Yet Another Awkward Introduction

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Original poster
YAAI time, I suppose.

Hi there, ~Seren~ here, ~s optional. If that's a bit annoying, Sen or S will work. Always thought I had a knack for making worlds and characters. I bleeding suck at actual story, so there's a counterbalance, but I hope to improve while I'm here. The community here seems very friendly, and I have no reason to doubt it.

Current Listening Track: 'Deus Ex: UNATCO Return: Converstation' (Which is I guess sort of my theme, if we even have those around here.)
Gender: Male
Age: Ambiguous
Drink in desperate need of: I really, really, REALLY need my coffee with cream right now. :coffee:
Hoping to fit into this community and contribute with some haste.

The Letter is signed "Seren" with ~ on both ends of the name. You deduce this subject is a bit off-kilter due to his profile.
Greetings, new person Seren. I am only just starting to get back into role-playing. :) I hope you enjoy your stay here and find a suitable role-play for yourself. ^_^
Awww! You have Captain as your avatar <3 that's lovely! As for world building, we have a place for that!. We also have a place to improve your writing!

If you have any questions feel free to shout them out! :D Welcome to Iwaku! ^.^
Greetings Seren! >:D Welcome to the site!