What Do You See? 4

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Follow the Strange Trails
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Advanced
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy, Supernatural, Horror
Here's a little something to tickle your creativity!

Watch this music video (suggested by @LuckycoolHawk9 ) with the volume muted. Whilst watching, or perhaps once you are done, write down a short story or a plot based on what you saw.

:thumbsup2: You are your only barrier, so break free and write as you will! :thumbsup2:

Doesn't matter if the volume is off on this one...I STILL hear the song!

Plot: A woman is trapped in an insane asylum and heavily drugged, but she someone comes in and leaves a newspaper on the bed next to her and walks out. She is then transported into it and saved from her prison, if only in her mind.
Emma looked over at her newspaper reading about her favorite superhero, chill rebel. Though she couldn't tell from the black and white photos that were in the newspaper, she imagined him as a brunette with a swoop and sporting a black leather jacket with jeans. It also happened to be her preference in men. And though he wasn't named in the comic, she called him Brody since it was her favorite name in the world. She sat in the restaurant ordering some food, as she flipped through the pages.

As the waitress brought her coffee and gave her the check, she turned the page of the newspaper and noticed him wink at her. She blinked twice to make sure that she wasn't going crazy and this wasn't some insane trick to make her go back there. She watched as a hand popped out of the comic and she looked over at the others in the room. Nobody seemed to notice it and she took the hand and was dragged into the world of the comic and in front of her favorite hunk in the whole wide world. She smiled happily.

He lead her to a place in front of the panels and he spoke to her for the first time ever. " Emma, I have been waiting a long time to see you. Much longer than you could ever dream. I want you to know that I would go to the ends of the earth for you, my love," he said to her.

She smiled and was happy when she heard this. She never thought it would mean that he felt the same away about her and she noticed that the whole room shook. Unknown to her, the waitress thought she had left without paying and had proceeded to throw the newspaper into the trash. It wasn't polite.

As the world shook, the villains wished to destroy her and she ran with him. She ran as the paper crumbled and started to fall apart. Brody dragged her with him. She wasn't sure if she would ever escape, but she was going to have to try to do that. She bit on her lower lip and he pushed her through the escape before she could tell him that she didn't want this.

As she emerged in the real world, everyone was shocked that she appeared. Emma didn't want to explain and bolted before anyone could question her, bringing the newspaper with her. She frowned as she looked at the pages, clearly lost to know if what she encountered was real. Here he was on the floor and he seemed to be trying to get out. He was pounding on the walls of the newspaper. She turned to see him and he was banging on the wall, shifting between paper and real. She wasn't sure what to do and when he finally stopped, he was real life and she didn't know why she did it, but she kissed him.

Within two years, Emma and Brody were married with two kids.
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