
  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Moon Child
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Look for groups
  2. Looking for partners
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
My schedule shifts often, but I am normally available after 6 PM, some days it'll be all day long!
Writing Levels
  1. Elementary
  2. Intermediate
  3. Adept
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
Fantasy, Modern Fantasy, Modern, Magical, Romance, Medieval, Sci-Fi, Thriller.


Since the late seventeenth century, Waverly manor has stood has the most luxurious and haunted manor on Lexington Island. It has always been in the Van Der Waal family, never passed to anyone who did not have Van Der Waal blood. However, Edward Van Der Waal has now chosen to place his own grandchild's (Celeste) success on the line by installing a game into the mix- the Grail War. The winner of this said "war" will be inheriting a significant amount of the Van Der Waal fortune and the Waverly manor itself! Welcome to Waverly.

Note to participant:
If you are reading this, you and seven others have been chosen to participate in the event of a lifetime here at Waverly manor. It will be your job to assess a set of clues and locate the grail before anyone else does. Be aware that Waverly is not a typical Manor. The walls of Waverly have, and always will be, haunted by the spirits that died here. It will be your job to avoid being killed by such spirits and even traps. If proven successful, the winner will obtain a substantial amount of wealth and Waverly manor itself. Trust no one and good luck!

  • Each of the eight contestants is from, or currently live on, Lexington Island. Besides Celeste, none of the other contestants have set foot on Waverly ground. Celeste herself has not been there since she was four.
  • It is possible to form alliances, but note that only one person can obtain the fortune.
  • Due to a popular vote, this will be a realistic face claim only RP. Hope that does not drive anyone off.
  • Characters can be between the ages of 20-39.
  • Please try to have a diverse background for characters.
  • The only person who is necessarily rich is Celeste, the others have been chosen for the chance to obtain wealth (which helps fuel their desire to win). The exception to this would be someone who lost wealth a long time ago and is trying to win it back.
  • Characters can be living off the Island when they are summoned to Waverly to participate in the Grail War.
  • Note, the grail has no special powers, it is only a cup that Edward likes.
  • Ghost are real here at Waverly, and a lot of them were wrongfully killed in years past. They also play a part in the Grail War as nine of them protect the clues to the Grail.
  • Celeste's mother will be the only "nice" ghost in this war. She will be the overseer besides Edward. (NPC information will be contained within the Discord).
  • If you do not have discord, it is easy and FREE to obtain. The process of creating an account is simple and fast. The reason I use discord is that I receive notifications much easier through the app, and many people on Iwaku use the app as the OOC today for the same notification reason! Sorry if this displeases anyone.
  • No smut! This is an all ages RP and Iwaku rules will be respected at all times! If you insist on having smut between two characters take it to PM, but make sure it is the same age group as you. Hate to see one of you banned.
  • Each person will receive one familiar. They will help you to navigate Waverly. They each have a personality of their own. Information on Familiars will be in the discord.
  • Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

Character list: no more females
  • Celeste Van Der Waal: played by QUEENIE, face claim: Emilia Clarke
  • Taken by Dark Disney
  • OPEN - pending
  • OPEN - pending
  • OPEN - needed
  • OPEN - needed
  • OPEN - needed
  • OPEN - needed

Character Sheet:
Current Occupation:
Health Ailments:

Hair color:
Clothing style:

Positive Traits:
Negative Traits:

Reason for participating in the war:

Relationship status:


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  • Love
Reactions: winnie
Character Sheet: Fin
Name: Selene Rose Van-Helsing
Nickname: Rose
Age: 29
Current Occupation: Witch Shop Owner
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Health Ailments: none

Height: 5'6
Build: Toned but not built
Scars: Along her back where she got caught in a basement, Her arm when she was attacked at night, her leg when something in the dark grabbed her legs and dug claws in.
Piercings: Nose, belly button, ears and tongue
Tattoos: her arms are full sleeves and her shoulder has a wolf middle of her back is the moon cycles.
Hair color: Raven Black
Hairstyle: Straight and Long, mostly hair over to oneside
Clothing style: skinny jeans, tight shirts, leather boots ankle or knee or in between, and leather jackets. Often wears a moon choker on a skinny leather strap.

