What’s your favorite thing about your hometown?

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Memento Mori
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When you think about your hometown, what is your favorite thing about it?

In my case, we have a famous restaurant named Dicks. And it's always childishly hilarious taking visitors there for the first time.
I really enjoy a lot of the local businesses that are still in business! They give a nice personalize feel to the town
The closest place that I have to a hometown is the city in which I spent half my childhood in, but the thing that I love the best about that place is probably the park near the water, where there are several petting zoos spread across and a hill of which my dad once pushed my brother off when teaching him to ride his bike. It is nice and quiet there, but still bustling off life while also managing to feel secluded and secure enough that you can hide away there. I don't know if that park still exists.
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It's much more affordable here to rent and buy property than it is in many other parts of the state I live in.
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My city was ranked the unhappiest city in my country which I think is really funny lol

More seriously my favourite thing is this conference that runs every year at the university where they bring in middle school students who are going into high schools with high drop-out rates to talk about their post-secondary options! I went as a kid in grade 8 (and was also in many similar programs I think my teachers just really wanted me to graduate lol?) and now that I am in university I've taken various roles in running this conference from leading a group of kids and this year I am planning the conference, which is a little stressful but really fun!! I look forward to it every year :) Besides that I don't really go out lol so idk what else to say about my city
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I grew up in a bigass apartment complex that felt like a ghetto village in the middle of a metro city area 😂 In it's GOOD days it had three pools and two kid parks with sand and playground equipment. And I could walk through this tiny wooded area (where teens and druggies prolly hung out) to shortcut to the gas station to buy snacks. We had an icecream man that was really cool and always gave me a bag of free candy along with my coke + pint of ice cream I always bought O:
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The quiet. The peace. The scenery.
I live literally in the middle of the woods, lol. Have been here all my life and I cannot see myself really ever wanting to go anywhere else, at least nowhere too far away.
I live about a 10-15 minute drive outside of a town with a population of about 800 people that would probably be considered my "hometown" then. It's where I went to school, where most of my friends lived, where I spent most of my free time that wasn't at my house.
About 30-40 minutes further from there is the "city" with a population of about 11,000. There are just no big cities around and, when I visit them, I get easily overwhelmed with the crowds and the noise and all the traffic. I'm definitely a humble country bumpkin and I love the quiet!
I miss the Afghan scenery and my gypsy family.
The boats and the salty water. <3 The thriving patches of nature. The magicalness of the forests I roamed.
I miss it so much.