When did you feel like an Adult?

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When I hit 18, I did not feel like an adult. I felt like a kid who was suddenly going to university and thinking about bills. Now that I am nearing my mid-twenties, even though I have finished post-secondary and am now working what people call "a real job", I still don't really feel like I've become an adult or entered adult society. I don't feel any more mature or responsible than I used to be, or like people respect me as they would an adult.

For those who are younger, do you feel the same? Or do you feel as though you are an adult right now?

For those who are older, do you feel like an adult yet? If you do, when do you think it started/what life milestones prompted that feeling?
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I am 40 years old and I STILL don't feel like this mysterious "adult" everyone talks about. >:[ But now I have figured out that is cause I am autistic on top of being a screwed over millennial, and I didn't get the How to Human manual.

What I HAVE noticed is that the way I look at other people and perceive the world around me is very different now than what it was in my 20s. O_O They always feel like "young people problems" and I catch myself doing that world weary sigh and eye roll that adults do. 😂 I THINK I CROSSED OVER INTO BEING AN ACTUAL ADULT.

My advice to people is that being "adult" means taking care of yourself properly and knowing how to respect yourself, your space around you, and other people. O: If you can't take care of yourself, you can't take care of others. And nobody likes an asshole.
Once I realized that people were dependent on me for their well being, financial and otherwise. Having to make decisions that were bigger than myself and making silent sacrifices so that my fam could have a better life. These are the things that happened that really pushed me into what society calls 'Adult'.

Then again, I am still a kid in a lot of ways. AIN'T NEVER GROWIN' UP!

Also, randomly posting on Iwaku after 10 years makes me feel old af.
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Also, randomly posting on Iwaku after 10 years makes me feel old af.
What is this "adulting" that you speak of
When I was about 16, I think. I had to start being independent at a young age so I could run away from home and survive it. xD
I am reminded of a song:

Anyways I'm just a giant kid who's trusted with sharp objects and a real job. You're never REALLY an adult.
Like a few mentioned, I as well don't feel quite an adult yet. 🤣 Like I'm doing all of the adult things, but yet I feel like I'm just pretending that I know how to adult and hope it doesn't crash and burn and come back at me? It is only when family members try to tell me what to do, or how I should live my life that I go: 'F it, I'm an adult.' Otherwise I definitely feel it is a lot of make-believe.
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i grew up havin to do adult things and make adult choices for those that needed me, so prolly around like 13-14


i deadass still be lookin for older adults when i need help tho // i am NOT tHAT qualified
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I still don't feel like an adult c:
I am very bad at it. I just wanna write and play video games all day and snuggle with my dogs and collect plushies and Legos!!!
I don't think I'll ever feel like the definition of what an adult is. But I think... when I moved away from everyone and everything I've ever known in the Northeast to the Midwest (last year) I felt like I finally 'made it' I suppose. Like I was forced to do things on my own and not end up used, treated like a baby, thinking for myself. Even the occasional knocked down a peg by my partner like "Hey, you don't know everything" kind of situation (in a healthy way). It feels nice to be that kind of adult. Accepting and learning without being stuck in negative space where I was treated like a child.
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I'm an adult?
Sometime after college. After I was married and was living on our own and paying our own bills. Especially felt like an adult once I was pregnant with my first child. So...somewhere in my mid twenties. I'm done adulting though. Can I go back now?