LORE EXTRA DLC Wasteland Workshop

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the clairvoyant pterodactyl
Original poster
The Wasteland Workshop— C.A.S. is now permanently /// Open After Dark

Create A Settlement (and more!) is now open. (Forever and always) (ง❍‿❍)ง​

Open After Dark focuses on the creation, addition, and assimilation of lore into Fallout: Requiem.

While Character Creation has its own thread and guidelines, Open After Dark is for those who wish to add locations, settlements, trading posts, raider factions, bandit gangs, new synth colonies, or a faction of banished Fens into the overall narrative of the realm. Or perhaps a canon game location— well, step no further, Open After Dark is exactly where you wanna be! Whether brand new and designed for the realm or an established city well-explored in the games, Fallout: Requiem is always open for player created lore. The only catch? The vibes gotta be right!

To ensure consistency throughout the #canon lore the following suggestions are just that— suggestions to help you round out and solidify what you'll be presenting to the realm. Remember that while not everything needs be "approved" or "denied" I will ask authors to edit anything glaringly against established lore and/or suggest they create a #fanon Lore thread of their own. Otherwise, let these suggestions act as an inspiration as you build and design your own lore!

For Establishments

Is this a private or public submission? I.E. Are members allowed to join and/or interact with this establishment, reference it in their backstories and craft characters inspired by your lore or is this something you'd lke to keep private, between you and a few others? While I would prefer the former, F:R was designed to be inclusive— simply let your choice be known!

At a baseline I assume an establishment is at least one structure (regardless of whether or not it moves) that in some way shape or form, services the Wasteland (and/or its inhabitants). This could be a trading post run by a weary old ghoul, or a Red Rocket inhabited and ran by a family of four, their children already learning the haggling craft. This could be a guild of some sort, separated from factions by the nature of servicing the Wasteland— perhaps its a guild of metalworkers, fine artisans and craftsmen who weave stories into weapons, armor, and perhaps even defensive structures. Perhaps its a guild of healers who sell trade secrets for caps and other special goods. Perhaps its a waystation between cities or an inn on a road not often traveled.

Has this establishment been around for a long time? Has it been passed on through the generations or was it seized by force? Is it run by one person or a whole host of people? How many people does it service and for that matter, how are they doing the servicing? Is this a brothel? A gamble house? A bingo hall in the middle of Miami Beach? A trade baron empire that travels all across the wastes in order to find rare and precious goods? What do you have for trade? Sale? What kind of goods are you looking for? What do your customers need? Asking yourself these questions as you design and build your lore is a good way to never get stuck. But if you do, feel free to reach out if you need help!

For Settlements

Is this a private or public submission? I.E. Are members allowed to join this settlement, reference it in their backstories and craft characters inspired by your lore or is this something you'd like to keep private, between you and a few others as you explore the Wastes? While I would prefer the former, F:R was designed to be inclusive— simply let your choice be known!

The first thing to consider when designing a settlement is how large or small you envision it. From there, consider the environmental factors that grants the settlement its apocalyptic identity— Is this a ruined city, with a maze-like structure or have people put care and effort into cultivating it to be as Pre-War as possible? Is it walled? If so, what kind of materials were used in its construction? Is there much upkeep? From there, think about how it came to be. I don't expect 80 paragraphs of backstory, just a small quip on who founded it, who currently runs it, how long its been around, the moral consensus of its inhabitants, and what life is generally like there.

How long has this settlement been around for? I assume that at a baseline, any settlement has at minimum, 5 permanent structures and permanent residents who live within them. While I'm flexible on the exact number, especially if given lore for a dwindling populace, Settlements, for all intents and purposes, should be thought of as communities. Each and every one a unique and fragile ecosystem whose moral codes, religious beliefs, stance on ghouls, and everything in between is brought to life. Tensions rise— how does the Settlement handle this? Are there gangs who roam the street, protecting or otherwise, or is there a general peace to the location, where one feels comfortable sending their children to Blind Eyed Jack's market for mirelurk eggs every Thursday morning? What kind of places make up this community, what kind of people?

For Factions/Gangs

Is this faction a private or public submission? I.E. Are members allowed to join this faction, reference it in their backstories and craft characters inspired by your lore or is this something you'd like to keep private, between you and a few others as you explore the Wastes? While I would prefer the former, F:R was designed to be inclusive— simply let your choice be known!