Positive Traits: Funny, charming Kind, quite, good listener, and fun to be around
Negative Traits: Sarcastic, cold, untrusting, small temper, puts up walls to keep others at bay
Hobbies: photography, running, swimming, horse back riding and reading
Likes: light, all kinds of weather, summer and spring preferred stays light longer, animals,watching reality tv, cop shows, and comedys
Dislikes: stupidity, cruelty, night, dark, shadows, being followed, people bugging her, dishonor and Disloyalty.

Childhood: As a small child Selene was happy and playful. Trusting and caring, she loved to be with people. Her wonderful world came crashing to the ground, Burned out and turned Cold and grey. A man named John Wakefield killed her parentsinfront of her. He been a serial killer who hit the Island and hung her parents from a large tree, her family was not the only one who he had killed. The sheriff finally hunted the man down and shot him. They burried the body where no one would find the grave. Every where she went, Selene was the Parentless Wakefield murder girl. Whispers would follow her through her entire life.
Adulthood: Finally at 18, she left the Island and never looked back. She made a name for herself in the Town of Salem Massachusetts. She opened a witch craft shop and did pretty well for herself. However a friend was getting married and wanted to go back to the Island. Reluctantly going back, she made sure to stay away from the tree the best she could, However when the Grail War came up, she figured it be a way to gain more money and no longer be the girl who's parents were Murdered by the islands most famous serial killer.
Reason for participating in the war:no longer be the girl who's parents were Murdered by the islands most famous serial killer.
Allies: open
Enemies: open
Relationship status: Single

Familiar: Bexley: A spirit that has taken the form of a black wolf. He is quick, smart, and thinks he is the boss at all times. You are his familiar, at least he thinks you are. Familiar specialty is Telepathy.​
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Name: Ellis Flanagan
Nickname: Sometimes will answer to El, or will bite your head off for calling him it, be careful
Age: 24
Current Occupation: has worked multiple minimum wage jobs on and off while being unemployed inbetween
Sexuality: Bisexual, slight preference toward males
Health Ailments: somewhat of a limp from lingering spinal issues from his riding accident

Height: 5'9
Build: Fairly average, leaning toward more lean muscle
Scars: One on his neck from a serious fall while horseback riding as a teenager
Piercings: Both ears, keeps small studs in most of the time
Tattoos: n/a
Hair color: honey blonde
Hairstyle: undercut with a fade, usually swept up with gel
Clothing style: Suit and tie, the whole nine yards, but since he has been disconnected from his source of wealth and family for a while (which includes a decent tailor) most of what he wears is a little worse for wear. Dresses mostly in greys with a deep wine red as an accent color

Positive Traits: Is generally very reserved and controlled, which he views as a strategic advantage in business, is also very bright, and was always praised by his parents, teachers, and caretakers for his intellect.
Negative Traits: Can come off a bit cold because of his more reserved nature, making it hard for him to have deeper personal connections. As well, being coddled as a child means he has a narcissistic edge to his personality, and will hold grudges for an uncharacteristically long time.
Hobbies: Used to do horseback riding before his accident, basically if you can think of a pretentious rich kid hobby he's probably dabbled in it
Likes: Animals of all sorts, literature, interior design, alone time, champagne, classic rock, alternative music, guys shorter than him, art history
Dislikes: Insects, large bodies of water (ocean, lakes, etc) because of almost drowning as a child, weirdass modern art, crowds, people pointing out/drawing attention to his limp, minimalism

