World Walk

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When they reached the warehouse, Laurelle pointed out the abandoned building she had referred to earlier. "We're going in through there." She stepped up to the door and tried it. Predictably, it was locked. Whispering a basic spell, she created a long, thin object out of pure force, hovering in front of her. She plucked it from the air and carefully inserted it into the lock, feeling around for the tumblers. Laurelle didn't carry normal lockpicks anymore; her spellcasting was quiet enough that it was fine to simply create an unbreakable one on the spot. After but a moment, she was pleased to hear the telltale click of the lock admitting defeat. She pushed the door open, letting her lockpick wink out of existence, and furtively glanced around inside. It was empty. She padded silently into the building, motioning for her companions to follow. Searching until she found the stairs, she followed them upward, encountering noöne, until they reached the roof access.

Looking around to confirm that they were indeed alone and that nobody stood on the opposite roof, Laurelle lightly made the short jump, landing deftly on top of the warehouse. She looked around for the most convenient entrance.
Ah, there. She spotted a trapdoor next to a heap of stacked boxes. It seemed that the owner of the warehouse had begun to run out of space and had resorted to moving supplies to the roof. Not very intelligent of him, but that made her job easier. She stepped up to the trapdoor and knelt, looking silently behind her to Demi to confirm that it was safe to descend.


Lavender strode purposefully through the streets of Cygnus, her intimidating glare and imposing presence warding off the thugs and pickpockets, bottomfeeders who preyed on the careless at night. She displayed no weapon, but she didn't need to. She had the practiced, confident stride of a veteran and the demeanor of one who wouldn't hesitate to gut you if you got in her way. She ignored the people around her, making a beeline for a warehouse around the center of town. She had spotted Hawke with a few adventurer-looking types in the Inn, and while she couldn't catch much of the conversation, her suspicions had been confirmed a few minutes ago when they had left and traced the route she herself now took. She had silently stalked them at first, blending into the crowd. Lavender was relieved when the dark haired girl in the armor or blue-hair hadn't noticed her, since she was fairly sure they had made her back at the bar.

Reaching the warehouse, she threw open the front door. It was unlocked. Only a fool would try to go in through the front door if they were breaking in, and Damion's hired hands often came and went. There were only a few guards in the main room, of course. They were mostly concentrated around Damion himself, not here. "Listen up." She barked in a tone that brooked no questions. She was the senior here, and she was determined to make that clear. "Someone will be coming through here, soon. Tattooed blonde, some wannabe Estillian knight, and a girl with blue hair. Don't fuck this up." Having said her piece, she passed by them, taking a side door to continue through and warn the others.
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"Other side of the biggest room, one just moved higher," Demi whispered to Laurelle, her speech mostly telepathic. "Seems to be walking down a catwalk or something, counter-clockwise toward your side. Stay low and keep an eye on him while you go around." She hoped that that was enough information.


Seems that wannabe Estillian knights are in no short supply here, Taras thought, amused. "You guys get all that?" he called mockingly from the catwalk after climbing the ladder up to it, its wooden boards creaking under his weight. Several of the guards yelled insults at Taras, reminding him of squeaking rats looking down on them from this height. He began patrolling along the catwalks, tiny creaks following his every step, but it wasn't as though they were any louder than the guards' boots clopping on the floor below.
... A girl with blue hair. He thought of Demi. ... No. Blue hair's plenty common enough in Estillia, so it'll be common here too.
It took all his willpower to prevent himself from trying a divination spell on the spot to see who it was.
Got it. Laurelle answered with a thought. She cast a quiet spell on the trapdoor and carefully pulled it open. The spell masked it with an aura of silence, preventing any telltale creaks from alerting the guards. She lithely slipped inside, ignoring the ladder in favor of deftly dropping onto the catwalk below, her spell extending far enough so that she still made no noise. The railing obscured her, but not entirely. She cast a surveying glance across the room to check the positions of the few guards. None of them were facing toward her, but one, also on the catwalk but on the other side of the room, was dangerously close. She crept along to where a box sitting on the walkway would block his vision of her and looked for exits. There were two; one that was raised to meet the catwalk she stood on, and another on the ground level. From experience she knew that people with something to hide often hid them higher up, so she decided that the door closest to her was the best option. Taking a deep breath, she snuck out from the boxes, whispering a spell that, while it didn't make her invisible, made her inconspicuous. Anyone who happened to glance at her would be compelled to look away and forget they saw her, and if they did remember her, they'd decide she was of no consequence. Of course, it would fail if someone actively concentrated on her, but she would hopefully be moving too quickly for that.
"Someone else is moving through the complex at ground level now," Demi informed Laurelle, if the telepathy even still worked. "Seems to be passing through all the biggest parts of the building, so they'll probably head upstairs."
Then she concentrated on the burning of the little magical flame that was making the rounds on the catwalks, its magical noise so faint but still sounding so similar to the person she least wanted to run into.


