration include The Black Company stories by Glen Cook, Ash: A Secret History by Mary Gentle, The Princess Bride (book and film, they're both glorious), Flesh + Blood, and the absolutely wonderful Brancalonia RPG setting made by Acheron Games. Mount & Blade: Warband probably makes a showing in there somewhere, too.


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Welcome to the Stolen Lands. A vast peninsula of city states and grand battles, of powerful lords and ambitious knights. All of them fighting their great wars, delving dangerous depths, their names being sung to the rafters of every taverna and inn the length of the kingdom.

It is a land in dire need of heroes.

Unfortunately, what it has instead is you.


A raucous mob of lazy swindlers, low-life scoundrels, listless dabblers, and greedy Knaves. Gathered together under the banner of a Free Company, you are the dregs of the adventuring world. The cannon fodder of all battles, the dirty dozen pulled out of prison for desperate missions, you take the jobs no-one else wants. The ugly, necessary work that keeps the world turning and keeps you living from day to day… assuming it does not get you killed. What you lack in status, fame and power you make up for with cunning, luck and outright duplicity.

The Stolen Lands are a dangerous, tantalising place. Built atop the remains of a receding empire, it is the crucible of new ideas and the perpetual battleground between the great and good. A realm of powerful, squabbling lords and old rivalries. Of bold new technologies that may change the very nature of warfare, or just get a lot of people killed. Of lingering magics from ancient times, left behind by a receding Empire. And amidst it all, opportunity.


Storm a city's walls, or find a way to sneak through them. Defend a guild caravan moving through dangerous wilderness, or engage in a spot of banditry yourself. Choose which jobs to take and which lines you will not cross. Decide whether loyalty to your patron is worth more than the bribe you have been offered to betray him. There is work to be done, Knaves. Ugly, dishonest work.

But hells, someone has to do it.

  • What This Is
    'Knaves!' is a Picaresque Fantasy set in a fantastical world analogous to the Italian city states in the 15th and 16th Centuries. It is an RP about the rough and ready mercenary companies that make up the primary fighting forces of the Stolen Lands, a vast peninsula on the southern end of the setting's main continent divided into feuding (and often warring) city states.

    Who You Play
    You play the aforementioned mercenaries, known colloquially as "knaves" (no this is not a complimentary term). Knaves are the rabble that have made a business of war, rampaging across the peninsula on perpetual campaign - there's always a battle to fight and money to be made in this region of the world.

    Your characters are members of a relatively new Free Company operating in the Stolen Lands, representing the elite of their 'lance' (a group or unit of soldiers). Expert crossbowmen, pioneers of musket warfare, shock troops and pikemen, I want to give players free rein to decide the direction of their mercenaries and the style of soldier they are a part of.

    In the spirit of collaboration and integrating player ideas into the story, I also want to give you the opportunity to design other aspects of this world. There will be several slots open for player created City States, as well as the opportunity to design other Free Companies operating within the Stolen Lands.

    Where This Is Headed
    You provide some plucky mercenaries, rakish rogues and daring sellswords, detailing the lances they are a part of and the skills they bring to the table. I, in turn, will provide the challenges they face, the situations they have to deal with and the allies, acquaintances and enemies that make up the world of the Stolen Lands. Together, we will tell cool stories about cheeky scoundrels overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds, getting paid and maybe even performing a spot of heroics too (if the money is good enough).

    As a GM, I want to focus less on staking out a plot players may or may not be interested in, but instead to focus on creating interesting situations characters and NPCs can impact upon and influence. I want this to be a story of balancing rival factions, finding clever solutions to difficult problems, and raising hell up and down a world that lots of people have contributed to.

    The world of the Stolen Lands has been left purposefully broad. That's because I want to encourage players to help develop it and fill in the gaps - by leaning into collaboration and a spot of group worldbuilding I hope to create a setting that you all feel you have stakes in and a greater understanding of.

    What To Do From Here
    1. Decide that this RP is extremely very cool and that you're going to join.
    2. Have a gander through the Lore thread to get a feel for the vibe and tone of the setting.
    3. Read the Character Creation Guide for an idea of where to take things.
    4. Submit a Character in this thread.
    5. Submit a City State as well, cos you're just that creative. (Optional, first come first served)
    6. Submit a Free Company whilst you're at it. (Also Optional)
    7. Wait for Hecky to find a way to mess all of this up get things going when we have enough people involved.
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    • Only puckish rogues need apply. Your character is a sellsword willing to risk life and limb on the battlefield, not for a noble cause but for a mighty profit. That implies a certain kind of character.
    • 'Picaresque' stems from the Spanish word "picaro", meaning "rogue" or "rascal". Think of stories about roguish heroes who don't fall within the bounds of the law but still do the right thing (should the mood take them). I'm going for a comedic, satirical tone: The Princess Bride rather than Game Of Thrones.
    • Just because you're a 'bad guy' doesn't mean you're a bad guy. Your character might be a Picaresque Hero, but that's still a hero (after a fashion). Doing the right thing is absolutely allowed - it's just that your character's definition of "the right thing" might be quite at odds with the rest of society.
    • Knaves are infamous for their bravado, flamboyant dress sense and their tendency to loot everything not nailed down in an area (then pry up anything nailed). Your character can play to such a stereotype, or play against it.
    • To get a sense of the vibe of warfare we're talking, I think this scene from the movie Alatriste sells the idea of Pike & Shot battles pretty brilliantly. Kickass movie by the way, you should watch it.
    • For all I take my cues and inspirations from history, you are not bound to some rigid form of realism in this RP. Larger than life characters and the Rule Of Cool are very much welcome.
    Name: (Please provide any nicknames your character has earned in their time as a knave.)
    Appearance: (Images are ideal, if not then a very concise description.)

