What were your best and worst roleplay experiences?

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  3. One post per week
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  1. Give-No-Fucks
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  1. Male
  2. Female
I'm going to preface this by saying that you should not name and shame anyone, just talk about your own experiences. I'd recommend leaving out any information that could identify them. Change names or just use generic stand-in words.

Now for mine. My best was probably a Pokemon mystery dungeon roleplay that lasted over five years on a different site before we came to the juicy conclusion. All the characters grew so much. My partner even had a long term betrayal from one of the main cast that didn't come off as forced or cheesy, and the character had become like family to the rest of the cast even though they'd been an agent of the main antagonist the entire time. My partner was also very accommodating when it came to allowing me to have odd characters and playing off them well. Was a cast of a:
1. Comedic stupid and heroic guy who was also a huge mama's boy (mine)
2. Super adaptive multiple personality (which was played well, kudos to my partner)
3. Tiny and chaotic but too adorable to hold accountable for their misdeeds (mine)
4. Analytical stoic genius who was usually keeping the rest of the team out of trouble by injecting logic (partners)
5. Weirdo who never sleeps and was basically a living toon, claimed to be a ninja but made up the rules of ninjahood as he went along. These rules retroactively became common knowledge among all ninjas. He has extensive knowledge of the works of HP Lovecraft and Cthulhu lives in his bulb, which is much bigger on the inside like a Tardis. He's aware of the fourth wall. He can digivolve too because his grandpa was a digimon. Basically the "My guy can do that too but better" kid on the playground. You know... that kid. He's a Bulbasaur, this is an important detail for later. He's also very inconsistent and surprisingly easy to beat sometimes, so he didn't derail the whole thing. (Mine, and big props to my partner for allowing him)
6. And the secret infiltrator mentioned above (partners)

Basically it went on for a long time until we ran out of ideas for side missions and all the characters' stories had been thoroughly explored, their goals met, and we had to have the big confrontation that led to saving the world. They're still some of my all time favorite characters.

And on the other end of the spectrum was also Pokemon.

I was using a lucky idiot close to the beginning of their pokemon trainer journey. They have hopes and dreams, flaws, fears, happy and sad memories that could be mentioned in the right circumstances, a fleshed out backstory with family connections, custom artwork, haven't won a single badge. They are very uneducated in pokemon, but think they are an expert, so much so that they threw their pokedex away for "lying" to them. They have two pokemon they caught themselves because the professor didn't have any more starters. They wanted a Bulbasaur, but nobody was supposed to know that. It was a little detail hidden in the character sheet.

Dude threw me a blank slate that is the literary equivalent of an unseasoned microwave potato. Super uncommon name taken straight from a Square Enix game, design yoinked off of deviantart, "mysterious" past, and also they're the pokemon league champion on two regions, got more badges than a dozen eagle scouts. Their team is all final form starters and legendaries.
Sure. I'm adaptable. You can go ahead and be this guy. It's not canon, I'm not pretending it is... they'd have to vacate that title if they're not defending it though, but I'll let that go.

They casually mention that no matter what kind of character development or training happens, their character won't lose a battle to mine (or any NPCs) ever. Well, get a load of Hulk "that doesn't work for me, brother" Hogan over here.
I say that's really lame and removes all illusion of tension and danger. Instead of adjusting this unstoppable god of pokemon, they offer to just not have our characters ever battle once mine gets good. Fine, battles aren't the main focus here, it's the journey.

The character immediately starts trying to correct my character misidentifying their pokemon, and not politely either. The same correction that landed a pokedex in a lake. Naturally, this doesn't go well and my character isn't impressed with their pokemon knowledge. It's almost like stupid people don't like to be told they're stupid. They follow my character and try to coach them through their first gym battle. My character loses, because I don't want them to just waltz in off the street in their first week of training and beat a certified professional. Gym leaders are only easy in games, in canon they're experts who mastered a type. Their character tries to let them borrow one of their champion pokemon. My character refuses because they feel they can win on their own. They're confused as to why my character isn't warming up to them, because their character is so cool and mine is so not.