"Goddammit," Taras murmured in boredom, not even noticing Laurelle even when she was relatively close to him. Walking on the catwalks was proving to be no less boring than hanging out on a box down below.
"Shut your damned mouth already, Estillian, and guard," the guard below him called.
"Oh, won't you give me a freaking break?" Taras mumbled, in a lower volume now. Apparently noise carried rather well in the large room, which really shouldn't have been surprising. "Guy thinks we're guarding a tomb or something..." The patrols were already scattered about haphazardly as if a child had ordered them at random to go every which way: it wasn't as though it could get any worse.
This land is ours, and we'll see it wiped clean, of the scourge that has sullied our hopes and our dreams... Taras played the lyrics of the patriotic Estillian song in his head as he absentmindedly began whistling it to himself quietly. It still made a bit of an echo in the huge room, but he didn't care at this point.
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Laurelle slipped past Taras (not realizing his identity) and carefully pulled the door open, first confirming with Demi there was noöne immediately on the other side. She shut it behind her, wincing a little as it made more noise than she intended. However, there were only two guards in this room, and neither seemed to have noticed. The problem was that one of them was standing directly in front of the only other door. The room itself seemed to be an unused office complex that had been converted to yet more storage. What's he got so much of that he has to turn every room into a glorified closet, anyway? Maybe she would get to investigate later. She slid behind a desk as a guard turned around, evading him. She counted seconds in her head, following an old rule of thumb that stated guards turned around after about ten seconds in their position. She had found it to be (mostly) true. Hitting ten, she stole a peek and confirmed that he'd moved away. Now she had to make her move. She broke cover and dashed as fast as she could while still being silent toward the moving guard. As he passed out of the sight of his companion, she came up behind him and cast her spell, reaching up and looping around his mouth to silence him. Her hand glowed blue, and as he struggled, the light grew into tendrils that encased him and solidified into gray stone. Satisfied, she moved her hand so it wouldn't catch her too. It would wear off in a few hours, but that was plenty of time. She hid again and planned her next move.
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Demi watched and listened as the blip of magical essence patrolling the catwalks drew close to a window— a glorified slit in the wall, really. The person inside appeared to be whistling: it was a song that Skye would recognise but she would not. She snapped her focus from that person back to where Laurelle was, a good deal further inside at this point. She wondered exactly where Laurelle's destination would be as the magical aura swelled for a split second, although it was only noticeable because Demi focused right on it. "Everything okay?" she asked, unsure whether or not to be concerned. Then she noticed someone ascending again and quickly appended her whisper with "Someone's coming upward: stairs, I think. Looks like they're going to enter on your right, so get out of sight of any doors." She was probably being a little wordy in telepathy, but she whispered quickly and clearly enough.

Taras made his rounds once again, the whistling fading from the window.
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"Had to deal with a guard in the way." Laurelle said. "I'm good." She snuck behind another desk, getting closer to her next target. The door opened, and the guard put a hand on his sword, turning around. However, it was just another guard. He stepped inside, nodding to his comrade. He looked around and began to make a round. Laurelle knew he'd find the man she'd left petrified. Knowing it was unavoidable, she whispered a spell. It blanketed the entire area in a zone of silence. It made magical noise, though. Even with her Weak connection, she knew the guards in the same room would hear it. Sure enough, they exchanged a glance and both drew weapons, stalking around and beginning to search the room.
Time to make a move. She thought
Laurelle jumped out of her hiding place, holding up her hand and casting a spell that engulfed both guards in shimmering radiance. They opened their mouths to scream, but no sound came out. Whispering a word that temporarily enhanced her strength, Laurelle charged the closest one and slammed her fist into his face. If sound was functioning, she would have heard a crack as his nose broke. He dropped. The other guard clumsily came at her, hindered by the light. She swept his feet out from him and kicked him in the head, knocking him out, although she had been careful to gauge the power she put behind the blow so that it wouldn't kill him. Letting her zone of silence drop, she padded out of the room, panting from the exertion of the several spells. But she would make it. The door led to a stairwell that went down, but there was another door to her right. Laurelle chose that route.

