What lies beyond these castle walls...

Facta listened carefully, luckily she had been around humans a bit longer in this form than she had been in her 'light' form which caused her to communicate a bit easier. Her head tilted slightly, focusing on every word she said. "They harm us...? "It was the second time she had encountered a human being and well, the first time she was accepted as a creature of the light and darkness. She didn't fully understand what he was worried about, apart form being a potential meal for the two others. "They... eat us...? " A new light seemed to be glowing in her eyes now, a faint purple but it quickly died away and went back to that cold blue. Her gaze went to Rani for a moment, a frown wrinkling her brows yet again. "We... all food for you...? Or we food for they? " Her hand motioned faintly towards the lights of the castle. Standing in her full length again.
Sage continued deeper into the forest until she came across large wolf-like footprints. She knelt down, exclaiming at the size of the creature's paws.
"These must belong the beast they were hunting," she whispered, her gaze following the trail. "But these prints are fresh..." she covered her mouth with her hand and stood, walking along the wolf-made path that seemed to inch closer and closer back to the castle.
Koh stood still, silent and close lipped. The boy was so... There.... She could hear his heart, smell the scent emanating from his pores. Her fingers ached, and curled in on themselves, resisting the urge to rip out his throat, to end his silly little words. He was so sweet, in a way. Kind of innocent like. Kind of like the child from her first memory. He lay on the ground, petting the wolf. A pang of jealousy sliced through her gut, but still her lips remained closed. If she opened her mouth she would certainly lose it. Instead she focused on the creature, the ever changing woman with a thousand voices. She wasn't appetizing in the slightest. It was almost as if she weren't made of flesh at all. Koh decided to take a few steps toward her, to reclaim some semblance of control over herself.
"Listen, if you guys stay here for any longer, someone from the castle's bound to kill you. I'm not too fond of killing, but I hate senseless killing even more. Is there any chance I can get you all to at least get away from the potential dangers here, near the castle?" Harry slid out from under the beast and dusted himself off again, he seemed to have a habit of getting dirty.
"I have never eaten a skunk." Rani growled at the boy She bared her teeth and stepped off of him as she looked to Facta. "I eat what I choose. Though I prefer more lively things." She said then looked up at the castle. "I don't think they would eat us." Rani said. "Though it is releiving to meet a few creatures who didn't instantly attack or run away." She said looking at Facta and the boy. "Welcome to the Black wood." She said politely.
Harold felt a wave of happiness fall over him, and though he didn't realize it, he was actually grinning so wide, he looked like a jester! He'd finally befriended, or at least met, some kind supernatural creatures. His butt plopped down onto the ground as he sat with his legs crossed. "My name's Harold Dwiner and I'm a human. How about you all? What kinds of creatures are you? And your names?" the boy blew his brown locks away from his face and his purple eyes looked curiously at each one of the girls around him, "do you all have special powers? Special attributes that only those of your species have?".
Rani shook her head slightly as she sat. "Rani Morgrim. I used to be a wolf. Now I call myself a Dirge." She said. "I am able to control the shadows to an extent, sing you into a sleep that can go so deep you die or make you go insane. And am, as far as I know, the only one of my kind." She said as her permanant smile slacked slightly but not quite reaching a frown.
Sage froze, hearing voices up ahead. She hid behind a tree, unsure if whoever was out there was human or monster and if they sensed her. Unable to make out what the voices were saying, she crept forward, staying close to the trees until she saw large dark figures on the path before her.
"So close to the Castle. They're probably waiting for their prey to wander beyond the wall..." she whispered to herself, squinting at the lifeforms.
"unless they're human..." she mumbled, making out the edges of a humanoid shape.
Koh smelled the human before she even heard the crunch of her footsteps. Disappearing silently from the group, her body melted into the shadows, the darkness welcoming her return. She wasn't much for groups anyways. Stalking along the borders of the treeline, she saw the girl creeping through the woods with as much grace as a fresh whelp. She waited for the girl to pass by her hiding place before trailing along behind her, soon covering the distance in a few short quiet steps. She slid her arms around the shoulders of the girl in a bear hug, covering up her mouth with one hand and dragging her into the shadow of a tree.

"Lost in the woods, little girl?" Koh whispered with a smile. She kept a vise grip, and opened her mouth, hundreds of glittering teeth hovering above her shoulder before the slowly moving mechanisms of her brain decided to have an idea.

"Tell me why I shouldn't kill you." Koh began to move her hand away from the girl's lips. "And don't scream, or I'll eat your larynx."

If the girl could get her behind the castle walls, Koh could pass for a human. It would practically be a human buffet. No one would notice a few errant bodies tossed over the wall...
Sage gasped, her hands flying up to hold onto Koh's arms as she was dragged into the darkness, unable to struggle. Her eyes widened as she listened to the cold whispers from behind.
"I-I..." she stuttered, her mind too frightened and frantic to think; Her mouth went dry. "Please d-don't..." she breathed, closing her eyes. She held her breath, waiting for the worst.
"That's not a very good reason..." Koh whispered in a sing-song voice. Humans could be so slow sometimes. It was a bit endearing, Koh thought with a smile.