Childhood: Was coddled by his family and estate as a child, grew up as the oldest son and heir to his estate fortune, had his own nanny and was primarily home schooled, except for his parents buying him into college. He has a younger brother Everett who is 21, who is essentially a polar opposite to Ellis, more openly charismatic and more volatile. He also has a 14 year old sister named Edith.
Adulthood: While he was away at college, Everett WORKED his parents in order to steal away El's position as heir to the estate. Everett was able to convince his parents to change their minds. When Ellis returned from college, having graduated early both in part because of he and his parents negotiating with the administration early in his college career, his home dynamic had completely flipped on its head. Both his parents then believed that his reserved nature was a show of weakness in character. They gave Everett the inheritance, and Ellis completely lost it. He took the whole ordeal to mean he was estranged from the family, and left his estate, going off of essentially nothing to live on his own. Even with his degree, without start up money or a place of his own, he ended up landing just a minimum wage job and has been trying to figure out how to adult on his own without his parent's influence for about a year. It's not exactly working.
Reason for participating in the war: Given that he was basically estranged from his family and fortune, he wants to win his money and fortune back at any cost. He doesn't know how to live fulfilled without a lump sum.

Allies: open
Enemies: open
Relationship status: Single
Familiar: Vincent



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jameson victoire willemsen

aka ; jamie






Height: 5'0

Build: Quite lithe, a very narrow frame and petite build

Scars: One across knee when she ripped the skin there after jumping a chain link fence, and another one across her collarbone from an accident with her father and a broken bottle of alcohol.

Piercings: Four on each ear as well as on her bellybutton

Tattoos: She has one tattoo, on her right rib cage, of a the scorpio constellation, and another one she has is of a flower on her back, between her shoulder blades.

Hair color: Bright, almost pale blonde

Hairstyle: iI's straight and falls in layers to a little below her shoulders

Clothing style: Usually quite casual with a slight grunge feel to it. She never parts from her black combat boots or beanies.

Health Ailments: She is anemic


Positive Traits: Jameson is quite headstrong, she knows what she wants and usually does whatever required to achieve it. she is also quick on her feet, meaning her response time to situations is quite fast. Apart from this she is also a very creative soul, which allows her to think outside the box more often than not.

Negative Traits: Jameson, while quick on her feet, is too impulsive for her own good, and this results in too many rash decisions. She also has no regard for her own safety, often throwing herself in reckless situations either for the thrill of it, or merely out of curiosity. She is also known to be quite blunt to the point where she has been seen as rude by people she doesn't know. It isn't that she can't control it, she just chooses not to unless she sees reason to.

Hobbies: painting ; photography ; playing the piano

Likes: music ; art ; photography ; nature ; adventure ; adrenaline rushes

Dislikes: having to sit around while doing nothing ; pretentious snobs ; hospitals ; her parents


Childhood: Jameson was brought up into a rough childhood. Her parents lived in a trailer and she supposed they might have been in love once, only it was more of puppy love and lust than anything else, and she was a product of it to her unwed parents. The first years were okay. her parents, though growing to hate each other, liked spending time with their baby girl, but a little too much alcohol every now and then changed that. When Jameson was fourteen, things started to get even worse. Her parents would fight into the night and then her dad would leave for days. During this period, her mother would find some other company while Jameson was locked in her room, never allowed to leave. Her parents began wanting nothing to do with her, nor did they want to provide for her, and the only thing she wanted was to leave the household for good. Unfortunately, at that age, her mother became pregnant again, and Jameson knew she couldn't leave. Not when there was another innocent child being brought into that life. So she stayed behind, silently suffering.

Adulthood: When Jameson turned eighteen, she was more than inclined to leave the house with her now four year old little brother Jake. They had tried, but unfortunately, they couldn't get too far on foot and they didn't have money to survive. Jameson did as much as she could, doing odd jobs to make more money, even stealing, if she ever got the chance, and then at twenty, Jameson finally stumbled upon an opportunity. The Grail War.

Reason for participating in the war: Jameson chose to participate so she and her brother could leave the horrid home they were confined to and make a life for themselves somewhere else.