Lavender exitted the warehouse by a backdoor, having alerted the mercenaries there of the potential infiltration. Damion himself had just finished his report to her. She was just the messenger, however; she would convey it a step higher up to his ultimate employer. That employer had worked through her to conceal his identity. Lavender knew much about him, though. She should. He was fairly popular, after all. Looping back around and taking her original route, she noticed something wrong. There was an abandoned building next to the warehouse, only still standing becaue noöne had bothered to knock it down yet. The door was open, if only a crack. She distinctly remembered it being closed when last she passed it.
Her suspicions growing, she slipped inside and rested in the shadows by the stairwell, content to wait, for now.
Alarmed momentarily, Demi quickly composed herself again after noticing the magical essence of a person entering the building that she and Skye were at the top of. "Skye and I need to move," she warned Laurelle. "Someone's entered the building we're on. They might start heading up." She began moving along the roof of the building, slowly and deliberately, trying to keep focus on her divination, which was starting to wear on her.
"I'm heading to the warehouse roof. Other side from where you entered." She made up her mind: may as well get in place for the next step of the plan, however long it took for that to occur.
Laurelle cursed silently. Had someoned tailed them? She was usually good at keeping track of people in a crowd, but it seemed like that she had slipped up this time. She just hoped her mistake wouldn't be costly. "Got it, but don't take any unneccessary risks." She shot back to Demi.
The door she took led to a hallway lined with doors. Demi confirmed for her that only one of the rooms was occupied, with three people. Laurelle snuck up to the door, putting her ear to it and listening.
"Hawke was sloppy." A deep, male voice said. "We know his thugs are coming. We're in no danger."
"This isn't place isn't exactly well defended." A male voice with a heavy Alixien accent responded. "They could drop in on us anytime."
"We'd have heard them casting, noöne is here."
"Maybe you're not worried, but I'm the one with the target on my back! I have the damn papers."
That was all Laurelle needed to hear.
"... Oh my."
Abandoning the catwalks for the hallways had paid off after all. Taras was now standing in front of a guard who'd been seemingly turned to stone and was now leaning comically against the wall after an experimental tap from the pommel of Taras's sword. He soon came across two other guards, who had been felled a little more sloppily. "About time," Taras muttered to himself before casting a magic barrier over himself, which wasn't as strong as it could be as it shimmered in the air but would at least give him time to reäct should be be surprise-attacked with magic. And make a more comprehensive barrier if he needed to.
The thief was parked in front of Taras's clients' office, and he was impressed that she had made it that far. Well, no, not really. If I was still in Estillia, I might be. He whispered an incantation, and then...
"Hey there!" he called to the thief, barrier still up and sword brandished in both hands. "Whatcha doing?" The incantation he'd prepared before meant that a block of ice was now materialising itself on the other side of the hallway. Not enough to completely wall anyone off, but enough to get in the way.
Looking behind her quickly, Laurelle cursed herself again, this time for her carelessness. Abandoning subtlety, she cast one of her stronger offensive spells, raising her hand. The tattoo of a black sun glowed white and produced a searing glob of white fire that sprung across the hallway, tearing through the block of ice, even boiling the water out of the air before it could touch the ground. It kept going to collide with Taras' shield, splitting into a fan around the oval and pounding against it for but a second before dissipating. It hadn't quite broken the hastily crafted ward, but the shield was certainly weak now. "Skye! NOW!" She veritably screamed out in her mind.

Skye, already on the warehouse roof, put her spell into action. The loudest spell she could think of that didn't involve consuming the building in a tornado or causing her to pass out was translocation. Focusing on her magical awareness of Laurelle's location, she spoke the incantation in a rapid-fire fashion, grabbing Demi's arm to carry her along. Maybe I should have warned her... Oops. As she finished her chant, she and the lightning mage blinked out of existence, to reäppear in the hallway with Laurelle and Taras, instantly transmitted the short distance.