    Role Within Company: (In addition to their service on the field of battle, what else does your character bring to the company? Are they a surgeon or a chaplain? Do they organise logistics or lead scavenging parties?)
    Lance: (Describe your character's Lance, the group of soldiers they command or act as the spokesperson for. What role do they serve on the battlefield? Are they a larger unit of line infantry, or a smaller band of specialists?)

    Five Words: (Give five specific words that encapsulate the nature of your character, and don't elaborate on them further.)
    Skills: (Give up to four skills that your character has a knack for, and provide a brief explanation of them.)

    Character Connections: (Free Companies are close groups, and the people who serve in them come to know one another well. Please provide up to three connections between your character and other player characters that have been accepted. This could be anything from drinking buddies to bitter rivals and ex lovers. I don't expect you to have this section of your sheet to be completed right out of the gate: this is one that can be discussed and hashed out as we go.)

    City Name: (Provide the capital city of the region's name, and any nicknames/titles it may have acquired over the years.)
    Region Number: (Which region on the provided map is this City State meant to be?)
    Region Name: (What is this area of the Stolen Lands known as, collectively?)

    Ruling Family: (Describe, in brief, the noble family/families that control the City State. What was their rise to power, and how do they keep control now that they hold it?)
    Form of Rule: (Most states within the Stolen Lands vary between hereditary rulers and oligarchic "republics", but it varies from City State to City State.)
    Key Trade/Industry: (What the primary export of means of revenue creation the City State uses to stay afloat and cover it's expenses.)
    Interesting Facts: (Please provide around five or so details that offer an insight into the history and feel of this region of the world.)

    Relationship With Other Cities: (The dynamics between the various City States are fraught and ever shifting. Allies today might be bitter enemies tomorrow, and the opposite is equally true. That being said, certain sentiments and bitter grudges tend to ingrain themselves after a time. Please outline how you feel your City State behaves towards it's neighbours and rivals in the Stolen Lands. As ever, this is not something that must be established immediately: feel free to come back to it.)

    Company Name: (What the company is known as within the Stolen Lands.)
    Company Leaders: (Who is/are the Captain/s that lead the company? Provide a brief profile of them, no more than a sentence or two at max.)

    Specialisation: (Warfare comes in many forms in this day and age, leading many companies to focus on honing specific methods of it. Is the Company a dab hand at siege warfare, or do they focus on cavalry?)
    Reputation: (Every Free Company comes to develop prestige and/or notoriety amongst their fellow sellswords and the wider world. Is the Company known for it's honour and chivalrous behaviour to local populations during wars, or are they little more than bandits? What great victories have they won? What terrible atrocities might they have committed?)


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  • "Don't be so gloomy. After all, it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."
    - Harry Lime, 'The Third Man'

    Picture a land not unlike Italy, a jutting peninsula on the southern end of a continent with beautiful, sweeping landscapes and a temperate climate. Good. Now imagine an Empire ruled there in ages long past. Not a human empire, oh no. Mash the Roman Empire together with the Tuatha De Danann - a realm of inhuman lords and ladies, terrible magics and grievances that can stretch back centuries. Imagine humans as a subject people living under the thumb of these beautiful, terrible Alfir, bound to their alien whims and forced to serve at their leisure.

    Grand. Now just think what it might be like if those Alfir just up and left one day.

    No explanations, no 'back soons'. One day the Alfhaim Empire just recedes back to a remote corner of the world, taking their imperial majesty and their magic with them. Receding and leaving their human servants behind in all those lovely cities they just abandoned. Surely those humans would think to themselves, "well, if those guys aren't using them anymore it'd be a shame to let it all go to waste, right?"

    Thus the Stolen Lands are born, a patchwork of City States occupying the urban centres left behind by cruel masters. Centuries pass, human civilisation flourishes. Not just in the Stolen Lands, but elsewhere in the continent - everywhere humanity advanced to fill the absence left by the Alfir. Yet the Cities rapidly become an anomaly, distinct from the rest of human society: they zig where everyone else zags. No military class evolving into a feudal elite, instead a class of nobility more akin to a vastly powerful family business develops instead. A system of government that stays small and lean, yet wielding significant power due to trade power and cultural influence. All that power in the hands of such small cities, seemingly with no military to defend it. Someone is going to get jealous, right?

