World Of Potter EU/DK/US

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Original poster

Hello all, I would like to inform you that World of Potter is a Roleplaying site where you can roleplay in forum topics! You can also owl others and do homework written by teachers. There is also jobs like Plot team, Librarians, Prefects,Journalists,Assistant teachers, Social media teams, ! and more importantly the house cup! and much more! WoP is looking for more members for the EU site and danish site. Which can be found at and


*ability to become a student at Hogwarts
*attend classes *submit homework *various places to RP
*world chat *Club Activity *House Cup *There is also so much more for you to discover when you enter your adventure at world of Potter


APPLYING FOR JOB INFO: We are also currently looking for members ready to join the American site which will be coming soon!

We are also looking for new teachers for the American site, If your interested you can go to the EU site and owl River Kensington who will be the Headmaster of the American site, Who will be happy to answer all your questions on the job and site and what the job would involve.

River's Profile: (You can then send owl by going to his profile then clicking send owl and then say your interested! )


Hello all, I would like to inform you that World of Potter is a Roleplaying site where you can roleplay in forum topics! You can also owl others and do homework written by teachers. There is also jobs like Plot team, Librarians, Prefects,Journalists,Assistant teachers, Social media teams, ! and more importantly the house cup! and much more! WoP is looking for more members for the EU site and danish site. Which can be found at and


*ability to become a student at Hogwarts
*attend classes *submit homework *various places to RP
*world chat *Club Activity *House Cup *There is also so much more for you to discover when you enter your adventure at world of Potter


APPLYING FOR JOB INFO: We are also currently looking for members ready to join the American site which will be coming soon!

We are also looking for new teachers for the American site, If your interested you can go to the EU site and owl River Kensington who will be the Headmaster of the American site, Who will be happy to answer all your questions on the job and site and what the job would involve.

River's Profile: (You can then send owl by going to his profile then clicking send owl and then say your interested! )

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