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What was the last great book you read?


Memento Mori
What was the last book that truly gripped your attention from cover to cover, and completely shook you to your core? These types of books are rare but become our favorites.
I just read The Last Sun by K.D Edwards and would wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who enjoy great worldbuilding, spellcasters, well-written queer characters, mysteries and action! The dialogue in this book is so addicting and I am SUCH a sucker for 'bodyguard/person who doesn't really need their protection but accepts it' dynamics.
The Secret History by Donna Tartt, which I read last year. It's everything I look for in a book: gripping mystery, gorgeous prose, characters that you love to hate & hate to love.

And there's just something about those first few lines, man:

Does such a thing as 'the fatal flaw,' that showy dark crack running down the middle of a life, exist outside literature? I used to think it didn't. Now I think it does. And I think that mine is this: a morbid longing for the picturesque at all costs.

I've read plenty of books since then but have yet to find another that could rival it!
rhythm of war by brandon sanderson. kaladin's chapters fucked me up on a level ive not experienced since i was a child being introduced to stories and literature and all the wonderful worlds hidden between pages
Dragon Teeth by Michael Crichton. It's a very fun adventure to follow with some tasty elements of American Paleontology. But I will say that, in my opinion, this isn't his best work. Even though it was pretty good, I felt like he phoned it in a bit, because it didn't light up my heart and soul in the ways his other books have. :o The ones that SHOOKETH me were Jurassic Park, Micro, A Case of Need, and Prey. To name some.
Recursion by Blake Crouch.
It's hard to really explain the premise without giving too much away, but it's sort of a time travel story mixed with mind jumping through memories and it's just such a damned good read.

Honestly any of Crouch's sci-fi novels are AMAZING. Dark Matter and Upgrade are also soooo gooood! I would recommend them to anyone who loves a good thriller or a sci-fi mystery
American Gods by Neil Gaiman. It was a rather interesting read. A bit weird to me but enjoyable. Strangely enough, I have not seen the show. 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami. Very weird, plot twisty, but a couple of plot holes that were left unanswered. Overall still good.