"Get me inside the walls, pleeease." She crooned, spinning the girl around in her arms to face her. "See? I'm just like you!" Koh smiled, greeting the girl with rows of shark teeth, with her fingers secured tightly on her shoulders.

"You had better answer quickly. I'm the only protection you have right now, girl."
Some sort of smile appeared on Facta's lips. she pointed her hand towards herself again her voice still that ghostly whispering. " Facta Tenebrarum. "Her colors yet again changed, the fine threads from which she's made from uncoiling themselves, floating in the air when her legs dissolved. Her hair became shorter and her skin of the purest white just as her clothes and other features. Two softly glowing golden eyes looked at the male, the black in her eyes the only thing that didn't change. "Facta Lucis, not know kind. Made of darkness and light. " She learned rapidly, and with some of her memories of the human language returning it was getting easier to talk by the second. However explaining what kind of powers she had was rather difficult. Time would tell them she hoped, for now she reamained in place, sometimes poking the male having forgotten what humans smelled like exactly.
Harold smiled at Rani and laughed, "Remind me not to ask you to sing me a lullaby, Rani." The boy felt the urge to pet the creature in front of of him rise again, but he held his dominant hand to his side in order to resist doing something that would probably get his hand bit off. He distracted himself by continuing his conversation with her, "So you control shadows, huh? You'd be very good at playing hide-and-seek. It wouldn't be very fair for the person who has to find you though. A Dirge, eh? One of a kind type of creature! That must mean you're pretty special, but don't you feel alone? Being the only one of your kind must be lonesome." As he thought about his last question, he realized he was being insensitive. Harry gave Rani a hug, rubbing her sides and patting her head to comfort her. But if what he did wasn't actually comforting to her in her eyes, then it was just his selfish desire to pet her. He liked touching others, probably because the lack of emotional connections to people made him crave physical connections to living things.

The boy realized that one of the monsters disappeared. He shrugged and figured she'd do whatever she liked regardless of his say. He only hoped she wouldn't do anything dangerous. But doing that would be like asking an assassin not to kill. Harry never had much sense of instincts, so he couldn't feel if the missing female creature was planning on doing bad things. Heck, he couldn't even tell if Rani next to him was going to eat him or not. Certainly the sense of instincts, of primal fears, did not pass on to him properly. Only a few minutes ago, he was scared out of his wits, yet after talking a bit with one of the beings he was afraid of, he'd gotten almost completely used to her presence.

Harry looked at Facta, his eyes almost entranced, "Facta? That's a real pretty name... You know, you change colors and appearances a lot. It's kind of amazing and I think I like it better than seeing your limbs not attached to your body and even disappearing sometimes." He giggled and grinned an open-mouth smile. As he watched her, he began to understand a little bit about how she worked; he figured eventually he'd learn a lot of things about her and he wouldn't have to ask her much. Made out of darkness and light. Kind of like a human. Harold vaguely imagined Facta's possible history and then put the thoughts out of his mind so he wouldn't get a headache. Every now and then, Facta would poke him and he'd jump up a bit, not used to people touching him unexpectedly. Each time she poked him, he either pouted at her or smiled at her.
"I was created, I used to be a normal wolf. The solitude doesn't bother me; you get used to it after a while." she said then nodded. "Yes, I can move them and shape them; and my songs only hurt people when I want them too." She said and made a shadow wolf beside her. Rani leaned back as the boy moved for her a snarl spreading across her lips as his arms wrapped around her neck. She waited for blood to begin to flow, knowing it wouldn't last long, then flinched again as his hands moved down her sides. ~oh, he's "petting"~ she thought. She had heard of people doing this to domestic dogs but nobody had done it to her before. She stood and took a half step back. She shook her fur out while she looked at the brave, and perhaps slightly stupid, boy. she looked up at Facta as they talked and watched as her body shifted and morphed.
Sage clutched onto the edges of her red cloak, staring in fearful awe at the lines of teeth that glimmered at her. She nodded slowly. Ok, i'll think of something. I can't let her through the walls... She turned her head slightly to glance at the figures, so close now. Some of them looked human... but so did the creature holding her.
"I-I'll try," she whispered as the outlines of the figures were blurred by her tears.
Zevon was perched quietly on top the highest branch in a rather large willow tree. She always felt drawn to the willow trees something about them reflect innocents and beauty. The trees hanging leafs rattled as the drooping branches swung around her in the cool breeze. Her legs and feet hung down from the branch gently swinging under her like she herself was a part of the tree only moved by the soft southern wind. She clenched her bare toes gently as she smiled down a look of pure tranquility playing across her delicate face as her long brown hair tussled in the wind. Zevon placed her hands beside her gently her long slender fingers grasping at the rough bark then almost as soft as the tree itself moved she looked up at the sky look was all the streamed through her eyes only to be broken by a blink. Zevon sighted softly watching the clouds shift gently above her, only life radiating from her unique eyes. She looked back softly to the woods search, no hunting for life or death whatever bared its head first.
A pretty name? Her expression lightened up, literally The soft glow coming from her skin became brighter for a few seconds and she shifted back to her 'dark' form. At least she was a complete body this way. She kept smiling the whole time, the contact with humans was pleasurable as usual. this one was kind. When she saw him petting the big wolf she blinked a few times, lowering to her knees and doing the same. So much to learn there was. her now azure eyes glowed with joy and she carefully patted the fur of the wolf. She looked at the male and pat his head a few times before chuckling softly. "Fun... " She mumbled, faint memories returning to her when she was playing with the kids from within the walls. there should be an open field close by.... With a short shake of her head she hopped up, her attention switching to a falling leaf and making a small jump to catch it. Proud of her catch she showed it at Harold and Rani. The more she would learn however, the more her memories would return to her and she would get more powerful, maybe even more violent. Depending on who had the most effect on her. " Can better talk in this. " she said happily. Sitting down on the ground and studying the dark fur of Rani.


