What did you want to be when you grew up?

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Memento Mori
Original poster
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  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
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My timezone is PST
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  1. Intermediate
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  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
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  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Futanari
Homosexual, Romance, Fantasy, Scifi, Magic, Vampire, Werewolf, Supernatural, Angels/Demons, Superhero, Zombies
As a kid, the possibilities in life feel endless. We have big hopes and dreams of what we want to do in our lives. So, what did you want to be when you grew up? Has it changed? Did you fulfill your childhood wish?

When I was a kid, I wanted to be an old fashion pirate. So, I can confidently say childhood me would be very disappointed.
I wanted to either open my own Bakery or be a Monster Truck Driver. Neither of those dreams came true but that's okay!
I wanted to be a professional Bowler or a bus driver. I was ambitious
I wanted to be a doctor! 😭 then I figured that I'm not smart enough to study medicines and switched to something less ambitious.
When I was little everyone would tell me that I would be an artist. But I wanted to be a dolphin trainer! Now I'm rather skeptical about the ethics with becoming a dolphin or an orca trainer.

I'm not quite sure what I want to be. Everything will be figured out and work out eventually!
I wanted to be all sorts of things. A cashier because I liked the sound the cash register makes (turns out it just means I like money). An astronaut because space is cool. A singer in a band because it was 2009 and everyone was emo. A teacher because my simple brain is good at oversimplifying things for other people. A mathematician because math was fun, until I got to the hard bits and it wasn't so fun anymore. A journalist until I realized I liked fiction better than reality, etc. etc.

But I've always wanted to be a writer--or more specifically, a storyteller--and I still do!
I wanted to be a biologist
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I have always wanted to be an artist, still do. My parents were worried that I'd end up a starving artist, though, and turned me to graphic design. I remember being amazed at the idea that I could do art and make money. I still want to do graphic design, even got my degree. Alas, it's become ridiculously difficult to even find jobs I can apply for. 5-10 years of prior experience is NOT entry level, folks.
A figure skater. I used to watch the Winter Olympics with my family and wanted so badly to do what Surya Bonaly, Brian Boitano, and Scott Hamilton could do. Thinking back on it gives me fond memories.
When I was young I dreamt of becoming a pilot. I remember wanting to fly so high until I could reach the moon and stars. I never really pursued it because I ended up having fear of heights. It's nice thinking back to how many times I'd pretend to ' fly' while sliding down the stairs. ♡
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When I was little I wanted to be a superhero lol. Ok, stop laughing I was young and didn't know any better. But once I figured out I couldnt fly and couldn't pick up a car that dream died fast hehe.
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Always wanted to be a teacher (of some sorts)
as you can imagine my fellow classmates treated me as a traitor for that :D

I'm a assistant professor now.. so that worked out

during pubetry (and when the hypersexuality kicked in) I used to tell people that I wanted to be a porn star.. just to watch that shock on their faces >:)
I wanted to be a Veterinarian so bad! But I'm allergic to most anything with fur so there went that.
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Taller. The inability to reach cookies and ice cream upset me. Now I wish to return to my youth, when once I could not reach them and be thinner.
i wanted to be a veterinarian. i adored animals as a kid (still do), but now knowing you have to do so much and see animals hurt and die, i could not stomach that. i'm way too much of a softie
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i wanted to be a veterinarian. i adored animals as a kid (still do), but now knowing you have to do so much and see animals hurt and die, i could not stomach that. i'm way too much of a softie
SAME. I spent most of my childhood wanting to be a vet and work with animals because I loved them so much. I have extremely bad pet allergies though so I had to kill that dream which really crushed me. I also wanted to be a business owner as well and have a shop tailored to wild birds. I finally settled on historic preservation and archive management which is what I'm studying now :D
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I wanted to be a vet, until I learned that not all animals live 😂 stupid I know but it never hit me until I was a little older that sometimes animals would die or I'd have to put them down and that devastated me

The I wanted to be a teacher until a kid got sick in the class I was ta-ing for and I was like nope go that
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I wanted to be Hannah Montana. I know that is not possible for an 8 year old Asian girl to magically grow up into a blonde popstar but by god I believed LOL

Afterwards, being in high school, I wanted to be a psychologist.

I am now a teacher, so that is much less glamorous, but I love it very much :D
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I wanted to be Hannah Montana. I know that is not possible for an 8 year old Asian girl to magically grow up into a blonde popstar but by god I believed LOL

Afterwards, being in high school, I wanted to be a psychologist.

I am now a teacher, so that is much less glamorous, but I love it very much :D
Do you assign the children more homework when they are bad? :3
I wanted to be Hannah Montana. I know that is not possible for an 8 year old Asian girl to magically grow up into a blonde popstar but by god I believed LOL

Afterwards, being in high school, I wanted to be a psychologist.

I am now a teacher, so that is much less glamorous, but I love it very much :D
Do you assign the children more homework when they are bad? :3
I assign as little homework as possible because studies show that most homework is ineffective and rarely factors into the success of students :D All students always get the same amount.
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