:D There was a dumdum lame forum for Mewmewpower.
The very first roleplays I experienced were like writing fanfiction for the show. xD It wasn't so bad, really, the creativity was good, but the originality was low. We made all sorts of nutty, strange mewmews and then used cliche storylines. The website didn't allow links of any kind, and this included image links as well so descriptions were described in detail. :D
After that, MEWMEWALLIANCE was sort of like Iwaku in terms of age levels when I first came here. I was the little squirt-child who registered just to be able to watch the tokyomewmew subbed episodes (wanted to compare dub vs original) xD. I eventually found my way to the roleplay forum and it was alright. We mainly did Alternate Universe roleplays of ourselves in the mewmewscene. Basically, we used characters based on our personalities, I guess it was an MMA thing, but I didn't know there was more to roleplaying than that. xD
After my dad banned me from MMA for some reason that I can't really remember, but since he was serious and I was scared, I never went back. Instead, I google-searched for another roleplaying website and voila~ Iwaku it was <3 :D
My first rp here, and apparently the very first true rp I ever experienced was Katsugi-sempai's roleplay about angelic beings running from an organization that was trying to kill them or something like that. And another about a school of magical children, I think. xD