Their character gives mine a Bulbasaur. I say OOC that that's abuse of meta knowledge, and that them wanting a pokemon they can't have was their beginning of making it work with what they have.
They insist that their character would figure it out, because they're good at reading people and my character seems like the type to have picked Bulbasaur. Well, okay.

The Bulbasaur speaks fluent English, claims to be a ninja, is aware of the fourth wall, and has extensive knowledge of the works of HP Lovecraft (Sound familiar?)
Partner loses their shit OOC and calls me stupid, says I know nothing about Pokemon, and mentions how dumb it is that my character didn't even fall in love with theirs.

Like dude, with all the bs you just pulled on me you should let it go. If I want to bring in an actual digimon, a couple power rangers, Vegeta, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, and have the whole story turn out to be a film directed by Michael Bay, that's still less bogus than the steaming river of crap I just waded through.
Hmm.. let's see my favorite was a story of the demon and werewolf I did with a person on another site. He was the best partner I ever had he inspired me in the story we wrote for months. It could have been a book we went through so many events. Unfortunately, he got too busy at this job and we lost touch I wish I could find him.

Anyway, the worst was on another site was working on a story and did a couple of replies. He came along one day and message me saying he didn't want to continue. He said he wasn't connecting with the story so he just wanted to stop. He never tried to make things better he just left. It made me feel bad and like I wasn't enough. But eventually, I got over it.
I have had many favorites over the years! At one point it was about a queen and the commander of her army she ends up falling in love with. I've been writing it since 2014. Still going, its just off Iwaku at the moment. It doesn't have its same draw like it used to. The responses are much smaller than they once were. I wish we had those details and thoughts back but alas, my partner's life has changed and he can't post like he used to. I'm glad the story continues though.

Current fave is one about a down on his luck dude and the sister of his best friend he ends up falling in love with. It's so detailed, so much back story, so much dialogue and inner thoughts and workings. I feel like I genuinely know this character. Love him.

I've have had a few bad apples. People who ghost or just ridiculous things. Even had someone try to control my actual main character and tell ME what to do with her. Ended that real quick.

It's all part of the RP process. You have some good, you have some bad and hopefully you end up with a partner that you enjoy and create amazing stories in the process.
Honestly I consider many of my best RP experiences to be the people I've met with and interact on here-- there's rarely been a 'bad' one, and even then it's mostly just cases where I was super invested in the RP and they ghosted (which I don't mind, but still really sucks when you're craving the plot bad lol)

Easily though my worst experience was on a different site. For the sake of keeping it PG, let's just say my partner insisted at one point to give my character certain... *ahem* "Enhancements" to his "equipment" that went well and beyond both my personal limits and the realism we had established for that plot. When I tried to politely correct this behaviour, they got upset, said I was "ruining the fun", and then proceeded to write my character's "upgrade" failing and resulting in him going to the hospital. At that point I was like "yeah I'm sorry but this isn't gonna work" and dropped the RP.

tl;dr-- My worst partner GM'd my character in an NSFW way, and then tried to send him to the ER when I complained.
I'd say I have a lot of good experiences! That's why I'm still kicking around. Most role-players (at least on Iwaku) are pretty chill and have great ideas. I always have a blast when GMing.

As for the bad experiences, well--sometimes you're going to get bad apples. You'll get people who start shit or make everything about themselves, or don't like being told no and then proceed to threaten you for it. But that gets shut down pretty fast.

My absolute favorite though is when one dickhead role-played with me, ghosted, assumed a completely different persona, tricked me into doing another role-play, ghosted again, assumed yet ANOTHER identity, followed me to a different website, ghosted me again, then... plagiarized my role-play. Crazy stuff.
Best experience has been with a friend I met on here many years ago. We've been plotting and writing together for like...I dunno, at least 10 years. We've built multiple worlds together with multiple stories in them. Even plan on a cross-over event for some of our characters. It's so much fun. We have 5 different worlds we've built and we're always coming up with new ways to flesh it all out.