The sound rocked the world.

Or at least it seemed to. Laurelle stumbled back, seeing double and leaning on the wall on the support. And she was expecting it. It felt like the building itself should have collapsed. If magical eardrums could burst, Skye had just obliterated everyone's in a two mile radius. The wind mage stumbled herself, but more from the sudden wave of tiredness than anything else. She'd recover quickly, but translocation was still one of the single most tiring things you could do in one spell. The only thing that let her take it was the very short distance she'd warped.
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Taras rushed forward with blade outward— or at least, he had been until a spell, a very loud one, seemed to blow his mind out for a second. Leaning against a wall, he wasted no time and began muttering another barrier incantation... Until Demi appeared right before him.

"... Demi?" His mouth remained open in disbelief. "And Skye! How did the two of you end up..."

Demi was in borderline shock as she was transported by Skye underneath the roof and into a cramped hallway to face the person she had been dreading meeting again. She shrunk back against Skye as her arms wrapped tightly around her comrade.

"This— isn't an illusion, is it?" Taras asked, knowing that an illusion of his friends would be absolutely inexplicable to find cast by some random thief. His sword having since been lowered, he experimentally reached out his unarmed hand. "Demi, how've you been? Please, say something..."

Demi yelled an incantation in response, letting go of Skye and holding her staff in front of her. Although her incantation wasn't concentrated at first, the new staff did not disappoint, its silver discharging a blinding shower of sparks that forced Taras to cover his face with a forearm before the spell finally materialised into bars of electrical currents running across the hallway in a barrier.
"STAY THE FUCK AWAY, TARAS!" she screamed before following up with a fire spell, just as messy as her previous one but this time intentional as various bits of the architecture caught fire. The flames wouldn't last, but they would hopefully keep him busy as they scattered around the warrior, who had fallen back onto his elbows in shock and was getting to his feet again. He renewed his barrier, still utterly confused.
"Wait, you know this guy?" Laurelle said, surprised. "Well, it doesn't matter. It doesn't like you're on good terms."
Skye was just as surprised, but equally confused. "Taras, how did you end up here?"
Ignoring her, Laurelle said. "Demi, Damion's in here." She jutted a thumb toward the door beside her. "Get him." Hawke had left them a physical description of their target, so Demi could probably manage on her own. Then she cast another spell, creating a light wall in the hallway, seperating her and Skye from Taras and the three guards who had just flooded into the room, drawn by the sounds of magical combat.

Skye was feeling a little offended at finding herself on opposite sides from a fellow knight, although at whom she didn't know. She drew her sword as Laurelle cast her wall, testing her hand with a quick whirl, making sure she had recovered from her spell. "Taras, the hell are you doing here? You're doing mercenary work?" The last sentence was dripping with venom and accusation.

Demi would find Damion guarded by a familiar bulky man; the second bouncer from the Inn. In addition, there was a shorter, wiry guard carrying a dagger. They were all still in shock from Skye's spell and unwarded, so easy targets.
"Because I would rather not starve when I go searching for my comrades and find a fortress full of dead bodies!" Taras replied to Skye's accusation. "They said they needed someone to ward off thieves. I didn't know that that meant you." He sighed, shrugging. "Look, we're on the same side now, so let me help you for the time being. Seeing how I can't get through here, I'll go distract the guys downstairs." He began walking back cautiously, as if Skye was a threat with the wall of lightning between them. She probably was.
"And I'm not sure how you met, but take care of Demi." With that he let himself leave the room to go back downstairs.

Demi nodded and prepared another spell immediately. Despite Taras's presence, she would finish the job. She started with a large bolt of lightning that forked out to strike anyone in the area, momentarily paralyzing them for a split second longer. Enough for her to rush Damion and get him in a choke-hold.
The other guards turned on Taras as soon as he let it known that he had changed sides. He turned to find three of them had just entered the room. The one who had complained at him earlier raised his hand axe to strike, but was blown off his feet as Skye intervened. Warded by Laurelle, she had jumped through the wall of light to stand beside him. Making no comment, she parried an attack from the second guard, catching it with her blade and pushing until she knocked him off balance. She stabbed him in the chest, trying to ignore the spurt of blood as she kicked him back and he fell. The remaining two came at them again. And more would arrive soon.