    Well, you'd indeed be right. That someone is the Kingdom of Capetia, a powerful feudal neighbour to the north of the Stolen Lands that crosses the Guglia Mountains with a vast army one year with the express intent of seizing the City States for their own. For a moment it looks as though the game is up for this strange outlier in the post-Alfir world. Desperation makes for strange bedfellows, and many rival cities band together in the face of a common enemy. They rally militias, and they put out the call: any freelance soldiers and warriors willing to fight under their banner shall be rewarded handsomely. More than a few such sellswords are willing to take up such an offer, but no-one is expecting much. A herd of milita and mercenaries against the great feudal army the continent has seen? A foregone conclusion, surely.

    Except the mercenaries and militias win.

    It is a brutal battle. The stuff legends are made of, though the legends tend not to mention the thousands left dead on the field, the thousands more maimed. Yet when the smoke clears and the blood stops running, it is the hastily organised armies of the City States that are still standing.

    A new era begins. The era of the Free Companies, mercenary armies that will fight for the highest bidder. An era of great military innovation and terrible military applications as an entire region of the world comes to grips with the fact that the battlefield has changed forever. And also to rapidly be forced to understand that mercenaries do not always make for the greatest of heroes.

    That is the Stolen Lands, in a nutshell. Welcome to the chaos.

  • "A battle that you win cancels any other bad action of yours. In the same way, by losing one, all the good things worked by you before become vain."
    - Niccolo Machiavelli, 'The Art Of War'

    The era of the armoured knight and the glorious cavalry charge, supported by masses of levied infantry, has come to an end. It did not die a natural death: it was murdered. Murdered by the pikes and muskets of mercenaries and militias, the prototypes of the Free Companies that now rampage across the length of the Stolen Lands and beyond. This murder heralds a new era, and a new kind of warrior has emerged - the professional soldier, men who have made a career of war, loyal only to those who can promise them glory and coin.

    • 'Knaves!' takes place in a time analogous to Europe in the late 1400s to the mid 1500s, with the military technology being broadly summarised as early 'Pike and Shot'
    • Within the Stolen Lands, pikes in the hands of professional soldiers have become the dominant piece of military hardware on the battlefield - massed formations can fend off everything from cavalry to other guys with long pointy sticks
    • New technologies, emerging from the underground halls of the Dvergar, include the cannon and early forms of musket - these too have made significant changes to the way battles are fought and wars are won
    • Cannons are notoriously difficult to build, use and maintain, requiring specialists to ensure their good working order - there is no standardised pattern to their creation, with each piece representing the quirks and preferences of the master gunner that made them
    • Muskets are slightly less challenging to create, but still require skilled engineering and are produced in many different styles (depending on the engineer making them) - they are used to augment a pike square with some ranged offence
    • Though the bulk of forces used in standing armies and mercenary companies are pikemen, specialist roles still exist
      • This is where your two-handed swords, halberds, skirmishers and other assorted battlefield roles come into play
    • All of this requires funding, skill and experience to put together and use successfully
    • And there's a saying in the Stolen Lands: why do something difficult when you can pay someone to do it for you?

  • "Hell, I'll kill a man in a fair fight... or if I think he's gonna start a fair fight, or if he bothers me, or if there's a woman, or if I'm gettin' paid - mostly only when I'm gettin' paid."
    - Jayne Cobb, 'Serenity'

    The Free Companies of the Stolen Lands are an anomaly, an anarchic puzzle that confounds any attempt at lumping them all into a single, easily digestible definition. A mix of professional soldier and borderline bandit; an honour-bound warrior who will keep their word even if it means death, yet also a crooked degenerate who will break their contracts at the slightest opportunity. It all varies from company to company. Broadly they follow a similar structure, several thousand men divided into 'lances' that fight under a common banner. Broadly they have the same goal, to get rich off the profits of war. And there is always a war to be found in the Stolen Lands.
    • Free Companies are the primary fighting force seen within the Stolen Lands, groups of several thousand freelance soldiers who have banded together to sell their fighting skills to the highest bidder
      • These "highest bidders", more often than not, are the nobles and powerful families of the City States
    • Each company has fostered its own reputation, culture and specialisation in warfare
    • These mercenaries, once seen as heroes and saviours, have spent the last century or so developing a reputation for unpredictable, wild and often dangerous behaviour - they have subsequently earned the less than complimentary nickname "knaves"
    • Not all of them are as raucous and dangerous as the stories told about them suggests, but shit has a way of sticking to everyone

    The Life of a Knave
    • At the head of the Company is the Captain, a "first among equals" who may or may not have been the one to found the group and provide the initial funding to hire on men - they are responsible for negotiating the Contracts that the group will carry out, decide on strategy, and some will take an active leadership role on the battlefield
    • Beneath them are the "Doppelsoldato" (or 'Double-Pay Men'), the experienced fighters and soldiers who make up the backbone of the company's forces - these Doppelsoldato commonly lead, or act as figureheads of, the 'lances' of soldiers that the company can be broken down into
      • Your characters, in other words
    • The men and women drawn to the life of a Knave are extremely varied - former men-at-arms, out of work guildsmen, hedge knights and impoverished nobles can all be found within their ranks
    • Wearing their wealth in the form of bright clothes, jewellery and fine equipment, knaves dress loudly and live even louder - theirs is a bon vivant approach to the world, for they never know which day might be their last