Really though all my RP partners are the best. <3 I love y'all so much. Thanks for everything you do. It's been a pleasure meeting some new friends and coming up with stories together.

The worst involved someone writing graphic abuse toward my character, without my consent. x__x; And that's after I told them 'no' already. They did it anyway! I'm so much warier about who I write with since then. I've had quite a few bad situations but that one was the worst for sure.
I have to say, despite everything, RP has had an overall positive influence on my life. I don't think I would have been where I am with my writing without it— I think I would still write, but I know my style would be quite different—and I've met so many wonderful people through it. I wasn't on Iwaku until recently, but I did RP on a lot of different forums, some of them RP forums based on one premise and some of them RP sub-forums on forums not entirely dedicated to RP (think video game forums and such). I made forums of my own, I ended up staff on others' forums. It was all a way for me to be social as someone who...to this day, is a bit distant and quite anxious socially, and I am so glad I was brave enough to jump into the RPs I did—I would have never made the friends I have without doing this!

I was delaying posting in this thread because I knew I would start getting really sentimental. I don't have a good enough memory to really go into detail with some of my best experiences. I really wish I had saved at least a summary of some of my past really long-term roleplays that I basically met some of my best friends in the world in. And as for Iwaku, I have only had positive experiences so far, everyone I have spoken to has been great so far!

My worst experiences? It happened a long time ago and I don't really want to talk about in detail. But what I can say it made me hesitant in wanting to RP again, at least with people who weren't friends, for a while.
There isn't a single experience that sticks out for me, but my best experiences are always when an RP gives me so much inspiration that I can barely stop thinking about it. Like with stories and characters I think of when I listen to certain songs, or events that happen that add a whole new layer of development to my character. They're the sort of RPs that even when they inevitably die out, I still think about them from time to time. It's a lot of fun to see how an RP like that can shape one of my characters for the next RP I might use that character in.

Worst experience was...eh. I've been pretty lucky when it comes to finding respectful and kind writing partners. I'm not bothered by things like ghosting, or someone suddenly changing their mind about writing with me. I've done the same myself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It's when my personal life is invaded that I start to have a problem. Back when Skype was popular I made an account to chat with an RP partner I had just met on another site. It snowballed pretty fast into us talking over face cam, which I wasn't at all used to but he seemed pretty cool at first. Unfortunately, he got...attached to me just as fast. Within a couple days, he was confessing his feelings for me (after doing some very uncomfortable flirting) and had an absolute meltdown when I told him I just wanted to stay friends. He sent me a PM on that other RP site titled something like "Now I have to be the asshole", and went into the usual spiel of how alone he is. This was so long ago, I can't exactly remember what he said, but I do know he mentioned throwing himself off a bridge.

Meanwhile, he posted in our public RP a post about how his character was hurt and mine was heartless and let him die. Something awkwardly dramatic like that to end the RP. The dude had a lot of issues, obviously. The entire thing - from when I met him for an RP to when he flipped out - happened over...literally three days. After that, the site went down and came back with everything deleted. Either he changed his username or never went back, because I never saw him lurking around after that.

I stayed away from Skype for a long time after that. It wasn't Skype's fault, but damn did the whole thing leave a bad taste in my mouth. I eventually went back to text chat with another RP partner (same site) and that was another bad experience for different reasons. (Bad time in my life; RP partner blew up at me after I took a while to post - even though we'd been chatting OOC and he knew what was up. In hindsight, it probably hit me so hard only because I was dealing with a lot of negative emotions and stress at the time).

Because of all that, I was really hesitant to take any RP off-site. There's a sense of safety you drop when you move off a forum with well-established rules and moderators. For the first incident, there wasn't really anyone I could report the guy to. At least, not like I could in a small community. When Discord came around, it took me a while to use it for RP stuff.

Funnily enough, I met my boyfriend on that same RP site. It's been about 6 years, we live together, and I would have never met him if it weren't for that little hole in the wall of the internet. Actually, that should probably be considered my best RP experience, but it happened so gradually that sometimes I forget we met through RPing at all lol.
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