Wentworth Prison Anyone?

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Miss Jo

Original poster
So has anyone else seen Wentworth? I'm most tempted to watch the series again. I wouldn't say I'm obsessed, but I've had several dreams about the show. Particularly about Joan Ferguson. My god. She's such a powerful character and my character(which I haven't created yet haha) wants her so bad!! Please tell me someone wants to be Ferguson?

My recent dream was that Ferguson was running away from me because she didn't want to admit that she loved me. She refused to give in to her feelings. I was so close to convincing her and confessing my love- and then I woke up! -_-

It sounds so cheesy but I want to do it. Im thinking it's around the time that Bea has just got back to the prison and Ferguson is really on edge. That leaves her vulnerable where she once kept her guard up. Maybe my character is a new guard?

I want my character to be a new prison guard that comes in after Fletch is out of the picture. My character was a professional Domme for many years until she decided to take a different path in her career. She still does FinDom(financial domination) but not as much as she would like. She has to keep it on the DL so that she doesn't lose her job. Let's say she gets transferred to Wentworth and shows the women she isn't a bullshitter. She is a Domme after all. How about it then?
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