What's your ideal house temperature?

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Memento Mori
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When you are inside, what do you consider to be the perfect temperature? For me, I think around 50F degrees is perfect. It's not too cold, or too warm. And I can still cuddle under blankets if I want, which is the comfiest place to relax imo. But, what temperature do you like in your house?
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I don't know if you meant 50 F or 50 C, but both of those sound tough D:
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I hope they mean 50F. 50C = 122F is unbearable.

I like 70F
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I like it to be cold in my home. Anywhere between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit will feel perfect to me~
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15C - 20C is the ideal indoor temp for me
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Last winter the advised indoor temp was 18°C... I went with 19 cause I'm a rebell :3

No, seriously... depends on my activity... 19 is enough for most stuff... and in case I got cold/chilly, I threw on a hoody and all was good.
For.. ehm.. activities without clothes.. I tend to crank up the radiator to 23-25°C
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*cry-laughs as i open up googles C to F thingy*

in an ideal world, about 67-69 F (19-20 C ???) but living in florida id die from a heart attack upon opening the electric bill,,,
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*cry-laughs as i open up googles C to F thingy*
Hahaha, same. I have no idea what any of the Celsius temps mean. I think in 7th grade they had just ONE lesson on how to convert F to C but that's really all they did. Nothing stuck. xD
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Are y'all for real? I'm a Canadian and I love cold temperatures, and I've been sad for more than a decade because I've been edging south and winters aren't what they used to be. But damn, when indoors is that cold, it's literally death by a thousand cuts. It saps all of my energy. I swear I can feel my cells slowing down. Maybe I should put on more than just boxers ...
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when outside brutally hot, inside must be brutally cold, i know no other way 😤
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I like being covered in layers of clothes unlike the heathens here who admitted walking around naked. 16 degrees Celsius is just fine for me. That is about 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The same goes for the damn weather. It shouldn't grow any hotter than 25 degrees Celsius and no colder than 10 degrees Celsius.
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I am at my BEST in the 50-60 F range! I even LOVE IT when it's colder than that, but then I get too cozy and might not get out of my nest.

Hot weather makes me physically sick. ;_; But since air conditioning is a pricy bitch in the height of out southern/midamerica summers, I keep my thermostat between 68F to 72F.

Needless to say I spend a lot of the summer season being a tired slug
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