The war drums were beating an insidious rhythm as from the swarthy embrace of the underdark an ancient and nefarious army stirred. The near mechanical shrill of blades spiders pierced miles of vacant landscape as a trail of black smoke and destruction laid in their wake. The settlements of man knew not their blade, for such rothe were undeserving to stain their steel. But those of the elven kind who dare to call the surface world their own became victims. A genocide birthed by a betrayal of many moons past. Though they themselves have forgotten, the mighty Drow have not. Cursed and left to fester within the harsh belly of the earth. They've had nothing but time to prepare and conspire.

In time those who called the surface their home had forgotten the unjust fate which had befallen the Drow. Carrying on their daily affairs as if their kind had slipped into the jaws of oblivion itself. But the shadows do whispers, and the trees do recall the might of their kind…

Deep within the embrace of the shadowed woodlands lurked a castle; the very physical manifestation of the illusion that is peace. Drow scouts had been traversing its harsh and violent terrain for weeks. Feeding information to their Matron Valerna. Stories of great flying machines had reached her ears, tools which aroused her curiosity primarily due to the military implications. Her advisor wanted to pointless march their army, take this castle as their own and force the locals to aid them in their construction. But Valerna saw no need to divert the bulk of her forces, nor did she thirst insatiably for this oasis.

It's stone walls were of no import to her, only the secrets which lurked within. Knowing the advancement of a large troops would attract undesired attention and lead to only one presumption. The mistress would instead traverse the realm alone, her identity eluding all those she passed. Finally after a few days journey she found herself staring at the monolithic mouth of his castle. Raising her gaze heavenward as she peered toward its peaks."Nuwei d' natha hiran, delmah ulunatha ulnar." She spoke her own native tongue as the arches of her luscious lips contorted, permitting a subtle smile to adorn her picturesque face.

Her form was clad in a black and crimson set of leather armor, on eash side of her lips rested two insipidly poisoned blades. Her demonic tail swaying side to side as she knocked ever so gently, calling out toward those which manned the gates. "Qualla pahntar, Usstan lac cahallin lu'natha orlingg!" Her accent thick as the exotic language undoubtedly would archa few brows. The guards not knowing her request would open the doors out ofc uriosity, archers at the ready less she prove a threat. "What is it you want elf?" The sentry inquired into, his lack of etiquette unsurprising. Thusfailing to evoke a reaction of any sort.

"Rewt nesst zu'tour dosst norrs p'los Usstan harventh dosst rinteith al'vur. Plynn uns'aa ulu dosst veldruk."
She replied, falling to her knees as if pleading for aid. Her words escaping them since the Drow never shared their tongue with outsiders. "Get up woman! I suppose we'll help you…especially with a body like that." He chuckled, helping Valerna to her feet. "Usstan kestal dos el a dosst zaphodiopen clau ush'akal." Valerna took a bit too much enjoyment out of playing ignorant. But it did grant her some insight into the attitude of these men allowing her to see how full of shit they truly are.


Following the sentry's lead the Drow Matron would stay close as they weaved throughout the stronghold. The guard would lead her toward the other whom congregated. Abruptly halting as he turned to face her. "Stay put." He motioned with hishands. Valerna would softly nod. "Bel'la dos bwael ush'akal. Dos phu' rilu'oh rewt." She concluded, offering the man a bow as he walked away. Quickly she would rise as he departed from her line of sight. Turning to face the others, all of which seemed a bit enthralling. The drowses would close the distance between them, her stride wide and authoritative as if she were some sort of natural leader. Or merited her sense of confidence.

"Vel'bol tet aterrucen dos jal ph'." She called out to them, the muscles along her luscious lips tugging birthing a wide smile. Exposing her pearl white fangs. Her tail now coiling itself around her feminine waist as she came to a stop.
(I probably won't be able to play very often for a while guys i'm sorry)
Rani sat patiently as the pair petted her, luckily for them she had been in high spirits that day otherwise she would have probably drifted off into the shadows long before now. Almost everything in her mind told her to leave but a few small voices were telling her to stay and that she enjoyed this attention. She cocked her head slightly as Facta jumped to capture a small leaf that fell nearby.