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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Crazy Cat Lady
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. Multiple posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy ANYTHING, magical/medieval fantasy, modern fantasy, future fantasy, high fantasy (mages and magic) sci-fi, horror, Flowing Romance (no love at first sight and nothing fluffy), vampires, werewolves, space odyssey, epic quest, adventure, combat, action, HUMOR <3, Anthro, World of Warcraft. Non-Human races.
Hiya! I'm Zizi, the crazy cat lady. But not too crazy I promise. I'm a happily married chick whom loves to role play and play World of Warcraft. For the Horde baby. I've been honestly role playing for about 14 years. I know makes me sound OLD but I swear I'm not some old creeper yo. Most of my characters I've had for years though on occasion I do make new ones. I favor fantasy, action, adventure, drama, horror, humor and an splash of romance in my role plays.

I also draw my characters (and others) on occasions. Eventually I'll get around to posting some stuff. My friend GGMara and I were looking for a bit more active role play community and stumbled upon Iwaku! Looks pretty awesome here so we're here to give y'all a try.

My interests besides role playing are WoW, other video games, drawing, the beach, talking to my cats and writing!

Weird facts about me: When I clean my house I listen to Sweeney Todd. (Sing a long and everything!) I absolutely love really bad b-type movies. The worse the acting, the more unnecessary blood splatter, horrible graphics and or monster suit THE BETTER. Also the less stars on Netflix the better. God I love that crap like a fat kid loves cake. They just make me laugh so hard. Regardless if their meant to be serious.

Anyways hi peoples of Iwaku!! :D
Woo another nerd from Florida! Nice to meet ya, hope you find an interesting rp
Whoo nerd power!
I'm the Overlord. A pleasure to meet yet another geek.
Your existence has been approved.

*Stamps approval on official citizen sheet*
Yay! Thanks for the welcome! Can I have the stamp or approval on my head instead?