What is one thing you wish you were really good at?

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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. 1-3 posts per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Advanced
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
I like a bit of everything, especially romance. Maybe a little bit of action, adventure, slice of life, mystery, fantasy, horror in the roleplay depending on the kind of plot.
What is something you wish you were really good at? Why?
It could be a skill like being able to twirl knives in your hands or something a lot more like wanting to be able to study better or being really athletic​
I wish I was more of an expert at cooking! Then maybe I would enjoy doing it for more than just survival needs. It's fun to imagine people being delighted and impressed by a plate of masterfully prepared food.
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My mom is very good at talking to strangers. Within five minutes of meeting somebody, they'd be cracking jokes like they were old friends. It's an enviable quality!
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Art, specifically digital art.
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I wish I could play a musical instrument. Literally just ANY instrument, honestly (though I do have my favorites)
I adore music, I love making playlists of new and interesting songs of all genres and singing along (though I can't sing all that well either, so maybe that's another thing I wish I was good at), and have a collection of instruments! ....that I cannot play xD But they're cool and fascinating and maybe one day I can learn
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Both drawing and playing fluently on a piano...As a kid I always saw amazing drawings and said to myself...Man i wish i could draw like that...im 16 and still haven't done that good...And with piano...i just love the calming soothing tunes you can play on it...I wish i could play better than i do now.
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Time management. I have so many things I wish I were good at, and a majority of them I could become good at if I managed my time better. Most particularly a long laundry list of foreign languages, a number of musical instruments and the improvement of my voice, and digital art.
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Math. I am horrible at it. Always have been.
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Learning new languages. I try and try so hard, but I just can't pick any of them up very well.
Saying "No"...my life would be far less stressful if I could set appropriate boundaries.
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Saying "No"...my life would be far less stressful if I could set appropriate boundaries.
If you need help with that, I have all sorts of tricks for it. I'm the master of "no," especially in corporate talk.
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I wish I could bake all sorts of crazy treats. I envy those with such creative skills! I also wish I was more witty. My husband can come up with stuff just off the top of his head, me? I'd have to think long and hard of something witty to say and its so natural for him!
I really wish I was better at expressing myself or being more of a go-getter. I've always been stand-backish and really shy. I can always roleplay about being in charge and not taking crap from anyone. But I'm really like a person that stands and watches from the sidelines. I want to make an effort to become the person I want to be. Just got to take the first step...
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digital art and writing
Bish I'm about to fight you, you are (really) good at both those things.

I wish I was better at personalising. As in, designing your own space to be your own, making your desk your own, engaging with people (stranger or not) on a more personal level, etc...
Probably animating, painting digitally, and drawing complex backgrounds. I believe I already have drawing the characters down, I just am incapable of drawing pretty backgrounds.

Painting digitally I've researched on doing, but there's little to no explanation on how exactly to do it??? It's sort of frustrating

Animating I don't have much the patience for, but they always end up being something super cool, so maybe someday.
Okay, ironic one given my claims not even a post before: fighting. I wish I was better at developing muscles, to be more specific.

And slang. It is hilarious to see how thrown people are when I'm aware of any type of slang at all and actually shiver when I use it, because it is unnatural coming from me, but I have always envied people who can write slang so naturally, because it ain't me.