The burly man guarding Damion managed to shrug off the electricity after but a second, and he punched Demi in the stomach as she rushed to her target. He raised his axe, but suddenly screamed as his form was wracked with unspeakable agony. He dropped his weapon and dropped to the floor, writhing. Laurelle entered the room. Her daggers were in her hands, and she leapt towards the remaining guard. He parried her first swing, the sound of metal on metal filling the air, but her second weapon was an advantage. She took him in the stomach with it while he was focused on her first attack, then ripped it out. He stumbled and fell, clutching the wound. She cast a quick spell that caused the blood to clot so he wouldn't bleed out, and turned to Demi. As she did so, Damion warped. She could feel his thought lingering in the air as he left for his plane. Laurelle followed him.

She found herself standing on a wide, steep, rocky surface. It was obvious she was on a mountain. Looking down, all she was clouds. Looking around, more mountains. There was a cave across from her that Damion was fleeing into. She instinctively tried to block his path with thought, but it seemed that altering this dimension was harder than that. Instead, she cast a ribbon of light that spiraled around and chased him into the darkness of the tunnel.
"Well aren't you guys the excitable bunch," Taras muttered in reäction to the guards finding him out on the spot. He had hoped to cause some confusion first, but things couldn't always be perfect. He feigned a sword strike before kicking his opponent instead, turning to meet the other guard's axe with the sword instead, the light axe providing meager resistance against the weight of the curved blade. He dodged back to the other one who was getting up, bringing the sword down onto the guard's head. The guard had a helmet on, but a chilling crushing noise could still be heard.
Nodding at Skye, Taras approached the entrance to the large main room of the warehouse to see a more magically-inclined guard flinging a fireball at him from a catwalk. Half dodging, half letting his barrier take the blow, Taras muttered an incantation to materialise a slender spear of ice in his off-hand, throwing it at the guard. He knew that the guard would dodge, but it would give him time to take cover behind a box.

Cringing from the punch for a moment, Demi realised just how lucky it was that she'd happened to acquire that light armor earlier in the day, although it already seemed like a day ago. Gotta figure out the place's basics first, she thought as she experimentally thought There's a bridge leading to the cave from here. Nothing. "There's a bridge leading from the cave to here," she murmured experimentally, wondering if this was one of those crazy speech-malleable dimensions as she experimentally did a little jump in place to test the gravity.
Finally, she concentrated and cast a glob of ball lightning to roll down the cave, and she waited to see if the lightning would even appear at all.
The fire-using guard sidestepped the icicle, then cast a rather loud spell that caused the box Taras was hiding behind to burst abruptly, showering the area in...rice? Indeed, the box was filled to the brim with sacks of rice that had also burst, sending it everywhere. The guard followed it up by sending the catwalk itself on fire, blocking off either side around Taras. Before he could cast anymore, however, he was blown off the catwalk as Skye attacked, and he hit the ground with a thud. As he struggled to get up, she formed wind into an almost palpable blade and send it careening toward the second guard in the room. It cleaved through his leather armor and ripped his chest, causing him to stagger and clutch the wound. She followed it up by tossing him bodily into the air and slamming him into the ceiling. He didn't move again after landing.

A bridge appeared obediently in front of her when Demi spoke, confirming the dimension's malleäbility. The lightning did indeed appear, but it was weakened and sputtered out before reaching its target. Taking note of that, Laurelle dashed across the bridge, casting a quick spell to enhance her speed. Her spellcasting was catching up with her, however, so she wasn't as fast as she would have liked.

Damion was terrified. What sort of devilry was that sound? He had never heard a magic noise that loud. It was absurd! It had almost knocked him off his feet, and soon after, he had been attacked by two of the people that Lavender had described. Cursing, he was running down the tunnel when a ribbon of red light caught him in the shoulder. His shirt instantly caught alight, burning his arm. He screamed, struggling to pull the flaming garment off as he ran. By the time he finally succeeded in doing so, he was keenly aware of the tatooed girl gaining speed on him. "Damn it!" He said aloud, and in response to his words, a wall of stone blocked the passage between them. The light mage, however, had caught on. She responded by yelling something he didn't understand, and the wall dissolved. He pushed his legs, running faster. If he could get to his hideout, he'd have a chance.
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Oh, of course! THERE'S the food I was looking for all this time, Taras thought irritatedly as rice rained down on him. The rest of his barrier was consumed by the blast, winking out of existence as wood chips pelted his armor. He got up and leaped to ground level, slowing his descent with a wind spell that was barely more than a cantrip.