Allies: open [possibly]

Enemies: open

Relationship status: single

Familiar: Nicolai ;; A spirit who has taken no form besides that of a glowing ball. He is sneaky, smart, thoughtful, and persistent. Familiar specialty is phase shifting.
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Name: Celeste Marie Van Der Waal
Nickname: Cel- only by the closeset of friends.
Age: 27
Current Occupation: Painter
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Health Ailments: Dyslexia - has always had an issue with this since she was a child. She has learned to manage it with time, but still has issues from time to time.

Height: 5'7"
Build: Slim, but is toned.
Scars: Has a scar below her chin, 5 inches long, from an accident that she was in with her grandfather.
Piercings: Belly button, nipples, and three earlobe piercings.
Tattoos: None
Hair color: Dirty blonde, with red undertones.
Hairstyle: Long, layered
Clothing style: Celeste usually dresses in more casual clothing when not attending an event. Sweaters, jeans, and boot-heels. She always wears a watch, it was the last gift from her mother before she died. It currently does not work.

Positive Traits: Optimistic, Persistent, Cunning, Charming, Fast-thinker, Adventurous
Negative Traits: Cold, Blunt, Trust-issues, Secretive, Stubborn
Hobbies: Painting, Sketching, Reading (is sometimes difficult)
Likes: Orchids, Tulips, Roses, Hawaii, Fuji, Japan, London, Chocolate chip cookies, Sugar cookies, Italian pasta, Mexican food, Cake, Pie, Nancy Drew books, Harry Potter books, Lord of the Ring books, Christmas, Halloween, Metal music, Classical music, Art galleries, Music festivals, Movie premieres, Surfing, Ice skating, Photography.
Dislikes: Liars, her grandfather, Manipulators, The idea that she has to compete for her birthright, Running.

Childhood: Celeste was born to the Van Der Waal family, a curse on its own. Her mother was Claire Van Der Waal, and her father was Justin Albright ( he took the Van Der Waal last name). For years, the three lived at the Waverly manor, but by the age of four, Celeste had to relocate from her home at Waverly with her father. Her mother had been killed in a mysterious boating accident and her grandfather did not want her there as she reminded him of Claire. Celeste grew up in Paris for the remainder of her childhood. Her father would go on to remarry a designer and have two more children. Despite loving her family, Celeste left at the age of eighteen and started her life separate from them. After all, they were not true Van Der Waals.

Adulthood: After leaving her family behind in Paris, Celeste traveled the world as she finally took over her mother's business. Being an art appraiser was a blessing at a young age, but truly Celeste wished to continue her painter work. Traveling to places like Mount Fuji in Japan and Honolulu, Hawaii Celeste perfected her artwork on scenery and still-life. However, as her grandfather's health degraded she knew that her succession to the Waverly Manor would be near, she looked forward to living in the place her mother grew up, but when she returned home she found that her grandfather had made things even more difficult on her. Since he had not wished to relinquish the manor to her, he had offered the manor up and a part of her inheritance in a game. A dangerous game. Celeste thought her was a fool, but agreed to participate. She couldn't let her family down.

Reason for participating in the war: Celeste wants to reconnect with her mother, her heritage, and her home. It is her birthright and she knows that she has to give it her all so that some stranger doesn't take over her family's history.

Relationship status: Single

Familiar: Luna

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Four more characters needed!
No thanks. Thanks for the tag though.
  • Love
Reactions: Dark_Psycho
I would love to join ^^ if @QUEENIE will have me

Oriana Desmona Des Rosier
Odd, Ana
Current Occupation:
Owner of The Tea Spot
Bisexual- with a leaning towards females
Health Ailments:

Slim and curved
Scars down her right side from shoulder to her right mid-thigh from a car accident that she had when she was younger
Two piercings in each ear, one in her belly button

Hair color:


Clothing style:

Positive Traits:

Negative Traits:





Reason for participating in the war:



Relationship status:


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Due to lack of activity, Waverly will be closing down! Thank you all for the interests
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