When designing factions keep in mind that they usually come in one of two flavors: Major and Minor. Major factions will have a lot more influence on both the Wasteland itself and the characters within. Take a bit to think about how far reaching you want your faction to be, how they'd meld into (or righteously against) the factions already in place. If Minor, think about how this faction was started— is it a fractured piece from a much larger group or have they always been relatively small, must they fight against the larger gangs to carve out their own territory or are they so well hidden they're left alone?

How did this faction come to be? While I don't expect 80 paragraphs of history, a general vibe on when, how, and who this faction was created by helps the design process itself. Is the founder still alive? Or are they dead? Do the members of this faction or gang still strive to uphold the founders moral code or have they devolved (or evolved!) into something worse? Knowing how factions were created also helps you discern how they accept new members, why they kick members out, how they treat members, and what the social hierarchy is like. Is it brutal? Unforgiving? Compassionate?

How do they fit within the Wasteland? How do they eat, thrive, survive? Are they a nomadic faction, jumping from one dilapidated Red Rocket to the next or do they have a home base, where tatos, melons, and razorwheat grow aplenty? How do they defend it? What most often attacks? Has it ever fallen? Do they trade with any of the existing factions? If so, what kind of goods or services would they need the most? What would they trade for it?

You're free to post your submissions in this thread or in your private thread here in the realm. Try and post a link to your submission here so I (and everyone else) can get da 411! :^)

Beth's Weaponry

Location: Miami Beach
Business Hours: Everyday from sunrise to sunset

Beth's Weaponry is run by Annabeth Hans, a mechanic whose specialty is weapons. Opened 2 years ago after leaving the Defiant Sisters, Anna's shop has become quite known. The store is located on the outskirts of town; a rundown, makeshift building. Having built most of the building herself Anna takes great pride in the work that's been done. And, it's as the sign says…she fixes you shit, but never for free.

While the exterior looks a little rough the interior has a little charm to it. A counter with a register, parts and makeshift guns line the wall, and always standing somewhere around her workshop will be Anna. Various neon signs hang around the guns brightening the room, even if it's just a bit. Small lights line the ceiling glowing softly as Annabeth doesn't want too much light in the shop, gotta save on power.

That being said, come on down to Beth's Weaponry for the finest and most reliable makeshift guns in Miami Beach!
  • Creative
Reactions: rissa
Fengiven Shrine
Location: Panther mound, Everglades, due west of Miami
Status: Public
Faction: Children of the Fen

Now you listen, son, and I'll tell you why we don't steal from that shrine. Why there's folk who swear by it. You best know by now that the Fen takes care of its own and this ain't no place for the land dwellers. You don't respect the Fen and it'll chew you up and gatorclaw will crap out the leftovers. That's how most raiders find trouble looking for the fen folk as easy pickins. Folks traveling the fen alone without knowing where they're going getting bushwacked by raiders that find out they weren't the only one hiding. Find yourself lying there bleeding to death while you hear things chewing until the screaming and gunshots finally go quiet. Maybe the fen comes for ya with those Gator eyes lookin' down. Either way you just lie there and bleed waiting for the dark to come.

Then of course maybe the Fen likes you. Sees that third eye welled up and fighting to the last against those raiders. You wake up at that stone a stim-pack or two rammed into your chest and staring at the words scratched upside down on that rock, 'Defeat is not an option.' There ain't gonna be anyone else there but your sorry ass and the bodies of dead raiders so you best get moving before the critters move in. The fen may like you but merciful it sure fuckin' ain't.

Can't tell what's out there. Ain't nobody woke up that found any tracks or sign but gatorclaw feet and their drag marks when the bodies get hauled away. But I'll tell you a secret, keep that radio tight and it'll know where you are. Carry some snack cakes. Pay you a toll and whatever's still in the boxes you can take some even if you just stoppin by. Heard it'll even trade by the day after but whatever the Fen's got on a leash ain't too smart so keep it simple. Just mind unless you're fen folk if you take more than your due you may just wake up naked next time instead.
  • This Gives Me Plot Bunnies
Reactions: rissa

The Cycle of a Micco Priestess

The Micco priestess are in charge of the Children of the Fen and all of the Fen. Charged with the responsibility from the pale mother herself these 'mothers' are the first and last word that sounds through the faction. Charged with servitude for life the Micco are the epitome of beauty, femininity, and mystique but unable to start their own family, for doing so would mean losing the grace of the pale mother. In exchange for their life-long chastity and their dreams the Micco are the medium through which the Fen communicates with the people she vowed to protect.