"There's a hole ten meters ahead of me," Demi said, thinking fast as she guessed the distance between her and the fleeing Damion. "Threemetersdeephalfwayfullofsyrup!" she continued, saying the first thing that came to mind as something cumbersome and hard to get out of and wondering how obediently the dimension would obey her commands as she prepared a fire spell, intending to find out which type of magic worked best here.
The prone guard rose, picking his greatsword back up and rushing Taras. However, Skye stepped between them, raising her gauntleted hand and speaking a word, creating a wall of whirling wind that deflected the blade in mid flight and sent it spinning backwards. Its wielder, however, managed to keep a sturdy hold on it. Skye followed up with a underhand stab, knocking aside the intercepting sword with her indestructable Focus. Her opponent, however, sidestepped and cast another spell, flinging a storm of force-created blades at her. Skye was forced to lunge out of the way, the few that did hit her bouncing off her heavy armor. The rest flew past Taras into a wall. She let herself hit the ground, rolling and yelling a spell that propelled her back to her feet. She wobbled a little, gaining her balance again, and almost lost her head as the guard swung again. She ducked and slashed, leaving a bleeding gash in his side where his breastplate didn't cover. Ignoring the wound, he struck again and again, forcing her on the defensive as she parried with her gauntlet, the unbreakable material deflecting the blade backward through the air. She tried to find an opportunity to get another hit in, but was pushed back slowly but steadily, her opponent using his greater reach to overwhelm her. To even the playing field, she blasted him back with a wind spell. He parried it with a quick ward spell as she spoke, allowing him to keep his footing, but he still slid back a healthy twenty feet.

Taras found himself facing the final two guards (besides Skye's opponent) that had reached the main room. One carried a longspear, the other a sword and shield. They both had warding magicks active, having prepared before entering the room. Behind him, the catwalk's ropes gave up under the assault of the fire, causing the structure to collapse to the floor and cast embers around him.

Demi's fire spell had roared to life, as strong as usual. It appears the dimension didn't affect fire.

Damion's eyes widened in surprise as a hole opened in the ground in front of him. He sputtered, trying to close it, but his momentum carried him into the pit. The sticky, pasty liquid inside was strangely warm and slowed his movements like molasses. It burns!

Laurelle caught up to her quarry as he fell into Demi's trap. She readied a light spell and stood over him. "Don't speak a word or I'll break your face." She said bluntly. "Where are the research papers you stole? Tell me telepathically."
"T-they're deeper in the cave, on a desk, in my house..." He managed to whimper despite the message being silent. "Please don't hurt me..."
Having no further use for him, Laurelle spoke a word and banished the syrup, then smashed him in the back of head with a bolt of force. He quivered and fell, unconscious.
Taras cast a spell to envelop his sword in ice, which normally would probably not be a healthy thing to do to a sword, but his focus was an impervious sword for a reason. He beckoned the guards mockingly, the one with sword and shield stepping forward to try a stab attack. Taras swatted the smaller sword out of the way with his own, bracing himself against the enemy's shield and yelling another wind spell to blow him off of his feet. However, the spearman advanced on Taras before he could bring his sword crashing down on the shield-bearing one. He winced as he was struck with the spear, which only barely pierced him between parts of his armor but still shot a stinging pain through his back, causing him to fall onto the shield soldier, whom he attempted to bash in the head with the pommel of his sword but was met with resistance. The guard tried to roll Taras over, but was utterly outmatched in terms of weight as his arms gave way and the pommel came down. It was no sooner than that that Taras felt himself singed by the heat of some more fire magic, and he started to summon another barrier as he rolled over to recover, his magic already taking a toll on him.

Demi trailed behind Laurelle, slowing her pace a little now that they weren't chasing someone, and kept a lookout for anything eminently in the tunnel, such as houses.
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