What are your strengths and weaknesses in roleplaying?

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Romance, Supernatural, Fantasy, Thriller, Space Exploration, Slice of Life
So I was chatting with Rory about random roleplay thingies, and the thought crossed my mind!

We all have things that we're really good at when we roleplay. It's the style, scenes, goodies that we love and is our "thing". What we're known for! Of course, we all also have things we're not so great at. Either cause we hate to do them or cause we just plain suck.

What are your roleplay STRENGTHS? The kind of scenes, plot devices or things you bring to the table that you're really awesome at?

What are your roleplay WEAKNESSES? The stuff that you hate trying to pull off, cause you just can't get it right?

....to answer myself, My strength... I bring Instant-Plot to the table! I always have a goal or ideas for my characters, so while many people might be floundering and going "I dunno what to do" I can hop in and get something started. More often than not, it gets everyone involved as well!

And my weakness... fight scenes. t___t When it comes to fight scenes, I have the worst time trying to visualize the movements and then put them to words. I don't think they ever come out right! So that's why I usually play characters that don't have any offensive or fighty-fight skills.
What are your roleplay STRENGTHS? The kind of scenes, plot devices or things you bring to the table that you're really awesome at?

Fight scenes. I am good at fight scenes and making them, I usually have lots of inspiration and can make them over-the-top and entertaining and memorable for the most part.

I also am good at making my main villains hateable to the point people are fired up and wanting to kill them. I am good at this and like it much better than making sympathetic villains, because this is more realistic. Think of all the twisted people in real life who committed atrocities, Hitler, Osma Bin Laden, etc. They are just twisted people, there's no way to justify what they did or feel sorry for them. That's the way main villains should be in my eye, bastards who can never attain or deserve redemption.

It's just gotten dull how often people try to make you feel sorry for the bad guy. It's usually never done right, no matter the form of media. EVEN freaking Horror movies! *coughRobZombiecough* are not safe from this cliche. You're suppose to fear or hate them, not want to cry for them or hug them and tell them it's going to be allright. :P

Don't get me wrong, it can be done right but....Too often in video games, some RPs, movies, anime, etc they try to make you feel sorry for some slave owning- genocide loving dictator, it just does not work. If anything, it makes the character seem emotionally weak or just stupid.

So yeah, I really am good and like to make most villains 100% evil.

What are your roleplay WEAKNESSES? The stuff that you hate trying to pull off, cause you just can't get it right?

Realistic fight scenes seems to be my issue, I can't quite get that down, things like just how long it'd take to recover from certain attacks and whatnot. Probably makes it harder since in all the RPs I am in, it's not a realistic setting. So making a realistic battle in RPs with mechs or in fantasy RPs just isn't easy.

Let's see....Other than that...Not much else I can think of at the moment. I used to have a weakness with pacing but I fixed that problem a LONG time ago.
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