"On the nights when the pale mother hides another sister is born."

The life of a Micco priestess starts at birth. Daughters of the Fen born during a moonless night are believed to be the ideal apprentices of the pale mother, though it isn't uncommon for the Children of the Fen to offer their daughters to the service of the Micco in general for the prestige. At the annual gathering of the Children of the Fen these daughters are presented to the Micco, also called 'mother' by their followers and accepted as 'sisters' of the Micco. It is from this moment on that the new sisters enter service and training, where they aren't allowed to consume food from outside of the Fen and are fed the holy Tartary seeds that only the Micco are allowed to consume. A fruit said to be so sweet no dream will ever seem good afterwards. Only a few sisters survive the special diet of the Micco, for the Tartary seeds and the gifts of the pale mother are precious and selective.

"Under the full moon a mother blooms from the seeds she was fed."

The trial to become a mother and a full fledged Micco starts from the moment the daughter becomes a sister and survives the consumption of Tartary seeds without falling into oblivion. From hereon the sister is given a Tartary seed to nurture and grow, of which the flower is said to be at its most potent when it blooms under the full moon. Once a sister manages that she may call herself a full grown Micco and becomes a mother at that. A sister who fails to make her flower bloom, or doesn't represent the Micco priestess fully in beauty, power and fertility, is cast out and condemned to rearing the Tartary flowers and collecting its seeds for the sisters who do.

"Dim eyes cannot see light nor the pale mother's path."

The Micco priestesses maintain their power for as long as the pale mother allows it, but the Tartary seeds they consume comes with many effects, amongst them diminishing eyesight, and without sight the Micco believe that a mother can no longer see the visions needed to interpret the messages of the pale mother. When such happens the mother is to retire, though her duties as a mother aren't over yet, as the 'dowager' is now tasked with the duty of midwifery within the factions as well as child rearing, training the next generation of mothers to be.

The Tartary Seeds

"The holy fruits given by the pale mother."

The Tartary seeds are special fruits that grow from the Tartary flower which grows only in the depths of the Fen and under the light of the full moon. It is the holy fruit that can only be safely consumed by the Micco priestesses. Its taste is said to be sweet like the lullaby of a dearest dream, so sweet even that the consumers are said to never dream sweet dreams again, doomed to endless nightmares from which those who aren't chosen will never wake. The Tartary seeds are said to bring the Micco closer to the pale mother so that they can receive her message and spread them amongst the Children of the Fen, though not all who were born on a moonless night are capable of withstanding its potent powers. While those not chosen commonly fall into a deep sleep of an endless nightmare, never to stir again, others manage to wake physically, though their souls never return from the hereafter in which they are stuck. Those that do survive the consumption of the Tartary seeds find that their psychic powers are enhanced, though they will never have a good night of sleep afterwards.

When a 'mother' retired the Micco priestess is never allowed to consume the Tartary seeds again, though they are allowed to smoke the leaves of the Tartary plant from which the seed grows. Though the powers are less potent it offsets the sudden denial of the fruit on which the dowager has grown reliant over the years of consumption.

"And to those disobedient a hellscape awaits…"

When a mother metes out her punishment, before excommunication is a viable option, the offender might be granted the 'water of Tatary' which is a tea brewed from the dew of the Tartary plants. Though less potent and less likely to put the victim in a dreamlike state and take away their good dreams, the visions that are generated and the meeting with the pale mother in the Fen itself is said to be such a hellish vision that few dare to commit reoffense.
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  • According to Plan
Reactions: rissa
The Spiders


Location: South of The Trash Belt
Leader: Beatrix Cartel
Second in Command: TBD
Members: TBA

Shortly after turning 25 Beatrix created the raider group, The Spiders. This group is family oriented; each person having a code name based on a spider. While the first few years were a bit difficult for Beatrix, seeing as she had to corral and earn the respect of the group. It took her 2 years to get her gang to finally follow her every order. They respected her. The following years, leading to the present, Beatrix has led The Spiders through countless raids and made a name for themselves in the southern part of the Trash Belt.

  1. Beatrix's word is law; refusing orders will result in a punishment depending on what the refusal was over.
  2. Infighting is not tolerated as we are a family. If Beatrix catches any infighting those involved are usually banished from the group.
  3. Do not kill needlessly. If it is necessary or during a raid then it's fine, however travelers and traders are to be mostly left alone.
  • Wicked
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